Chapter 10 - Mutual Gratefulness

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Eclipse Of The Moon ~ Book 1 of Aaron
Chapter 10
Mutual Gratefulness

⚠️ This chapter mentions unprotected sex ⚠️

Thursday 22 August 2002

"Snap!" I say as I turn my top card and see that it matches the one Andrew puts beside mine.

"I want to do it..." he whispers softly.

Today is our last full day at the camp, already, I am close to say, but I won't because I am eager to reunite with my friends in Jersey. Since all the youths have been assigned with tidying and cleaning up all the equipment this morning, the Sponsors and the Director have given their permission for a free afternoon. Only partly free, though. It just means that nothing special has been organized and they have just allowed us to spend the afternoon at some sort of natural beach by the Cowpasture River, under the surveillance of three Sponsors. The other option was to stay at the camp with the other adults.

"Do what?" I reply absent-mindedly.

The weather is so freaking hot today, and I am tempted to drag Andrew to the river where some of the other youths are bathing while others enjoy various activities on the beach. A few are napping, some are playing soccer, others are discussing spiritual matters, and Andrew and I are playing cards. I wish the Director had left us a totally-free afternoon, but he said it would be too complicated to watch over everybody if we all scattered in too many places. This is understandable, but I would have really liked a last moment of privacy with Andrew.

"You know what..." he answers in a meaningful tone that makes me flick my eyes to him.

I peek around us very quickly, glad to see that we are out of anybody's ear-reach, before my attention returns to Andrew. He is blushing right now, and he casts his eyes down, staring at the stack of cards in his hand, but the red on his face confirms the little doubt I may have had regarding what he meant.

Over the last ten days, our relationship hasn't been able to bloom as much as I would have liked it to. Unfortunately, that dumbass of Isaac-The-Jock has been a pain in my ass – not literally, obviously. Ever since the day we crossed his path after the treasure hunt in the forest, he has been following almost our every move, staring suspiciously at us or making sure to belong to our group during afternoon activities. He never speaks to us but the way he squints makes me uncomfortable, as if he guessed something was going on between Andrew and me.

This is just annoying not to know what he really thinks, but I wouldn't ask him anyway. Andrew also noticed, and we agreed to be particularly cautious and keep some distance in the presence of others. If any of the adults at the camp had found out about our relationship, we would have been in serious trouble. I'm not only talking about the confessions, lecture and penance we would have had to go through at the camp, but as much as Father Nicolas would have to keep our confessions secret, the Director would have totally been able to report us to our parents and that would lead to serious drama.

I just can't begin to imagine how my father would react should he find out that I'm gay, or what he'd be capable of. Just thinking about it has me shuddering.

"I thought you were not ready for this..." I reply in a low tone.

All the same, despite our lack of freedom of action, Andrew and I have had several opportunities to spend time together, either during chores or afternoon activities. The blowjob thing only repeated once on a day we were tasked with finding wood in the forest for the campfire, but other than that, it has only been kisses and groping. Anyway, through our numerous conversations, Andrew has told me how he wasn't ready to go any further, and although I would have loved to, I entirely respected his hold.

"I am now. I want to... I want you to... be the one... I want to lose my virginity to you... Please... Aaron..." he stutters in a barely audible voice, which leaves me speechless for two long minutes. I am touched by his words of course, but the emotion perspiring in his tone hits me even more.

"I'm... honored..." I reply sincerely after a while. "I could ask you if you're sure about that and try to convince you to keep it for someone you truly love, someone you can develop a long relationship with, but... the truth is I feel blessed you would think of me..."

"Aaron... I'm just... I mean, this camp would have been hell for me if you hadn't been here. You've been so kind and generous and protective and helpful with everything... I mean... This is really important to me and I'm sincerely grateful for that..."

"I'm not sure how I should take this... it feels like you want to pay me back for something I did without any interested purposes, Andrew..."

"Then forget about what I said and know that I am ready, that's it... Please, Aaron, I want to do it... even if your... thing scares me a bit..." he adds as an afterthought, blushing a little more. That makes me chuckle lightly.

"With enough preparation, it wouldn't hurt too bad..." I try to reassure him before I recover a serious expression. "However, I don't know how we could do this... We're supposed to stay here and we're leaving tomorrow morning..."

"I have a plan..." he replies with an impish smile and as he tells me about it, I feel my cock twitch in my trunks.

I look toward the river and indeed, Isaac is playing with a group of other guys, so we should be fine regarding the party-pooper, and the rest of the plan sounds absolutely perfect. With a smile, I gather all the cards, put them back in their box, then head toward Raphael, one of the Sponsors here to watch over the teenagers, while Andrew stays where he is, adopting a contrite expression.

"Raphael, Andrew has a headache after staying under the sun and would like to go back and rest at the camp. Can I please walk him back?" I ask, pointing at my friend who is acting quite well.

"Sure! Do you need an adult to accompany you? It's a one-hour walk..." he asks with concern, looking for the other two Sponsors who have actually joined the youths in the water.

"I think we should be fine, I know the way there," I reply with confidence and in a tone of huge responsibility.

"Alright then, but be careful on your way. Tall as you are, I trust you should be able to help if he doesn't feel good. Take a bottle of water though and make sure he drinks enough. And if he needs to take breaks, make him sit on the ground for a moment before you go on, understood?"

"Yes, Sir. I will do so!" I reply seriously.

He still goes to speak with Andrew and repeats the same recommendations, and two minutes later, we are back into the forest where the temperature is milder. Andrew feigns weakness, but as soon as we are out of sight, excitement fills us and we hurry further deep into the forest and out of the main trails. We quickly spot a quiet area where we can hide behind tall rocks and I immediately pin him against one of them, dropping the bottle of water on the ground and bending over to kiss him.

Damn! I have wanted this for so long now! So much so it soon turns into something more heated. Andrew's small hands are shyly brushing my chest while mine cup his backside, gently kneading it. 

"Now I guess I can ask it... Are you sure you're ready?" I ask against his lips.

"Yes," he replies with determination, but I can sense a bit of fear or concern in his voice. "It's just... I don't know how it works exactly and I'm... I'm a bit scared about... gory details... you know..."

"Oh that..." I whisper, pulling us down to the ground where I make him straddle my lap.

I know what he means, and I can understand his awkwardness and discomfort about it, but this is something I will need to work on too. Unfortunately, we don't have that much time and more importantly, we don't get the facilities or necessities to make things clean and super easy like that time I experimented with the guys at Joshua's place.

"Listen... To be fair, I only did it once... I mean, to top someone and we were in a comfy environment. Now, this is different and... gay sex is just gay sex... Going up the chocolate channel has some hindrances and that's just more or less part of the game, right...?"

"I guess, but it's still a bit embarrassing..." he sighs, blushing deeply.

"Unless you need to... you know... use the restrooms now, it shouldn't be that bad and... we've got that bottle of water anyway," I reason, shrugging my shoulders.

"Right... I don't need the restrooms so... I guess we can get to it..." he replies with a bit more eagerness this time.

I pull him closer to me and attach my lips to his for a very sweet and encouraging kiss. Once again, passion gets in and I soon slip a hand inside his shorts to massage his buttocks. His skin is so soft, hairless and smooth! It doesn't take long before I have him stripped off his clothes and lie on his hands and knees. With more words of comfort and encouragement, I settle between his legs and revel at the beautiful sight of his exposed backside. Luckily, we are on a grassy area which shouldn't make it too uncomfortable for us.

I grab the bottle of water and pour some in my hand, then spread it between his ass cheeks. This makes him shiver and hiss, but not as much as when I begin to probe his entrance with my index finger. However, it seems like the water tends to dry his fragile skin and it can't be very comfortable. I have had enough sex talk with my friends to know that another type of substance might help better.

"Andrew... don't fret..." I say as I lean toward his backside and let a fair amount of my saliva drool at the crack of his ass.

"Ugh what's that!?"

"Sorry, it's just my spit," I reply, hurriedly smearing it around his anus. "See how it must feel better...."

"Oh Gosh..." he mumbles, but as I add more to ease the sliding in, using my other hand to fondle his balls and stimulate his semi-hard, my friend starts to moan.

After a little minute, he relaxes enough for me to push past the first knuckle and I begin to thrust my finger in and out at a very slow pace and as softly as I can. Since this is his first time going anal, I know I need to prepare him properly, especially as I am well-endowed in the cock department. I don't want him to suffer and I wish he could remember this as a nice first experience in the future, so I really try my best to make it gentle.

I keep reassuring him through words, saying it is clean – which is true for now. I add a bit of saliva every other minute so that it doesn't get dry, take my time running circles along the ring of muscles before I use a second, then a third finger, stretching him little by little. It works well though because Andrew relaxes easily and after a good twenty minutes of preparation, I think he is ready. I'm glad to see he has reached a full hard-on meanwhile.

"Would you like to stay in this position?" I ask softly as I retrieve my fingers and pour some water on them. Well, it couldn't stay perfectly clean for the whole time, but it's not that bad and he doesn't need to know, so I do this quickly.

"Yes, I think so..."

I briefly stand up to undress, peeking around for any unexpected strollers, but we are definitely alone here, then kneel back behind him. My erection is proudly pointing forward, more than ready to revel once again in the pleasure of anal penetration. I drop another load of spit at the crack of his ass and over my shaft as lube before I grab his hips and poke the mushroom head at his entrance.

"Relax, Andrew... I'll go very slowly," I reassure him when I see his body tense in front of me. "Just tell me if it hurts or anything and I'll pull back or slow down even more..."

He nods so I begin to slip in, careful to go millimeter by millimeter. The largest part of the head stretches him and he whimpers as it pushes past the tightness of his hole.

"It's almost in... Once the head is in, it'll be easier..." I say, still going at the slowest pace.

"Ugh... It stings..." he whines. "Pull out, please..." he adds just as his hole closes on my shaft.

"Try and keep it in, Andrew... The head is in now and you just need to adjust," I try to convince him, reaching for his cock to stroke it. "I'll start moving again when you're okay..." That's if I don't explode already because it feels so damn good!!

It takes a good five minutes before he eventually relaxes again, while I continue caressing his shaft in an attempt to provide him with pleasurable sensations, but then he gives me the signal to go on. After I have spat again, I continue my progression inside his channel, trying to control the blissful feelings I get in there. For a long moment, I really go slowly in my thrusts, going back and forth but always leaving the bigger part inside of him.

"Oh God... here..." he suddenly exclaims just as I try another angle. Seems like I found his prostate. "Jeez!! What's that!!?"

"That's your happy soft spot, Baby..." I chuckle and I make sure to reproduce the same movement again and again. 

Andrew naturally uses one of his hands to jerk himself off while I grip his hips for support, and we soon become a mess of moans that we try to keep low in case people passed by. It doesn't take long before the tension in my groin becomes uncontrollable though, and I doubt I will be able to hold it much longer. Thankfully, Andrew seems to be close too and when he tells me he's about to come, I pull out and take over stroking his cock with my left hand while I finish myself off with the right one, trying to ignore the little residues there, until my cream spurts out all over his backside. This seems to excite him and he also reaches his climax, muffling his moans with his hand.

I wish I could have come inside his channel but not using a condom was risky enough and I don't need to add more. Though that's silly because I know the risks don't only come with the ejaculation, but well... Not much I could do about it today and we had already had a conversation about diseases. While he catches his breath, I use some leaves to wipe my juices off and start cleaning my cock with water.

"Oh my God... I'm sorry..." he says when he sits down, wincing a bit.

"There wasn't much," I reassure him with a warm smile. "It just happens with butt sex, and see? It's already clean! No biggie!"

"Yeah..." he sighs, so I lean toward him and kiss him.

"How are you feeling? Doesn't it hurt too bad?" I then ask as we lie down and cuddle.

"It stings a bit and it's sore, but damn, it was so good!! Thank you so much for a great first experience! I had heard about guys who don't get any pleasure on their first time and don't even come at all, but... I really enjoyed it after... the beginning..."

"I'm glad you did, then..." I whisper. "And thank you as well, it was really good for me too..."

We cuddle for a few more minutes, but then I help him up to get dressed. I don't think we took more than an hour, probably less, but we had better get back to the camp now, and preferably before the others get there. We use the rest of the water to clean our hands and hurry as best as we can to the campground. Andrew is a bit sore, so it doesn't make things easy and when we reach the location, we first stop by the restrooms to clean up better.

It turns out that it's only 4pm when we show up in the prairie. I explain to Stephen, our other group Sponsor who had stayed here, that Andrew has a headache and say that we had to stop a few times on our way back – just in case Raphael asks what time we got there. The good point is that my friend gets some painkillers, which should alleviate his true soreness and he is allowed to go rest in his bed until the mass at 5pm while I am asked to help with some chores.

Well, I don't really mind because that was another great experience and I can't wait to get back home to recount all this to my best friends!

* * *

Friday 23 August 2002

"Thanks again for everything... Without you, I wouldn't have dealt so well with the past three weeks," I whisper softly against Andrew's lips.

This is our farewell kiss and time for me to thank him. We are in the restroom facility and in ten minutes, we will jump on our respective van and head back home. We lingered for the longest while for every other youth to use the toilets so that we would be the last ones and take the opportunity of a last kiss.

"I can return the same thing... Thanks for everything, Aaron... You made this so much more bearable..." he replies.

Well, I guess this goes both ways then. And I must admit yesterday was the high peak of the last three weeks. Poor Andrew had a bit of a hard time sitting during the last long mass Father Nicolas gave in the early evening but later, he told me again how he enjoyed his first anal sex experience and didn't regret it. Not that I would either, because it was really good despite the awkwardness.

"You're welcome... Not sure we'll ever meet again but... who knows?"

"Yeah... In any case, I'll always remember you and I'm sure I'll never forget my first time..." he chuckles.

"I won't forget you either, little dwarf. Stay safe..."

After another last kiss, we pull away and as we hear someone approaching, we hurry to the sinks to wash our hands. In the mirror, I can see the smirk on Isaac's face as he barges inside the small building. That jerk was probably expecting to catch us. Yesterday evening already, he kept peeking at us suspiciously and we plainly ignored him. There is no way he could have seen us do anything and when he got back to the camp with the others at 4:45pm, Andrew was still resting under the tent while I was helping with tidying.

Without a word, I arch an eyebrow at him, because... well, he's just standing in the doorway staring at us. He doesn't say anything though, and walks toward a toilet stall to let us out. Both Andrew and I chuckle as we go out and join the group in the prairie. Mr. Patterson serves us another short speech, to tell us he hopes we enjoyed our stay at the camp. We certainly did, somehow, though not the way he thinks.

Of course, there was all the boring religious stuff but at the end of the day, this wasn't as bad as I was expecting. That will allow me to sound joyful enough upon my return home and this should please my parents. I just hope it will convince them to give me a bit more freedom in the future. One can dream!

Once all the teenagers have settled in the vans, the two sponsors we had on our way here – Conan and Fabian, I learned meanwhile – sit at the front and Fabian drives off on the trail that will take us back to civilization. These two sponsors were assigned to other tents than mine, so I don't know them as well as Raphael and Stephen. Not that I ever felt compelled to speak with my dedicated sponsors, but the feeling is even less with these, so I'm glad to sit at the back again so that I don't have to engage in a conversation during the ride. Exactly like three weeks ago, the two adults take turns driving and we stop for a one-hour break around 1pm at lunch. I don't participate more in the discussions.

The truth is I feel so many emotions right now that I am confused. The weirdest is sadness. To me, this relationship with Andrew was mostly interested, sad as it may be. I wanted a friend to share my unhappiness to be at that camp, some sort of moral support, and I got it. I was hoping for a guy similar to me, preferably a closeted homosexual with whom I could not only diverge from religious beliefs, but also maybe have some good time with, and I got it.

I wasn't planning on emotional involvement, knowing that it would be a matter of three weeks and I might never see the guy again, but I was wrong. As we get further and further away from the campground, I realize that I might have been more attached to Andrew than I thought and the little pinch in my heart stings a bit.

And yet, the closer we get to Philadelphia, the more relief and happiness I feel too. What I expected to be three weeks in hell turned out to be not that unpleasant and it is over. Soon, I will be back in my hometown and return to my usual routines. Sure, the summer break is coming to its end and on Monday, it will be time to hit back school, but this also means a reunion with my best friends and I can't wait to see them again. Weirdly enough, I am also almost eager to see my family again. Not so much because of their narrowminded opinion and catholic zeal – this hasn't changed at all – but because I am proud of what I achieved at the camp.

Of course, I won't say a word about all that happened with Andrew, but my little dwarf has given me enough contentment to feign elation and my parents should be happy not to see a sulking and dejected kid coming back. Honestly, things would have probably gone astray if I hadn't benefited from Andrew's support. I wouldn't have trusted myself with the perfect behavior I had around the sponsors, the Director and the priest. This would have certainly gotten me in trouble and my parents would have heard about it. So in the end, I am glad Conan and Fabian won't have to report anything negative about me, or that Mr. Patterson didn't have to call my parents to rat on a rebellious teenager.

And indeed, when we reach the meeting point at 5:30 in Philadelphia, all the parents already waiting for their kids at the park, my father smiles warmly when he sees the happy expression on my face. He pulls me into a strong embrace and I even hug him back, feeling sincerely glad to see him. I don't know how long this is going to last, but I will enjoy it while it does.

Since my father is just off work, he is the only one here waiting for me and throughout the forty-minute ride back home, I tell him how nice this spiritual retreat was, though not about the real reasons. I don't make it sound too enthusiastic either because that wouldn't entirely fit with my previous behavior at home and I don't want to make it pass off as a life-changing experience. I know my old habits will soon return and he wouldn't understand. He might even blame it on my friends, for being a bad influence on me, so it's better to keep a bit of reserve. Still, it seems to please him and he praises me a lot.

The reunion at home is fairly mild, I would say. It is warm with my mother, but since I have never had anything in common with my sisters or been close to them, their welcome is not as warm. Besides, I am drowned back into the old routine. Since it's almost half past six when we get home, we immediately set to pray a decade of the rosary and at dinner, although I was expecting my mother to ask questions, my father sticks to his usual talk about his day at work. I still get to share a few words with them during dessert, but it's rather brief and as soon as the chores are done, my father calls it a day for everyone.

The weekend passes slowly as hell. I had hoped to get a few free hours with my friends, but my parents see things differently. On Saturday morning, there's laundry and shopping for school supplies. In the afternoon, after a few more chores, I am informed Father Joseph is expecting me for a talk – he actually only wants to discuss what happened at the camp... boring! – and then we attend the evening mass.

If only that would spare the Sunday morning one... No way! We also attend that one and after the usual Sunday lunch made of lamb leg and flageolet beans, I am strongly enjoined to stay home as the Millers visit us. Needless to say I am already fuming inside and by the moment I eventually lie in my bed in the evening, I feel already tense and nervous. This gets fixed with a hand slipped in my pajama pants though, and as I jack off to the memories of Thursday afternoon with Andrew, I easily relax.

I just can't wait for tomorrow to come in order to see my best friends again.

Published on 18 June 2019

I'm sure some of you were expecting some drama, but hey, some things can go well at times and our young Aaron and Andrew didn't get caught ;) But don't worry, as the schoolyear is about to start and the guys are about to celebrate their infamous seventeenth birthday, you'll be served with your dose of drama, so be prepared (well, you had four books to prepare yourself anyway).

Indeed, now that you've had quite a few chapters of Aaron's childhood background, the next chapter will bring you to the next phase of the Master Dom's life, the one that will lead him toward Los Angeles, decadence and the discovery of the BDSM lifestyle.

One last point: as the warning at the top of the chapter stated, stay safe and protect yourselves, don't follow Aaron's example here. This had to be said ;)

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