Chapter 37 - Red-Handed

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Eclipse Of The Moon ~ Book 1 of Aaron
Chapter 37

Wednesday 1 October 2003

Mug of relaxing herb tea emptied – check.

Getting settled cross-legged in the comfortable armchair of the library – check.

Stress ball in my right hand – check.

Phone fully charged – check.

One of the latest pictures of Cam that I own resting where my calves cross – check.

Positive attitude, fond memories – check.

I'm ready. I know I can do this.

As I press the 4-key on my phone, my heartbeat increases a bit, but I take deep breaths while I wait for my friend to pick up the call, looking at the old photograph. That skinny bear of Camden never liked being shot but I'm glad I have this one of him. Josh took it two years ago, trying a brand-new numeric camera his father had bought for him.

We were in the woods, just about to go swimming in the Cooper River Lake, and Cam didn't like being photographed while only wearing his briefs because of his skinny chest and legs. On the picture, his anger is clearly obvious, his body tense and his eyes just as dark as Ivan's can get, but all I can see is the lamb I know he can be at times.

"Hey, Aaron!" Cam cheers when he finally answers.

"Happy birthday, old boy!!!"

"Yeah, I'll tell you the same in ten days, dumbass... but thank you all the same! Now I can say I'm the only adult in our group of friends," he replies in a smug tone.

"Enjoy while you can... As you said, I'll be joining you in adulthood in ten days. So, tell me! How does it feel?"

"Honestly? I don't really see a difference. It's not like I ever lacked autonomy before, you know?" he replies, and sadly, yes, I know. I know he would have preferred more caring parents. "Besides, I'm still not allowed to legally buy alcohol or cigarettes, so that's not much of an improvement."

"When are you going to stop smoking, Cam?" I sigh, scowling at the picture resting on my calves.

"Now don't you try and teach me lessons, you jerk! You're the one who offered me my first cigarette," he accuses playfully, but guilt wakes up in me.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. Probably one of my biggest mistakes," I grumble. "But I managed to quit, so you should try?"

"We'll see about that. I don't smoke that much anyway. How are you doing? How's it going with the sexy guardian? No new attempt to jump into his pants?" he chuckles.

Having resolved to be fully honest with my best friends, they obviously know everything that happens here, and that includes my little mishap at the nightclub back in August and all the things that followed – well almost. I skipped the spanking part, right... They don't need to know about the most embarrassing moments, and that was far worse than getting caught blowing a guy or getting rejected by the man I flirted with.

"Will you ever stop with that, Cam?" I grunt. "Nothing has changed between Ivan and me, and you know I've moved on to someone else."

My friends had a good laugh when I told them about the first part at the nightclub, but they felt sort of sorry for me regarding my attempt at kissing Ivan. To be honest, even if Ivan's rejection stung a bit, it was mostly a spontaneous act triggered by my unruly hormones, and I quickly got over it. I'm glad it didn't leave any awkwardness between us, though; things are just as they used to be, and since then, I have been focusing on a new prey in the person of Marek, my tutor.

Of course, I have also told the guys about Marek and kept them informed of the slow progress of our relationship.

And slow it has been... more or less.

Marek isn't that innocent, and we've done a lot of naughty things either during my recreation time in my bedroom or at his place when Ivan let me go out last Sunday evening and on Monday. It's been a lot of hand jobs and blowjobs, but we still haven't done the full deed. We did try about ten days ago, but Marek wasn't able to relax enough for me to penetrate him. I think he's scared I'll hurt him.

Poor guy was quite ashamed and upset, so I comforted him the best I could, saying we had time and that we'd try again when he'd be ready. Meanwhile, I'm fine enjoying his hand or his mouth, which is much better than my own hand for solo pleasures, and I must admit that his tongue is getting skilled.

"Just teasing you, Ron!! How's it going with your professor then?"

"He's not a professor... Just an ex-student who's tutoring me. And it's going well."

"Have you eventually fucked him?" Cam asks eagerly.


"Ugh... Come on! Just bend him over your desk and pound hard into his ass already! Or have you forgotten how to do this?"

"Shut up, Cam! It doesn't work like this and I don't want to ruin his first experience," I whisper-shout, trying to keep it low because Ivan is still around. "Besides, rough sex might be fun, but a bit of gentleness is nice too," I add, referring to what seems to have become a habit of his from what he's been telling me.

"But a hard pounding is so goooooooooood..." he cheers.

"You should try adding a bit of softness, you'd keep your partners for a bit longer."

"But that's the point, Ron. I'm not interested in keeping them. One-night stands are easier, Boston is full of resources, and I'd rather avoid involving feelings."

"I get that but being in a relationship doesn't necessarily involve feelings."

"Oh yeah? Don't you have a crush on Marek?"

"Nope. I like him, but I don't love him. I'd consider us more like sex buddies," I explain.

"Oh well, to each their own. You're more like Josh then."

After the fiasco with that Allan guy, Josh quickly moved on to another prey he had views on, and they have been dating since then. Nonetheless, I don't think that Josh and I are comparable. Even if our friend says that he doesn't truly love his current boyfriend, I believe that he is more of a romantic guy than I will ever be and that he might be more attached than he would admit.

The thing is that this brand-new freedom away from his parents had made his life far easier, in the sense that he can freely use his charms and more openly date other guys in college, which would have been near to impossible in a small town like Collingswood where gay couples don't go unnoticed and gossips spread at the speed of light.

"Whatever you say, Cam. Hey, I was wondering... Have you guys planned anything to celebrate your eighteenth birthday? Will you meet up somewhere?" I ask cheerfully, ignoring how my heart is constricting in my chest.

Camden remains quiet and there's a long silence as I try to rein in my own emotions, squeezing the stress ball. An unsettling feeling has me shivering as bad memories resurface, and I am almost getting nauseous. It's just an ominous feeling, one that I can't really explain. I wouldn't mind if my best friends decided to meet to celebrate without me, I like to think that I'm not the jealous kind of guy. It has more to do with the ineluctable... doom... superstition...

What if another drama happened? What if evil stroke again? What if I'm not around to protect them?

Don't be silly, Ron... Why would something happen? You can't prevent them from celebrating their birthday, that would be unfair!

"Cam?" I call out softly after a whole minute of silence.


"Something wrong?"

"Err... No... Not really," he replies hesitantly, clearly uncomfortable, and my guess is that he is embarrassed because they have already arranged plans to gather over a weekend.

"Come on, Cammy, tell me," I encourage him.

"Listen, Ron... Mark, Josh and I made an important decision after... what happened at the shack last year..."

"What decision?" I urge now that my curiosity has been picked.

"We decided that no matter what the number is, 18, 21, 30... we'd never have birthday parties again."

An uncontrollable sigh of relief escapes from my mouth – thank goodness, a silent one. A sigh that frees me from an unpleasant oppression that had settled within my chest for reasons that I can't even explain. And yet, I would really like to understand what their reasons are. I don't get why they would make such a strict decision. Have they become superstitious?

"Why is that, Cam?"

"It'd feel like celebrating the anniversary of your... of what happened the last time we were to have a birthday party and we can't have that," he explains with spite and a strangled voice.

As emotions wash over me, tears start prickling my eyes and a lump forms in my throat. Those motherfuckers ruined everything that afternoon. I just hate that my best friends were traumatized by what happened to me. Teenagers, and even adults, should never be deprived of something as common and natural as celebrating their birthday.

"Ron... I'm sorry, I didn't want to revive bad memories..." Cam whispers after a while.

"I'm fine, Cam," I try to reassure him, steadying my voice the best I can. "I'm sorry that you guys would come to such a decision."

"Don't be sorry, Ron, you had it harder than we did, but we're all on the same boat. It's one for all and all for one, remember? We're still closer than brothers despite the distance and that's only a fair decision."

Cam is partly right. It's not a fair decision like he says, but the one truth is that the four of us are closer than brothers. If anything, what happened a year ago only tightened the bond between us, even if not in the best way, but it still wove another unbreakable string within our relationship. And there's nothing – not even thousands of miles – that will ever tear our union apart.

Right then, I promise myself that one day, I will do my utmost to reunite us for good, whether here in Los Angeles or anywhere else, so that the four musketeers can be a group again.

Funnily enough, a weird idea suddenly seeps into my mind in this emotional moment. I realize that Camden, Joshua and Mark are like precious diamonds to me, diamonds that I would love to imprint on me in a permanent way. As my old desire for a tattoo resurfaces, the image of a drawing forms inside my head, but I dismiss it for now and focus on the present.

My conversation with Cam continues for a few more minutes as he then tells me about how he misses his younger brother. They keep talking over the phone once a week, but it seems like Sony is missing his big brother more than Cam expected as the little chap often cries toward the end of their calls. In these moments, Cam can't soothe him the way he would if he were around him and that hurts him deeply. My friend has always been some sort of role model to his younger sibling, almost like a father figure, so I can totally imagine how difficult it must be for Sony too. The good news is that their mother seems to have gotten her shit together and although Cam can't be a hundred percent sure that she doesn't drink herself to waste anymore, she does have a job.

I spend the rest of my morning in the library as usual, working hard and achieving the numerous assignments Marek left for me. The deadline that Ivan set up for me to take the GED test is just around the corner now, but after a month and a half under Marek's tutorship, I have made huge progress and I am even reaching the end of the program Ivan imposed. Unbelievable much, right?

And yet, it's the plain truth. Marek's precious teaching skills have immensely helped and as much as I am happy with my results, I take even more pride in Ivan's compliments every day when he double-checks my work. Somehow, seeing the pride in his eyes encourages me to always do better and the result is that I have been working my ass off, even when Marek isn't around.

Today being Wednesday, Ivan's agenda is a bit different from the second half of the week and consists in visiting his L. A. establishments for finance reviews and taking care of his paperwork for the Heaven Water. That's one evening we usually get to spend together, except when he has business dinners, like tonight, which means that my evening will be as lonely as my lunch since he left at 11am.

Sitting at the kitchen counter on my own and having a bite from the club sandwiches Anita prepared for me earlier this morning, I wish he would work a little less and spend more time with me, but he is such a workaholic. I have often queried about what keeps him so busy at the clubs, unsuccessfully so, as Ivan keeps promising that he will show me once I turn 18, which is another reason for my eagerness to reach adulthood. Aside of my lonely evenings, I also worry a bit about Ivan's health working so many hours. The man isn't old, but hustling like he does can't be good, and Ivan has looked tired lately.

Anyway, trying to reason him would be like talking to a wall. Just pointless.

Punctual as ever, Marek shows up at 1:30, dressed in sexy tight jeans and a blue tee-shirt that adorably hugs his slim torso. Needless to say, my manhood instantly starts swelling as I hug and kiss him in the entrance hall, and I wish we would take the staircase to my bedroom rather than the corridor to the library. Sadly, Marek soon puts an end to our groping and with a nervous chuckle, he leads me to the work room.

"Have I ever told you how smoking hot you are?" I purr in my best sensual voice as we sit down next to each other at the round table.

"Hmmm... Let me think... About a hundred times? A hundred thousand times maybe? I still don't get what makes you say so though..." he replies in a small voice, blushing deeply.

"You are smoking hot, Marek, trust me," I insist with sincere determination, leaning over to my right side to nibble his earlobe while my hand goes to gently squeeze his thigh. "I assure you, you're gorgeous."

"Not as gorgeous as you... or Mr. Vargas. Somehow, I imagined you'd have a preference for tall and bulky men," he breathes out as my fingers get closer to his groin.

"I like these too. I pretty much like any human being with a dick and an asshole," I continue in an even deeper voice, glad that my larynx has grown larger and thicker.

"Ngh... Aaron... stop..." Marek protests as I run the palm of my hand over his crotch.

"I love it when you're hard..."

"Just stop!!" he squeals, tentatively pushing me away. "Let's work now."

"Alright Mr. Party-Pooper," I grunt playfully as I resume my initial position.

However, before looking into the math lesson I am due to work on today while Marek will check and correct all the assignments I did this morning, I can't help but notice that my boyfriend looks a bit off. Just an eerie feeling, and yet, Marek's body seems tense, as if he was nervous. As he sets to focus on an essay I wrote earlier, I decide against pushing him or asking questions now.

Instead, I turn my attention to the math book in front of me and begin to read the chapter on quadratic equations. As much as I have never had much interest in algebra, I have a rather logical mind, so I easily get most of the lesson and after a few more explanations from Marek on the standard form of ax² + bx + c = 0 with a, b and c being constants and x an unknown variable, I have no problem solving all the exercises he suggests to test my understanding.

All through the first two hours dedicated to math and the following forty-five minutes Marek spends giving me explanations and advice on the literature essay, I keep glancing at him, only to notice that he does look anxious. His back is too stiff and his teeth barely stop tormenting his lower lip, despite my punctual efforts to make him relax with caresses over his hand.

"Let's try again," Marek suddenly says as I'm just finishing to rewrite the conclusion of my essay as per his request.

"What the heck? You haven't even checked it yet!? How would you know it's still not good enough?" I exclaim, scowling at him.

"I'm not talking about the essay," he replies, biting his lower lip as his mischievous eyes meet mine, and right then, it hits me.

"Oh... that..." I smirk, yet squinting at him. "I thought you weren't ready?"

"I am now," he blurts out with sheer determination.

Hmm... Is that what has been nagging his nerves since he arrived? Is he really ready to try anal sex again?

"Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent sure."

"Okay, let's go to my bedroom now then," I suggest, rising to my feet.

"Not now!!! I mean... we're supposed to work until 6!"

"Marek," I whisper as I sit back down, grabbing his hands within mine. "We're far ahead of the program, and since Ivan won't be back until at least 10 or 11, I can work more tonight. Anita's not working this afternoon, so we have the house to ourselves. Why wait?"

"I don't know..."

"Perhaps you're not ready, and if that's the case, we won't do anyth..."

"I'm ready, I told you!" he whisper-shouts, as if anybody could hear him.

"And I'm ready too..." I reply smugly, wriggling my eyebrows as I draw one of his hands to my hardening crotch.

"Oh gosh... let's go then..." he grouses playfully, and there we are rushing to my bedroom upstairs.

Marek asks for a short moment of privacy in the bathroom like he did the first time we tried anal sex, which I totally understand, so I naturally leave him alone while he uses the toilet and shower. Meanwhile, I prepare the bed, sweeping the comforter off the mattress, before I retrieve the bottle of lube and the box of condoms that Ivan offered when Marek and I started dating.

I can't help a sigh of exasperation as I remember the endless conversation we had the day he found out about my relationship with Marek. After dinner, I earned a thorough lecture on STDs and how important it was to protect myself and others from these diseases. Safety shall always win over the pleasure of bareback sex, Menino, he repeated again as I was ready to sleep that night, showing up in my bedroom for a last lesson. So, here's lube and condoms. Just let me know when you've used them up, I'll buy more.

I almost thanked him with a smug thank you, Daddy, but I held my tongue, fearful I'd get another lecture on insolence.

Now my exasperation quickly turns into irritation as I recall all the times he has been pestering me about renewing my stock in the last three weeks. At first, he worried that I wasn't using the condoms at all, but when he gathered that nothing had happened yet with Marek, he teased me to no end. The last time he did, I was close to tell him to fuck off. Only close, though, and it's not even his dark scowl or the threat of a punishment that refrained me; it's a mysterious glint I caught in his eyes, something like prideful relief or contentment, I can't be sure. All I know is that it was disturbing enough to shut me up.


Although shy and soft, Marek's voice pulls me from my thoughts and as I turn around to face him, I am instantly thrown back to the present. Once again, his beauty strikes me as he stands in the doorway, only wearing a towel around his waist and holding the rest of his clothes in his arms. I don't care that his chest looks skinny and his body so frail – after all, Cam's body never failed to arouse me each time we interacted sexually. I simply love his apparent naivety despite his older age and I guess I'm just attracted to both slender and buff men.

"Hey," I whisper as I close the distance between us and use my left thumb to free his lower lip from his teeth. "Are you nervous?"

"Not really."

"Okay, you'll just have to tell me if you change your mind."

"I won't. I'm ready to do this."

Looking down into his deep blue eyes, I cup his face within my hands and press myself against his front to make him feel how excited I am, then lean down to kiss him tenderly. Seeing how he liberates himself from his usual timidity, his hands quickly ridding me off my tee-shirt, I finally trust him to be ready, and it's not long before our embrace turns into something wilder that leads us to lie down on my bed to make out. Eager for more, the young Czech sets to also remove my shorts and soon enough, his hands are roaming all over my body.

His excitement enhances my own greediness and impatience, so I quickly get on all fours, hovering over him and thirstily gawking at his tented towel that I eventually pull off. Without any second thought, I go down on him and catch his erect member between my lips, applying myself to make him relax through delightful pleasure. Marek has spread his legs open and folded his knees to give me better access, and as soon as the first moans escape his mouth, I drip a fair dose of lube in my left hand and gently smear the slick substance between his ass cheeks.

"Ngh... more..."

His begging, together with his hips rocking up and down, encourages me to take things a notch further with my index finger probing his entrance, and when a little groan of frustration comes to my ears seconds later, I take it as my cue to push past the ring of muscles. I am quite surprised to feel him loosen up so easily under my touch, so much so that I am soon able to add a second finger, then a third one.

"Jeez... Much easier than last time," I tease him, dropping a peck on his navel.

"I should hope so," he chuckles. "I've been practicing..."

This has my full attention and, with three fingers still inside his rectum, I lean up a bit and stare into his eyes, looking for some answers in his mischievous gaze.

"Have you been fingering yourself?" I ask huskily, wiggling my eyebrows while my middle finger pushes a little deeper and searches his insides.

"Perhaaaaaaaaaaaps..." he squeals as the tip of my digit finally finds that particular bundle of nerves it was looking for. "Oh my goodness..."

"Feels good, huh?" I nudge, caressing the soft spot again.

"Fuck... yeaaaaah... Ngh..."

"Wait till my cock fills you... it'll be even better..." I purr as I retrieve my fingers and sit up on my heels.

Smiling at Marek's moans of frustration, I unroll a condom over my shaft and stroking myself, I smear more lube all over the rubber. Lust is still displaying on his face, but there's a bit of fear in his eyes as they stare at my cock, so I quickly slip a pillow beneath the small of his back and lean back down over his body to cover his face with feather kisses.

"It'll be alright, Marek..."

"Yeah... I know... Please just take it slowly, Aaron..."

"Of course. Trust me," I comfort him.

Ignoring my own excitation to finally feel his tightness, I continue kissing him for a long moment, and it's only when he has fully relaxed within my hold that I tentatively align the tip of my rod with his entrance and slowly start prodding in and out, pushing a little further each time I poke in.

"You need to push, Marek," I moan when about half of the mushroom head is in, waiting for the thickest part to be allowed in. "Yes, like this..." I praise him as I feel the muscles loosen up.

And there I am in! Holy fuck!! I missed that tight sensation so badly! It feels so fucking good!!!

"Holy crap... get out!!!" Marek screams out though, his eyes filling with wetness as his nails dig into my biceps.

"Shhh, shhhh... It's okay... The biggest part is in, Marek," I soothe him. "I'm not moving until you're ready, just try to relax..."

Comforting words and hundreds of sweet kisses eventually assuage his pain, and after several minutes in this tense position, a moan of relief incites me to resume my progression. Marek winces a bit as I push further inside of him, but I soon get to thrust back and forth. Resting on my elbows to avoid crushing him under my weight and my eyes locked with his, I continue rocking my hips at the slowest pace ever, not only to alleviate the sting in his ass, but also to contain my own imminent climax.

Just bend him over your desk and pound hard into his ass already!

Yeah, that could be fun at some point, but sweet sex can be nice too, and seeing how Marek seems to finally relish in the bliss of anal sex, I am glad we took our time to make his first time pleasurable. Our moans and groans only get louder when I shift to rest on my hands and find the best angle to titillate his soft spot, increasing my thrusting pace.

Feeling his muscles squeeze my cock is so fucking good!

"Marek... Stroke yourself..." I pant as the delicious fire threatens to explode in my balls. "Can't hold... it... much longer..."

"Already?" the little creep smirks as one of his hands reaches for his manhood.

"Fuck you..." I grunt, giving him a harder ponding that apparently goes straight to his prostate and causes him to squeak in pleasure.

"Oh Gosh..."

Between his asshole clutching my sensitive member and the steamy hot sight of him jacking off, I completely lose it. While strings of white cream spurt out of his erection all over his chest, powerful vibrations shake my entire body as my cock pulses within him, filling the rubber with my own seed. The bliss is such that I end up slouching over his body, which results in him groaning from both my weight and an indubitable sting as I abruptly, and consequently, pull out of him.

As a form of apology for my ruthlessness, I roll us over and curl him within my arms with a lot of affection, softly kissing his forehead before we both close our eyes and fall silent to recuperate from our physical exercise. Marek actually drowses off as his breathing evens after a few minutes, and his adorable face has me smile like a goof.

Fuck! It was so good! I dearly love all forms of sex, whether it's jacking off, mutual hand jobs or blowjobs, but anal sex holds something more intense. More intimate too. It doesn't matter if the man is a top or a bottom at heart; allowing another man to push himself into such a private part of your body demands a lot of trust, and I'm honestly grateful that Marek had enough faith in me to penetrate him; to take his virginity.

Rolling to lie on my back, still cuddling Marek against me, I swiftly remove the condom from my limp cock and discard it on the floor before I shut my eyes again, still smiling of contentment. His warm body snuggled against mine feels good and I simply enjoy this quiet skin-to-skin contact, until a thin hand comes to lay over my stomach as he slowly wakes up.

"Mmm..." Marek moans, slipping his right leg between mine.

"How are you feeling?" I whisper, quite concerned by his potential soreness.


"Aren't you too sore?" I ask, chuckling at his ecstatic state.

"A bit, but I'm alright."

"So? How did you like it?"

"Better than I imagined," he replies, but weirdly enough, I can tell there is something off in his voice.

"Marek? Are you sure you're okay?"

He only hums in answer and as I try to roll us over, he presses his whole weight on my body, keeping his position above me.

"There's something I need to tell you, Aaron," he sighs, propping himself up to look down at me, and I hate that he looks so upset. "This morning, I... I received an acceptance letter... you know... the job in research..."

I know Marek has applied in several universities and various domains, and that he was expecting some answers in the coming weeks. From what I understood, he would still be a student and paid doing some research in physics or chemistry, but I must admit that I haven't dug much further into the matter. Now why would he look so upset if he was accepted?

"That's great news! Shouldn't you be cheering rather than looking so stern?"

"I'm going to Michigan..."




I didn't know he had applied in such a distant state and I was hoping for something closer, like Los Angeles or Santa Barbara. Berkley at worst.

"Congratulations..." I reply in a tone that I wish had sounded happier.

"I'm sorry, Aaron," he sighs, snuggling up closer and nesting his face in the crook of my neck. "It's only a small job for now, but it's the University of Michigan, one of the best in sciences, and it's a great opportunity to break into their programs, and they have so many..."


Anton's loud voice shouting from downstairs has both Marek and I jump in the bed, all other worries or concerns regarding our future fleeing right away.

"What the fuck is he doing here!?" I grouse, already rushing out of bed with Marek in my wake.

While Marek fetches his clothes that he dropped by the entrance earlier, I quickly slip into my boxer briefs and shorts, and seconds later, my boyfriend is back by my side, shakily fumbling with his underwear and unsuccessfully trying to push his first foot through the leg hole.

"Calm down, Marek..."


The deep voice suddenly sounds closer, which had to ruin my attempt at soothing Marek, so I set to help him, holding his arm to keep steady and he eventually manages to get dressed. I'm just about to grab my tee-shirt when my door is flung open and a stern Anton barges into my room.

"The fuck..." he grunts, squinting at me.

The fuck, yeah.

You couldn't be any more accurate, man...

However, for my own sake, I contain my sarcastic self. I guess I'm in for enough troubles as it is...

Published on 19 March 2020

There... Now you know that the guys not celebrating their birthday in the future was more Cam, Josh and Mark's decision, even if Aaron kind of agrees with it. So that needed to be said, we also needed to hear from Cam a bit, and the bit of smut was good to alleviate sadder topics. As I said, Marek was really a temporary character, so it's the last time you saw him, even if he'll be mentioned in the next couple chapters for obvious reasons.

Now, next chapter is the continuity of that one, and it's a rather fun one in which you're finally going to meet more important characters ;)

Meanwhile, like I said on my wall yesterday, take care of yourselves and the people you love.

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