Chapter 65 - Compromising

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Eclipse Of The Moon ~ Book 1 of Aaron
Chapter 65

Friday 26 November 2004

"Aaron!!!" Lina calls out behind me as I am rushing out of our school building.

The frail girl is trying to catch up with me, panting as my long strides require two or three steps for her, so I eventually stop and sigh. If I weren't gay, I would probably find her extremely attractive with her beautiful, tanned skin, her slender forms without being that thin either, her intense and chirpy brown eyes and her silky black hair. I am sure she must be one of these girls who think they're too fat and who don't understand that most straight men like forms. At least that's what the few straight guys I know say.

"Aaron..." she trails off hesitantly, flushing to a bright red. "I need your help... I didn't understand the last lesson at all..."

"What would help is that you stop skipping classes, Lina," I reply seriously. "What's going on with you? We have finals in three weeks."

"I... I don't know... I know I've been slacking a lot recently, but... please... help me..." she pleads, tears welling in her eyes.

"I don't mind helping you, Lina, but you gotta grab your shit together, princess."

"I know..." she breathes out with a high-pitched voice, on the brink of bursting into tears.

"Hey, it's okay..." I whisper, and as I pull her into a tight hug, I also try to remember that she's not one of my bulky friends and mates, so I just allow the necessary strength to convey my support. "I'll help you of course, no problem. But you have to promise you'll be serious on your side too."

"I will..."

"Okay, are you available tomorrow morning?"


"I gotta go home quickly before I take my shift now," I apologize, pulling away from her and already backing toward my car. "I'll send you a text with my address tonight. Be there by 9 tomorrow morning."

I hear a shy and soft thank you that makes me smile and shake my head, and I'm soon on my way back home. The traffic is a bit packed and it's almost 5 when I reach Ivan's mansion. The fact that both his cars are parked here is weird, but not as much as the presence of a van I never saw before. It's one of those little trucks that workers use on site to transport their tools and materials. I didn't know Ivan was having some works done in the house today.

"IVAN!!!?" I call out as I walk in and realize that there's a lot of shuffling noise upstairs.

"You're already here!?" he exclaims as he rushes down the staircase, dressed in an old pair of jeans and a white tee-shirt.

"I finish at 4 on Fridays," I remind him, staring at his suspicious expression. "I'm just stopping by anyway, I'm going to work now. What the heck is going on in..."

"No, you're not," he interrupts me, firmly taking my arms and leading me to his office. "You're not going to work tonight."


"There's no but, Aaron. We need to talk. And by the way, you're quitting that job behind the bar at the Hell Fire."

"What!? Are you kidding me? I need that job!!" I squeal pleadingly, which only says a lot on my angst to lose a job. I need it.

"As a Dom, you can't seriously consider working as a bartender or a waiter in a BDSM club, Aaron, can you?"

"And why not!? I need the job, Ivan. Even you said it was important for me to learn about customer-relationships in a club for my studies."

"Don't worry," he snorts nonchalantly. "I've got you covered. You'll get a shift at the Heaven Water instead. I might even have you manage one of the teams there ultimately. But I don't want a Dom behind the bar at the Hell Fire, Subs are much better at this than Doms."

"Why is that?" I ask, scowling at him.

"Hey, I see you judging me already. My statement doesn't mean that the Subs should hold lower positions, quite the opposite. They're better at this because they have unbound respect for both Subs and Doms, and even better, they can naturally deal with both Subs and Doms. That's it."

"I've been a Sub for over a year, Ivan. I can deal with both even if I become a Dom."

"I've no doubt about it, Menino. I trust you'd never forget this past year and remain close to Subs. It's the Doms I trust less," he sighs.

"Which Doms?"

"The Dom members of the Hell Fire. They've only known you as a Sub, for a full year, so the transition might be a little more difficult than it usually is with Doms who had a three-to-six-month Sub phase. You'll get my support obviously, I'll state this clear, but it might take a bit of time for them to treat you as their peer and not a Sub that some of them fucked."

"Holy shit..." I mumble.

I hadn't really thought about that. Well, I had, since Jimmy has often been kind enough to broach the subject. I have always managed to let his words fly above my head, but now that I am about to face reality, this is hitting me harder than I would have thought.

"It'll be alright, Aaron. I told you, you'll have my entire support. And I have something in mind too, something that will clearly help. That's if you agree to all my conditions, though. I won't give you a choice anyway. But that's not the right time to discuss this," he concludes dismissively, leaving me speechless as he hurriedly steps out of his study.

"Ivan!! Wait! What's going on upstairs?"

"Oh..." he replies a bit hesitantly, drawing back and shutting the door. "I... Well, I had a company coming earlier this week to make some quotations for a bit of renovation and they started this morning."

"What sort of renovation works?" I ask, squinting at him.

Sighing heavily, he walks to the leather couch and pats the space beside him once he has settled down. I am slightly baffled by his behavior.

He didn't scold me when I cursed a few minutes ago.

He looks a bit uncomfortable.

He seems to be seeking my approval for something he did without informing me.

He is treating me as an equal, not his Sub.

I know we are supposed to discuss it deeply over the weekend. Actually, we were supposed to start discussing it this week, but on Monday evening, I was swamped with homework, then he traveled for a not-so-brief business visit to some of his establishments and only came back yesterday evening very late. I don't even know how and when he managed to arrange these works upstairs.

"With you becoming a dominant trainee, this inevitably leads to the end of our contract, as you know," he begins softly, and here I am once again thrown into another whirlwind of emotions. "I'm not letting you down, Aaron. We'll discuss this in more details and I'll still have some sort of authority and guidance on you, but... I know you'll need a bit of independence, so I've decided to give you more space."

"More space?"

"The guestroom you used to have was rather small, so you'll get another one, the one across from yours, which will leave the playroom between your bedroom and mine," he explains, but all I can think of is Wow... So we're not going to share the same bed any longer? "This one has a huge and luxurious bathroom, like mine. It's actually sort of a second master bedroom."

"Wait..." I try, but he holds his hand up, rising off the couch.

"Please let me finish. For now, the workers have just refreshed all the painting on the walls with gray and white, I hope you'll like the decoration. They've also brought all the new furniture I ordered, all gray and black as per your preferences, and you're getting a king size four-poster bed this time, though I'm not sure everything will be all set tonight. Also, they'll have some hooks fixed in the walls and..."

I don't let him finish his rambling and throw myself into his arms, hugging him tightly. One reason is that I don't want him to see further tears pooling in my eyes, or my face falling, or my lips shivering with emotion. Above all, it's about hugging him to convey my gratefulness. Our relationship is about to come to an end, even if it's not entirely true.

I know he will always manage to have a certain grip on me until I become completely independent and stable. But after one and a half years living with him, it does feel weird. I should be protesting and grousing because he is once again spending money on me, but I won't. Like I told Cam last weekend, I have come to understand that Ivan does this out of pure generosity, because it pleases him and because he sincerely cares for me; accepting his help and support is just the way he expects me to thank him.

Does it mean he expects me to live here even after I have been certified as a Dominant? That I will bring Subs here and fuck them under his roof? Would he even let me use his playroom?

"Thank you, Ivan... Whatever all that means, thank you," I whisper after a while.

"You're welcome, Menino. I'm glad you've grown the maturity to accept without protesting," he chuckles, pulling back from my hold.

"It's not even worth trying, you're far too stubborn," I sigh.

"And I'll also always remain your Dom deep down," he smirks.

"I prefer... mentor actually," I reply chirpily, sticking my tongue out.

"Fuck! I'll miss that tongue too," he says heavily, running his thumb over my lips.

"You'll still have it somehow... if we play together at times."

"True, and I'm counting on that. But I'll miss that too..." he continues as his hand goes down to grope my crotch, making it harden very quickly.

"You can still have it too... I could even shove it up your ass..."

"Sure..." he jokes, rolling his eyes, "And I'll miss your tight ass too."

"That, you won't have anymore, sorry. Forbidden access," I laugh out.

"Even if I fuck you while you fuck a Sub?" he pouts, making me burst out laughing.

"Even if you fuck me while I fuck another Dom! No way."

"Hmm... We'll see about that. Now let's go upstairs so you can check in your new bedroom. They must be done by now," he cheers, heading out.

I follow suit and readjust my semi-hard more discreetly in my pants before we head upstairs. The four workmen who have been redecorating and rearranging are just about to leave, so Ivan shows them out while I take in my new surroundings.

It couldn't have been any better. The walls have been painted in charcoal gray, but thanks to the long windows, the white ceiling and the white wooden floor, it doesn't look that dark. I don't know which type of wood the bed is made of, perhaps ebony, but the black is wonderful and I love the four posters and its high structure. It looks super-solid and I can already imagine myself doing stuff in this bed.

"If I judge by that erection," Ivan whispers when he comes back, reaching for my groin from behind, "you can already see possibilities."

"Fuck yeah..."

"Language, Pet!" he scolds me playfully, squeezing my balls a little harder.

"Ngh... Whatever... I love it! I really do. Thank you so much, Ivan."

"I'm glad you like it. I couldn't go wrong with these colors anyway. They'll finish on Monday. As you can see, there are still a few pieces of furniture to put together and they'll also fix some white stickers and silver decorations on the walls. We need to get you nice bedsheets and comforter sets as well."


"You're welcome, Menino. I just hope it'll help you to accept some conditions..." he trails off, quickly recovering his Dominant mask.

Conditions... Of course.

I guess that one of them is to stay with him. Well, fine. I don't want to leave him anyway. Contrary to what I threatened him with a couple of weeks ago, I don't want to take a place of my own anytime soon. I am ready to accept about anything if it allows me to stay here.

It's not about the luxury of the house or because it would be financially easier, or because I want to abuse Ivan's generosity. It's about him. I want to see how our relationship will evolve in the future. It will certainly be different, perhaps even stronger.

In all events, I still need his guidance in certain ways too. I want him to teach me more and more things. I want him to be my mentor. I want him to be my role-model. My father figure. My big brother. My friend.

I'm just not ready to part ways with him. Will I ever be? Time will tell, but meanwhile, I will just enjoy being around him whichever the conditions or drawbacks are.

We soon go back downstairs to cook our dinner in a joyful mood and while we share it in the dining room, Ivan tells me about recent conversations he had with Master Siegfried. I already knew that the German used to live in Chicago, but what I didn't know is that he discovered the lifestyle while he was still in Europe and was trained there.

According to Ivan, Europe has always had several steps ahead of the puritan United States in terms of BDSM and he discovered that his current training methods were the ones they used back in the 70's and 80's across the Atlantic.

Siegfried told him a lot about the way he was trained into dominance, and our discussion becomes quite animated because these methods are pretty much similar to ideas that have bloomed in my head over the past months.

"See? That's what I've been thinking about for months," I say eagerly. "I understand that a Dom should experience the Submissive status, there's no questioning that, but the methods... Training shouldn't take that long. A Dom shouldn't have to submit to another Dom for months to understand what it feels like. It's... it's like... changing a flat tire, you don't have to do it several times to learn how to do it."

"It's a rather poor comparison, Menino," he chuckles.

"I know, but... you know what I mean. Cutting your finger while chopping veggies once is enough to remember that it's painful, right? Well, I think that Doms don't need to be whipped more than once to remember how it feels, and the same goes with pretty much all the activities we practice in BDSM, including face-fucking or anal penetration."

"That's what Siegfried thinks too."

"Did he have to train again when he moved to the US?"

"Yes, he had to submit to Master Wayne in Chicago when he applied for a membership at his club."

"I feel for him," I chuckle.

"It didn't last, though. Master Wayne saw that he was properly trained already, so he certified him after barely a month. Anyway, I see your point, and Siegfried's, so I've thought about it, and I'd like to give a try to this method."

"That's good news. Could I help you conceive this new program?" I ask with enthusiasm.

"That's the plan, and that's also what I said last weekend, Menino," he laughs out, and my mind is already simmering with excitement; it's such an interesting project! "I already have a rough draft plan in mind. I want the program to include a thorough theoretical part on the fundamental concepts and the values of the lifestyle, but practice won't be underestimated. I still believe that Doms should experience anything they will inflict on Subs. It's important that they feel and endure what Subs do to fully grasp the concept, the consequences, and so on."

"I totally agree with this."

"This weekend, I'd like us to brainstorm and start lists to compile all key points that should be broached during the theoretical phase of the program. We'll have to do the same for physical activities."

"Sounds good. And very interesting," I reply eagerly. "I'm honestly grateful that you'd involve me in this. Really, I'm honored.

"You deserve it and I entirely trust your judgement and ideas. Like I told you many times, you're a smart young man and I sincerely value your knowledge," he praises genuinely.

"Thank you."

"Now let's talk about the conditions I mentioned earlier," he continues more seriously, his dominance bursting all over the place.

"Fine... I'm listening."

"Remember that young man I told you about last weekend?"

"The one who said he couldn't start until January?"

"Yes, that one. Well, he's changed his mind; he called me on Wednesday and said he'd like to start training in about three weeks. And like I said, I'd like to train you both at the same time. He's 20 and I think you two will get along quite well; more or less same personality as you, perhaps just a little more mature on his side."

"If you say so," I huff, rolling my eyes.

"I do. Anyway, that means we'll need to have the new program ready by then."

"What am I going to do till then? I mean... at the club?" I ask, suddenly worried he won't let me go until I am certified.

"I was getting to that part. Until you start the new program with this guy, you'll be allowed at the Hell Fire, but we will play together. We'll invite one or more Subs and enjoy sex together. Be it on a couch in the main room or in an alcove, I want to be around you to guide your gestures and behavior around experimented Subs. You'll have some freewill, but I can't let you in the wild until you're certified."

"Okay... Fine with me," I reply more or less happily. As long as I can fuck – I mean, dominate – Subs, I don't care. "And what about once I've started the program?"

"That's the part you won't like, Menino, but I'm firm on this."

"Just spill the beans."

"As I see it, the training will take place in two phases, first submission, then dominance. In my opinion, Dom trainees wouldn't be allowed inside the club until they're certified, but I'm not quite sure yet. I might allow them in once they've completed the submission phase, but I don't know yet under which conditions. Certainly not to interact with Subs, that's for sure."

"Wait, wait, wait... Are you telling me that once I start the training, I'll have to wait until I'm certified before I can come back to the Hell Fire!?" I exclaim.

Ivan wiggles his eyebrows, but there's no smirk on his face, he is just trying to think objectively. If I do so myself, I must admit that it makes sense. Dom trainees can't start playing with Subs until they have gone through the whole course, and even after, I imagine they would require some surveillance.

All the same, it sucks!

"I know you've been in the lifestyle for a full year already and I'm certain you'd do well, but I can't be around at all times and I'd really like you to follow the Dom training like that other guy. You could always go to the Heaven Water and meet some guys there meanwhile. You did that in the past."

"Wouldn't you make an exception for me?" I ask, and it sounds like a whining plea.

"No, Menino. Rules would be rules, but I need to think about this, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... Are there other conditions?" I ask grumpily.

"Not that many, but a few. One condition is that I want you to live here until... until at least the end of your studies and you've got a stable situation. You'll have more freedom obviously, but some of the rules I established will remain valid. I have faith in your future and I want to be some sort of guide for you. I won't be on your back 24/7, but I still want a look into your progress. And if you fuck up, be assured that you'll hear of me. It's not a lack of trust, Aaron, but I care enough for you that I don't want to see you mess up."

"I don't intend to mess up," I mutter.

"I know you don't. I'm just offering myself some sort of insurance here."

"That's fine with me. I love your guidance and I don't want to leave your side anyway," I eventually confess honestly, which obviously makes him happy since a genuine smile cracks across his lips before he recovers his poker face.

"Along with this, though that'd be valid for any new Dom, you're not to take a Sub under a long-term contract before you're stable either. Being a good Dominant and taking care of a Sub full-time demands wisdom and stability. As you know, it's not about having a huge career or being wealthy, it's about maturity, discernment and prudence that you don't have yet."

"I'm fully aware of that and in any case, I want to enjoy myself with plenty of guys before I settle in a relationship," I reply with reason and determination.

"Good..." he says thoughtfully. "I was expecting more protest and compromising from you. I'm glad to see you're reasonable."

This specifically makes me happy. It might sound like I don't trust myself when in fact, it shows how objective I am on my personality. At the end of the day, this is a form of wisdom. I wouldn't go beyond what I'm capable of and I know I need to progress in many domains.

"And I'm glad you've noticed," I reply with a small smile. "How long do you think it'll take before I can be a Master Dom then?"

"Jesus!" he exclaims, bellowing with laughter. "That will demand even more time, Menino. It'll depend on you and your personality. Not all Doms get to become Master Doms. Not all Doms have it in them. It requires so many more qualities than those of a Dominant. I mean, the two roles share more or less the same qualities, but a Master Dom's have to be much stronger."


"Being a Master Dom doesn't mean only dominating Subs. It also means dominating Doms. Respect, guidance, honor, self-confidence, self-control, faith, fairness, humbleness, benevolence, philanthropy, tolerance, understanding... the list could go on and on, but these are qualities you expect in a Dominant. You just expect them tenfold in a Master Dom."

"So it requires far more wisdom and strength than just a mere Dom?"

"Precisely. Some men take years to reach such a level of strength, some never do, and some just have it in them."

"Like you..."

"Like me, indeed, because I joined the lifestyle at an older age than you did, but possibly you too. The future will tell us. Become a good Dominant before you can become a Master Dom. Your first important ordeal will be to gain respect from your peers," Ivan then whispers meaningfully, and I wince as I remember our earlier conversation. "Aaron," he continues, taking my hand in his, "you can trust me. You'll be introduced as a dominant trainee at your next visit to the Hell Fire. You'll have to prove yourself strong in front of the wicked looks you might get at first, but if you keep your head high, if you don't flinch at the first attack, if you don't show yourself arrogant, it'll work."

"So, it's about finding the perfect mix of self-assurance and politeness."

"You're hitting fast," he cheers. "That's exactly what it is."

Ivan and I discuss for a while longer while we clear the table and then on the couch in the living room, but it's mostly about the redesigning of the Dom training. At the end of the day, his conditions sound fair to me, which isn't surprising since Ivan is fair and wise, and since they perfectly meet my expectations, I don't feel the need to compromise on any point.

He also mentions my new job at the Heaven Water. His reasoning actually sounds good to me. Being a bartender doesn't involve a passive or submissive personality at all, and on the contrary, it requires some sort of authority and confidence, but in a club like the Hell Fire, it's much easier to have Subs serving Doms than Doms serving Subs. It might sound digressive ethically speaking, but that's just a reality of the lifestyle.

I can't believe we spoke so much tonight and I'm quite dumbfounded that it's after midnight when we eventually shut all the lights on the first floor and climb upstairs. Once in the corridor, I hover by the door of my new bedroom, inexplicably feeling a little pang in my heart, but Ivan quickly grabs my hand and leads me toward his bedroom.

"You can't sleep in here just yet, Menino. It still smells paint and the bed isn't even done. Wait till it's completely finished next week. Meanwhile, you can sleep with me," he trails off a bit hesitantly, "unless you'd rather use your former bedroom?"

"No... I'd rather sleep with you," I reply almost shyly, and I love the crooked smile that draws on his face.

Without another word, he opens his door and we soon find ourselves sharing a chaste shower. Just like two friends who don't suffer the slightest modesty. Just like I would with Josh, Mark or Camden. I take care of my own body while Ivan looks after his, and there are no inappropriate gestures or touches.

That's until I find myself pinned against the glass window of the Italian shower.

"Please, Pet... Let me fuck you one last time," Ivan begs in my ear, the name making me cringe a bit.

"Ugh no way," I grouse, trying to push him back.

"Please, Baby... I need to feel I own you one last time," he says, humping his hardening penis against my backside.

"No way..." I whisper, realizing that the last time he did fuck me was a week ago, when we sort of made love in his bed last Sunday.

"Just one last time... I promise I won't ask ever again," he insists, one of his hands reaching around to stroke my swelling shaft.

He shouldn't be mistaken by the swelling, though. I'm not that eager about having him invade my ass. Not at all, actually. No, what arouses me is the thought I had that same evening we had gentle sex.

Fucking Ivan.

I would love that.

And that's about the only compromise I'd come up with tonight.

"I have one condition," I reply firmly.

This has him freeze right away.

I'm pretty sure he already knows what my condition could be.

Weirdly enough, his erection doesn't deflate the slightest bit against the cleft of my buttocks. On the contrary, it hardens more, and I swear I can almost feel it pulse. If he guessed my intentions, I doubt he is looking forward to having me pound into his ass. No, it only means that his eagerness to ram into mine is just too strong, and I might have my way, here.

I don't know how many seconds or minutes pass, with him pressed against my back, his erection squeezed between his lower belly and my backside, his fingers frozen around my dick. The water is still running, streaming over us and creating more steam in the cabin; our heavy breathing almost louder.

"Let's go and test your deflowering skills then," he eventually grunts, and I'm certain he must have felt the strong twitching of my cock in his hand.

I can't believe he is agreeing to this. Am I dreaming this, or is it real? No, it's real. And I'm about to have a blast.

Don't worry, Master...

I'll prepare you gently...

Before I show you how I can pound into a tight ass.

Published on 31 October 2021

Happy Halloween! At least I can laugh like that evil voice at the end of the Thriller song.

Yeah, sorry for that cliffhanger, or maybe not, but what happens next is actually a full chapter, so there had to be a break.

Anyway, that's it, we're reaching the end of their contract, but like I said to a few of you who worried they would miss their interactions and sweetness, that part is not over. You know Aaron by now, and you know he can't go without hugs and cuddles, so you can expect more sweet moments between him and Ivan; fun moments. It's also time to discover new things, new characters, some of them obviously important for the rest of the series.

Now, I'd like to thank someone who helped me a lot in my research three years ago (it's hard to believe, but that chapter was actually written in August 2018...) and who shared their own experience of the lifestyle back in the 80's in Europe, and this has helped me a lot to define the evolution of the lifestyle within this series, from the moment Ivan discovered it in the 90's to 2015 and what you've seen in the first 4 books. Believe me, it's been a lot of reflection to define how it was in the early 2000's, then how they built a new program, and finally to have that program evolve from that year 2004 until 2015 and afterwards. But that's something you'll discover along the rest of this book and Aaron's second and third books. So thank you @Aval . We haven't been in touch in a long time, but I couldn't not mention your precious help.

Just to finish on a different note, I'm going to add a picture that inspired me for Aaron's new master bedroom. And I'll see you next week for a chapter that many of you have been waiting for. It'll be time for Aaron to dominate – and top, since that's two different concepts – the Master Dom.

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