Chapter 8

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"I choose Sandra." I say.

"Sandra, please step forward." My mom says.

"Who's Sandra?" Louis asks.

"My enemy." I say.

"What did she do?" Niall asks.

"She killed my boyfriend." I say.

"Name?" Niall asks.

"Paul." I say.

"No way, Paul Markerson?" Harry asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"He's my brother. Or at least he was." Harry says.

"Wow." I say.

"They said he was brutally murdered. Stabbed to death." Harry says. "It happened about a month ago." Harry says.

"Stabbing, classic Sandra." I say.

Sandra walks up to my mother, and my mother says that she's eliminated. "Sandra, you are here by eliminated from 50 days. You may leave."

"Not without a fight!" She yells.

She runs up to me...with a knife. Classic Sandra, always wanting to stab someone!

She tries to stab me in the head but I block it with my hand, the knife goes through my hand!

"That's it Sandra, it's on!" I yell.

Knife in hand, I lunge at Sandra, stabbing her in the arm. She starts gushing blood. I probably stabbed one of her arteries.

Just then two guards pull us away from each other.

They run Sandra away. Where are they going? Probably the hospital!

"What was that Jubilee?" Niall says.

"Yeah, why'd you do that?" Harry asks.

"Because she would have killed me." I say.

"Okay then your fine. It was simple self defence." Louis says.

"Yeah." Alicia says. Then she starts laughing. And I start laughing too.

"Why are laughing?" Louis asks.

"It's an inside joke we have." I say.

"Makes sense." Harry says.

My mom walks over, and I let her stitch up my hand. After, I go back to our headquarters.

"Want some Oreo's?" Alicia asks.

"Sure, and can someone please pass the Coke!" I say sarcastically.

I drink nearly half of our coke. Which is a 2L bottle. I eat a whole box of Oreos. That's our supper. Oreo's and Coke.

"Let's go to bed. All that food made me full. Now I want to sleep." Alicia says.

"That's all you can ever think about Alicia, food and sleep." I say.

"Yeah pretty much." I say.

"We get into our tent and lay down, ready to sleep."

"You know what's weird?" I ask.

"Know what?" Niall says.

"That...we all get along. There haven't been any problems. No fights, no arguments." I say.

"Maybe it's because we're alike. We're weird." Harry says.

"Yeah totally." I say.

"Well, goodnight guys." Alicia says.

"Goodnight." Niall says.

"Night." I say.

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