Aukliff/Clifflet - A Royal Romance Part 1

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Okay, I know that this ship isn't even canon. Auklet and Cliff never even meet in the books (as of book 13), but many people ship this. In Kinkajou's words, it's "somewhere between baby sloths and Anemone's crush on Tamarin on the adorableness scale." I honestly think it's more adorable than that.

The only way I can rate it though is by reading fanfictions (trust me I've read a lot) and looking at the two characters individually.

I think they would make a perfect pair. They're both young, royalty, and only have a mom. They could probably relate to things about them being royals, like if they didn't like being cooped up with their mom all the time, and start to understand each other. One theoretical obstacle in their friendship is probably their moms though.

Queen Coral most likely still holds a grudge against the Skywings because of the attack on the Summer Palace during the war. If she found out Auklet was friends with one, no less the Prince, she'd probably keep her on a closer leash forever. Queen Ruby would probably approve of their friendship but maybe keep him closer in order to protect him from Coral.

Now, let's get into the story, shall we?

~Cliff's pov~

Cliff loved everything about being a royal and living in a palace.

Well... almost everything.

He loved playing with other Skywings in the wingery, and all the friends he got because of his royal status. His best friend was a dragonet named Plateau. Plateau was like a younger brother to Cliff, anf they might as well have been siblings. They met one day in the wingery after a couple of the "popular" Skywing girls kept bullying him. He was pretty good at defending himself, but Cliff just had to intervene. Ever since then, they were like inseparable brothers.

Cliff also loved his mother, Queen Ruby. He knew that Ruby wasn't who she really was. She was actually a dragon named Tourmaline, but Ex-queen Scarlet had her little sidekick put a spell on her so she wouldn't be a threat. But to Cliff, Ruby was his mom, no matter what.

He could go on and on about the perks of being a royal; always being respected, having a gigantic room he could just fly in and practice his singing, having all the time in the world with his mom.

But the one thing he hated--no, LOATHED...was the meetings.

"But MOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY!!" Cliff was two now, so he wasn't an eight-month baby anymore. But he still acted like on sometimes.

"Cliff," his mother soothed, "this meeting is important!"

"You say that ALL THE TIME!!!" Cliff whined. He continued to try and drag her back into the throne room.

"But this one is very important," she said, not losing her patients. Ruby was the kind of mom who wasn't pushed easily, but somehow managed to be so sweet to everyone. "Plus, you might make more friends there."

"You say that about ALL THE MEETINGS!" He waved his claws in the air. "All the dragons there are so old and boring! And I'd I mention OOOOOOOOOLD!?!?"

"This one is different," Ruby said. Cliff was about to say that she said that same phrase all the time, but then stopped when he realized she didn't. "It's a peace meeting between all the tribes."

"I thought we went to peace like more than a year ago?"

"We did." Ruby went into her "bedtime story" voice; one she used whenever she went into a long talk with Cliff and wanted him to be interested. It always worked. "But some of the dragons still hold grudges. The Dragonets of Destiny actually suggested we all have a meeting to settle grudges and respect our differences and realize our strengths and similarities."

" does that mean anything?" he asked.

"What I'm saying, is that there will be more dragons there. And some of them are princes and princesses around your age."

That was all she needed to say.


"You've met Queen Glory," his mother countered.

"Yeah, but she's still too old and grumpy. I wanna friend like Plateau! Speaking of which, can he come?"

"Sorry, Cliff," she patted his head. "Plateau has plans with his mom today."

"Can I say bye then?" Cliff gave his mom the puppy eyes.

"Of course," she laughed. "Just hurry on. We have to leave in half an hour."

"ON IT!" He jumped up and swooped around the throne room. "I'll get there so fast no dragon will even SEE me!!!" Of course, that wasn't the case, but he liked to imagine the clueless faces of the other Skywings when they would feel a rush of wind and look behind them to see nothing.

"PLATEAUUUUUUUUUUU!?" he yelled once he got to the wingery.

"Hey, bro!" A dark red dragonet soared down to Cliff and tackled him, causing the both of them to crash into the cushioned ground of the play area.

"Nice to see you too, bro!" Cliff laughed and shoved Plateau off him.

"What's up?" Plateau asked

"I'm going to a meeting and wanted to say bye," Cliff said. He couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done to Cliff." Plateau grabbed Cliff's shoulders and looked into his eyes, then inspected his wings and claws. "Because the Cliff I know would never be excited about a meeting."

"This one's different!" Cliff exclaimed. "We're going to meet ALL THE SEVEN TRIBES! And maybe I'LL MAKE A FRIEND THERE TOO!!!"

"Just don't go singing them songs the first time you say hi," Plateau laughed.

"What, something wrong with my signing?" he asked. If he said yes, then Cliff was fully prepared to unleash an orchestra from his mouth and prove him wrong.

"No, but you'd basically be serenading them," Plateau smirked. "You'd probably do it anyways, especially if you--"

"OKAY, TIME TO GO!!" Cliff interrupted Plateau before he could finish that sentence and gave him a fist bump before flying out.

This was going to be quite the day.

~Auklet's pov~


"Come on, dear," Queen Coral said as she adjusted the pearl necklace on Auklet's neck.

"Aawwww, but the meetings you go to are so BORING!!!" Auklet pouted. Normally, Auklet would never pout or whine, so that gave everyone an idea of how much she hated being stuck in a meeting or conference or any other boring royal activity that involved sitting down and listening to ancient dragons drone on, and on, and on, and ON!!!

"But we're meeting at Jade Mountain!" Queen Coral said. "I thought you loved visiting your siblings there!"

"Yeah, but not if I'm just going to SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING!!!"

"Auklet, darling, think of this as practice. You may end up being the future queen, so shouldn't you be able to know about this stuff just in case?"

"I guess you have a point," she said sadly. "But I'm still not excited. Especially if Anemone keeps going ON AND ON about that Rainwing, Tamarin. If she does, I am SERIOUSLY going to force Turtle into enchanting all the seaweed in the ocean to come up and close her mouth for once!" Queen Coral laughed and put a wing around her daughter to steer her to the exit of the palace. They had made a new palace after the Summer Palace was destroyed and called it "The Coral Palace" in honor of Auklet's mom. It was hard to believe it took an entire day for them to settle on a name.

After a long flight, they reached the Jade Mountain Academy. Auklet spotted a few Mudwings and Skywings flying around. She was pretty sure she wasn't imagining the glare her mother was giving the red dragons.

When they landed at the entrance, Tsunami, Turtle, and Anemone came out to greet them.

"TURTLE!!" Auklet shouted and crashed into her brother. She did the same for Tsunami too. Instead of giving Anemone a hug, however, they both performed their super-secret handshake that took them five months to perfect.

"I'll never understand how they do that," Tsunami and Coral laughed.

"You wanna hang out with me and Tamarin?" Anemone asked.

"No thanks!" Auklet instantly yelled. "Besides, mom wants me to stay and watch the super boring meeting."

"You don't have to stay with us," Tsunami suggested. "We're letting all the dragonets hang out in the Prey Center. Don't worry, it's much less hectic there," she added when she noticed Coral looking at her skeptically.

"I guess it's fine," Coral said. She hugged Auklet and kissed her on the forehead. "Just stay safe, alright?"

"Oh, good GRIEF, mom!" Auklet rolled her eyes. "I'm in a school run by Tsunami! I think I'll be fine." She gave her mom one last hug before getting into the school.

Let's see. Just a left and then a right and... She walked forward and into the Prey Center. Tsunami was right, it really was calmer.

Auklet was pretty shocked it had taken them a year to calm this place down. The whole time it was filled with dragonets chatting, chasing prey, or hanging out in the corners. Now, it wasn't much different; there were still panicked chickens squawking around, and a couple of Icewings were arm wrestling in the corner. But now, it wasn't as loud as it used to be. The tables weren't dirty with animal bones anymore, and the small creek at the side that opened to the outside didn't smell like fish.

There was something else that caught her eye though. A young Skywing, probably a couple months older than Auklet, was going around and walking up to groups of chatting dragons. He would open his mouth to say something, but then turn away and regretfully shake his head. He looked like he was trying to make friends, but nobody would notice him or he was too shy to say something.

Well, I'm not too shy, Auklet thought. And I noticed him.

"Excuse me?" Auklet tapped the young Skywing's shoulder before he turned to her. When he did, she nearly gasped. He looked...well, amazing was an understatement.

The Skywing had dark red scales on his neck and back, which contrasted with his light orange under-scales. His orange eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and Auklet couldn't help but blush when he flashed a toothy grin at her.

"Hello!" the Skywing greeted her and held out his talon. Auklet shook it and introduced herself.

"I'm, Princess Auklet. What's your name?"

"Prince Cliff," he said. Auklet liked the way he didn't try to make it sound all formal and stiff. "But you can just call me Cliff."

"I guess you can just call me Auklet then." Both of them laughed and walked around the Prey Center. "I noticed you were trying to talk to the other dragons. Was something wrong?"

"No," he said sadly. "I just didn't want to interrupt, and some of them looked a bit too rough to hang out with." He was right. The Icewings who were arm wrestling were now in a punching contest that somehow led to both of them slapping each other with salmon.

"You want to go somewhere else?" Auklet asked her new friend. "We could probably find a cave that's less crowded or something."

Cliff smiled at her and wound his tail around hers. "That would be great!"

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