Tanemone - It's Not One Sided

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(hear me out, guys. I had an idea for this and I think it's really good so give it a chance!)

Okay, okay, you guys are probably either looking forward to this chapter or preparing to write an angry comment down below. So, PLEASE HEAR ME OUT!!!

Anyways, most of you who've been reading my books so far should know that Tide is an OC of mine and one of the characters in my Wings of Fire: Truth or Dare book. If you haven't read that I suggest you do because 1. It's hilarious (yeah, totally not self-promoting. But seriously, I crack up all the time re-reading it). And 2. it'll probably help you understand some things.

But besides that, Tide is...erm...*cough cough* Anemone's boyfriend in the book (ANEMARIN SHIPPERS PLZ DONT KILL ME LEMME EXPLAIN FOR A SEC!!!). So, I made the first chapter of that series when I was first starting on Wattpad, so I basically had no idea about the whole shipping community and stuff. At the time, I also didn't like Anemarin too much (not for specific reasons I just didn't like it cause there wasn't much in it). I ship it now, but I kinda already had this ship going at the time because I wasn't really thinking. When I made that series I was thinking that nobody would read it anyways and I didn't want to just make another OC for Tide to be in a ship.

But yeah, that's how it happened. A lot of the people who read that series do like the ship, but some still don't. Honestly, I've grown to adore it while still shipping Anemarin so I'm basically a double shipper.

Well then, uh, I hope you enjoy! Also, is the title good? I couldn't think of a better one.

(P.S. this is a human AU and not canon to the truth or dare series)

~Tide's pov~

Tide could think of a million ways to be humiliated. He could think of a million ways he's been humiliated. There was the time he'd fallen for that prank Qibli pulled on him and ended up with cereal in his pillow; the time he lost a bet and had to eat a raw fish and talk like a crazy, salmon obsessed hippie for a week; the time Qibli had somehow stolen his designs for a catapult for a school project, built his own giant version, and launched pineapples into the neighbors' yards (how did he not get in trouble for that?); that other time Qibli made him think Kinkajou had turned into a pineapple (a lot of the pranks were from him and had to do with pineapples).

But he never imagined that being trapped in a closet would be one of those ways.

Tide was at a birthday party when it happened. Nothing could have warned him about what was to come. The birds were chirping, it was a clear and sunny day, and he could hear the laughter echoing from inside the mansion.

Yes, the party was at a mansion. It was all too familiar to Tide, but he could see others staring up at it in awe. The front lawn was surrounded by a gate of small trees, each trimmed in uniform perfection in neat rows along the edge. A gap in the center, blocked by a metal gate that was current open, led towards the front of the mansion. Further down, a large, clean moat partially surrounded the house, leaving room for the pathway towards the door. Large shrubs of oleander, hibiscus, and other flowering plants were scattered everywhere, now surrounded with balloons and party streamers.

Now, if the lawn was amazing, the mansion was absolutely glorious. It was three stories tall, stretching so far it probably was as big as four or five houses stuck together. A large center area loomed above him, while another structure (did they call them wings?) stood next to him on either side. It was painted white, but a layer on the bottom was aqua blue, with small blue stones placed here and there that made it look like it was the seafloor.

Tide stepped up to the porch and raised his hand to knock, but then hesitated. It's just a birthday party, he told himself. Tide secretly had stage fright, and sometimes walking into large crowds was a bit claustrophobic. He could handle moderately crowded groups, but sometimes it just got a little too much.

Like walking into a house with at least 20 rowdy guys in it every day. Tide took a deep breath and opened the door.

He was instantly met with the pure definition of calamity.

"TIDE!" An onslaught of boys instantly swarmed Tide as if they were at his party instead of someone else's. He counted 10 at the most.

"Hey, guys," Tide said politely, even though they were practically suffocating him.

"Where've you been?" one of them asked.

"Off on another one of those crazy shenanigans you get into?" another snickered.

"I guess you could say that," Tide mumbled, making everyone laugh. Tide tried to shuffle through the crowd, weaving his way through all the people trying to say or ask what's been going on. He was looking for someone, in particular, someone he knew would be hiding instead of crowding him.

"Turtle?" Tide called. He looked around, but he wasn't there. It made sense though; the room was huge, he was probably hanging out with the others, and all of his brothers were currently in the way.

Yes, that's right, brothers. 31 of them to be exact. A lot of them were adults though, off to college or living in their own home by now. Tide still found it a bit weird, but there was some family complication and stuff that Turtle once tried explaining but it was so long Tide had to cover his ears and sing "LALALA" to get him to stop.

"Tide, over here!" Tide heard a familiar voice calling him.

He felt both excitement and dread.

"Qibli!" Tide nervously laughed. "Hey, buddy!" He walked over to the couch, where all his friends were sitting. Qibli, the sandy blonde, was standing up, waving to him. Moon, Turtle, Kinkajou, Winter, and Peril we're all sitting down. They were mostly looking at him and Qibli, but he could've sworn he saw Winter glancing to the side like he was trying not to stare at someone. Tide sat down next to Peril, as far away from Qibli as he could get. He probably hid a whoopie-cushion next to him or something.

"Tide!" Kinkajou said instantly. "I need to know about my ship! PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVE INFO ON MY SHIP!"

Tide frowned. "Which one?"

"Glorybringer," Kinkajou said while rolling her eyes like it should be obvious which ship she was talking about out of the hundreds of pairs she shipped.

Tide sighed and looked at her and was almost blinded. She had dyed her hair a really bright rainbow and picked out a sparkly yellow dress with pink designs of cute animals. If dresses had been organized by sparkle, hers would be in the "extra extra extra high chance of causing permanent blindness" section. "Kinkajou, you know that Glory hates me ever since the fourth pineapple incident! And isn't she your sister? Shouldn't you know more about what's going on?"

"I should, shouldn't I," Kinkajou agreed. "But she's always out doing stuff for work and school and never tells me anything!"

"Well, then how should I know anything about it?" Tide countered.

"...good point," Kinkajou finally agreed.

"Well," Moon joined in. "If we can't talk about that ship, how about we talk about the...other ship?"

"What is it with girls and ships?" Winter rolled his eyes.

Kinkajou ignored winter and looked at Moon. They looked like they were talking with their minds and making weird scrunched-up faces and raising their eyebrows.

"Ooooooohh," Kinkajou giggled. "That ship!"

"That's the one," Moon confirmed and then winked at Tide. Oh boy.

"So." Kinkajou clapped her hands together. "How's your love life, Tide?"

"Something that should be kept private?" he grumbled through his teeth.

"Oh? What do you mean private?"

"KINKAJOU!!!" Tide yelled, making her squeak and hide behind Turtle. Everyone else dissolved into giggles

"Honestly," Turtle laughed. "If you asked her out Tsunami might just kill you," he said, which didn't boost Tide's morale in the slightest.

"Hang on, time out," Peril interrupted. He had never felt more thankful in his life...until she continued.

"What's this about Tide's love life?"

"Come on, anything to report?" Kinkajou asked, ignoring Peril.

"Why do you do this to me?" he bemoaned and put his face in his hands.

"Wait wait what are you guys talking about." Peril asked again.

"Anemone," everyone almost said in unison.

Tide facepalmed and slouched on the couch. Everyone knew about Tide's crush on Anemone by now. When he was 12 he'd made the biggest mistake of his life and told Kinkajou about it. She was supposed to keep it a secret, but now he was 14 and the news had spread like a wildfire. He was a bit afraid of her brothers after that, but they either didn't know or didn't seem to care.

"Wait, Anemone?" Peril made a toothy grin. "As in 'Turtle's little sister' Anemone?"

Kinkajou finger gunned her. "That's the one!"

"Okay, now I'm interested," Peril snickered. "Alright, I've got to admit, young love is adorable."

"I'm not that young," Tide grumbled.

"Come on," Kinkajou laughed. "You've had a crush on her ever since you were kids!"

"Say what now?" A random kid popped up from behind the couch. Is that Pike? Tide wondered. He couldn't tell.

"Hey, buzz off, nosy," Peril said, making the kid grumble and move on.

"Come on, you should tell her!" Kinkajou said. "I mean, this is her birthday party, and what better gift could you get her than a boyfriend? Of course, that said boyfriend is you."

Tide frowned, like something important kept nagging at him, but he couldn't place his finger on it. "Maybe you should mind your own business and I'll tell her when I want to," Tide suggested.

"But ships are my business!" Kinkajou countered.

"You know...she has a point," Moon said.

"Fine," Tide sighed. "I'll tell her... sometime this century," he said, earning a frown from Kinkajou He looked around then realized something. "Hey, if this is Anemone's party, then where is she?"

"Oh, that's right," Turtle said. "She told me she wanted to get you when you came. Let's go." He sat up and Tide followed. Turtle led him up the stairs, which led to a second living room and a hallway with multiple bedrooms.

Tide smiled when they came up. He remembered coming to Anemone's house when he was only nine. She was always trying to find a good place to sneak into so she could finally win hide-and-seek; she usually stuffed herself in the soup cabinets.

"She said in here," Turtle said, but Tide was only paying half attention. He followed him into a large bedroom. The walls were painted pink, and a bed with a bunch of dolphin plushies sat in the corner. The morning light flooded in through a large window with a balcony. This was clearly one of the fancier rooms of the bunch

Suddenly, Tide snapped into reality when he realized where he was. "Wait! Isn't this Anemo--" But it was too late. Turtle swiftly opened the door to her wardrobe behind him, which was basically a mini walk-in closet, and shoved him inside before locking him in. Why in the world does her closet have a lock?!

"Turtle! Let me out!" Tide yelled and glared at him through the door. It was made partially out of a one-way mirror, another one of Anemone's attempts at a hide-and-seek spot, so he could see he mischievous yet apologetic look on Turtle's face.

"Sorry bud," Turtle said. "I have to admit, I had to do this since I lost a bet with Qibli--WHICH I DIDN'T DO MYSELF BECAUSE KINKAJOU FORCED ME TO ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE--but yeah, sorry!" And with that, Turtle fled the scene.

"OH COME ON!" Tide grumbled and sat on the floor. He tried jiggling the handle, but it wouldn't budge. "Great! This is just perfect! Now I'm stuck here and missing the rest of the party, and someone's probably going to find me and wonder what the heck I'm doing in here! Why did I ever fall for that?"

For the next fifteen minutes, Tide did everything he could to try and break out of the closet (well, a more accurate description would be he spent ten minutes trying to break out and then five more minutes sulking). Breaking the door was obviously not an option, so he tried finding something to pry the door open. The obvious solution was to unlock the door from the inside, but Turtle had somehow jammed the lock, ruling that out. He once considered crawling through the vent, but it was only big enough for a large mouse.

Maybe I can slide something into the door to pick the lock like I've seen them do in movies, Tide thought. He searched around for anything that was thin enough to slide through the door, but all he found were headbands, and the hairpins were useless since the keyhole was on the outside. Too bad I can't just snap and magically appear on the other side.

Tide was furiously trying to open the door by jiggling the handle again when he heard footsteps running in the hall. He quickly froze and stared through the glass. The bedroom door opened and a girl ran into the room, looking like she might have a heart attack.

Tide had to resist the urge to gasp. The reason wasn't because she looked absolutely beautiful, which she did, however. She was wearing a light gray shirt that was custom-made to say "It's my 13th birthday!" in sparkly letters, and she had a pink skirt and light blue sweater to match. Her blonde hair was tied in a braid, with one of the strands dyed light pink. She wore a bronze bracelet on each of her arms. Her face was a mix of panic and doubt, but it still made him blush.

Anemone was right there, five feet away from the entrance and discovering him.

"Rrgh," she grumbled to herself, "this is terrible! I wasn't out there to see him, and now he's gone! And--" Anemone stopped her rant and took a deep breath. "No, okay, keep it cool, Anemone. He probably just got stuck in another round of truth or dare, or he's just running late. He'll be here...I hope."

Who's she talking about? Tide wondered. Wait, she's not talking about me, is she? Tide wanted to punch the wall. It was just like his friends to set something up like this, especially Kinkajou.

Tide looked through the glass again and saw Anemone staring straight at him. He tensed up and was about to bolt away before he realized she was looking at her reflection on the other side.

"Hmm, would he like it if I put makeup on?" Anemone said lowly. "No, I don't think he likes that. Maybe a different sweater?"

No, I think you're fine the way you are, Tide thought as if he was responding to her. My gosh, this is so awkward.

"Maybe not..." Anemone mumbled. She looked at the mirror again and sighed. "No, if Tide were here, he'd say I wouldn't have to dress up and everything. Just be who I am...although this necklace wouldn't hurt right?"

Tide smiled and put his hand on the glass. "Good choice," he whispered, barely so she wouldn't hear it.

Anemone frowned. "Okay, I got that part done, but now how can I even face him?" Tide looked at her quizzically, wondering what she was talking about, and also why she keeps talking to herself.

"I mean, I could just say 'hi, glad you made it,' but then I'd be a blushing mess! No, that would be too awkward" She rubbed her face and groaned, then walked over and sat on her bed. "Maybe I could get him alone in the garden and then tell him? But there are a ton of people outside." She sighed and grabbed one of her dolphin plushies and buried her head into it for a few seconds.

No, no, this is wrong, the rational part of Tide's brain said. I'm basically spying, even if I didn't get into this situation on purpose. I should try to tune her out. Then again, his rational side of his brain was worn out over the years, so of course, he wouldn't listen to it. Instead, he leaned on the door handle and continued to listen.

"How do I do it?" Anemone whispered. "How do I even know if he feels the same?" She sighed and set the plushie down. "Maybe I should set this off for next year. How can I tell him...that I...I..."

Then, at the worst possible moment, the door handle gave way, unlocking itself and swinging the door open. Tide yelped and crashed on the ground.

"OH MY GOD!!" Anemone shrieked and began throwing giant squishy dolphins at him.

"Anemone! Stop please it's me!!" Tide cried and raised his arms in defense.

"What the--" Anemone dropped the pillow she was holding over her face and gasped. "TIDE?! Wha-what...? Why...? How...? WHY?!"

"I promise I can explain," Tide said hurriedly. "See your brother apparently thought it would be funny so stuff me into your closet but it was some dare since he lost a bet and I've been stuck in there so...yeah. I promise I wasn't snooping or anything weird!!!"

Anemone just continued to stare at him in disbelief. Tide was a bit worried she'd freak out and kick him out of the house and that they'd never be friends again, but none of that happened. They were both left in awkward silence.

Tide stood up and cleared his throat. "Um, so, I'm just going to leave now and--"

"How much did you hear?" Anemone asked.

Tide gulped. "O-oh, uh..."

"I said how much did you hear?" she asked again, this time raising her voice. "Okay, I probably shouldn't have yelled, but seriously, tell me."

Tide, now embarrassed with his face redder than a tomato, reluctantly gave her the truth: "I...sorta...heard everything you said."

"Everything," Anemone echoed. "So, you know that I was talking about..."

"Me?" Tide guessed. "Yeah, I'm really sorry!"

Anemone shook her head and walked up to him, kicking some plushies out of her way. "No, I think, maybe, this might make it easier." She took a shaky breath and grabbed his hand. Her skin was smooth and warm on his. He felt his heart racing faster than ever.

"L-listen, Tide," she said. "What I was about to say before, well, you know. I was going to say th-that I...Erm, you mean a lot to me. We've been friends for years now, and have both been through a lot together. You've been there for me at my best, and stayed there at my worst." She looked into his eyes and smiled, her cheeks a rosy pink. "Tide, I really, really like you. Love you, even. I planned to tell you today since I'm turning thirteen, but I wasn't sure."

"Why did you wait to tell me?" Tide asked.

"Because I thought I wouldn't be old or mature enough to catch your eye," she said. "I mean, I know that sounds weird since we're only a year apart, but I am still pretty self-conscious. And besides, it's not like you feel the same."

Tide shook his head and pulled her into a hug. She was pretty short but just tall enough to rest her head into the crook of his neck. She smelled like hibiscus flowers, a sent that always calmed him down.

"What if," he started, "what if I said I liked you too?"

Anemone lurched backward in shock and stared at him. "Wait, say that again?!"

"I really do," he said. "I've honestly felt that way for a while, but I was also still a kid so I didn't know what it meant at first. You're the world to me, Anemone."

Anemone put a hand on his cheek and took a shaky breath, and Tide saw a tear drip from her eye. "Oh! Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry it's just--"

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear that?!" Anemone screamed and launched her arms around his neck. She pecked him on the cheek and hugged him tighter. "I love you I love you I love you!"

"Okay, slow down," Tide laughed. "Hey, I know we like literally just confessed and everything, but don't you currently have a party to get to?"

"Nah, that can wait," she said dismissively. She stroked his cheek with her hand again before moving closer. She stood on her tiptoes as Tide leaned towards her, feeling her breath mingling with his. He felt her pulling him closer by hugging his neck. And soon, the space between them was gone. It was a short kiss, but it still made him feel faint. He felt like this couldn't have happened, yet there they were, two kids in love.

"Did that actually happen?" he said lightly after he broke the kiss.

"Maybe we should make sure," Anemone said with a smirk before pulling him into another kiss. Her lips were so soft and warm. It was a long time until she broke it, and when she did she looked down and played with her hair, clearly embarrassed.

"Maybe we should get out of here," Tide suggested, "I have a feeling that someone could be watching."

"Yeah you're probably right," Anemone said worriedly. She held Tide's hand and smiled. "Hold my hand just for the walk downstairs. I don't want Kinkajou to freak."

"I think my idiotic grin would be enough," Tide admitted.

"It's not idiotic, it's cute!" She kissed his cheek again and they walked downstairs as they continued to playfully bicker, all while holding the other's hand.

"Hey," Anemone said, "don't tell Turtle that he's the reason we confessed."

Tide laughed. "If they knew that would be the end of me. This'll be our little secret for now."

"That just makes it sound more romantic and cheesy," Anemone rolled her eyes. They walked down the stairs but stopped at the last step, hiding behind the wall.

"Kinkajou's gonna suspect something if we both come out at once," Tide pointed out.

"I'll go out first then," Anemone said. "I'll say you're in the bathroom upstairs and then you come down later when my mom gathers everyone for presents."

Tide gasped. That's what was nagging him earlier!

"Tide?" Anemone asked.

"I-I almost forgot," he said and dug in his pocket, pulling out a pearl necklace. Each little orb was slighly pink, while some of them were a stormy grey. Anemone covered her gasp with her hands and reached out to take the necklace.

"Tide," she said slowly, "is this my present?"

"No," he said sarcastically, "I got you a box of ramen noodles for your birthday. Of course it's your present!"

"Oh! I love it!" She put it over her head and around her neck adjusting it slightly so it was even. She looked up at him and smiled. "Although, to be fair, I wouldn't say no to that box of ramen."

"That's for next year then," Tide said. He gave her one more hug before she walked down into the room. Tide smiled and watched as her brothers and his friends began chatting with her, and Kinkajou was seemed to be pretty nosy judging by her body language. One kid however (yep that was definitely Pike) was starting to interrogate her, but Anemone shooed him away and left with the others.

Same old Anemone, Tide thought with a chuckle. Then he strode up the stairs, barely able to contain his excitement.


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