Turtlejou - Hide and Seek

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Okay, how many people have this as a favorite ship? If you think about it thought it's not really something that completely happens in Wings of Fire because Kinkajou wants to be friends with Turtle until she can tell what her true feelings are. But when you read fan fiction and basically imagine the two together it creates one of the most adorable ships in the history of ships.

And how perfect can this ship get? Turtle is the nervous Seawing who wants everybody to ignore him. He has a past that's nearly as tragic as Winter's, the main difference being his animus powers and everyone ignoring him since Turtle actually wants to be ignored. All-in-all Turtle is a lovable cinnamon roll so never offer him one as a dessert of that would not be good.

And we have Kinkajou, the bright and bubbly Rainwing who is the complete opposite of Turtle. She has such an optimistic side that it makes Turtle want to be just like her. (am I the only one seeing such similarity between Winterwatcher and Turtlejou?) She falls in love with him, but only due to Anemone's love spell which was supposed to "help" their love lives. Unfortunately that made things worse but might have caused the Turtlejou ship to becoming as close to real as it can get, since they never actually say the love each other but maybe we'll see that in the end.

Now this is my first one shot EVER, not including my Truth or Dare book, so please tell me if I can make it better in any ways! And now, I present, Turtlejou!

~Turtle's pov~

In the dark halls of Jade Mountain Academy, a dragon was sneaking around in the dark; his only source of light was the three moons above and the soft glow of his scales. The darkness didn't matter since he had night vision, but it helped his companion, who was currently invisible and crouching against the walls.

"You okay, Kinkajou?" he asked and turned to the invisible section of air to his left. He reached out with his wing and felt another pair of wings meet his, then instantly blushed.

"I'm FINE!" the air whispered then shimmered for a bit before vanishing again. "You don't need to keep asking me every thirty seconds!"

"That's not fair!" Turtle laughed. "I can't see you because you're invisible, remember?"

"But how can I be the Queen of Stealth if I'm not invisible?" Kinkajou asked. Her scales shimmered again and she turned a different shade of grey so Turtle could see her. She brushed wings with him again and Turtle blushed a bit harder. He dimmed the lights on his snout so that she wouldn't notice.

"The only reason you have to be the Queen of Stealth is that you're so good at hiding in the first place!" Turtle moved closer to her and continued to creep across the halls of the school. He shut off his scales and peeked into a room using his night vision. An Icewing was snoring in his cave, hopefully drowning out Kinkajou and Turtle's talonsteps. Maybe someone would think that the noise is just a couple of chickens that escaped the pens.

Kinkajou waited until they were clear from anymore caves to talk again. "You're just as much the King of Stealth as I am! Nobody found you either!"

Okay, is it possible to completely faint when with all this blood running to my head? Turtle tried to stop thinking about how she had called him "king" right after he called her "queen." He decided to instead reminisce on the events that had lead them to this predicament.


"TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN..." Qibli's voice echoed through the halls of JMA. Kinkajou had persuaded them all to play hide and seek, but Peril had said no because her firescales would give her away. Instead she had gone to what she claimed was to take a stroll around the mountain, but it was obvious that she was going to find Clay because Peril never took strolls, especially if it risked setting someone on fire.


Turtle frantically looked around and bolted to the nearest cave, the prey center. Chickens were squawking wildly and running around the floor. A goat was in the corner, shoving its horns at the group of young dragonets trying to grab it. And there was the pile of fruit piled haphazardly in another corner. A Rainwing named Coconut was currently picking out fruit from the pile, holding an apple in one hand while examining an orange in the other, and at the same time stealing glances at a nearby watermelon that was larger than his head. Judging by what Moon had told him about his brain, he guessed that the young Rainwing was debating which fruit would be the least boring, although that seems to be his view of everything.

Turtle climbed behind a rock before deciding there was too much light there and anyone would see him. The walked around until he bumped into an invisible wall.

"Oh, sorry!"

Invisible walls can talk? Turtle groaned and got up. He realized that it was a Rainwing, but he recognized the voice almost immediately.


"Come on!" Turtle felt a talon grab his and blushed. He was dragged away by the fruit pile. Coconut mumbled and walked away carrying all the fruit while balancing the watermelon on his head. Turtle was pretty sure his skull would break if he ever tried that.

"Over here!" Kinkajou's voice said just as Qibli had yelled out that he was coming. His voice was quiet and muffled my the chatter of dragons and squawks of terrified chickens, but Turtle guessed he was still close. Kinkajou pushed him up against the wall and rematerialized for a second. She put a couple of melons and bananas next to his feet.

"Okay, fold your wings and crouch," she instructed Turtle did as she said. Kinkajou went invisible again and covered Turtle with her wings. He didn't know weather or not she could feel the heat rising up in his cheeks. He heard Qibli calling around and looking for them, but he left a couple minutes after. He actually came three inches to them, judging by his voice, but didn't bother to dig in the pile. When he was gone, Kinkajou came off and Turtle sat back up, noticing a small blush on Kinkajou's face as well.

"Maybe let's find a better place to hide," she said bashfully.

"Good idea." They poked around the prey center and found a crevice in the wall big enough for Turtle to squeeze into. He wiggled in and Kinkajou sat in front of him, camouflaged. They chatted the whole time while they waited for someone to find them. They ended up hiding for so long, however, that they didn't notice when it turned into night and all the dragons were instructed to go to their sleep caves, this begining Kinkajou and Turtle's little adventure through the pitch black halls.

~End of flashback~

"Are we almost there?" Kinkajou asked.

"Well, we're close to my cave," he said. He heard Kinkajou shuffle her feet as she cleared her throat.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"N-no, I was just thinking about something.

"You want me to take you to your cave?" he asked.

"Nah, I think I can do it without crashing into the wall," she said. Turtle could hear her talonsteps as she bounded forward.

"I wonder what happens if someone finds us," Kinkajou said. She brushed her wing on Turtle's to let him know she was still there.

"Probably detention with Tsunami," Turtle said and shivered. Even though Tsunami was his sister, she was still someone you didn't want to mess with. "In that case you might want to stay invisible so you can get out of there."

"No way! I'll stay with you, and that way at least we'll be in detention together!"

How does she do that!? Turtle asked himself the question he asked every time he saw her. How does she take every bad situation and make something good out of it? How is she so cheerful all the time and can make everyone else feel the same way?

How is she the most perfect dragon alive?

"Oh, I guess we're here!" Turtle looked up and saw his cave to his left. There was his familiar moss bed and the scroll rack next to it.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Kinkajou said, almost gloomily.

"You sure you'll be able to make it on your own?" Turtle asked again.

"Three moons, Turtle! I can disappear! I'll be fine!"

Turtle hesitated. He wanted to ask her, but he ended up deciding it would be best to back out, like usual. But nothing could escape Kinkajou's eye when it came to his emotions.

"What is it?" she asked.

"O-oh, I was just wondering if..." he trailed off, stammering. "Maybe, do you want to sleep in my cave tonight? There's no one really but me since Umber's replacement Mudwing hasn't come yet."

"Aww! You must get lonely at night!" Turtle blushed and yelped when Kinkajou pulled his talon and dragged him into the cave. Turtle sat on his bed and Kinkajou rematerialized next to him. She yawned and leaned next to Turtle.

"Gosh, what time is it?" Kinkajou said sleepily.

"I think it's a couple hours before midnight," Turtle said, looking out the window in his cave.

"Already!? I better sleep soon before I start snoring while Webs drones on and on about stuff he said yesterday!" Turtle laughed and Kinkajou got up to lie down on the bed that Umber used to sleep on. It was clearly uncomfortable for her though. It was just a stone slab, which would be a pain to sleep on if you were used to moss and hammocks like Kinkajou. Turtle's bed was made of moss since they couldn't really make seaweed beds since they would just dry up.

"D-do you want to sleep in my bed?" Turtle asked. Kinkajou shot up and grinned, but then frowned.

"But where will you sleep?" she asked.

"I could take Umber's bed," he said. He could tolerate the hard rock and was mainly concerned for Kinkajou.

"I-it's okay, really," she tried to convince him that she could take Umber's old bed, and Turtle was trying to convince her to go on his. Add her being the most thoughtful dragon to the list of how she's amazing and I'm not right for her.

Hang on where did that come from? Turtle thought. He'd tried to avoid all topics including the love spell and basically romance in general. But he couldn't hide his feelings for her, even if it was just in his head.

"Fine," Kinkajou said. Her eyes seemed to be sagging as she yawned; she clearly needed some decent sleep and Turtle wasn't giving up. Turtle got off his bed and Kinkajou clambered on it. She sank into the moss and sighed happily. Turtle was about to go on Umber's when Kinkajou took ahold of his talon and gently pulled him over and made him sit on the moss.

"U-uh, Turtle? You wanna just sleep here too? I mean, it would be better than you sleeping on rock," she said and Turtle blushed.

ALL THIS FUSS FOR A STUPID BED!? Peril's voice suddenly yelled in his head. He smiled as Qibli's voice countered her and said something about Clay and Kinkajou went all ship-crazy. Then he remembered the times Moon would mention Turtle to her and she would blush like crazy and try to shush her.

Okay, I just hope I don't pass out from all this blood going to my head, Turtle thought and lied down next to his crush. Kinkajou put a wing around him and closed her eyes. Turtle tried to calm down and do the same, but he couldn't sleep. He turned around to face Kinkajou, and found that she had been staring at her this whole time. She let out a small eep and closed her eyes. Turtle realized how close he was to her snout, but her wing prevented him from scooting over.

Man I should get rid of those romantic books, he thought ruefully. His mind was screaming "NOW THIS IS THE PERFECT MOMENT JUST LET YOUR HEART OUT!!!" like it had been for the past week whenever something like this happened. But this was different now. He was literally inches away from her, staring into her eyes in the light of the three moons, the pale light illuminating her pink and yellow scales. Her scales turned a shade of crimson which Turtle registered as her blushing.

There's no way that she actually likes me. It's just the love spell. He'd told himself this over and over, but to no avail. That's what you get for borrowing romantic books from the library!

"T-Turtle?" Kinkajou whispered. He turned his attention back to her.


Turtle was expecting her to ask him to scoot away or something, so what she said next took him off guard.

"I-I just wanted to say thanks for letting me stay with you. It's nice to be with you for a while...alone." Kinkajou rested her forehead on his, and he could feel her heart pounding as fast as his. There was something magical about the moment, as if the world faded away and they were left together. Turtle smiled softly before realizing he was about one inch from Kinkajou. He didn't move though, and he realized Kinkajou was the one slowly sliding towards him.

"Turtle?" Kinkajou whispered


"You remember the love spell?"

"I'm surprise you brought it up, actually," he chuckled and brushed her face with his talon.

"I-it really did go away, right?"

"yes..." Turtle said cautiously.

"So this is real..." she whispered. Turtle wanted to ask her what she meant, but he felt her lips suddenly slide onto his. He kissed her back, fireworks exploding in his heart.


~Kinkajou's pov~

Kinkajou couldn't believe what just happened. The kiss wasn't long, but her scales would't stop shifting from yellow to pink to crimson, and she couldn't squash the smile on her face. When she slowly pulled back, she smiled at Turtle. In the dark of the night, she could make out his face. He lit up his scales a bit and she saw him smiling brighter than the sun.

"I like you too, Turtle" she said, referring to the day he had confessed to her before. He had told her that, even after everything, he still liked her. She didn't know how to return the feelings because her emotions were mixed up, and she was still pretty mad at Anemone, but a part of her did like him. Like, a lot.


"I can tell your mind's probably screaming right now," Turtle laughed his wonderful laugh.

"Just shows how much you know me," she said and cuddled into his wings. 

"I love you too." He kissed her head and they both fell asleep into blissful dreams of finally being with each other.

Not long after, Qibli approached their cave. He had snuck out, wanting to make sure his friend was all right. He poked his head into his cave and held up his lantern.

"Hey, buddy!" he whispered. "You awak--oh..." Qibli realized there was someone else lying down. He immediately recognized the colors of Kinkajou's scales and snickered, then slowly retreated out of the cave.

A/N wow thank you all for reading! This is my first one so sorry if it's a bit cringy or too mushy but it'll get better soon. I'm open to requests for any new ones so please tell me! Until next time!

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