Winterwatcher - Rejected

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The one thing that I will never be able to figure out in my life is which is better: Moonbli or Winterwatcher. At the start of reading WoF, I shipped Moonbli and (I'm being honest, okay?) kinda hated Winter. But then ever since I came to Wattpad and started reading books (specifically DragonsNotWyverns books) I liked Winter because I became more open to his real side. When I read his book I kinda skimmed through it and wasn't able to appreciate how he is towards Moon.

Winter is kind of a softy at heart. I think there are two reasons Winter always pushes Moon away. One is that he hates Nightwings because of the legend of Darkstalker and because they killed a bunch of random Icewings for no reason and many thought Hailstorm was one of them. The second is one that I think is deeper and you have to read harder to understand, but he also pushes her away because he knows he could never be with her because of who he is. He accepts the fact that she likes Qibli more than him, and also the fact that if he ever even became friends with any Nightwing he'd go to the bottom of the Seventh Circle. It's kinda dumb to us, but if you put yourself in Winter's shoes (er, talons?) you can understand that every Icewing works their entire lives to be at the top of the rankings. You also have to see that every dragonet was raised by an Icewing parent who was more than likely also obsessed with the rankings because it meant a secured spot in the palace. It's like when a parent is putting their child through such advanced schooling so that he/she will have a better life kind of situation.

But deep down, Winter really does like her. She's different from all the other Nightwings because she was raised alone, and he's amazed by how smart, pretty, and such a skillful hunter she is. And, I know this is probably wrong, but him pushing her away could be him caring about her because if she lived her life with him, it could be riskier or not as good as if Qibli would be with her. That's hard to think about though because they're always putting themselves down and thinking the other is better. I'll do a Moonbli one next so I can keep this train of thought going for me.

This one shot is a spin-off of the ending of book 10, so warning it's going to be sad but will end up as a Winterwatcher. Also, it's very sappy haha.

~Moon's pov~

I have to tell him, Moon thought as she flew across the desert sands. She came to a stop and turned around to look West.

Or do I tell... him?

She hit a dead-end. Moon had no idea who to go to. Qibli...or Winter? It was impossible, but she knew that one day she'd have to choose. But how could she choose when both of them were so special to her? She knew Winter hated Nightwings, but that was before. Winter liked her because she's different, and he's grown to be a better dragon--according to Qibli--because of her.

But Qibli is just as amazing. He's funny and talented and never tried to push her away, even when all of her friends but Turtle fled when she admitted she had her powers. Even Kinkajou steamed up a bit. But Qibli was the reason she had chosen to use her power for good, not hide it like her mother said or use it to gain power like Darkstalker advised.

Winter may have become better because of her, but right now, she needed Qibli to be the one in her life. She didn't want guilt to be the reason she chose either of them, she wanted the reason to be who she needed.

So she flew off to the palace, not looking back once.


"Moon, you should be saying this to Winter."

Moon was taken aback. She just confessed to Qibli, but he's saying to tell all this to Winter? He didn't exactly reject her, but it really felt like it.

"Winter?" she asked. "Why?"

Qibli took a deep breath and looked at Moon. She could've sworn he was starting to cry. "Because, Moon, he really loves you. He became the dragon he is today because of you. You're the reason that Winter hasn't strangled me yet." He let out a soft chuckle. "And trust me, I could annoy him to his grave and he wouldn't put a claw on me because of you."

"But, Qibli," she started. "Winter is a strong dragon. I think he'll be fine on his own. But I know that I need you." She bit the bottom of her lip. "I need someone that can make me laugh and tell me everything is alright. Someone who's kind and cares about me and I care about them."

"But, I'm not sure how Winter will be without you," he said.

Moon frowned. "Are you saying this because you feel guilty, or because you genuinely think that It'd be better if I spent my life with Winter?"

"The second one," he said. "Moon, listen to me. I can't be the dragon that you want me to be. I do care about you, so much that I'm willing to see you go without me because it is what will be better for you. Please. I'm the worst dragon alive for you to confess to. You've been in my mind; you know how easily I get tempted by power. But Winter deserves you and I don't. Please, Moon. I love you and I won't be the reason you're not happy."

At this point, Moon was biting back tears. She was indecisive at first, sure, but she really thought Qibli would be the one for her. Surprisingly, Qibli pulled her into a short hug before letting her go and flying off. She just stood there, tears in her eyes and feeling like a fool.

"Fine," she said under her breath. "I'm pretty sure that if I go to Winter, it'll end up the same way. But who cares now? Qibli already rejected me, so it's not like it could get any worse."

~Winter's pov~

"She has got to be the weirdest Rainwing alive," Winter mumbled when Kinkajou finally left. They had been hunting for scavengers so he could observe them in his scavenger sanctuary that was going to be built.

He already had a house in the new city he was helping build. They were calling it Sanctuary, and it was basically going to be another city like Possibility, but Winter would make sure it would be much less chaotic.

He crumpled up his empty sack he brought with him and prepared to take off until he heard someone shouting his name.


Not just any someone... Moonwatcher.

"Moon?" Winter turned around and a black dragon came crashing through the trees. She ran over to him and threw her wings around him and a right hug.

"Whoa, are you okay?" he asked. Moon softly shook her head "no" and buried her head into his wings.

"H-here, let's head over to my place. We can talk there." Moon nodded and they flew over to his house. It was small, but enough for one dragon. They flew inside and sat on Winter's bed before Moon buried her head in his wings again.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Qibli... He sort of rejected me and told me to talk to you," she responded, her voice muffled by his wings.

No way, he thought. He was LITERALLY going to send a letter to Qibli, apologizing for being such a jerk before and saying that he deserved Moon more than anyone. But now he told Moon to go to him of all dragons?

"Why would he say that?" Winter asked, cautiously.

"H-he said that I'd be better living with you," she choked. "Frankly, before I told him how I felt I was about to fly to you instead. But I guess I just made a random choice and went to Qibli instead. I knew I had to choose, but I didn't know that he would reject me! You'd think I'd have some sort of vision about it."

"Yeah," Winter said softly. But he was too absorbed by the fact that she almost went to him instead. "Why would you ever want to be with me?" he accidentally wondered aloud.

"Because you're special to me," she said. "Both of you were, really, but you're special in a different way. I know you hated Nightwings, but you thought I was different, right? During the battle at Jade Mountain, I did kind of notice you protecting me when no one was looking."


"No, no," Moon said and put a claw to his mouth. "I know what you're going to say. You're going to say that you don't deserve me and that I'd be miserable if I spent my future with you, correct?" Winter sheepishly nodded. Even though she could read his mind, she knew him well enough that she didn't need to.

"Winter," she started. "I liked both of you, but I knew I had to choose one of you at some point. Right now, I choose you, okay? When I was flying over here, I realized how much I actually love you. How I'd go to the end of the world to make sure you'd be with us, with me. Please, Winter, we all miss you. Come back to school. But more importantly, I miss you. I love you, Winter, and you can't say you don't deserve me. The fact that you were able to change because of me is more than enough."

Winter took a breath and looked into Moon's eyes. They were like the stars in the Ice Kingdom, shining bright at night.

"I love you too, Moon," he admitted. "I thought you'd never talk to me after that fight we had in the old Night Kingdom. But I'd do anything for you. I'd be anyone for you. You're the most amazing dragon I've met, Moon, and I knew that since the day I met you, even though it was covered up by my hate for Nightwings."

Moon smiled and he cupped her cheek. She looked beautiful. The silver tear-drop scales behind her eyes gleamed with a silver light, and her dark-green scales were warm against his freezing white ones. White and Black, two opposites that go together so well.

"You won't push me away, right?" Moon asked.

"I'm so sorry I did before," he said. "But I promise that I will never push you away. I want to be as close to you as possible."

"I feel the same," she said. They leaned in and shared their first kiss with each other. It was short, but blissful not the less.

"I will always love you, Winter."

"And I will always love you, Moonwatcher."

A/N I didn't want to put this in because it would ruin the mood but imagine Kinkajou was spying on them and then when they kiss she yells "WINTERWATCHER!!!!!!"

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