The Coming Year

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Hey everyone! I'm SO SORRY for how long this has taken me to update! I saw Thor: The Dark World in November, which resulted in a long period of Writer's Block for this story. School has taken up A LOT of time... and then my writers block worsened when summer started... I apologize again, and I present to you, a VERY SHORT filler chapter as an apology.. and it's not edited, really... but I've had it ready for a long while...


Kasumi's POV


"Come on, you guys!! Breakfast isn't going to wait!" I'm setting the table while Tohru puts the finishing touches on the food. "KYO! If you don't get down here soon, when you get home, you'll find catnip all over your room!" Yuki, still half-asleep, makes his way into the kitchen and gets something to drink.

"Dammit, ya just gotta pick fights early in the morning, doncha?!" Kyo storms downstairs and into the sitting room. I smirked.

"I wasn't picking a fight, Kyo. I simply don't want Tohru's delicious breakfast to go to waste." I pick up my plate and headed into the sitting room with my brother. Kyo and Tohru soon sit down with their own plates. Once we're all sitting, I decide to pose a question.

"So, what do you all look forward to the most for this coming school year?" 

Kyo shoots me a look. "What kinda question is that?" 

I glare back at him. "A good one. That's what. But honestly, what is it that you guys look forward to? I'm working on prepping for the entrance exam, but I'm so happy to be going to school next year, especially since you all will be there, too!" Tohru looks like she's lost in thought after I asked the question. Kyo and Yuki though, have answers. Yuki speaks up first.

"I suppose I look forward to the possibility of running for a small position in Student Council." I smile. Student Council fit my brother perfectly.

Kyo's on his feet in no time with his fist in the air. "I'm gonna beat that damn rat!!!" Yuki stares at him for a momen.

"Wait, wait! I think I heard this one before!"

"Ya wanna go, ya damn rat?!"

"No, not really..." Kyo storms over to Yuki and grabs his shirt.

"Well, that's too bad! Cause a fight's what you got!" He steps back, then lunges at Yuki. Yuki jumps up to dodge the attack, and sens a withering look at our cousin.

"I really don't want to do this - so I won't hold back." Yuki slides the back door open. "Are we doing this, or what? Quit wasting my time, stupid Cat."

I know what the outcome is going to be, so I roll my eyes and head across the hall to my room. When I get there, I grab some of my books that Hatori sent me, and sneak up to the balcony. Too risky to be on the roof for this, unfortunately. I listen to the sounds from the fight below me as I begin my work. A little later, the trio heads out for school and leave me in peace- for a time.


3 hours later


I've finished up all my work that I needed to do for the next few days, so I head downstairs to grab some lunch. Upon entering, I find Shigure attempting to cook an early lunch. We wave to each other meekly as I make my way over to him.

"Ah, Kasumi! I'm just making lunch.. would you like some?" 

I glance down at what he was making cautiously. "It all depends on what it is...." 

Shigure chuckles and waves off my words. "Don't you have any faith in me? It's only a curry!" he whines. I look into the pot with slight disgust. "What?! I'm not THAT bad of a cook!" 

I scoff and point at the mystery concoction in the pot. "If you are as good as I think you are, there is no way I'm eating that..." I turn to the rice maker and prepare to make some rice instead. Shigure sighs. 

"Suit yourself!" He takes a bite, and I can feel the regret from across the kitchen. "mhmm! So good!" he mumbles as he tries to convince himself to swallow the disaster he created. 

I can't help but laugh as he gives up and dumps the curry out. "How have you gotten this far as an adult when you are so bad at cooking?!" I ask between fits of giggles.

"Ah, that's why I became a famous novelist!" He retortes with a smirk. "Then I can just get take out."

"Take a cooking class, Shigure. You're the supposed responsible adult here, right?"

He shakes his head, and heads to the door to the hall before turning back to look at me. "I will when Yuki does."


Well, major changes are going on, but I feel so much better about the plot! So, vote, comment, and whatnot, and I hope that you all enjoy what comes!

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