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Before you read any further, if you have not read 50 Facts To Ruin The Things You Love then GO DO THAT NOW, GET OUT OF HERE ONLY COME BACK IF YOU HAVE!

This is a fun book (For me) where I have fun literally ruining things for you! I post scary facts, gross facts, wEiRd facts, and facts to just overall ruin your day (and hopefully, your life!)

//Warning// While reading this book, you may have things ruined for you! So don't blame me if you didn't know that everyone has tiny mites living on their eyelashes!

Don't worry, I won't post spoilers for books or anything like that! I'm not a cruel person, just a... its complicated.

If you think you have a good way to ruin something for people and think I should put it in this book, PM me and I might add it! If not, I'm sorry, but I just believe that it isn't that life-ruining. We really try here people. (I WILL CREDIT YOU)

Every 10 chapters, I will add in a bonus GOOD fact for you! But, you already knew this because you read the first part of this book! Right? If not, then I will find you, and I will... gladly help you find your way to the book! :D hehe...Have fun reading this book! (and the one before it) And, tell me if I ruined anything for you!

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