1- Tiggerstar

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Firestar- Welcome to the first episode of 50 Ways To Get Killed By Tigerstar!!! I am joined by his son, Brambleclaw!!!

Brambleclaw- *Scrambles onstage and bows hastily, knocking a china Tigerstar off the table which shatters* Oops, sorry!

Firestar- *Sighs* Why did I hire you?

Brambleclaw- *Shrugs*

Firestar- *Sighs again* Anyway, welcome to episode 1 of... *Drumroll* 50 Ways To Get Killed By Tigerstar!!! Now let's go visit him! *skips happily out of the camp* Wait where is he?

Brambleclaw- In that tree *points his tail at tree branches*

Tigerstar- *Leaps lazily down from the tree landing on top of Brambleclaw, squishing him* Oops. What? Firestar, do you have a death wish?

Firestar- Oh, hi Tiggerstar!

Tiggerstar- You dare insult me?! I'm Tigerstar, not Tiggerstar! Wait... *Hisses* Night!

Night- *sighs* What Tiger- Tiggerstar?!

Tiggerstar- What happened to my name?


Brambleclaw- *Wiggles out from under Tiggerstar* That was us. We hacked the naming system

Night- You WHAT? I mean, I appreciate that you are annoying Tiggerstar, but hacking the naming system? You just had to break the Fourth Wall, didn't you!

Fourth Wall- *Shoves candy canes into his mouth crying and nodding with a huge crack in the middle*

Tiggerstar- I'll be right back! *storms over to a tree and summons a laptop* ha! *hacks naming system*

Naming system- You have successfully changed Firestar to Fried star, Night to Day and Brambleclaw to Barbieclaw, Night

Day- Tiggerstar! Get back here!!!

Fried Star- What did you do? MY NAME!!!

Barbieclaw- DAD!!!

Tiggerstar- Heh Heh! You always enjoyed Barbie when you were a kit, son! What happened?

Day- Tiggerstar, change it back!

Fried Star- At least I can do this!! *Grins* Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Fried Star- Tiggerstar!

Barbieclaw- Tiggerstar!

Tiggerstar- AAAAAHHH!!!!! *Kills Barbieclaw and Fried Star**Looks at Camera with glowing red eyes* *Snarls* You're next!

*Screen goes black*

Day (In the background) - *Sighs* Now I have to fix the naming system...

Hi Guys, Night here, wishing you a Merry Christmas!!! 🎄

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