3- You're the Worst

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Brambleclaw: Welcome back everyone!

Firestar: *violently shoves Brambleclaw out of the way* WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN?! STOP STEALING MY SPOTLIGHT!!! Now, welcome back to 50 Ways to Get Killed By Tigerstar! Let's give a very cold welcome to the worst cat in the world, Tigerstar!

Tigerstar: I AM NOT THE WORST!

Firestar: Uh huh, who got killed by a tiny black cat again?

Tigerstar: You!

Brambleclaw: Well, he does have a point, Firestar, but who got killed nine times all at once by a little black cat?

Tigerstar: ....

Firestar and Brambleclaw: *huge grins*

Tigerstar: *starts glancing around nervously*

Firestar and Brambleclaw: YOU!!!

Tigerstar: That is beyond the point, I am the greatest warrior of all time!

Brambleclaw: Sure...

Firestar: What about your son?

Brambleclaw: Aww... thanks Firestar!

Firestar: No! Not you! Why would anyone ever think of you? Hawkfrost!

Brambleclaw: *silently sobs*

Tigerstar: He has a point, you know...


Tigerstar: That's my son!

Firestar: It was just luck... but either way... Hawkfrost was better than Tigerstar so ha!

Brambleclaw: So then I am better than him too!

Tigerstar and Firestar: WHAT?!

Brambleclaw: I defeated someone who is better than him so I am better too!

Tigerstar: No! Not a chance! I am the strongest one!

Firestar: ...You are completely right there is not a chance that Brambleclaw is better than you..
But I know someone who is...

Brambleclaw: *still silently sobbing*

Tigerstar: Who?!

Firestar: Thistleclaw!!

Tigerstar: WHAT?! Not possible! Unacceptable! Thistleclaw?!

Brambleclaw: *now making obnoxious noises while sobbing*

Firestar: Yep! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst!

Firestar and Brambleclaw: *continuing to do what they were doing before for an eternity*

Tigerstar: Argh! You two are so annoying!

Tigerstar: *explodes into an angry rage*

Brambleclaw: We're dead aren't we?

Firestar: Yep, prepare yourself.

Brambleclaw and Firestar: *continue to do previous actions that enraged Tigerstar*

Tigerstar: *kills Brambleclaw and Firestar*

Tigerstar: Nobody ever will dare to question my power!

By Blossomtail! Hope you enjoyed!

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