Chapter Six

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Softy.... This chapter is for you♥

Rufaidah decided to watch a movie on her laptop so that Zubaidah will study for her exams. She's a medical student in her 5th year.

"I don't think I can be able to sleep without getting some answers,  the weird thing is that I just realised that I can't remember anything that happened in my childhood,  yaya Shams was telling me stories the other day and I didn't read too much into the reason why I can't remember anything"  she blurted,  taking notice of how tensed Zubaidah become.

"Just be patient, we will tell you everything in shaa Allah" she mumbled,  knowing that she isn't going to get a wink of sleep also, the memories of that day still haunt her and seeing Rufaidah like this with no idea what happened all those years ago increased her guilt ten folds and her resolve to become a brain surgeon stronger than ever.   The Rufaidah she knew back then was kind, happy and so full of life,  they are supposed to be best friends, they are supposed to share the same dream,  study the same course,  do everything together like twins.  The Rufaidah she knew is very brilliant,  she ace in everything,  she is always the first to finish an assignment,  the first to give haddah in islamiyyah and boy she was so strict when it comes to salah,  they were seven but she takes prayers so serious they often complain about it, she was the reason why she is good but the stories and updates about Rufaidah's life made her heart break,  because the Rufaidah she knew isn't the one laying in her bed right now.

She is still in possession of all those gifts they exchanged,  ranging from hair bands to pencils and crayons to dolls, she couldn't give them out because they are the only connection she has with Rufaidah,  she always feel jealous of Faridah whenever she see their picture online or read a post about their friendship but at the same time she's thankful to her for sticking around.

"Why are you crying? " Rufaidah startled her. She quickly wipe away her tears sporting a fake smile.

"Eye problem,  I get teary eyed when I am tired of studying" she chuckled nervously.

"If that's the case then close the book and rest, you can study before the exams tomorrow"

"Yeah,  you're right"

Yaya Shams texted Rufaidah asking if she's comfortable and she replied with a simple yes. He texted Zubaidah begging her to not tell Rufaidah anything yet,  they are thinking of the best way to break the news to her.  He knew that he should have told her after they made up, she opened up to him, trusted him, even tell him time and again that she love him and now he has to be the one to break her heart,  the one to tell her what their parents forbade them from saying,  what he is expected to take to his grave and what might bring an end to his relationship with her. Whatever the repercussions,  he convinced himself it is the right thing to do and he's ready to bear the consequences.

Neither Rufaidah nor Zubaidah get a wink of sleep that night and before Rufaidah woke up after subh Zubaidah has left for school leaving a note saying she will be back immediately after her exams and that Rufaidah should be free to wander around the house.  Since it is not her habit to greet anyone at home, she didn't think it is necessary to do that here,  afterall Hajiya hates her and she's not ready to be looked down upon. 

A knock brought her out of reverie,  it was Hafeez dressed in kaftan donning a cap like he was born to rock it.  They exchanged some pleasantries before he informed her that everyone is waiting for her. She nodded telling him that she will be there in five.

She took her sweet time in brushing her teeth and taking a bath then contemplating on what to wear,  the jeans and knee length top or the sleeveless gown?  She opted for the jeans after much deliberation.  She didn't see the need to cover her hair as she took her phone trying to remember the direction given to her by Hafeez.

"Alhaji why can't we just eat without her? Rufaidah is a spoilt child what makes you think she will act differently here? " Rufaidah overheard Hajiya as she descend the stairs.

"Let me check up on her,  maybe she's lost" Hafeez offered as Rufaidah came in view.  She greeted her uncle and ignored Hajiya. 

"Baki isa kizo gidana Kice zaki raina min hankali ba (you can't come to my house and disrespect me)" Hajiya seethes,  she is so angry you can see literal fume coming out of her ears.

"Ohh sorry I didn't see you,  ina kwana Hajiya?(good morning)" Rufaidah said,  serving herself some cow leg in a plate.

"Alhaji do something before I break this good for nothing girl into pieces"

Uncle Jibrin shook his head and with a stern voice commanded both Hajiya and Rufaidah to not say a word until he ask them to.

"I am disappointed in both of you.  Hajiya, Rufaidah was the apple of your eyes,  you loved her as much as you love our kids, I understand why you're mad at her but don't you think she's not to be blamed?  Can't you at least be happy that after such a long time she's finally willing to see us, to rekindle the beautiful bond we once share? 

And you Rufaidah,  I won't condone your haughty attitude okay?  This is my house,  she is my wife,  the mother of my kids. You should accord her with the same respect you give me, whether she is nice to you or not.  Am I clear?"

Rufaidah meekly nodded, turning to a now calm Hajiya she said "I am very sorry Hajiya please forgive me. Everything is so confusing right now and I thought you hate me"

Hajiya shook her head vigorously " You were the apple of my eyes Rufai, everyone loves you because you were such a beautiful and kind girl. I am sorry too for acting hostile towards you" Uncle Jibrin and Hafeez smiled satisfactorily as they continue eating their breakfast in silence.

"Yaya Hafeez where is yaya Shams?" Rufaidah asked immediately she finish off her food.

"Now that your belle is filled to the brim you finally remember that you have a brother huh?" He teased.

Rufaidah puckered her lips in a pout. " He stepped out to take care of some things,  he will be back in an hour or so in shaa Allah"  She didn't miss the eye contact Hafeez shared with his father.  She excused herself to go back to  Zubaidah's room which they obliged rather enthusiastically.

Once the door closed behind her, she dialed Mama's number.

"Assalamu Alaikum Rufaidah,  I was about to call you.  Come over to the hospital,  we are allowed to see Faridah" Mama answered the call, she sounds so happy one might think her daughter is out of coma and back to health.

"I am on my way" is the only thing she was able to say before dashing out of the room at the speed of light.

"Yaya Hafeez please take me to the hospital" she begged Hafeez who was staring into space.  He gave her a once over from head to toe before saying " Okay but at least cover your hair madam" she didn't wait for him to add anything further before dashing back to the room, she took the hijab she prayed subh with not minding if it match with her clothes or  not.  She found him at the lot waiting for her and to her surprise he led the way to Faridah's ward without asking for direction.  She gave him an inquisitive look.

"Shams, Al'amin and I are inseparable and I have known her for ages. You should have figured that out by now" he offered giving her a subtle wink.  She just concentrated on the rapid beating of her heart, she wanted to see Reedah so badly it hurts and a part of her is ashamed of meeting her.

Faridah's whole family are in the hospital, they all look happy and scared.  Rufaidah surprised them all by greeting them and asking about the patient before Al'amin gave her the green light to enter. 

She burst into tears the moment Reedah's almost lifeless form came into view,  the room is eerily quite except for the beeping sound of the machines. She clutched Faridah's fragile cold hands into her warm ones.

"Hey" she whispered before laughing out loud.

" I should be saying Assalamu alaikum instead of hey, yaya Shams will be so disappointed in me right now. I am very sorry Reedah,  I am truly sorry for everything especially for being selfish and self indulgent,  for never putting your feelings above mine,  for wasting the times I'd have used to show you how much I love you,  how much you mean to me, I'm sorry for being an idiot,  for forsaking you when you needed me the most.  A lot of confusing things and good things are happening right now and I am being my usual selfish self because I need you Reedah,  I need you to tell me that everything is going to be alright,  I need you to keep me sane like you always do,  I need you to wake up,  get well and see for yourself how I'm trying to change,  to be what you always want me to become,  I think I have a favorite color but I won't tell until you're up and about.  I miss you Besty, please wake up. May Allah grant you perfect and quick shifaa.  I love you".

Her hijab is drenched with tears, Mama that came in after Rufaidah shed some tears too. She felt guilty for lashing out on Rufaidah the other day,  but she didn't regret doing that because it is the push she needed to be better.

Rufaidah hugged Mama and cried her heart out, everyone feel pity for her even though she's not their favorite person.  Hafeez couldn't stand the sight so he went back to the car to wait for her. She came out with puffy red eyes and a killer headache that's threatening to split her head into two.

"She's going to be fine,  Faridah is a strong girl, just keep praying for her, tears won't get her better" he consoled, briefly glancing at Rufaidah, her head bent low.

Zubaidah was back by the time they get home, she quickly give Rufaidah a pain reliever for her headache after which she convince her to get some rest. 


Mommy is worried sick when the clock hits midnight and her children aren't back,  she contemplated calling them but have no idea what to say, if daddy is around he'd have masked his guilt with anger and she's not an expert at that. She finally summoned the courage to text shams asking of their whereabouts.  His short reply made her feel light headed.  No!  Rufaidah hates her already and if she gets to know the truth then she's damn sure the stubborn mean girl she's unfortunate to have as a daughter will never forgive her,  she will hate her till she die.

She called daddy who is out of the country for a meeting to inform him about the problem at hand and the impending doom they are going to face if nothing is done about it. But as usual his personal assistant picked,  telling her to leave a message as if she's a beggar looking for alms.

"Tell him to call me, it is a life and death situation" she hollered,  feeling frustrated.

It has been three hours and yet, there's nothing from her husband. 

She called Mama who picked telling her that she's in the hospital and will call her when she gets home.

"Afwan, I totally forgot wallahi,  how's she doing" she asked pacing the room,  thinking of another way out.  She can't go to  Jibrin's house or call Hajiya,  not after what they did.

"She's getting better Alhamdulillah,  thank you for asking Aisha" Mama's sarcastic reply came  before she clicked off the call.

If you are eager to know what happened, do vote and comment and guess the correct answer.
Shukran jazeel.

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