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Gone are the days when she counts her blessings because they are very few in her chaotic world. She has grown mentally and spiritually beyond her wildest imaginations and she has no one but Allah, her amazing husband and supportive family to thank every waking day of her normal life.

They've had their differences, their ups and downs. Moments they don't wish to even see each  other's faces but it only made them stronger, solidified their relationship and gave them the assurance that they can weather through every storm that might come their way. Hand in hand till the end of time, beyond this dunyah in the gardens of Jannah where there is no pain, no sorrow, only unadulterated happiness and contentment.

Rufaidah waved at her two adorable kids whom she'd had complications bringing into the world, getting their attention to come towards where she parked her car. They alternate on taking the kids to and from school and it happened to be her turn.

"Assalamu alaikum Ummi" Muhammad and Aisha greeted her with wide smiles showing how happy they are to see their mother.

"Wa'alaikumussalam sweethearts, how was school today?" She replied patting their heads after collecting their bags and lunch box to be deposited in the trunk of the car.

"Alhamdulillah. I felt like flying out of the class to go home. I am so tired" Aisha, the lazy bum grumbled as she struggled to enter the back seat. Rufaidah helped her settle in before opening her own door. She started the car after saying 'Bismillah'.

"You always feel like flying Mamana. You should be patient and hardworking because after every hardship comes ease. I know that it is draining for you to come to school by eight and only leave by four. Your Abbi thinks it is better than attending two different schools" she kindly explained to her 6years old daughter named after her mother.

"I told her the same thing, she is just too stubborn. She doesn't rest during break time that's why she's always very tired" Muhammad who is 10 chipped in.

"I said I am sorry Yaya. Please don't tell Abbi. He will be mad at me" she squeezed her face like she's about to cry.

"Shhhh don't cry sis. I will not say a word to him. I promise" Muhammad pacified her as Rufaidah listened without saying a word knowing that she will only make her daughter cry.

When the got home, Rufaidah instructed her kids to go on about their daily routine of removing their shoes, dropping their bags in their rooms and putting their uniforms in the laundry basket after which they will head to the bathroom to take a bath as she prepares dinner for them. They will rest a bit waiting for Al'amin to come home a few minutes to maghrib. Al'amin and Muhammad will then head to the masjid while the ladies will pray at home.

"Why is she looking so dull today?" Al'amin asked as they were having dinner.

"You know her and her silly mood swings. She needs rest" Rufaidah replied, handing him a glass of water.

They ate in silence after which they moved to the living room for family time. They both help the kids with home work and their haddah.  After ishaa, the kids retired for the day after bidding their parents goodnight.


"Baby I miss them, like so so much. We should visit them next week please" Hajar puckered her lips out to Shams begging him to find time in his busy schedule. They had  moved to another city a few years back and she's terribly missing her siblings and cousins.

"I told you that we will go during holidays. We can't travel when the kids are in session. Why do you always want to complicate things? When did you become this way?" He tried to sound stern and angry but his voice betrayed him making her burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Aye captain. Your wish is my command sir" she mock saluted him, pinched his cheeks and sashayed out of his study where she specifically went to disturb him. She termed him a workaholic even though she's a very busy woman herself as a medical doctor.

"Don't let me catch you Babe, you'll regret what you just did" Shams's voice trailed behind her.

She check in on her four kids, three boys and a girl who is 9 and the eldest before calling it a day.

"What are you still doing by this time?" She asked Amina who is busy jotting only God knows what in her diary.

"I am making an entry in my diary Maama. I will soon finish and sleep" she replied not lifting her head to look at Hajar.

"Ten minutes Amina. Don't let me catch you awake the next time I come into this room" Amina nodded as Hajar sauntered out.

She went into the boys room, blow azhkars over them and adjusted their blankets before turning off the lights and closing the door behind her.


Ummi dropped her keys on the console with a tired sigh unpinning her hijab after handing her bag over to the maid that rushed into the living room to welcome her.

"Welcome Hajia. Alhaji is back" the maid informed.

"Thank you. Where is he?" She asked looking around the spacious living area for any sign she must have missed that he's back.

"I don't know Hajia. But he is back"

Her heart beat accelerated knowing that he's back after so many long weeks. God knows that she missed him so much and can't wait to feel him close to her. She ran to their bedroom opening the door wide only to see him sprawled on the bed sleeping peacefully. She reduced her clothing and lay on his back not caring that he must be tired and in need of rest.

Mas'ud felt her presence even before she lay on his back but doesn't want to spoil the moment for his beloved. He had missed her too and is always regretting succeeding his Father's business which is demanding and requires him to travel from one country to another looking for investors, attending meetings and commissioning new branches.

After a few minutes he turned them over towering above the most beautiful being he is lucky to call his.

"Darling I've missed you so so so so so very much" he professed giving her a soft peck on her lips.

"I missed you more Highness. Everything is so bland without you near" she sounded like she's about to cry.

"I know hun and I am really sorry, please forgive your husband will you?" Ummi knew that she can't stay mad at him for a second. She hugged him to herself feeling his familiar scent as calmness washed over her entire being.

"Welcome home my love. I love you" she whispered before getting up to prepare his food.

"Take a warm bath if you haven't, I will be back in a jiffy" she instructed before going out.

They are married for 8years and  have been trying to have kids for years, have gone to so many hospitals for check ups but they were assured that nothing is wrong with them that it will happen when Allah wills it. They are always ecstatic to have Muhammad and Aisha over for the holidays. They spoil them rotten and shower them with so much love and care.

Ummi has started working as a chief operating officer in an organization. She loves her work and everything about it and she takes care of Hajjah who is now old and retired.


"Yah Allah! You will not drive me nuts at this young age Samha. I will not let you!" Zubaidah bellowed exasperatedly to her 7 years old daughter who is always in need of attention.

"Mommy mana, one last bite" Samha insisted stamping her legs.

"Sweedy please talk to your daughter before I get angry and give her a slap" she faced her husband her eyes screaming for help. He gave Samha a stern look that automatically shut her up without further argument.

"Wallahi ta raina ni.  Let's see who will take you to Uncle Hafiz's house" She grumbled to the amusement of her husband.

They were on their way to the Jibrans house for a brunch date with the family. Aunty Nafisah has  married again to one of Uncle Jibran's friends. Jibran Jnr and Mufeedah have both graduated university and are working. Hafiz is also married with kids.

Hajiya Samira is always happy to host brunch for her beautiful family. They always have fun, bantered and teased which makes her heart swell with love and pride.

"Mama why is Rufaidah Noor Sa'ad not here yet?" Zuby asked as soon as they arrived looking around for her Besty and favorite cousin.

"They called to cancel. The kids have a function they have to attend in school" Hajiya Samira replied.

"Why didn't she tell me then?" She mumbled a tad bit confused checking her messages and call log in case she missed a call or text from Rufy.

They had fun with Hafiz and his outgoing wife who happened to be way more talkative than he is. They call them a perfect match. There will never be a dull moment in Hafiz's house.


"You look so handsome my boy. I am very proud of you" Rufaidah said, appreciating the beauty in front of her who is none other than her first child who is graduating primary school. They kept it low key because the function is strictly for close family relation and knowing her cousins especially Zubaidah they will troop into the school and create a big mess out of everything.

"Thank You Ummi. I am proud of you too" Muhammad said wounding his arms around her in a warm hug.

Being a very intelligent, calm and collected boy, he received a lot of gifts both from the conventional and Islamic section of the schoool. He will continue with his studies there on scholarship from Jss1_3. Al'amin told Rufaidah that he will decline it so that another less privileged kid from a  public school will benefit from it and she agreed with him. Aisha too had fun with her friends before the event is wrapped up and they went home.

After tucking the kids in bed, Rufaidah started getting ready for the night only to feel him behind her. He drew her close to himself tucking his head on her neck.

"You've done a very good job with our kids Noor. I am always thankful to have you as mine and the mother of my kids" he professed inhaling her sweet velvety scent.

"And you too Malik. I wouldn't have been an ideal mother to them if not because of your love and support. Mama's too"

"I wish they are alive to see them grow but Allah loves them more" he said with sadness in his tone.

"I miss her more you know, she was like a mother to me too, always have. May Allah continue to have mercy on their souls. Am sure Reedah would've been a proud aunt too"

"That she will. I can't wait to have another daughter so that we will name her after her "

"Me too" she whispered.

They kept complimenting each other, reminiscing of the kids birth and their early days in life, sharing inside jokes over a cuppa and whispering sweet nothings to each other. It wasn't just about the first 52 Weeks they spent together as man and wife but the subsequent anniversaries they've had, their strengths merged with weaknesses, leaving behind a dark past for a bright future filled with love and light and having bundles of barakah to call their own to take care of for the rest of their lives. The journey was filled with thorns but with Sabr, tawakkul and a zeal to change, they've come thus far, proud, bigger and better.


Alhamdulillah! All praise and thanks to Almighty Allah, the Most Beneficient, Most Merciful Who gave me the ability to write and finish off this book today.

I started the first draft on 19th day of April 2019. I got discouraged along the away, mixed up the story line, changed the synopsis because it was initially a story centered on Hajar's life but a very good friend turned sister, an avid reader of this book encouraged me to go on. Thank you darling faree003 I appreciate you beyond words wallah. She even told me to join wattys imagine😂. I have so many of you here who also encourage me with kind words, telling me that I am sending a message and that is the best thing for me. Thank you DeejahAmeenu for reading, voting and commenting more than anyone else.

To Aishatu Aliyu Mamman, girl your VNs make me laugh and my heart is always filled with happiness after listening to them especially when you compared me to Colleen Hoover (my head almost burst)  UnmiAisha. Thank you so much.

To you all who are too many to mention; I see you, I appreciate you and I pray that Allah grant every desire of your heart if it's khair for you.  I love you all fisabillillah. Don't hesitate to point out my mistakes, give constructive criticisms and anything that might be helpful.

Good news is that I started writing this book before going to law school and today I passed the Bar🎓 Little ol' me is a Barrister Alhamdulillah!!!

Have a blast life and remain pure and heartily blessed.

A.H Bello Esq 😎

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