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A lost childhood, 
A chaotic present,
A set of parents who needs to get a taste of their own medicine,
And a journey to redemption, severing old ties and creating new ones. 
A journey of 52 weeks that portrays the strength of a United family and a girl who vowed to never give up even though she has every reason to.


Coming from an insanely rich background, Rufaidah had never been taught how to do anything other than issue command and haughty looks to everyone no matter their social strata. She thinks she is invincible, beautiful and had it all so there is no need to treat others right. No one deserves the queenly treatment she gets and she will love that to remain so.

At 21years, she is already a graduate of International Relations from the prestigious ABTI American University Nigeria. Being the fifth and last child, she has so many privileges others will die for, but unlike any over protective elder brothers, her brothers pay no attention to her, she doesn't exist in the house to them and she can count the exact number of times she saw them since she was born and it doesn't faze her one bit. Why will it? After all, they are busy with their lives as much as she's busy with hers.

She has tons of friends but none that she treats with love or kindness. They are just her pawns to order around as she wish and nothing more. She seldom prays because she never take her religious classes seriously and no one shows her the implications of her negligence.

She wails and throws a tantrum whenever she loses an item she likes, an outsider would think there has been a loss of life. Over pampered to the maximum level she thinks she has it all! What a terrible mistake that is.

The only person she fears is the brother she always have glances at from a distance, Shamsuddeen. He exudes an aura of confidence wherever he goes and whenever their eyes meet, it's always the same chilly glance that instantly freezes her up and make her tremble in fright. He sends her messages each Friday and during Eid celebration. Whenever she dresses like a Barbie doll she receives a chilly look of reprimand but the funny thing is that she can't recognize him in a midst of men and she's totally cool with that.

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuhu.

Welcome back readers! I hope you'll enjoy this new ride with me as we disembarked from Lost Identity. If you haven't read that one, you're recommended to take a step back and do so. Mind you, this book is a stand alone novel and has no link whatsoever to the former one.

Constructive criticisms, corrections and comments of any kind that won't hurt my feelings are highly welcomed. Please don't forget to press the star button at beginning, middle or end of any chapter.

I sincerely hope you will enjoy this one as much as I anticipate the joy of writing it.

Stay blessed ❤

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