King Uruman's Treasure

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The world was clad in linen clothes and dirt, but in The Court of Magic no one noticed the world outside the walls. Wands made of oak fared side by side with those made of willow and birk. No gift was too small to be noticed and none too great to be admired. Inside The Court of Magic colours mingled among each other as dark skinned men came across the ocean to see the king known for his wit and for his heart. And light skinned sorceress travelled halfway across the globe to learn the secret ways of witches born beneath the soaring sun.

But this is neither the tale of the dark skinned wizards nor the light skinned sorceresses. This is the tale of the king who sat at the head of The Court of Magic.

Not only did people come to see him, he to rode forth and back between the borders of his land to get to know all things worth knowing. One time he travelled along a scarcely used road. The wizards with which he travelled had advised him to choose another road, for this one was known for luring travellers astray. He clearly had not listened.

Down that road he met a woman old enough to be his grandmother.

'Halt, o, rider,' she called out. 'Who dare travel down my road?'

'I, King Uruman of The Court of Magic, dare travel down your road. And tell me the, dear lady, who are you?' the king answered with a smile.

'I am the keeper of the secrets long time lost beneath the earth. Should you dare then ride on, but send the rest to meet you where you wish. Only one can travel down the road I guard," the old lady said.

And so King Uruman send away his men. The precise events that overcame the king have been lost to history, but later it was said, he returned to the road. There he begged the old lady to grant him a single wish. It is said, she did as he pleaded. After that he returned to his court, and soon after death came looking for him.

But before all that, he met up with the most trusted wizards of his court and showed them a treasure containing such mighty magica that they had never seen the likes of it. For decades King Uruman treasured the magic items he had brought with him from his meeting with the old lady.

But all good things come to an end.

One day he started feeling weak. His hair grew gray, his body started to wrinkle, and his magic slowly left his blood. Even the best healers in the world could do nothing to slow the king's decay, and soon he was but a shadow of his former self.

And then he set out on the last travel he should ever make. With a box containing all the magic items once seen as a wonderful treasure he rode out to meet the old lady. She who kept the secrets long time lost beneath the earth granted the dying king a wish.

She clasped her hands together and drew from the space between them a dosen glowing lights.

'Let them out where you see fit, they will guard it with their live,' she said and handed the flickering lights to the king.

And so he mounted his horse and once again set out to graze The Court of Magic with his presence. On his way back there he came across an old school whose founder was as much a myth as King Uruman later would become. It was a school place not far from the costs of the see as dark as the night with mountains towering at the horizon.

He spent a night at the school and then returned to his court. Not soon after he lay down his head to never again to see the rising sun. The wizards who had made up the heart of The Court of Magic under the reign of King Uruman searched everywhere to find his treasure. They never found it and soon the memory of it was lost to time.

On The Plain behind the school new monsters soon came to life. No one knew where they came from.

And only the wind carries the rumor of King Uruman's Treasure.

Prompt: Fantasy

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