Cake~ Double Trouble

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Hey guys here's another part and this part goes out to Irish_British101 she sent me this and I absolutely love it. I may have changed it a little bit but it's still the same. I hope you all enjoy this part and have a great day!

~Luke's P.O.V~
I had gotten up from to couch to use the bathroom when one of our little girls decided to kick my bladder.

"Babe I'm heading to the store now. I should be back in about 4 or 5 hours!" Calum said and I heard him putting on his coat and shoes.

"Alright. I'll be fine." I said which was a lie because I had been feeling pains all morning since breakfast but they weren't too major so I never said a word to Calum about it. I finished up in the bathroom and slowly made my way to the couch and a really strong pain and I felt water leak down my leg.

"Shit." I said and tried to go upstairs for my phone and had a few pains along the way up. I got there and grabbed my phone and dialed Calum's number and it rang and rang. He didn't answer which meant he left his phone in the car or it was on silent.

"Fuck....." I moaned in pain and grabbed the small of my back as another pain came and I leaned over on the bed for a moment. I headed over to the bathroom and grabbed some towels and scissors and some string from the kitchen. I slowly made my way out of the kitchen to feel a sligh pressure and one of our girls drop down to my pelvic bone area.

I got in the living room and tried to sit on the couch and I couldn't with the pain I was in and I felt like I was sitting on one of one of the girls.

I slid my pants down slowly and sat on the floor and even more pain overwhelmed me and I cried out.

I moved my hand down there and felt the top of one of their heads. I cried out more and she moved lower. I felt the urge to push and I did but she didn't move.

I cried out again and let a few tears fall down my face and panted a bit. I tried pushing again and I felt like I had pushed for hours before I finally felt her move out some.

I pushed more and her head was out and I panted a bit and she moved out more. I grasped her head a bit and pushed more and held her so she wouldn't fall onto the floor.

I felt her body slide out of me and the pain vanished and I wrapped string around her umbilical cord and cut it and wrapped her in a towel and cradled her to my chest and smiled while caressing her cheek and set her on the couch when I felt her sister move down more.

I cried out as she moved slowly down. I bit my lip and cried out more as the pain was ten times as worse than with our first girl.

I felt her start to crown and I pushed down and her head slowly moved out and I panted a bit and pushed down again.

"Why me?" I whimpered and yelped a bit from the sudden rush of pain I got. I pushed down again and grasped her head when it was out and pushed down again and she didn't move.

I panted a bit and wiped my forehead full of sweat and and pushed down again and again not getting anywhere.

I slowly sat up a bit and I pushed down some more and she wasn't moving. I cried out and pushed more and more until she finally moved down some and her shoulders popped out and I smiled while panting and let more tears fall down my face. I pushed again and she slowly moved down more.

I had a little more than half of her body out. I slowly pulled on her a bit and that hurt worse than pushing and I whimpered a bit and I pushed again and her body slid out and I cut her cord and wrapped her in a towel and took another towel and cleaned myself up a little bit.

I cleaned up the floor and wiped my face off and my legs and pulled off my shirt. I picked up our girls after I placed a blanket over my naked body and cuddled them close to my chest.

I heard a car pull in the driveway and a door shut and Calum's sweet voice.

"Babe. I'm back!" He called out and I used my hoarse voice from the birth.

"In the living room..." I said drifting off at the end and holding our girls closer.

"Hey babe I-" He cut himself off when he saw me.

"When." He said sitting next to me on the floor and caressed one of our girls cheeks.

"A few minutes ago, I went into labour a half hour after you left. I tried calling you but you didn't answer I would've tried again but my phone is over there." I said motioning to the coffee table.

"I'm sorry you had to do this alone babe." He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled weakly.

"What're we gonna name them?" I asked tiredly.

"How about Sapphire Lexi and Charlotte Rose." He suggested. I loved them both.

"I love them Cal." I said and leaned into him a bit and he took the girls from my arms to give them a small bath and I slowly drifted to sleep happy that our little girls were here safe and sound....

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this don't forget to leave me requests! I love you all bye!

Alexis Out!

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