Malum- Arguement

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I slammed another magazine on the coffee table frustrated at this shit.

"Another scandal thing baby?" Mikey asked me waddling in the living room.

"Yeah it's annoying me. I'm gonna go out for a drink. I'll be back later I promise baby." I told him and left.


Great, just great another drunk night from Calum.

I sat on the couch just worrying about Calum. I felt some kicks to my mid-section and rubbed my stomach a bit.

"I know Clarisse, you don't like me stressing but I'm worried about daddy." I muttered softly to our daughter.

I continued to rub my stomach while watching tv just hoping Calum would get home soon and be sober.

I started to grow tired and ended up sleeping on the couch with the tv playing softly in the background.


I woke up to the front door opening and a small string of curses coming from their mouth.

I knew it, Calum came home drunk again. I slowly sat up on the couch and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Your drunk." I called out pissed. Calum turned to look at me and made his way over to the couch.

"N-n-no I'm not. I'm fine baby." He said going to kiss me and I pushed him away.

"I'm getting sick of this Calum! Every night you go out and get drunk and come home expecting me to fuck you!" I yelled at him.

"It's not that bad babe.. I'm just stressed right now with the paparazzi and the new baby." Calum said rubbing the back of his neck.

"So that's your excuse to go drink? You going to be a father in 2 months Cal! 2 months! You need to get your act together. Try talking about your problems instead of going to a bar for a drink!" I exclaimed to him and went to go to the kitchen for some water.

"You don't know how hard this is on me right now Mikey! You hardly leave the house anymore!" He yelled at me following me to the kitchen.

"Because the stress could cause early labor and I don't want to harm our daughter! Last time I checked you haven't done anything to do with her since all this scandal shit started about 3 months ago!" I said and stayed where I was by the sink.

"Well I'm sorry. You don't seem to care anymore!" He yelled at me and I set my glass down.

"Your a drunk Calum. Get your shit together or I'm not letting you near our child. I'm sick of this shit." I said and rubbed my stomach from the pains I was starting to get from all the stress.

I leaned against the counter as Calum looked hurt. I put my head down on the cool tile of the island.

"Mikey? You okay?" He asked me rubbing my back. I grunted.

"I'm getting cramps." I muttered and stayed where I was in the kitchen with Cal rubbing my back soothingly.

"Could it be labor babe?" He asked me almost immediately sobering up. I felt a pop between my legs and nodded fast.

"Yeah. It's labor babe but she's not waiting.." I said biting my lip in pain. I leaned into him and Calum lead me to our room and stopping when I needed to.

After a long time of pain and pushing, I heard our little girl's cry and I dropped and smiled a little bit since I was tired.

Calum called an ambulance and waited with me while I was exhausted.

"You did so good Mikey." He said smoothing back my hair that stuck to my face.

"No we did good babe." I said and held his hand.

Clarisse June Hood.

Sorry for the short one I am currently just getting out of my writers block and I changed this request up slightly but its still here. I have 3 more requests I'll get done today so have fun bye!

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