Muke- Flu?

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Sorry short chapter for this. I was a bit stumped on how to write this one! Love you bye!


It was the beginning of tour and I couldn't be more happy for this.

But I had come down with the flu about a month back and it doesn't seem to go away.

I can't eat, can't sleep, definitely can't have sex, I can't seem to do anything lately and it's a pain because I can't act my normal self.

I noticed I gained a few pounds, maybe 10, but it wasn't noticable to the fans thankfully or I'd never hear the end of it.

'Luke's letting himself go.'

'Luke's fat.'

'Luke's a fat pig.'

The list can go on and on. Michael has been here for me and so have Ash and Cal but they have so much to do already so they check on me when they can.

Michael wants to take me to the doctors but I said no. I hate hospitals.

I just want to fight this on my own. Lately my gut has been acting strange and causing me pain in the most random moments.

We could be doing sound check when it happens. Happened once during one of our latest concerts.

Michael wants me to skip concerts until I'm better but I feel fine until the pain hits.

I told Michael if I was to collapse on stage then I can go to the hospital and I swear he's silently hoping it happens so I'll go to the doctor.

"How ya feeling baby?" He asked me pulling open my curtain on the bunk.

"A little better than earlier. I'll be fine I swear." I tried to reassure him and I don't think it worked in the slightest with the look he gave me.

"We have 4 days until our next concert will you please go see a doctor? Your pain has only gotten worse." He pleaded with me.

I sighed and closed my eyes. If it really makes him happy then I will.

"Make an appointment for me then Mikey. I'll go if it makes you feel better." I said and he smiled gently kissing my forehead.

Ash and Cal have been out doing their own things for the past couple days leaving me and Mikey alone thankfully.

He shut my curtain leaving me alone to go to sleep again and to call the doctor.


I woke up to the TV on a low volume. I looked at my phone and turned it on going to browse Twitter and Instagram.

I was scrolling through my feed and seeing the usual posts of devotion from our fans.

I scrolled some more and saw some hate comments but they weren't exactly hate. Just pointing out that I gained some weight and other things about me being off lately.

I texted Mikey that the fans were noticing things were off with me. He replied telling me not to worry about it.

I shut my apps off and tossed my phone aside. Hopefully this flu will just blow over.


I had gotten worse over the past few days and the show we had tonight was really hard on me. We were going back to the bus so I could sleep and the boys could eat.

My appointment was tomorrow morning and Mikey was keeping me steady since I was weaker and couldn't stand straight.

As we got on the bus Ash and Cal grabbed some food and went to play video games while Mikey helped me to my bunk.

I had leaned against the wall in great pain and whimpered since it was so bad. My knees were shaking and I was so close to collapsing.

"Why don't we take you to the hospital babe?" Mikey asked me sounding concerned.

I just nodded with his agreement and the rest of the time was a blur. He called our security guard and had him drive us to the hospital and he let Ash and Cal know.


After a thorough examination from the doctor and kicking Mikey out they took me to an operating room and wouldn't tell me why. They put me to sleep for the time being since the pain was unbearable.


I woke up in a white room and everything was blurry.

"Baby?" I heard Mikey ask while hovering over me.

"Where am I?...." I mumbled and tried to sit up but he wouldn't let me.

"You'll break the stitches don't. And your in the hospital." He said holding my hand.

"It was something unexpected but we have two little ones now." Mikey said pressing a button on the bed to sit me up.

"Wait so you're telling me I was pregnant?" I said somewhat fully awake and aware now.

"Yeah. You were pregnant with twins a girl and a boy." He said and went over to the two bassinets in the room and picked up the babies and brought them over handing one to me.

"This is our girl and I have our boy. I was waiting on you to name them." He said with a small smile.

"How about Melody Rose for our girl?" I said and he smiled.

"Jacob Riley for our son?" He asked and I smiled and kissed him tenderly.

Life couldn't be anymore unexpected and perfect than it is right now.

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