Ziam- Comatose Part 2

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Hey guys here's part 2 of Comatose and I'm changing the request a little bit. Also sorry if it's a little on the short side. Enjoy!

I held our baby close to my chest after wrapping her up in a towel and clipping the cord.

"She's so beautiful Li.." I said and looked up after a bit seeing him wit his eyes closed wasn't good. I started panicking and quickly got up setting the baby on the bed shaking Li gently.

"Come on baby... open your eyes... I need you to wake up so you can hold our little girl... she looks just like you.." I kept mumbling to him as I smoothed back his hair trying my hardest not to cry as I kept shaking him to wake him up.

I raced downstairs frantically looking for my phone and called an ambulance, telling them what happened.

I waited in agony for them holding my daughter close to my chest trying to soothe her wailing.

I heard a knock on the door and quickly went down to answer it leading them up to the bedroom.

"We'll take him and the baby you follow behind." One of the paramedics said getting Li up and downstairs to the stretcher.

I quickly got my keys and ran out to my car following the ambulance to the hospital.

I parked my car quickly trying to keep up with Li but they took him directly to an operating room to fix him up.

I paced the waiting room for what seemed to be hours. I buried my face into my hands waiting for news on Liam.

I had texted the boys hours ago and with their busy schedules they wished me well.

"Liam Malik?" A nurse in scrubs asked looking at a clip board. I shot up and walked over to her anxious for news on my loved ones.

"The baby is fine, perfectly healthy. Liam on the other hand, well he had to put in a medically induced coma from blood loss and damage from the delivery. We don't know when he'll wake up but you may see him, your daughter is in the nursery." She said leading me down the hallways to Liam's room.

I opened the door as she walked away and my heart broke into a million pieces.

"Oh my god, Li.. I'm so sorry this happened.." I whispered sitting down next to the bed, being very careful of all the wires and such, holding his hand gently.

"Our little girl is very healthy.." I said wiping my tears and continuing to ramble on about our little girl.

After a while I headed to the nursery to go see our little girl again.

I opened the door and a nurse noticed me and walked over.

"Your daughter is just being dressed in something warmer since there's a chill in here." She whispered softly with a warm smile on her face, finishing up with another baby before going to get ours.

I nodded and soon I saw the nurse walk in with her. She helped me properly hold her so I was supporting the right parts of her body.

"Have you thought of a name for her?" She asked me while checking on the other babies.

"Hope Juliette Malik." I said with a smile gracing my face.

"That's a wonderful name." She said and walked away to fill out some paperwork for her.

After sitting in the nursery with Hope for a couple hours just watching her and holding her I left to go back to the house and clean up a bit.

I was worried for Liam but he was a fighter I know he'll pull through this.

After I finished cleaning up I went to take a shower and clean myself off before I passed out from tiredness.


After a couple months I got into a routine with Hope. She's two months old and looks so much like Li other than my hair.

I was taking her with me to go up and visit Li today. I had a feeling today he was going to wake up. Maybe just maybe my gut it right.

When I walked in with Hope I headed to his room and opened the door I held his hand like I usually do and I was watching Hope for a little bit to make sure she didn't choke on her formula.

"Z..." I heard a voice say and I snapped my head up so fast I may have caused whiplash.

"Li! Oh baby I've missed you so much!" I said burying my face into his neck and hugging him.

"I've missed you too Z.." He said and smiled a bit. I reached for Hope and pulled her out of her car seat and showed her to Liam.

"This is Hope our little girl." I said handed her to Liam. He held her with such gentleness and care it was hard not to smile.

"She's so beautiful Z." He said and ran his hand over her hair.

"I love you so much babe. And our little girl." I said and kissed him.

"Now our family is complete." Liam said kissing me back.

I wouldn't change things at all.

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