award show time ! 1D

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a/n hey guys im trying to keep a balance of both 1d and 5sos imagines new author btw here she is i like her

Liam: You were overwhelmed being there at such a major event. It was so hard to appear calm, when as you and Liam walked down the red carpet you saw so many people you had admired and loved for so long. “This is insane,” you whispered to Liam, as your favorite singer stood mere feet from you, “Thank you so much for bringing me.” Liam glances towards you, a smile appearing on his face whenever he saw yours. You had become less impressed by his world after many, many months together, but this look you had now was the same one you’d worn the very first night you’d seen him in concert. “This is pretty exciting. I remember my first award show. It’s hard to imagine being so close to so many amazing musicians.” Your eyes widened with delight as you nodded, and looked all around you, “This is unbelievable.”

Harry: You actually did not want to go. You just felt like it was not your place to go to an award show. You were all dressed up and ready to go now, but you still felt unsure. “I’m just your girlfriend Harry. I don’t belong on a red carpet. It’s going to feel weird.” Harry completely disagreed with that. “No it’s not. It’s a big night for me, and I want you there supporting me. How is that weird?” You glanced down at the dress you refused to ask Harry the price of, and sighed, “I just feel like I’ll be tagging along where I don’t belong.” While you still were looking down, Harry stepped closer to you, and reached for your hand, “[Y/N], you do belong. You’re not tagging along. I want you there so badly, and please don’t worry about any of that.” You looked up at him, a small smile finding it’s way to your face, despite your thoughts, “I still feel like I don’t belong there, but I am going to support you. I love you, and I want to be there for you.”

Louis: You were a bundle of nerves as you stepped onto the red carpet holding onto Louis. His arm was wrapped around you tightly, and you wanted to feel truly confident standing there, but you didn’t. This was not something that felt normal to you, cameras flashing in your face, so many people screaming at your boyfriend for the best picture; it was all so much. it did help though, that every five seconds Louis was leaning over to whisper something in your ear. “You look so incredible. Better than any celebrity here.” You blushed, and just shook your head slightly. He could say that all he wanted, but you knew he was just being your amazingly sweet boyfriend. It wasn’t true, though maybe to him it was. “I mean it [Y/N]. Of every person in this room, none of them are even close to you.” You turned red again, “I don’t believe you.” “It’s true,” he assured you, “No matter who else is here.”

Zayn: Every major celebrity you could think of was at this award show. From singers to actors, everyone important in Hollywood seemed to be there. It was like a dream to be in the same room as all of them at once. You were still in awe, even 2 hours into the show, when Zayn asked how you were enjoying it. “This is the best night ever. Do you realize how many people I love are here?” This was a new side of you for Zayn. You’d somehow always managed to stay calm around him and the boys, and even his other famous friends, but now you were freaking out; and he loved it. “I’m really glad you’re so happy tonight. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited over an event before.” You glanced around the room quickly, and saw so many famous faces. It was just the most unreal feeling being there, “I’m just in shock I’m here.” Zayn placed an around across your shoulders, “And this one is not even the best one. Wait til the one next month. That is the truly exciting one.” Your eyes grew in size, “I don’t know how that’s possible.”

Niall: Walking down the red carpet, and holding onto Niall’s hand tightly, you felt so out of place. This was not your world. The celebrity aspect of Niall’s life was still something you were not used to, even though you’d been together for over a year. All of this was still so hard for you to handle, and you knew you did not fit in here with all these perfect celebrities. So when Niall tried to let go on your hand, you quickly grabbed his once again. You felt so awkward at this award show already, you knew you could not do it by yourself. Your smile for the cameras stayed on your face as you leaned in to whisper to him, “Just stay by me tonight. Please. I’m so nervous.” Niall held your hand a little tighter, instantly seeing your fear. There was no way he would leave your side now, “I will, I promise. I love [Y/N].”

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