family day at the zoo 1d

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Niall: "A monkey!" Your two year old son exclaimed, as he pointed at a monkey climbing high in a tree."Yeah, that is a monkey," you smiled, right as he began to clap, "Are you happy?" "Monkey!" Niall put an arm around you, as you both watched your son stare at the monkey with pure joy. "Can he be this happy forever?" "I know, it’s so cute," you replied, "He’s so happy right now." Niall nodded, and watched as your son’s gaze left the first monkey, and found another, "Do you see the other monkey?" "Yes!" He shouted, jumping up and down in excitement, "Monkeys!" Niall wished the amazement would never leave your son’s face. "So you’re glad we brought you here?" Your son glanced back at the two of you, smiling so brightly and nodded, "I love you!"

Zayn: ”She looks so upset,” Zayn commented, motioning towards your daughter. She had been so excited to go to the zoo, but now she looked close to tears. “What’s wrong?” You asked her, as Zayn bent down to her level. Pointing towards an empty area, her frown seemed to grow, “There’s no giraffe’s here!” Zayn glanced towards the uninhabited space. “You’re right, but they still have the tigers and monkeys.” He hoped that would make her happy, but instead her tears began to fall, “But I wanted to see a giraffe.” Zayn scooped her into his arms, as her sobs got louder. “How about we go home, and we’ll find another zoo later. One that has a lot of giraffe. Does that sound good?” Calming down slowly, she rested her head on Zayn’s shoulder, “Tons of giraffes!”

Louis: Louis was so ecstatic, as he’d watch your son’s face light up when he’d see a new animal. So when you stepped in front of the lions, Louis quickly looked down to see his face, “Look, it’s lions!” Instead of a smile, complete and utter horror filled your son’s face, before he rushed to stand behind your leg. “It’s okay, it can’t hurt you,” you told him, as his grip got tighter. You and Louis were both surprised by how petrified he was. He’d already seen bears and tigers, and this was the first animal to scare him. “Your mum and I won’t let it hurt you,” Louis explained, as he bent down to talk directly to your son, “It’s okay.” “I want to go back to the birds!” You son cried, trying to pull you away, “Please, please!” Louis knew this was not a time to try and change your son’s mind about his fear, so he just nodded, “Sure, let’s go back to the birds.”

Harry: You daughter hesitated, as Harry told her to pet the goat that kept coming up to her, waiting for her to pet it or feed it some food. “Just go on. It’s okay.” “I don’t think I should.” You put down the camera you were holding, waiting for that perfect picture; and noticed another goat right next to your husband. “Harry, pet that goat, and show her it’s okay.” “Look, see, it’s okay,” Harry told her, as he petted the goat gently, “They like it.” Your daughter was watching the goat closely, to make sure it seemed happy; and when she decided it did, she took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll pet it.” You quickly picked up the camera, right as your daughter nervously reached out her hand towards the goat.

Liam: “It’s so big!” “As big as our house!” “No smaller than that!” “No way!” You and Liam were amused, as you watched your two young daughters arguing over how large the elephants were. “Dad, tell her our house is bigger.” Liam of course knew your older daughter was right about it not being that big, but decided to play along with your toddler, “Well it is an elephant, and they are huge.” “Not that big! Right Mum?” She now looked towards you, as her sister tried to get a better view of the animal. “Well maybe it’s the size of your room,” you answered, hoping that would make both of them right. Your older child glanced back at the large mammal, and thought about it for a long minute, “Yeah, probably as big as my room.” “See, it is the size of our house!” “I said room, not house!” You and Liam both laughed, “It doesn’t matter girls, just agree it’s big.” “It is big!” “Giant!”

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