Chapter 1 The Betrayal

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Ash returns to Pallet Town with Pikachu by his side, he has been traveling for 9 years, and he has to split himself into 2 people with the help of aura. Luckily, he knows that he's not the only one, there is someone who shares the same fate as him.

"Hey, Pikachu. I heard that our friends are coming here today, right? They have something to tell us, I wonder what is it..."

Pikachu stares at him with a shrug, "Maybe they're here to congratulate you on your World Monarch win."

"I don't know. If that's the case, it will be amazing." Ash says.

As he opens the door, they see Professor Oak and his other travel companions sitting inside the living room., but he doesn't see his mother. Ash asks, "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?"

Misty says, "Ash, we need to talk to you."

"Um... Okay, about what?" Ash asks with confusion.

"About you giving up this stupid dream!" Iris says.

"Uh... what now?" Ash is confused.

"You heard her Ash, you need to give up this stupid dream of yours!" says May. "You need to realize it will never happen!"

"Wait, what? What is going on?" Ash wonders, what do they mean by stupid dream anyway?

"For starters, you have been dragging us with you to do some sort of saving the world, and it almost cost our lives." Goh says.

"And you decide to cheat your way after losing 6 leagues to make sure you get the World Champion as well!" Max says.

"I can't believe that I look up to you!" Bonnie says.

"And you have always been the reason that my machine explodes." Clemont says.

"I have been regretting kissing you at the escalator!" Serena says.

"And you have been causing us trouble at Alola." Kiawe says as all the classmates and Gladion nod, except for Lillie, who feels like she is about to explode.

"Excuse me! It isn't my fault that all of this happened! And besides, if I really cheat, why didn't the police arrest me? What are you trying to gain from this anyway?" Ash says.

Professor Oak says, "Ash, what we want to say is that you don't deserve to be a trainer."

"Professor?! What do you mean by that?" Ash says in shock.

"Now Ash, I don't this to end on a bad note, but if you refuse to comply, I'll send a report to every regional professor stating that you abuse your Pokémon." Oak states.

"You wouldn't DARE!" Ash is now furious that Professor Oak will try to abuse his power.

"I'm afraid I will if you can't comply. And I'm sure everyone here will be glad to back it up." Ash is shaking, rage building. His rage came to the point that it manifested itself in the form of a blood-red aura that surrounded his person, causing the traitors, both people, and Pokémon, to take a step back. Ash glared at them all, his eyes glowing an angry red.

"How Dare You!" Ash says as a beam of light comes from outside and hits them, sending them backward.

"Hyper Beam?" The traitors are shocked. Then every one of Ash's Pokemon rushes into the house, starting to protect their trainer.

"Professor, I thought they all agree with us!" Misty says.

Ash smirks and says, "Do you seriously think you can break the bond between me and my Pokemon? Then you are wrong! I already know that this is actually your plan to take my Pokemon and my fame."

This causes the others to panic a little and Chloe asks, " did you know..."

"You think everyone in present agrees with your plan? Why don't you tell them, Lillie?" Ash smirks.

Just then, Lillie walks towards Ash, causing everyone to get shocked.

"Lillie, what are you doing? Get back here!" Gladion says.

"Sorry, but I am always on Ash's side. I can't believe that you will do this to him!" Lillie yells back.

"Everyone! Attack them!" Brock yells as they send out their Pokemon and fire the attacks, but a Shield covers the two trainers and then the Traitors are sent flying out of the house.

When all the traitors are out of the house, the house, along with Ash and Lillie as well as the rest of the Pokemon are gone. Then a voice says, "You have made a terrible mistake, our chosen one will get his revenge and you will be crying for mercy."

The rest of the traitors are just standing there, thinking about what just happened.

Ash, Lillie, and his Pokemon are still in the house, Ash is still hugging Lillie as their eyes are closed. But then they notice that no attacks are coming for them and nobody is inside the room except them.

"What just happened?" Lillie asks.

"I have no idea." Ash says as they both look around, only to see everything different outside. Ash recognizes the place as the United Region. Ash gasps, "Wait, this isn't Pallet Town but the United Region! What is going on?"

"I made it happened." Delia comes inside the room, and Ash immediately rushes to hug her.

"Mom!" Ash is delighted as he asks, "What is going on here? I mean... is it time for us to be back?"

"Yes, it is." Delia says, and she calls two people to come in, and both of them share similar looks as Ash and Lillie.

"Red." "White." Ash and Lillie nod and touch themselves, they glow white as they are becoming one. And due to Ash absorbing himself, the Pokemon he has also glows and some of them gain the powers of the Champion, while some of them fuse with the other Pokemon like Greninja, Meganium, or others.

For the information, Ash's family consists of Arceus, and because of that, Ash has the power to split himself into two. Lillie and her family are Aura Users, and with Ash's help, Lillie manages to split herself into two. When they are split into two, Ash and Lillie spend 4 years in Narauva Academy learning everything and challenging the League, while the remaining 5 years are the Leagues and the Grand Festivals of the other 8 regions. Both of them have become the strongest couple in the world after that.

Memories are like waves as they rush to their minds, the memories of Ashlie are now playing like a VR in their minds. After an hour, it stops as Ash says, "So now we have all of Red's memories. Wow, we have been through a lot..."

Lillie says, "Yeah...I never knew I was that good at battling..."

Delia says, "It is great to see you remember all the stuff you have been through. And now Ash, your siblings are waiting for you."

When Ash hears the mention of his siblings, he rushes outside to find Mark, Minami, Golly, Insey, and Trenor waiting for them. Ash and Lillie greet them and they are happy to learn that they get their memories back.

"So Brother, Lillie, how are you feeling right now?" Mark asks.

"I am fine, Mark." Ash says. "It feels a little weird to have Red back inside me..."

"Me too..." Lillie says. "But it is inevitable."

Golly says, "Well, that is good news. But there is something that you need to know."

She takes out the laptop and then types the computer, they see the news on the front page. Professor Oak has been spreading the lies of Ash being a Pokemon abuser and the kidnapper of Lillie. Ash is trembling as he looks at the news.

"How dare he...I know he is a well-known Professor. But to abuse his powers..." Lillie says.

"Yeah, it is a good thing that we are in the United Region." Trenor says. "You already warned all 18 of the regions in this Unite Region."

Delia says, "Ash, why don't we go to the Champion Meeting with me?"

Ash says, "Sure. But we need evidence to prove my fake self."

Lillie says, "That won't be a problem, with Celebi's help, we had already recorded it." She takes out the camera.

"Good." Ash says. "Now Mother, we should go." Delia nods as they leave for the PLA HQ.

In the conference room, Mr. Goodshow asks, "So is everyone here?"

"Red and Aurora haven't come yet." Lance says.

"I wonder what makes them so long..." Diantha says.

"We are here." Ash and Delia walk into the room and they all greet them, and both of them have used their powers to disguise themselves.

"Red, Aurora, it is nice to see you again." Cynthia says.

"Likewise." Ash says. "So what is this meeting about?"

Goodshow says, "Now that you are here, we can talk about it."

He then shows the photos of the injured Pokemon and the drugs, he says, "As you know, Professor Oak has announced that our favorite trainer, Ash Ketchum, has done something like abusing Pokemon and kidnapping the daughter of the Aether Foundation's President. I want to know, do any of you believe that Ash will do this?"

Wallace says, "When I saw him back at the Wallace Cup, he has shown his love to his Pokemon."

Cynthia says, "Indeed. He also stayed at my villa and he didn't abuse his Pokemon."

Diantha says, "When I battled him, I can also feel the bond. There is no way that he will do this."

Leon says, "From what I heard about you guys, I feel like he doesn't seem to be the person who will do this as well."

Lance says, "Now the question is... why does Professor Oak do this?"

After the champions state their opinions, except Aurora and Red. Goodshow asks, "Aurora. Since Professor Oak and Ash Ketchum are from your region, what do you think about this?"

Delia says, "I object to the fact that Ash will abuse his Pokemon. And I believe this is a false accusation."

"How so?" Geeta asks.

Delia sighs and says, "Red and I have been suspicious of Professor Oak since Ash lost the Kalos League, so we have been observing him."

Ash says, "Yes, and we have recorded the whole scene."

Ash gives Goodshow the USB and he plays the video. After the clip ends, Goodshow says, "So all of it is an accusation..."

Lance says, "This whole thing is absurd! They think Ash's performance in the World Championship is cheating? Just because he lost six leagues in a row before the Alola League?

Alder says, "And I thought they are only his Pokemon and Lillie are by his side..."

Diantha says, "But how do you know that this video isn't acting and is real?"

Ash asks, "How about we ask Ash himself?"

Cynthia asks, "And where are you going to find Ash? Since no one has seen him once the news spread out."

Aurora says, "I want to know. Does anyone of you aware of the United Regions?"

Lance says, "I have heard of them due to my job in International Police."

"Do you think Ash is in one of those regions?" Diantha asks.

Goodshow says, "If we can contact the Queen of Multitype in the United Region, maybe we can figure it out."

Aurora says, "That will be me." The others turn to Aurora with surprise. "I keep it a secret since I prefer privacy, but I am truly the Queen of Multitype, one of the 19 regions in the United Region."

The Champions are shocked, but Goodshow is delighted, "So will you help us find Ash?"

Ash says, "There is no need for that."

"And why? Red?" Geeta asks.

Ash says, "As you can see, Red is just my disguise."

"Disguise? What do you mean by that?" Lance asks.

Ash closes his eyes and then he glows, covering the eyes of the champions, after the glow disappears, Ash is standing in front of them.

"Ash?" They exclaim. Wallace says, "Ash? You are Red the whole time?"

Ash says, "The questions can be answered later, but due to the fact I am not human, I can split myself so I can be Ash and Red at the same time. And it is also the reason I lost the leagues as Ash."

"So Ash, is it true that you suffered that?" Diantha asks.

"I am afraid that all is true. Professor Oak has a lot of power, everyone with that power is likely to frame the ones that they dislike." Ash says.

"Then we must arrest Professor Oak and the others." Goodshow says.

"Wait." Ash says. "I want the others free now except Professor Oak."

"Why?" Diantha asks.

"They know Ash, but they don't know me, they think I am just a cheater, but I will prove them wrong." Ash says with determination.

"That is my boy." Delia says.

Lance asks, "Aurora, are you related to Ash, too?"

Ash says, "She is my mom."

The champions are shocked as Aurora says, "Yes. I have been under the alias of Delia so I can raise Ash. Like him, I can also split myself."

Cynthia asks, "But how?"

Ash says, "My mother and I are Arceus."

"What? Arceus? The god Pokemon?" Goodshow asks. "You guys are the Alpha Pokemon?"

Aurora says, "Yes. That is why we hide, we Legendaries don't like to show ourselves."

Alder says, "That is a surprise."

Ash says, "As for Lillie, she is like me, and she was under the alias of White."

"White is your travel partner as Red, right?" Wallace asks. "No wonder she will stand by you."

"Yeah, and not even the whole Aether Foundation knows, except her mother. But once the innocence is proved, I would like to talk more in my house." Ash says.

"I see." Goodshow says.

After the meeting is over, Aurora says, "Although we lost the chance to be hidden..."

Ash says, "Don't worry, Mother. I trust the champions. They are the people we can trust."

"I hope. But now let's wait and see." Aurora says.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the new story since I am going to abandon Prince Ash and Ash's Ultra Adventure. It is a betrayal story, but this story is about the United Region, which consists of 19 small regions. I hope you like this chapter.

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