Chapter 15 History of the United Region Part 3

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"For the Flying Type Story, we have Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack Nagi is actually the first king of the Flying Region." Minami says. "He is just a poor boy who trades a cow for three magical beans. Those beans grow into a massive large beanstalk that leads to the home of the giant. People of the region are terrified of the giant because every year, he will come down from the clouds and devour people as food.

Jack plucks up the courage and heads to the castle in the sky, he outsmarts the giant and eventually kills him by having him fall to doom, and he also brings a lot of gold and treasure from the castle in the sky to the citizens of the Flying Region. In the end, the Multitype King decides to make him the ruler of the Flying Region."

"I always thought that Giants and the Beanstalk are myths." Chloe says. "Don't tell me there is actually a real one at the Flying Region."

"Of course, there is one and it leads to the Castle of the sky, only that there are no giants living there." Ash says.

"And now we have the story of the Psychic Region: Long ago, a drop of magical sunlight falls from the sky and sprouts a flower with healing powers. Upon discovering it, an old beggar woman named Mother Gothel hides the flower and uses it to stay young for centuries, until royal soldiers from the Psychic Region find and uproot it to save their pregnant and ill Queen. The Queen gives birth to a baby princess with long golden hair. While the king and queen are sleeping one evening, Gothel discovers the hair has the same powers as the flower but turns brown and becomes powerless when cut. She kidnaps the girl, named Rapunzel Lip, and raises her in a hidden tower in the woods, using her hair to stay young.

Each year, on Rapunzel's birthday, the king and queen release thousands of sky lanterns in the hope she will see them and return home. Rapunzel becomes obsessed with the distant lights, and, on the eve of her 18th birthday, asks Gothel for permission to see them closer. Gothel refuses, claiming that the outside world is dangerous and Rapunzel is too weak and young to survive in it. Later, handsome thief Flynn Rider steals Rapunzel's intended crown from the palace, abandons his partners, and takes refuge in the tower. Rapunzel knocks him out with a frying pan and hides him in a closet. She tries to show him to Gothel as proof she is capable of taking care of herself; however, Gothel still refuses to listen, so Rapunzel sends Gothel on a three-day journey to get new paints as a birthday gift.

Rapunzel hides the crown and tells Flynn he can only get it back by taking her to see the lights. Along the way, they stop at a pub, where menacing thugs try to capture the wanted Flynn. Rapunzel soon charms them into revealing their softer sides; when royal guards arrive, the thugs help her and Flynn to escape. Meanwhile, Gothel becomes suspicious, returns to the empty tower, and finds the crown. She sets out to find Rapunzel.

In escaping from the guards, Flynn and Rapunzel become trapped in a fast-flooding cave. Thinking they will die, Flynn resignedly reveals his true name Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel reveals her magic powers. Her glowing hair shows a previously hidden exit, and they escape and take refuge in the woods. That night, Gothel catches up to Rapunzel while Eugene is away, gives her the crown, and tells her to use it to test Eugene's loyalty.

The next morning, a palace Galarian Rapidash named Maximus tracks down Eugene. Rapunzel demands a truce in honor of her birthday, and Maximus reluctantly agrees, joining them as they enter the kingdom and attend a festival in honor of the "lost princess". They spend the day celebrating with the townsfolk, then sail onto the lake to watch the release of the lanterns. Having fulfilled her dream, Rapunzel gives Eugene back the crown. The two confess their love when they were ambushed by the assassins from Mother Gothel, they try to throw Eugene to the guards and try to capture Rapunzel, but Gothel stages a "rescue" by knocking the assassins unconscious and taking Rapunzel home.

Eugene escapes with the help of Maximus and the pub thugs. Meanwhile, Rapunzel realizes she has subconsciously incorporated the kingdom's standard into her artwork all her life; finally understanding that she is the "lost princess", she confronts Gothel. Eugene arrives at the tower, and her hair is thrown down at him. Upon climbing up, however, he finds she has been bound and gagged, and Gothel fatally stabs him from behind. She tries to drag Rapunzel to a new hiding place. Rapunzel offers to go willingly if Gothel will allow her to heal Eugene. Gothel reluctantly agrees, but Eugene, realizing Rapunzel would be spending the rest of her life in Gothel's captivity, cuts off her hair before she can heal him. Gothel begins to age rapidly and turns to dust as she falls out of the tower.

Rapunzel mourns the loss of Eugene, and one of her tears, still having some of the sun's power, brings him back to life. Eugene reunites Rapunzel with her real parents, is fully pardoned for his crimes, and he and Rapunzel are married as the new rulers of Psychic Region."

"I really like this story as well." Dawn says.

"And next we have the Bug Region's story." Insey says. "Snow White has a stepmother, who is a witch that has a special mirror. She will always ask, "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" And when the mirror points that Snow White is the one, she is angry and she wants a huntsman to kill her. As proof that Snow White is dead, the stepmother also wants him to return with her heart, which she will consume in order to become immortal. The huntsman takes Snow White into the forest, but after raising his dagger, he finds himself unable to kill her. When Snow White learns of her stepmother's evil plan she tearfully begs the huntsman, "Spare me this mockery of justice! I will run away into the forest and never come home again!" After seeing the tears in the princess's eyes, the huntsman reluctantly agrees to spare Snow White and brings the queen the heart of an animal instead.

After wandering through the forest for hours, Snow White discovers a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarfs. Since no one is at home, she eats some of the tiny meals, drinks some of their wine, and then tests all the beds. Finally, the last bed is comfortable enough for her, and she falls asleep. When the dwarfs return home, they immediately become aware that there has been a burglar in their house, because everything in their home is in disorder. Prowling about frantically, they head upstairs and discover the sleeping Snow White. She wakes up and explains to them about her stepmother's attempt to kill her, and the dwarfs take pity on her and let her stay with them in exchange for a job as a housemaid. They warn her to be careful when alone at home and to let no one in while they are working in the mountains.

Snow White grows into an absolutely lovely, fair, and beautiful young maiden. Meanwhile, the stepmother, who believes she got rid of Snow White a decade earlier, asks her mirror once again. The mirror tells her that not only is Snow White still the fairest in the land, but she is also currently hiding with the dwarfs. The queen is furious and decides to kill the girl herself. First, she appears at the dwarfs' cottage, disguised as an old peddler, and offers Snow White colorful, silky laced bodices as a present. The queen laces her up so tightly that Snow White faints; the dwarfs return just in time to revive Snow White by loosening the laces. Next, the queen dresses up as a comb seller and convinces Snow White to take a beautiful comb as a present; she strokes Snow White's hair with the poisoned comb. The girl is overcome by the poison from the comb but is again revived by the dwarfs when they remove the comb from her hair. Finally, the queen disguises herself as a farmer's wife and offers Snow White a poisoned Swwet Apple. Snow White is hesitant to accept it, so the queen cuts the apple in half, eating the white harmless half and giving the red-poisoned half to Snow White; the girl eagerly takes a bite and then falls into a coma, causing the Queen to think she has finally triumphed. This time, the dwarfs are unable to revive Snow White, and, assuming that the queen has finally killed her, they place her in a glass casket as a funeral for her.

The next day, a hunter stumbles upon a seemingly-dead Snow White lying in her glass coffin during a hunting trip. After hearing her story from the Seven Dwarfs, the hunter is allowed to take Snow White to her proper resting place back at her father's place. Overwhelmed by her beauty, the prince can't help but kiss Snow White's lips, and it also causes the piece of the poisoned apple to come out of her throat, magically reviving her. The Hunter is overjoyed with this miracle, and he declares his love for the now alive and well Snow White, who, surprised to meet him face to face, humbly accepts his marriage proposal. Of course, the king of the United Region hears the story and he makes them the rulers of the Bug Region. As for the Stepmother, believing herself finally to be rid of Snow White, asks again her magic mirror who is the fairest in the land. The mirror says that there is a bride of a new ruler of the Bug Region, who is yet fairer than she. The queen decides to visit the wedding and investigate. Once she arrives, the Queen becomes frozen with rage and fear when she finds out that the ruler's bride is her stepdaughter, Snow White herself. The furious Queen tries to sow chaos and attempts to kill her again, but the ruler recognizes her as a threat to Snow White when he learns the truth from his bride. They manage to get rid of the stepmother once and for all and that's the story."

"But why is the Snow White story related to Bug Type Pokemon?" Dawn asks.

"That's because the drawfs each own a butterfly Pokemon." Ash says.

"As for the Rock Region's story, this one is simple. A traveler named Iwara comes to the region with nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon his arrival, the villagers are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the very hungry traveler. Then the traveler goes to a stream and fills the pot with water, drops a large stone in it, and places it over a fire. One of the villagers becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The traveler answers that he is making "stone soup", which tastes wonderful and which they would be delighted to share with the villager, although it still needs a little bit of garnish, which they are missing, to improve the flavor.

The villager, who anticipates enjoying a share of the soup, does not mind parting with a few carrots, so these are added to the soup. Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the traveler again mentions his stone soup which has not yet reached its full potential. More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient, like potatoes, onions, cabbages, peas, celery, tomatoes, sweetcorn, meat, milk, butter, salt, and pepper. Finally, the stone, which was inedible in the first place, is removed from the pot, and a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by the traveler and villagers alike. Our ancestor hears about this and also makes him the king of the Rock Region."

"Okay, this sure is a simple one." Sophocles says. "But I bet it tastes good."

"Of course it does." Ash says.

Here are four more stories, and that means five more and we're done. I hope you like this chapter.

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