Chapter 7 A Day at the RPA Part 2

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After the group finishes their lunch, they all gather outside of the restaurant as Ash says, "Now we had finished our lunch, I think it is time that we show you around the places."

"Indeed. This place is much big, so it is easy to get lost if you don't follow us." Lillie says.

Chloe asks, "So where are we going first?"

Ash says, "Well, please follow me." Ash then takes them to a library. While the traitors also follow them, they are hidden from their sight.

"There are a lot of books here..." Dawn says in shock.

"Of course. We have all kinds of books here in this library, I have also written some of them." Ash says.

"Wait, you write a book?" Kiawe asks.

Minami says, "He does, look at that book over there, Ash's When the World Betrays You is the bestseller here."

Golly says, "It also has a movie that was filmed a few months ago. With Ash's ability to Double Team, he acts as the male protagonist as well as the second female protagonist."

"Wow..." Gary reads it and says, "Are you sure you wrote this?"

"Well, we have some help from the other regions, as the Normal Region's queen teaches me the writing."

Just then, they hear a yell and some people who are shushing, they sigh as they know that the traitors were following them as that sound was Misty screaming for where they have gone to. Lillie smirks and asks, "So what was the sound back earlier in the library?"

Mark says, "Probably just some annoying brats who don't know the meaning of being quiet inside the library."

Trenor says, "People are reading, and it is vital to keep quiet inside the library. I guess some idiots just want to get revenge on brother that much."

The traitors are listening and Max yells, "What the hack, Misty. What you have done? Now they treat us like idiots because of you."

Misty just has her face red in anger and says, "Shut up! They have the nerve to call me an idiot."

"Because you are." Everyone in the traitors yells at her, causing her to sulk down.

Now the group is at the clothes store, they saw all kinds of fashionable clothes as well as shoes and hats. Dawn says, "This clothes store is so big..."

Minami says, "This clothes store is the biggest in this region. We have some help from the famous fashion designers to help to make."

"This store is actually owned by brother and Lillie, considering they were the ones that sew the clothes." Insey says.

"No way, Ash? You sew clothes?" Mallow asks.

"I have some training of course." Ash says. "As for the clothes, you see. Most of our clothes are wore by Performers from all over the world as well as Coordinators."

"Seriously?" Serena asks. "I know you have a great influence on those two, but to think that most of the clothes are designed by you..."

Mark says, "It is also no big deal. Why don't you guys choose your favorite dresses?"

"Good idea." Lana says as they separate to find the dresses.

When the traitors arrive at the store, they see a lot of clothes on sale and May says, "So now they are looking at the clothes, huh?"

Bonnie says, "But you have to admit, the clothes here look so great."

Goh says, "Then you guys go inside. We just stay here."

"No, you don't. Mister. You are coming with us." Misty says as the girls drag the boys inside.

Once Ash and Lillie notice the traitors get inside the clothes store, Ash says, "Well, Lillie. How about I show you the new dress?"

"You made a new one? I'd like to check it out." Ash then takes Lillie to the front door, but they ignore the traitors who are just looking at the clothes.

They stop by in front of an emerald dress. Lillie says, "Wow, this time it is an emerald dress?"

"Yes. This dress is a new one." Ash says. The traitors see them as they watch closely. "Why don't you try them on?" Ash asks.

"Sure. I'll go try out." Lillie says as she goes to the changing room. Ash sighs and looks at the blue dress, he pales and says, "What?"

He quickly takes the dress out and says, "Is someone there?"

A worker comes to Ash and asks, "President, what's the matter?"

Ash says, "This dress has a diamond missing. We can't sell it to the customers."

The worker notices the dress and says, "Oh, I am sorry, President. I'll go remake it."

"Don't. I'll make it myself. Just please check the other clothes thoroughly or else we will get complaints." Ash says as the worker nods and leaves. "Now what should I do..." He then sends out Diancie and says, "Diancie, please give me a diamond."

"Of course." Diancie says as she makes one in her hand and then Ash sews it on the dress. "Much better."

The traitors are surprised to see Ash sewing an outfit, that is something they didn't know about it.

"Brother, what just happened?" Minami comes as well as Mallow and Kiawe.

"Oh, a dress lost its diamond, I just fixed it up." Ash says. "Don't worry about it."

"How do I look, Ash?" They turn around and see Lillie in the dress. Ash smiles and says, "It suits you perfectly. Lillie."

Minami asks, "Brother, is that a new dress?"

"Yes. I made it yesterday." Ash says.

"Wow, Lillie. You look stunning." Golly comes as she says.

"Thanks. Golly." Lillie says. "Maybe I'll buy this dress."

"Well, it is our company after all." Ash laughs. "So the money we spend will eventually come back to us."

"Wow..." Kiawe says.

The traitors are watching it and finally, May says, "I wonder how much money Ash has accumulated?"

Max says, "To own this company and have a lot of people purchase their clothes, he must be really rich."

"Then we must apologize to him so we can be rich as well." Iris says.

"As if that is going to happen..." They hear Ash talking to Lillie and Golly. "If they really think that they can take our property here, then I'll feel sorry for them."

Lillie says, "What do you mean?"

Ash says, "We have the best securities and the alliance with International Police, it is also the reason we saved Dawn and her family from them. If they try to take our property, then they'll be getting a serious penalty."

Golly says, "And I can't wait to see them sitting in prison." They laugh as the traitors are listening, they are furious that they can't take the money from them.

Ash says, "Well, another thing. Our company's bank is also hard to hack as well. Since we have some Porygon Z and other new Pokemon roaming in the system to prevent hackers."

"I agree." Lillie says. "Now let's gather everyone so we can go to the next fun place."

"Let's go." Ash says as the three leaves the area.

The next place they go is the jewelry store. They are amazed to see all kinds of jewels in front of them.

"Check this one! It is shaped like a Jewel of Life!" Dawn says.

"It sure is based on the Jewel of Life." Trenor says. "Ash is the one who carves it."

"Yeah." Ash says. "It was a reminder of how I was betrayed and it is made to surpass the anger for me. Now it is a souvenir."

"That is so amazing." Chloe asks, "When do you learn how to carve a jewel?"

"Actually, it is uncle Steven that taught me how to make them." Ash replies.

"Steven Stone of the Devon Company?" Sophocles asks.

"Yeah. He is actually the King of the Steel Region." Ash says as he turns to the staff, "Do you have any minerals for us?"

"We have some Rubies." The staff gives Ash the jewel. Ash then starts to carve the ruby into the shape of a rose using the knife. The ones who haven't seen it before are amazed at his work.

"Well, Ashy boy, that is quite a nice carving." Gary says.

"Thanks." Ash says. "Usually this ruby rose costs a fortune, but I can make an expectation to give out the rose to you guys." He gives the roses to Dawn, Mallow, Serena, and Lana.

"Thanks, Ash, it really can boost my stats as a Coordinator." Dawn says.

"It sure does." Insey says. "I wore this bright emerald once in the contests, it really gives a boost."

"Wow." Serena says.

The traitors are listening to this and they are jealous. "How dare they get luxuries and not us?" Misty says.

"Yeah, they are losers and they shouldn't have them." May says.

Lillie says, "Not only it boosts the contests, but even Showcases also helps as well. I remember that Aria had used one of them in the current Master Class, and it gives her a lot of boosts as well."

"No way...I never knew she is also one of your clients." Serena says as they all laugh.

After they leave the jewelry store, they passed by the Movie theater. Gary notices a wallpaper that shows the Dragon Slayer, he asks, "Ashy boy, is that you in this movie?"

Everyone turns around and Ash says, "Ah, Dragon Slayer. It is quite an old movie. It is Lillie and my debut."

"Lillie? You're in the movie?" Gladion asks in surprise.

"I act the princess while Ash acts the prince. Due to this movie, we two get Academy Awards for best leading actor and leading actress." Lillie says.

"No way..." Lana says.

"Ans also, Svlveon also gets the leading Pokemon in the movie, its evolution helps a lot in the movie." Ash says. Sylveon is proud of herself as Pikachu smiles at her.

"Can we watch it?" Sophocles asks.

"Maybe later. Since we have a Blue Ray disc back at our castle." Ash says.

After they leave, the traitors also arrive in front of the movie theater. Bonnie looks at it and says, "Best leading actor and actress huh?"

"I don't see why killing such wonderful dragons can get the awards." Iris says.

"We'll show them who are the real actors and actresses later." Misty says as they leave.

After the visit is done, they are outside the company. Chloe says, "Thanks, Ash. For letting us have the wonderful experience."

"No problem." Ash says. "By the way, some of you notice that the traitors are also inside the building, right?"

They all nod as Golly asks, "What are you going to do to them?"

Ash says, "I can always use the Teleportation, but Max has a Gardevoir to teleport them back. I decided to leave them alone, but we will have guards to prohibit them to enter our wedding."

"Fair enough." Minami says. "Since we also have some friends that will be glad to see us, how about we prepare so that we can greet them?"

"That will be nice of them to come." Ash says as the newcomers are confused, Lillie says, "You see, after we were split after our father's death, we usually play with our friends and doing some fun stuff with them. I'm sure you'll like to meet them as well."

"Sure, I would want to know about them as well." Dawn says as the others nod.

Here is the second part of the RPA. Since there is a lot of information to say, so I'll be splitting it into two chapters. I hope you enjoy it and the next chapter is going to be about my common OCs of the story.

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