The long run

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We've been in this shelter for 50 days and I think it's starting to mess with our heads. Timmy came back succsessfully from his journey and brought three cans of soup and four waters. There was a lot that happened while we were here. I should've wrote it all down, I'm such an idiot. We didn't, and don't have enough supplies to last us. A while ago we sent Mary Jane out, she came back but those supplies didn't last long either. When we only had enough water for three of us, we gave some to Timmy, Dolores, and me. When Mary Jane heard she wouldn't be getting anything, she left the bunker and never returned. It left the whole family heartbroken. I miss my baby girl. 

Why did this have to happen to us, it could've been anywhere else in the world but it had to be here. 

Timmy is starting to go insane, we are really worried about him. He has not been acting like himself, we try talking to him and calming him down but to no prevail. His mental health worries us all.

We got a dog, I don't really know how to explain it. We found it outside and pet it for a while and left. that was when we had mary jane....  he came back about a week later and we played with him and gave him a can food. I know we needed it ourselves but the kids were asking for a dog before the bomb. I thought he would be good for everyone, and I think I'm right. He came back hurt but we didn't have a medkit, we happened to have bug spray, and we used it to make medicine. We just made it but Timmy really wanted him and told us we should give it to him. We weren't sure at first but, but Timmy's pleas convinced us. The dog needed a name. We went through, Scruffy, Bobo, and eventually Pancake. Pancake just stuck. Forever more, our dog will be named Pancake.

The military told us to give them our riffle. We dont have a gun, but Dolores yelled at them telling them things like, "It's our human right to own a gun! You can't take it away from us! You came here to our bunker, but instead of saving us you just ask for our gun! We dont have a gun, but if we did I wouldn't give it to you! We've been here for 51 days! I lost my daughter, I lost my life, And you won't even save us! You are our military for God's sake, could you just please save my family!" I'm worried about her going insane. They did not save us like she said to.

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