Bonus [3]: You Should Get Married More Often.

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The amazing drawing at top was done by @/shundsnes on Instagram <3

I'd say I'm about two to three years late on this bonus chapter but then again this book was never meant to be written.

Better late than never, right?

It's January 2nd where I'm at and Sam's birthday in this version of the universe is on the 1st and in the pubbed version of TBBATTB it's on the 3rd so it was a good day to drop it. 

(This bonus should be split into two but I kept it at one because I'm lazy.)

Bonus [3]: "You Should Get Married More Often."

I HATE IT when I'm nervous.

Playing soccer growing up left me with multiple occasions where this feeling didn't seem to exist. It was only masked by adrenaline. There were some important games where the feeling overtook my body. But no amount of soccer games prepared me for how I would feel on this day.

Looking at myself in the mirror only made me more anxious. My hair that I had outgrown for this specific occasion was pinned up and I didn't even want to touch it for fear of messing it up. A white broach held up the loose brown curls, a few of them framing my face. I wore makeup too but the look was natural enough for me to feel comfortable.

I stood in a large office in the east corridor. It wasn't the office that Charles had once used but it didn't look like anyone had been here for a while. Paintings and high bookshelves adorned the walls. Windows as well. The chandelier above me twinkled with the welcoming sunlight and in front of me stood a tall mirror that had been brought into the room for today.

Luckily, today was a sunny day. The weather in Bath wasn't super hot. Then again, the months that I was ever in this city never truly hit extreme temperatures. I was glad the sunlight came raining down upon our open "backyard" wedding at the Cahill castle. When we had announced where we wanted the wedding, Ivan claimed we were copying him even though he got married back home. That resulted in Sam punching him in the arm.

"Is it normal to be this nervous?" I asked, staring at my dress in the mirror.

The dress was strapless and bejewelled with white and clear beads that faded off along the ballgown. Shopping for it was insane. It had taken forever for me to find the right outfit. After a debate with Liz over whether I should have a train--to which I reminded her that if I fell flat on my face at my own wedding, it was going to be on her--we settled on an A-line dress without a train.

Liz came up behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Yes. You're doing fine. No regrets?"

"None. Never." I admitted quickly. Despite my nervousness, I felt good. 

"You look beautiful," Liz whispered. She looked as elegant as ever. Her jet-black hair encompassed in a long straight ponytail and the dress she wore was dark blue with a sapphire pendant dangling around her neck. At her words, tears sprung to my eyes along with a laugh I couldn't suppress as she wrapped an arm around me. "No, no, no. Don't cry yet."

"I swear all the makeup is waterproof."

"Well, it took forever to even put mascara on you. You'd think years later, you'd change."

"I wear mascara when the time is right," I said.

"The time is right today and you were still fighting the makeup artist," Natasha said as she walked into the room, adjusting her green dress, similar to what the rest of the bridesmaids were wearing. On her hip was her daughter, Elena, who was latched onto her mother in her poofy dress. She was our flower girl.

"Should we even be surprised?" Natasha asked Liz. "It's Macy. She didn't even want to go out for her bachelorette party."

"We went out," I said.

"To a sports bar," Natasha shook her head, her red hair swaying. "Doesn't count."

"I still got drunk which is what you wanted."

"At a sports bar," Natasha repeated.

"We watched movies after when we went back to my place."

"We watched movies when we went back to your place after the sports bar."

"What do you have against sports bars? The boys didn't do much better." A few of Sam's friends and family spent one weekend going camping for his bachelor's party. He had a really good time just as I had a good time arguing with strangers over who was going to win the Premier League for the next season.

"Camping is fine but bringing the girl who's about to go get married to a sports bar for her bachelorette party to get drunk isn't normal."

"It's not normal," I agreed. "But it's me."

Natasha couldn't argue with that, changing the topic. "Everyone's here."

"Everyone?" I asked, "Are you sure?"

"Everyone's here, Macy," She repeated. "And he is right outside. I just came to inform you. See you out there, okay? Wish Aunt Macy luck, honey."

Elena did just that, but I was confused. "Why do I need luck? I'm not going to play a game."

Natasha glared at me. "Why are you being difficult?"

"Because it doesn't make any sense."


"Oh, my gosh," Liz said, tired of her daughter in law and other soon to be (in less than an hour) daughter in law. "You two."

Natasha and I snickered before Natasha turned to her daughter again, "Elena say 'future congrats' to your Aunt Macy."

Elena repeated it verbatim, wiggling out of her mom's grip to jump onto the ground before making her way out of the room. Natasha went after her and Liv followed suit. And suddenly, I was alone. I grabbed my camera from where it laid on a table. I didn't turn it on but moving it around in my hand gave me a sense of ease at the events that would occur today. And tonight.

That moment of peace was over when someone knocked on the door. The voice on the other side was loud. "I'm coming in."

Immediately, any sense of anxiety fled my system at the familiarity of the voice as the person opened the door. A voice that had been ringing in my ears on various occasions since we were kids.


"You better not have that camera on you--"

Andrew halted. His expression softened. He looked well. Blonde hair a little lighter due to the sun. His blue eyes were striking. He wore a black tuxedo, similar to the other groomsmen. Although, his outfit was special. He was sporting a little pin above the coat pocket that said, 'Man of Honour'.

I jostled my camera, setting it on the table. I hiked my dress up so it wasn't touching the ground. "You know me too well."

The two of us ran, meeting each other in the middle of the room. I threw my arms around him, holding onto him as if he was going to disappear. "You made it."

He held me just as tight to his body. "As if I would miss today, Mace. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."

"It's okay. You're here now. That's all that matters."

Andrew had been cooped up between practices and games. He didn't have a moment away to come to England for wedding rehearsals, the dinner, or take part in any function that a maid of honour would be doing but I didn't care.

The last time I saw Andrew was back home a little over a year ago. Despite how busy our lives were, it never mattered. When we got back to each other it was always as if no time was spent apart.

Andrew attempted to pull back first but I only hugged him closer to me. "Don't let go, bro."

His chest rumbled with laughter. "I'm rumpling your dress."

"Can you believe it?" I asked as we pulled back. "I'm getting married."

"You're getting married," Andrew repeated and we both let out an exhale.

Have I imagined myself getting married to Sam? More times than I would ever want to admit. Only twice was he notified that I was at least thinking about it. The first when we were 19. When he had practically proposed to me back home while we were watching a show. That wasn't the real deal. We were too young. He wasn't on his team and I was still in university. We weren't established individually unlike today. 

The second time was a while before we had gotten engaged. Sam and I had been sitting in our apartment watching a movie that I couldn't recall. He had been holding my hand while showing me random videos Caleb had been sending him. I don't think he realized what he was doing. His hand was holding my left hand, his index finger rubbing over my fourth finger where an engagement ring was currently replaced.

The action had provoked me to say, "When we get married--"

Sam had stilled, shutting his phone off to look at me, his index finger still stroking the same spot on my hand. "When we get married?"

"When we get married," I had repeated, loving the grin that came to his face. "It's going to be at the Cahill castle, right?"

"Do you want it to be there?"

I'd grown to love the entire area. Sam and I would drive up there usually in the summertime. It was beautiful especially the forest where I would take Soccer and we'd go for walks. 

"I want it there. I figured you would want it there too. What do you think?"

Sam had only smiled. "I'd like to have it there. Outdoor?"

"Outdoor. Springtime."

"What about spring but closer to summer, like in May or June? It's dreary and rainy in Bath. You might want a better day for the sun to come out."

"I like the rain." Just not for an outdoor wedding.

"That's the only reason why I never questioned you when you said you would move to England. Because you actually like the weather somehow." He had mumbled.

I hit him lightly in the chest. "Outdoor. Spring and Summer cusp. How does June sound?"

"June wedding. Deal."

A June wedding at the Cahill castle where I and Andrew were currently standing. My friends, family and other guests were outside, straying around or getting settled in their seats for the wedding which would start in a few moments.

"I'm getting married," I said again in the present, this time with a smile.

Andrew reached out, pulling my dress up from the bottom. Not too high but enough to see the shoes I sported. "Jordans? Seriously?"

"I'm not wearing heels," I said. "I can barely walk in them. Nothing wrong with them but I'd like to be as comfortable as possible at my wedding. Would you not?"

"You're wearing makeup. That doesn't scream 'comfortable Macy'."


"Wait, if you're wearing Jordans, is Sam wearing Converse?

I snorted. "No. I think all the Cahills would riot if Sam showed up wearing Converse. He's going to change into them when we're taking pictures to showcase our shoes."

"Only you two," Andrew said. He was right. Only us two.

"Have you seen my dad? Justin?"

"Yup. Everyone's waiting. Although, Ivan was ready to break down into some type of dance move to occupy everyone outside until Toby stopped him."

I groaned. "Every day I question how he is married."

"How does he have a family? How is he kind of successful? How is he able to eat a record number of powdered donuts, beating even you? The world will never know." Andrew said as the door opened once again.

Caleb Romero Henderson had been smiling from ear to ear since he landed in England a week ago. I saw him over the past few months, but I've never spotted someone so happy for another person until this man. He wore a similar tux to Andrew that he adjusted as he walked over to us. His wavy hair was loose as he pushed a hand through it and his brown eyes were wild in excitement.

"You made it! Thank fuck." Caleb grasped Andrew in a hug that left Andrew snickering before he turned to me.

"Princesa," Caleb said, taking both of my hands. "You look amazing."

"Thanks. How is everyone?"

"Everyone's everyone," He said. "Jon Ming's restless. Jacob is avoiding contact with Natalie."

The conversation I had with my cousin a few nights ago when I was in her hotel room was fresh in my mind. A part of me thought Jacob and Natalie would move on especially considering Natalie had brought her boyfriend with her. Yet things haven't changed since the last time they saw each other.

"But forget the tension between Jacob and Natalie," Caleb said. "The real tension is between Brandon and Jacob. I'm glad that Jacob and Jon Ming made up from whatever their argument was about long ago but the falling out between twin brothers? Do you how awkward it was to sit next to those two at the rehearsal dinner? Everyone's giving little speeches and they're practically glaring at each other."

He was right. They weren't much better than Jacob and Natalie. Inviting Jacob to the wedding after almost everyone we mutually knew had been cut off from his life for more than a year was confusing to do. Mostly because I had no clue if he was going to show up. But when he joined the flight to take all of our friends to England for this occasion, I was surprised and relieved.

"We still have no idea what that fight was about?" Andrew asked.

"No clue. Although, they seem a lot better today than yesterday. Let's just hope that the rest of the wedding goes off without a brawl." Caleb said. "Also, last I checked Austin was getting restless and saying that the wind is messing up his hair."

"How is the wind messing up his hair? He put a fuck ton of gel in it." Andrew muttered.

"You saw the guys already?" I asked Andrew.

"Yeah, Simon and Peter greeted me at the front. It was one big reunion."

"Okay, so everyone's here." Then I felt anxious again, my stomach twisting. "Why am I so nervous?"

"You're not getting cold feet, are you?" Caleb raised his eyebrows. "Please don't. That means that Sam will be forced to have a romantic life with me and I can't have that. He's all yours."

"No, Caleb."

"Then do you want me to wear your dress? Personally, I think I can rock it but if it'll make you laugh I'll put it on."

"You don't have the legs to pull off her dress and the leg parts of it are covered up," Andrew muttered.

"Says you," Caleb dramatized. "I have fantastic legs. You're mad because you'd be bursting at the seams with your muscled body, football boy."

"Caleb, you'd be bursting at the seams. You've obviously been going to a gym. You look way different than the last time I saw you."

"Thank you." Caleb beamed, "I have been working out."

"You still hate cardio?"

"Always will. I fucking hate it. How does Sam run for fun? I will never understand." Caleb's eyes swooped over Andrew's body. "Yup, I'd still rock that dress better than you."

"No. I—"

"Okay, conversation over," I told them, completely amused.

"For the record," Caleb's voice was soft when he turned to me. "He's as nervous as you are. I believe his words were, 'I haven't been this nervous ever and I play professional football'."

My tense shoulders relaxed. Glad to know we were always on the same page.

"Oh, wait. You're forgetting one thing before you go." Caleb walked over to the table where my camera and other makeup supplies laid, handing Andrew the tiara that sat upon it.

The two men stand me in front of the mirror, Andrew placing the tiara attached to a veil on my head. The tiara wasn't flashy. When I had initially spotted it, a part of me was surprised that I wanted to wear it at first, but it fit. Everything about today was just right.

"See," Caleb whispered. "A real princess today."

"Not getting married to Prince Charming, though," I said. The running joke between us would never go away.

Caleb squeezed my arm, "You were always meant to be with the damsel in distress."

Twenty minutes later, music played in my ears and I knew the sound would only get louder. From where I'm standing at the open doors, a wooden makeshift walkway was extended to where everyone gathered a good distance away and small rustic lanterns stood on either side of the pathway.

At a distance, everyone that had been in their seats was standing as each person walked down the aisle. The decorations along the white chairs composed of green ribbons, green and white flowers and rustic lanterns placed alongside the closest chairs to the aisle. If my families could decorate the trees that surrounded the large space, I know they would have. They didn't have to. Everything was good for the theme.

I held onto my dad's arm as we step onto the pathway, getting ready for when we're supposed to start walking. "Nervous?"

"Yes, but I have no idea why," I admitted, surprised at how easy it was to see even though the veil was covering my face.

"Do you think it has to do with everyone together in one place? You and Sam?"

"No," I said, just as we're given the cue to start walking along the path. "Not me and Sam. I think it's the former. Some of the people here I haven't seen together in one place in such a long time but I think it's going okay."

Specifically, my high school friends. Stevie and Cedric? No words between each other. Natalie and Jacob? None. Despite the tension, I could tell that none of them wanted it to affect me or Sam.

"Do you know where he's taking you yet?"

No. Sam was all secrets about this. "Do you?"

"He told me months ago."

"Of course, he did," I muttered as we grew closer to the standing crowd.

On either side of the pathway were rows of chairs occupied by familiar and unfamiliar faces. I recognized family members I had rarely spoken to. Friends. Coworkers. A few people on Sam's soccer team with their own families. Freelance photographers I had worked with over the past years after I graduated university were clicking their way around my father and I, eventually backing up as we walked towards the altar.

The officiant stood at the center of the white makeshift altar which was decorated with flowers and white drapes. Joey Cahill sat behind a piano off to the side, his talented fingers moving across the keys as the band around him on violins and cellos accompanied him in playing Turning Page by Sleeping At Last.

On either side of the altar stood the boys of his family and our friends. Yet my eyes were not on them. Nor at the people clicking away at their phones. Nor at the big camera off to the side, recording the event for me and Sam to look at in the future. I didn't look at any of them because no one took my attention as he did.

I had lied earlier when I said that Caleb was the happiest person I had spotted today. No.

That was definitely Samuel Henry Cahill.

He didn't have to grin from ear to ear for me to know how he felt. The moment we locked eyes and the warmness only grew in my heart, I knew. Like every time, every moment we spend together, the rest of the world faded away and it was only us two.

As I grew closer, Sam's pride fell down. All the walls tumbled over the second he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. I couldn't even talk. I blinked back my own, my dad squeezing my hand in comfort as we got closer.

Sam tilted his head back, blinking rapidly when Caleb leaned forward, patting him on the back. Caleb whispered something to him that made Sam crack up as he regained his composure by taking a deep breath and running a hand through his curly hair.

When we reached the altar, my dad lifted the veil. Everyone seemed to be crying. My father was on the verge of tears. "Look at you."


"She's with you today." He said and on instinct, I glanced over at my little brother who was standing next to Christian. He nodded in agreement. Dad pressed a kiss to my forehead before retreating to his seat next to Vince and Liz.

I took Sam's extended hand as we stood in front of the altar. The music eventually faded. By the last note, the band dropped their instruments, Joey walking over to join where his brothers were standing.

I reached for Sam's other hand as we faced each other, and everyone took their seats. He intertwined our fingers, not needing to say anything as the officiant started the ceremony with the microphone in their hand. "Friends, family and loved ones, we have gathered here today to take part in this occasion with Sam and Macy."

As time passed, eventually we reached the vows which the two of us agreed we wouldn't write beforehand. The officiant placed the microphone on its stand as everyone watched us and waited. Waited for us to speak about the memories and the promises we would make for the future. The memories that were not able to be captured on my camera over the years.

"How long has it been?" I end up asking.

The corner of Sam's lips tugged upward, "We met officially February 2nd, 2014 when you bumped into me at the park. Counting today, it's been about seven years, four months, and 18 days since that day."

"The fact that you know that will forever scare the shit out of me," Ivan muttered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear and everyone laughed while Sam's grin dimmed in seriousness.

"It's been that long and not a day has gone by where after I told you I was in love with you for the first time that I ever doubted how I felt about you. I've never doubted it through everything we've been through. Every fight. Every laugh. Everything," Sam let out a shaky breath, his green eyes teary. "You running into me at that park seven years, four months and 18 days ago was the best thing to ever happen to me. You are the best thing to ever happen to me, Macy."

"Oh God," I sniffed. "I hate it when you say my name sometimes. It's always so serious."

Sam chuckled along with a few other people. "For past years and the years to come, you have become my everything and you will continue to be my everything. Whether we're at the lowest points of our lives or the highest, I will continue to be by your side. Even when I'm not in the same place as you. The same country or same continent. Because at the end of the day I will always choose you. You will never be an option to me, Macy. You never have been and that will never change. And there are so many other things I could say right now but I'll save them for whenever you're mad at me, annoyed at me, or want to put me in my place. For now, I just want you to know one thing," Sam gripped my hands, his voice filled with promise. "I want to spend the rest of my life making your eyes hazel. Just as they are right now."

There was a reaction to the sound of the nickname he had granted me all those years ago from various people. Everyone in my peripheral vision became a blur as the tears that had been pricking my eyes ran down my cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. The right words couldn't form when there were so many things I could say myself. Sam seemed to understand. He pushed the microphone between us away, pulling us closer together. "Sorry."

He cupped my face, his thumbs brushing my tears away. "It's okay."

"No, I just—I don't think there are enough words in the world to tell you how much you mean to me and how in love I am with you." I took a deep breath, overwhelmed but left with one more thought. "But I want you to know that you're the best thing to ever happen to me too and that I can't wait."

Confusion covered his expression. "Can't wait for what?"

"I can't wait for our lives to really start after this. For our future. For our family. I can't wait to fall more in love with you than I already do day by day."

The smile he gave me ignited every feeling I had for him. The overwhelming sensation of this moment would never leave my memory. Because I was in love with Samuel Henry Cahill and I knew I would be for the rest of my life.

Without thinking, the two of us met in the middle for a kiss. Sam's hands on my face and my own gripping at his suit jacket. Everyone around us erupted and just as quick as the kiss started, Sam was pulled away from me and my hands went to my mouth in surprise at our impulse.

"Not yet!" Caleb exclaimed as everyone quieted down.

"Sorry," Sam grinned as he took my hands again. "We'll relax now."

"At least put the rings on before you start," Christian grumbled.

After I placed his own wedding band on his ring finger, he slid the silver wedding band on my own. The ceremony was at its end and the officiant said the words of the two of us to kiss. When Sam's lips met my own, I laughed against his warm mouth, "You're Samuel Anderson now."

He pulled back from the kiss in disbelief at my joke. Then he held me even closer, showing complete joy in his expression. "You're Macy Cahill now. I'm never letting you forget that."


After the ceremony was over, people became acquainted with the castle outside or inside or they left before returning for the reception later in the evening.

I took pictures of my friends and family before having my camera taken away from me so I could be in the photos. Jon Ming handed my camera to someone else, centring me as my friends crowded around me from where we stood near the forest, "We need the original soccer team."

Caleb scoffed while stepping to the side, "Losers."

"Unathletic." Jacob retorted, sounding like the last time I had seen him as we took the following pictures.

When Stevie came over, the boys gave her hugs while I looked at the little boy who made himself accompanied by the grass on the ground as he took a seat. As if on instinct, Caleb bent down to where the child decided to sit on the ground, entertaining him by sprinkling grass around his head. "Caleb, you'll never change," Stevie said.

"Nice to see you too." Caleb mused.

"I'm surprised you were able to come," I told her. She had flown in late last night.

"A free trip to England and accommodations? Doesn't matter if you were getting married or not, do you really think any of us would have passed this up?" Peter asked while simultaneously reaching over to fix the tiara on my head.

As the boys decided to take their own pictures, Sam returned from where he had been taking photos with his brothers. "Hazel, we need to switch."


"Because if I'm with them for a second more I am going to end up killing one of them," He muttered. "Switch then pictures together?"

"Got it," I hiked my dress up, making my way over to the Cahill boys—or should I say men? Although I never used 'Cahill men' due to Phillip who had turned 16 months ago. The youngest Cahill greeted me with his dimples, and I leaned my elbow on his shoulder as the photographer instructed everyone on how to stand. "How are we doing?"

"When do we get to eat?" He asked me.

"Seriously?" Lucas asked on the other side of me, pushing his gold-rimmed glasses further up on the bridge of his nose.

"You're not hungry?" Phillip asked Lucas. "I swear you were complaining that you didn't eat."

"That wasn't him," Greg said on the other side of Phillip just as Toby put his arms around my shoulders from behind me. "That was Christian."

"Christian's always hungry," Ivan said, squeezing his way to situate himself between me and Lucas. "The guy's a human garbage disposal."

"Oh, fuck off," Christian muttered as he stood next to Joey.

"He's not wrong, though," Cedric said, placing himself on the other side of Greg.

I held onto Toby's arms, glancing up at the eldest of them all. "Austin was complaining."

"About his hair?" Toby chuckled, no part of him surprised by his boyfriend's behaviour. "I swear nothing can mess up his hair with the amount of gel he put in it. He's just being dramatic."

"As usual," I commented as we shared a smile before I reached past Lucas to tap Joey on the arm. "Nice job on the piano."

"Nice job getting married." He said as the photographer started taking the pictures.

It's not until it's later in the evening that the reception started. It was being held in the ballroom of the castle and I stood outside of it in the hall, still in my wedding dress. Phillip's voice was clear as he spoke into the microphone. He decided that he wanted to be the host for the event, and he was doing a good job, introducing Caleb and Andrew as they made their way into the ballroom along with the rest of the wedding party. Meanwhile, my stomach growled just before Sam disappeared from the hall and rushed towards me, "Meatballs."

"Oh, thank God." I sighed in relief, grabbing two of the toothpicks from his hands and devouring the meatballs. Christian's hunger from earlier must have made possessed me but I'd rarely eaten all day. "I was so hungry."

"I can't have you fainting in my arms during our first dance."

I give him a meatball smile as he chuckled just when we're up at the door. And when we're announced, his hand was in mine and that's all that matters. It's all that matters even when we're the only two in the center of the dance floor. The instrumental ballad gradually turned into the song we chose for this and I whispered, "If I step on your shoes, what are you going to do?"

"You're not going to step on my shoes." He promised with one hand on my waist and one in my hand. "We've practiced this a million times. We practiced this three days ago in our living room."

"And I stepped on your foot then." Sam cackled at my tone, no sense of care in his voice. He only held me closer as we move, keeping his eyes on me and not at the people watching us, not on the literal spotlight that currently flashing on us nor the multiple cameras.

As the song plays in the background, he said, "You stepped on my foot then and we still carried on. You're doing just fine, Hazel. I got you."

He did. Even when I did accidentally step on his foot in the middle of a twirl and he held in his laugh while pulling me back into his arms. When the song changed, I was no longer in Sam's hold. My dad didn't fail to suppress his own amusement as we danced to the music while Sam danced with his mom. I was aware my father knew I would have hated doing this growing up. But I'm not that little girl anymore and the only worry I had was stepping on his feet.

"You have to have some elegance," My dad said, and I already know he's joking with the horrible accent he placed upon his voice. "Some grace."

"I have no elegance," I reminded him. "I'm still wearing regular shoes under this dress."

"I'm not surprised," He said, before dramatically dipping me. There's a loud cheer from the audience but I'm bursting into loud laughter that doesn't disappear when I get up. He's cracking jokes the entire time we move but eventually as the song changes once again, there's one more parental figure I've yet to dance with.

Vince Cahill with his ever-present serious vibe doesn't say much the first minute of the slow song as we dance so I speak up first, "It's June."

He already knew what I was referring towards, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Mmhmm."

"It's time."

"We're making football bets at your wedding?"

"You're not in England for most of the year, Vince. We have to make do. It's not like we're going to make bets during Christmas. There's too much chaos during that time for that."

"The league starts in August."

"But we make bets every year in June. It's a tradition. You're not going to break an annual tradition, are you?" He chuckled, telling me his reasons on which team he thinks is going to win as we dance in the center of the room.

When it's announced that everyone can start eating either the dinner that was served or from the buffet table by the side, the room was loud with chatter, kids running and people moving. Sam and I were sitting at the head table with Andrew on my side and Caleb on Sam's other when Liz approached me, "Time to change."

"Oh, thank God," I loved this dress, but I didn't want to try getting anything on it while I ate. I pressed a kiss to Sam's cheek. "I'll be back."

We retreated to the office space in the east corridor of the house. My hair was let down into the curls and I was in the middle of zipping up the less flashy white dress Liz and I agreed would work better for the rest of the evening when Maddy and Anmol showed up behind me. They were both changed from their outfits at the wedding, wearing simpler yet identical red dresses for the performance Caleb had hinted about later tonight. "Hi."

"Hey." I turned around to give my friends tight hugs.

"You've been busy tonight," Anmol said, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder as I ran my fingers through my own.

"I love this dress," Maddy gushed. "You should get married more often."

Anmol and I both shot Maddy a look. Maddy put her hands up, "Well, not get married often but you should definitely wear dresses like this again. Or whenever you do, I need pictures. We have to savour these moments."

"Anyways," I sat down on a chair, adjusting my Jordans that were still covered up in this dress. "Where's Audrey?"

"Flirting with this guy she met at the bar," Maddy said.

That was expected. "Where's Derek and Matteo?"

"Caleb, Jon Ming and one of the Cahills, I think it was Greg, rallied Derek over to the buffet table," Anmol said.

"You know, Jon Ming's kind of cute," Maddy said.

"Oh, God. I'm going to warn you before you even start," I said My friends back home and my friends from university were rarely ever in the same place at the same time. "He's mostly in the US living with Drew. You, on the other hand, live in Canada and you hate the idea of long-distance. Plus, I cannot imagine you dating JM."

"I just said he was cute."

"You never say someone's cute at a wedding. You might as well have told us that you plan on seducing him by the end of the night." Anmol muttered.

Behind them, the door opened. Matteo walked into the room along with Brandon. "Where's the married lady?"

"Talking Maddy out of seducing Jon Ming," I said, giving Brandon a much-needed hug. The conversation changed to Anmol telling us about her latest job in the city Derek played in when I turned to Brandon as the rest of them chatted. "How are you doing? With Jacob and everything?"

"I'm surprised he showed up," Brandon said.

"Me too. It's nice to see the two of you civil, though. Or at least civil around me and Sam."

"Our problems aren't going to ruin your day, Mace," He said. "We're going to talk later, though. Save me a dance?" I nodded and he headed out of the room.

"It's a classic seduction technique." That's the last sentence I hear Matteo say and I groaned in annoyance when I realize they reverted back to the idea of Maddy and Jon Ming. They're starting to leave the room when Gigi walked inside, bypassing them.

My small grandmother collided into my body as she assessed me. "You two had me crying throughout that entire ceremony, you know?"

"Sorry?" I let out a faint laugh as she adjusted my dress.

She waved a hand, her hazel eyes twinkling. "Don't ever apologize for showing your love for each other."

As she reached up to fix my necklace, I asked, "Do you know where he's taking me?"

"Yes, and I have been instructed not to tell you." My impatience must have shown because she started pushing me out of the room. "Just wait, bella. Time for speeches."

Once I'm back at the head table and everyone was eating, Caleb and Andrew stood at the center of the dance floor with microphones in one hand and held their half-filled wine glasses in the other. Everyone in the large room quieted down. As Andrew and Caleb both speak, for the hundredth time that day tears were brought to my eyes. Their speeches both start out as telling everyone how they met us individually and their first impression of us and eventually lead to how we met.

"So, Macy bumped into Sam at a park," Caleb turned to me and Sam. "Is that the start?"

"Yes," Sam said, his intertwined fingers pressed against his lips as he listened to his best friend.

"You all can read the story if you want. Shameless promo from myself but whatever," Caleb shrugged as the audience laughed. He and Andrew took turns recollecting our meeting in high school and our relationship onward straight to the proposal in short timing. Then Caleb continued, "Let's face it, you both were idiots when your initial attraction started out. Cedric, my good man, can you attest to that?"

Cedric lifted a glass but he wasn't fazed. Cedric was doing well. He was one of the few who had shown up to this event with a significant other of his own. 

"But idiots know what they did wrong," Andrew said. "They've grown. Macy and Sam are a unit of growth: together and individually."

 "That's true. I mean, if you told me around the time, they first met that these two would be getting married years later, I wouldn't have believed you," Caleb's voice grew softer as he continued. "But when you're with them a lot and you watch them fall more and more in love with each other for years? You'd know. Their love is so certain. You'd want something like that."

After a few more stories that had everyone entertained, Andrew raised his glass. "To Macy and Sam."

"To Macy and Sam." People chorused.

As we ate dinner, the speeches continued from our various friends and family members. The microphones were passed around from person to person, telling stories of how they first met us. It's near the end that the Cahill boys gave their own blurbs. Phillip took the microphone, holding his own glass that I assumed was filled with ginger ale.

"Everyone said I'm the right person to say this next part so," Phillip raised his cup, his dimples on display. "Welcome to the Cahill family, Macy."

Ivan, Toby, Cedric, Lucas, Joey, Christian and Greg follow the youngest Cahill's suit, raising their own glasses in my direction. Sam reached down, squeezing my hand as I grin at them, doing the same.

Ivan grabbed the microphone from Phillip's hand, "Although, everyone, it's been established a long time ago that she was already part of the family. We just needed a dramatic introduction."

Sam chuckled next to me, leaning back in his chair as the night continued. Cutting the cake resulted in me having the opportunity to smash a piece of it into Sam's face. Everyone erupted, the entire scene being captured by the multiple cameras in the room. He didn't retaliate because I was still wearing makeup but he made it clear he was going to get his revenge eventually. Probably my next birthday. When Sam returned after cleaning his face, Caleb and a few others took the dance floor. Once the upbeat music started, Sam mumbled, "Holy fucking shit."

A few of our friends, including Andrew who had apparently learned the moves through multiple video calls, gracefully moved. However, my eyes didn't leave Caleb. Especially when he was leading Maddy as many of them partnered up as the song changed to another upbeat one. He was good and I think a part of him was well aware of it. 

The events sped by well into the night. When I have to toss the bouquet, the person who caught it was the person I figured who would: Emma. I teased Justin about it for the rest of the hour before changing into my final and simplest outfit of the night. A short halter V-neck dress with a dark grey colour. I was changing from my Jordans into black flats when three rapid knocks hit the door before Andrew entered.

"Mace. You got a gift."

"Thanks," I stand from my chair. "I'll put it on the table with the others." The pile of gifts on the other side of the room looked like they were toppling. We weren't going to open any of them until we got back from our honeymoon.

Andrew stopped me, placing it in my hands. "I think you should open it now."

"Why?" The tag on the small box has me freeze when I see a part of the scrawled name.


I sat down on the chair once again, my hands smoothening over the ribbons around the smooth box. "How?"

"She sent it to me because she couldn't make it."

"You guys are talking?"

"No," Andrew said. "I mean I've made my peace with what she did years ago but it's not like we occasionally talk. She doesn't have your new number but you know I've never changed mine, so she wanted to make sure you got it and sent it to me. We may not talk but we're okay."

"That's good," I mumbled. We've rarely ever brought her up in any discussion. Drake couldn't make my wedding either because of his newborn but I got his present and his best wishes sent to me weeks prior. I had thought of Jasmine and debated whether or not I should send her an invitation for months. Once I did and she said she couldn't come but sent her own wishes, I was at peace with that.

When I opened it, I reached inside, holding up the bundle of fabric in my hands. "She got us baby socks. Messi Adidas baby socks."

Flicking open the tag, scrawled inside was a message: 'For your first kid. They might as well have something related to someone who was once their mom's favourite soccer player. Congrats to you and Sam again. Love, Jasmine'.

"Damn," Andrew said.

"I hope she's doing well," I mumbled.

"Me too." I placed the box on the table with the rest of the gifts, knowing that one day those socks would come into good use in the future.

When I'm talking to a few relatives of mine back in the ballroom, Sam nudged me on the side. Sam had changed outfits as well. He wore a light blue button-up and dark dress pants. But this appearance wasn't my focus. His green eyes were darker and a somber expression was on his handsome face. "Can we go?"

Instantly, I was aware of what he was talking about. "Is Caleb coming along?"

"Nah, he said we should go by ourselves."

With the distraction of loud conversation and music, we managed to slip out of the area. I grabbed a sweater from the office before we head out the front doors of the building. Sam turned the flashlight of his phone on despite the lamps near the front, but I know we'll need it as we walk on ahead alongside the road.

"This is the best day ever," I said. "I just need more food in my stomach."

Sam's laughter cut through the air as we stop before a gate and he opened up the gated area with a key in his pocket. He gripped onto my hand as he held the flashlight towards us but even in complete darkness, I knew Sam would find a way to her grave. His visits decreased over the years but he always made time to pay his respects to his sister.

When we came upon her headstone, he said, "Hi Beth. The impossible just happened. I'm married."

"The impossible?" I stared at Sam who looked amused, knowing that I would say something. "What would she say?"

"First she would hit me in the arm and wonder why I didn't call her the second I was engaged. If I was engaged, she would've hit me in the arm and wonder why I didn't call her the second I was planning it. If I was planning it—let's just say that I would've had some bruises on my arms. But she'd be ecstatic. Way more ecstatic than when my mum found out I was going to propose."

He turned back to her headstone. "I'm going to keep this short because I will be back anyway. Just needed to visit you before we left. I wish you were here. You would've liked the wedding. You definitely would have."

Sam said a few more words before bidding his sister goodbye. We moved along the graveyard, towards another area not too far from Bethany's. He glanced up at the night sky before looking back down at his grandfather's headstone. "I'm happy," The words made me turn to glance at Sam. "Hazel and I are married and I'm really happy. Actually, I haven't been annoyed once today."

"Not even when Caleb tried exposing you when he got the microphone?" I asked.

"Not even then. I can't be annoyed today," He admitted, twisting the wedding band on my finger. "I'm just happy."

The reminder of one of the conversations I last had with Charles years ago clouded my thoughts. All Charles ever wanted was for Sam to be happy. To see him like this: eyes bright and a carefree smile on his face. He wasn't holding himself back and he hadn't been for a long time.

We're walking back towards the noise coming from the castle when I said, "Jasmine sent us a gift."

Sam stopped. He spun me around to face him on the sidewalk. "I'm sorry, did you just say Jasmine?"

"Yup. She sent us baby socks. Messi themed baby socks."

Sam looked skeptical. "That's really nice of her."

"Yeah," I said as we continued our walk. "I just—I guess I don't know what to think."

"I think that even though she isn't here today or even though you aren't friends anymore, that the gift shows that she'll always care about you. The same way you do or else you wouldn't have thought about inviting her to the wedding in the first place."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I slung an arm around his waist. He put his arm own around my shoulders. "I don't like that you can read me that easily."

Sam smirked, "After all these years you'd think you'd be used to it, Mrs. Cahill."

"Mrs. Cahill," I repeated slowly. "I'm a wife and you're a husband."

Sam halted us once again from walking as we processed my words, both of us in disbelief. "You're a wife."

"You're a husband."

Sam slowly grinned. "You're my wife."

I couldn't help but smile right back at him. "You're my husband."

"I'm your husband." He said. "Wow, that's terrifying."

My fist lightly hit him on the chest as he cackled. "Shut up."

"I'm kidding," He teased, pressing a kiss to my forehead as we made our way back to the castle.

The night wrapped up after a final thank you to everyone for coming out. I stood near the front doors, eyes on the luggage I didn't pack myself as I said goodbye to my family and friends and the numerous other people.

"I packed everything for you," Maddy told me. Maddy and I have had various conversations on what would be occurring tonight to the point where I felt like I could write a handbook titled 'Maddy's Guide to Having Sex For the First Time'. She would gladly sell copies. However, for tonight I was filled with a mixture of feelings but the strongest was anticipation. "You're going to love what he has planned."

"Okay, but what does he have planned?" My friends settled for leaving me in the dark, telling me to enjoy my honeymoon before I give Andrew a hug.

"I'll see you in a few weeks." He said.

"Definitely. And you owe me three lunches this year because we missed last year."

As we're talking, Caleb approached us and I playfully hit him on the arm, "You were insane. Your dance better be on video."

"You liked my moves?"

"Why are you acting like you know you weren't good?"

"It's the validation that matters, Cahill," Caleb's eyes lit up. "This is going to be interesting. I'm calling you Cahill from now on."

"What happened to Princess or Princesa?" Andrew asked.

"Nope, that's gone," No, it wasn't. It never would be, but Caleb was up to his usual dramatics. "I need to test it out. Cahill. Macy Cahill. Macy Victoria Marie Cahill. Holy fucking--"

"Caleb." Liz looked as fed up by his antics just like everyone in our vicinity.

"Sorry," He sheepishly grinned, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I'll see you soon, Cahill. You're visiting me at my crib when you get the chance."

When I reach my family and a few others, I bid Natalie and my dad bye but when I'm hugging Emma, that's when Justin said. "Have fun." Then he narrowed his eyes. "But not too much fun. I don't know if I want to be an uncle yet."

I hit the guy on the back of the head. He hissed, reaching out to hit me back but Emma grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "Bye, Mace."

"Bye." I stuck my tongue out at Justin who does the same before the two of us share a smile. After five minutes of barely making it out the door, Sam and I make our way outside in the direction of the car meant to take us somewhere, stepping away from our family and friends.

Sam and I settled in the backseat once our luggage was in the trunk and duffel bag at Sam's feet. I waved to the people filing out of the Cahill castle, seeing our friends and family's faces disappear and the driver in the front seat leads us away from the Cahill compound. "Did you get any pictures?" Sam asked. 

"Of course, I did." I took my camera sling off of my neck, angling my body towards Sam as he flicked through the photos on my camera for the next few minutes. "So, we're going to the airport."

"Yes. You might want to take it easy on the plane ride," Sam said. "It's not a long flight but take a nap to save your energy."

My energy had been at a high all day and it was still at a high at this moment. "Why?"

The look Sam gave me had still at the heat in his eyes. "Because you're going to need it."

Even married, I had to look down. My gaze fixed on my hands as Sam continued to go through the pictures. I cleared my throat, Sam amused but I have nothing to rebuttal for his previous words. He knew what going to happen later tonight. He waited. I waited. We've both waited for another way to show our love to each other.

"You still haven't told me where we're going," I whispered to Sam, glancing at the driver.


I scoffed, hitting him lightly on the chest as he chuckled, pulling me towards him. His fingers ran over my hair while I laid my head on his chest. He only cradled me closer to his body as I slung an arm around his waist, eyes on the window as the night whipped past us on the way to the airport. He leaned down, his lips against my forehead in reassurance, love, and everything I didn't know I would be so lucky to have in this lifetime. Then he whispered, "Italy."

I gasped, sitting up to properly face him. I guess we would be visiting Caleb's 'crib' earlier than I thought. "No way. Where in?"

"First, we're going to Sicily, since that's where your mum's side of the family is from."


"I was talking to your grandmother and she gave us good places to visit within Palermo which is where we are staying for the first few days. Then, we'll head over to the mainland and Caleb told me a few places to visit too."

I cupped his face in my hands, halting him from speaking any further. When I kiss him, I have to remind myself that we weren't alone and I quickly pulled back to see the smirk on his face. You're welcome."

Sam slung an arm around my shoulders as I looked at the photos with him. I took his hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it before looking down at our identical wedding bands.

Suddenly, he sat up, "Oh, shit, I almost forgot. You still hungry?"

Sam reached into the duffel bag at his feet before handing me my first love. I gasped, opening the strawberry Pop-Tart wrapper. Taking a bite, I groaned, splitting it in half to share with him. "Have I ever told you how much I'm in love with you?"

"Only a few times today but what's one more time?"

My next words would hold true for this moment as we're being driven along the streets of his hometown and they hold true for the rest of our lives. "Never enough."  

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