Chapter Twenty Two: Look At The Size Of That Thing.

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Dedicated to wallflower_tris for the cover at the top, thank you so much💙

This chapter isn't really long but I didn't want to leave you hanging when I've had busy two weeks.

Chapter Twenty Two: "Look At The Size Of That Thing."

I ENTERED THEIR flat, closing the door behind me. I spotted Caleb on the couch, lying sideways and flipping through channels. "Hey princess."

Even though he was leaving soon, he had adjusted here pretty quickly. I knew he had been to England itself before so he knew and made Sam drag him to places all over even where I worked. He wouldn't leave and stayed with me for my entire shift because Sam had practice that night. 

"Hey Charming, where is he?"

"Bedroom." Caleb said before glancing at me and raising his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

I rolled my eyes, dropping my duffle bag on him in which he produced a loud grunt. Then I noticed that Caleb wasn't wearing a shirt, showing his tattoo covered torso nor was he wearing pants. His boxers were the blue ones...with ducks. "Really? You're still wearing those?"

"My ass looks great in these." He said with a grin. "They show my pronounced buttocks."

"You did not just say buttocks." I deadpanned, staring at the idiot in front of me.

"What would you prefer glutus ma-" I stopped him by taking my duffle bag and dropping it on top of his body again, making him whine.  

Ignoring Caleb's complaints, I made my way over to Sam's room. I found him lying on his bed, in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He had the phone hovering over his ear when his eyes darted over to me. "Yeah. I'll call you later mum. Bye."

He hung up the phone, sitting up and moving over to the edge of the bed. "How was your day?"

"I have a paper due on Friday and I'm almost done so that's fine."

"When was the paper assigned?"

"Like four hours ago."

"And you're almost done?"

"One of my classes was cancelled. I got lucky and really productive." I said, closing the door behind me as I walked over to him.

He reached his arms out and I gladly stepped into them. He pulled me into a position where my legs were by his sides. "You ready for exams?"

"No." I told him without hesitation.

He laughed, his hands coming up and holding my face. "I remember how stressed you were in grade twelve."

"I hate exams." I said, looking at his lips although I could still feel the intensity of his eyes without looking at them.

"You always do great on them because you actually study Hazel. You'll be okay. If you weren't stressing out that's when I think there'd be a problem."

I cupped his face in my hands, not helping myself by pressing my lips against his. Sam reciprocated kissing me back slowly but that's not what I wanted. I kissed him hard and felt his grip on me tighten as my hands roamed over his shirt. I needed to feel something, anything and his shirt was getting in the way. I ignored hoe eager I seemed  considering we had been in this position many times but today I was antsy.

I tugged at his shirt and he complied. Sam made me get off of him, taking his shirt off and throwing it on the other side of the room. Before I could see his torso, he stood, kissing me with full force. My breath was knocked out of me but I didn't care feeling the sensation of his lips against mine. Before I knew it my back was against the bed and he was crawling over me, his hands bringing the zipper of my sweater down.

When my sweater was thrown away to the side, Sam pulled away, the both of us panting as he was above me, his strength on his forearms. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I said quickly.

Sam's eyes were narrowed as he stared at me, searching my face before he lent in, kissing me with passion. When his tongue brushed mine I felt like a jolt of electricity run through me and I wanted him closer. I pulled back this time, trying to catch my breath for a second. Sam nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. "Hazel?"

"Yeah." I said in an exhale.

"If you weren't on your 'japan' right now... On a scale of one to ten, how ready do you think you are to have sex with me?"

"It's not like I don't want to-" I tried to justify while he kept kissing my neck.

"That's not the question," He said, pulling his face out of my neck to look at me with those green eyes of his. "How ready would you be? Answer honestly."

Could I even lie to face when he was looking at me like that? "Um." I tried to look somewhere else in the room that was suddenly hot but Sam held my eyes. I swallowed, wondering if he would be offended by my answer.

"Six." I blurted out.

Sam chuckled. "Did you think I would be mad at that answer?"

"No. I thought I'd get a different reaction then that."

"It's not like I don't understand. I really do. I've told you before and I'll say it again. If you want to wait, then I want to wait even if it's the day we're married or on our honeymoon in the Bahamas."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Who said I wanted our honeymoon to be in the Bahamas?"

"Okay, wherever the hell you want it to be, I don't care as long as you're there." He squeezed my hip and I pulled myself up to take his bottom lip between my teeth something he loved whenever I did that. I could hear him groan in frustration, pulling away so his lips trailed down the side of my neck.

I could feel his teeth graze against my juncture of my neck and shoulder, making me push myself closer to him if that was even possible. I can feel my skin burn where my hands were touching his skin on his chest and I'm even sure if I can breathe properly whenever he does this. He pressed a kiss to a spot under my ear and I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling him smile against my skin.

He looked up at me, under his eyelashes and that stupid smirk was on his face. I stared at him, feeling a little lightheaded. "What?"

"Nothing." He said but he held my eyes with his gaze which sent a shiver down my spine.

After a moment, he leaned forward continuing what he was doing to my neck making me tilt my head back. I knew someone would interrupt us. Trust me I knew. I enjoyed the moment while it lasted but I knew someone would interrupt us.

So when Caleb came into that room I expected Sam to instantly pull off of me as Caleb stilled at the threshold, staring at us. "Did I interrupt something?" His eyes flickered around the room innocently.

I sighed, feeling my face get even hotter when Sam moved his lips off my neck, a loud 'pop' sounding through the room.

Sam ran his thumb over his slightly swollen bottom lip as he got off me not even glaring at his best friend. "What do you need Caleb?"

"I was just wondering what we're doing for someone's special day tomorrow." He practically sang, grinning widely.

"I have practice in the morning then a class I really need to go to but I'm skipping the rest of the day for you. When you wake up at eleven o'clock which I know you will do depending on when you sleep tonight I have things for us to do tomorrow but at night you can pick whatever you want, got it?"

Caleb nodded like a kid. "Yup. Now would you like to tell me what you got me or would you like to give me my presents early?"

"Why early?" I asked, trying to regain my breath the best I could, sitting up.

"We always give one small present early before the real one on the day." Caleb explained. 

Sam eyed Caleb staring at his boxers. "I would give you a new set of boxers."

"Really?" Caleb asked wide eyed and I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement.

Sam sighed, a smile playing on his lips. "Wait," Sam got off of me, reaching over into his nightstand to throw Caleb a wrapped gift, tossing it at him.

Caleb flipped the package in his hands looking at the note on top. "Because you have the worst underpants taste, Sam'. Awwww." Caleb said all gushy making me laugh harder.

Caleb tore open the package and sat down next to me on the bed. "Oh my God, Macy look. These ones have cows on them. Oh my god this one has a frog. This one has frogs and ducks. Sam?"

"What?" Sam asked, glancing at him from the other side of me.

"You really love me." Caleb sniffed dramatically.

Sam rolled his eyes when Caleb leaped over to me to give him a hug. I got out of the bed, trying to put my hair in place. "I gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Sam pushed Caleb off of him. "Where are you headed?"

"Anmol's." I told him, kissing his lips before heading out of the room. I wish I had waited a couple of seconds before heading out of the room because I saw a sight that scared me for life.

"Oh my god!" I held my hand up to my eyes, wishing I could unsee what I just saw.

"What? What happened?" I could hear Sam and Caleb next to me voicing their confusion.

When Caleb laughed loudly, I held my hand away to block my view of Peter to face Sam. Sam looked annoyed, eyes up on the ceiling as he tried not to take in his cousin's lack of clothing. "Why the hell are you naked?"

"I was just going to go to the balcony and-"

"Wait, were you going to do the thing where you want to feel free and shit?" Sam asked, shaking his head, his eyes closed by now. So this is what Sam had meant when he explained that Peter likes walking around naked.

"You do that too?" Caleb asked and it was then I realized that Peter and Caleb in a way had a similar type of mindset. Similar in some ways. Not all the time.

"Yeah!" Peter said and I could hear the slap of a high five and I groaned, wanting Peter to leave.

"Wow Macy."

"What?" I asked, making sure not to look at Peter.

"That sure is a dark hickey on your neck. Look at the size of that thing."

Felt someone else shift closer to me. "Sam were you trying to brand her or were you a bite away from making your girlfriend a vampire?" Caleb said and I glanced over at his voice, rolling my eyes while swatting his hands away from my neck.

Sam eyed my neck that stupid smirk on his face making me reach out and hit him lightly in his stomach. "Way to feel me up."

"Shut up," I told him before turning back to Peter and remembering that he was naked. Putting my hands on my eyes, I asked him, "You realize how cold it is outside right?"

"Yeah but the outdoor jacuzzi was installed. Life is good." Peter said and I could hear the sound of retreating footsteps. I took my hands off my eyes too quickly because the sight of Peter's butt greeted me as he walked further down the hall.

"Why do I come here?" I muttered.

"Definitely not to see Peter's dick that's for sure." Caleb grinned, walking in the opposite direction.


"So, um, you and Derek?" Maddy asked one night when me and her visited the Kaur house. 

Anmol let out a little laugh, flidding with her bed sheet, "We're doing good." 

"Aw." Maddy gushed. "And your sister's okay with it?" 

Anmol nodded, "She was really happy about it actually. Her and Derek are still friends, so they get along well anyways. It's been really good," Then she tapped me, "Tell me more about your weekend. You didn't elaborate."

I tried avoiding the topic. "It wasn't really that interesting."

"Your friend and boyfriend's brother got married. And it's a Cahill wedding I'm sure something interesting happened." She explained.

"What about Jasmine? You didn't tell me about her and Andrew's reunion." Maddy spoke up.

"Um...they're kind of not together anymore." I said.        

Maddy dropped the water bottle she was holding, the liquid spilling all over the floor. "What? You didn't tell me that!"

"You didn't ask!" I said in defense.

"They're not together anymore? What happened?" Anmol asked, looking confused when I honestly thought we should do something about the water on the ground.

"It, um, it just didn't work out." I mumbled, taking out my General Chemistry 1 textbook out.

"What? What do you mean it just didn't work out?"

"They live in two separate parts of the world. It just didn't work out." I explained.

Maddy and Anmol shared a look and I think an understanding of the situation came to their minds. "Oh."

"Yeah. Oh." I emphasized, opening the textbook.

"Um, anyway," Anmol said to break the silence and I could hear the Nicki Minaj coming from her earphones connected to her phone lying on the bed. "Maddy how's George?"

"Ugh, don't get me started." Maddy waved a hand, lying down on Anmol's bed and groaning into the pillow.

Anmol and I exchanged a look. "What happened?"

Maddy turned around, looking up at the ceiling, fixing the glasses on her face. "Why are boys so annoying?"

"What happened?" Anmol and I asked at the same time again.

"I had, like, an hour long conversation with George yesterday when I should've been studying about commitment. Commitment. It wasn't even me who brought it up. It was him. I'm so cheesed."

"Cheesed? You're cheesed?" Anmol asked, looking the most confused I had ever seen her.

I remember there was a phase where Jon Ming used that word over and over again. Where he got it from I had no idea but it drove a writer like Caleb crazy. "She means she's mad."

"I'm sorry I'm not caught up on 'Canadian' slang but do continue."

"He's just being...what's the British word for idiot?" Maddy asked.

Anmol shot Maddy a dumb look. "Idiot."

Maddy huffed. "I'm sorry for my stupidity. I'm just-"

"Cheesed," Anmol tested out. "Yeah, we know."

"Anyway, he's so complicated. One second he's telling me 'oh we should just stay friends'. The next he's telling people we're together. No one understands how confused I am. Ugh. You know what?"

"What?" I asked, wondering where this conversation was going.

"I think I'm going to end it."

"No offense, but end what exactly?" Anmol questioned.

"End whatever is going on between George and me. If he doesn't want to be with me clearly than we need to clarify that we truly aren't together. I'm not going to sit around waiting for him to tell me when he's basically ready to date."

I snapped my fingers to encourage her with her starting speech.

"He said it, 'we're in uni, we don't have to be tied down'. That's fine if he doesn't want to be tied down then I shouldn't be either."

"Wait what?" I stopped my snapping. I figured she would do some empowering thing not do exactly what George said he would do.

"Yeah, if George could see other people than I should too."

"Maddy when you said that you shouldn't sit around waiting for George to come to conclusion about you two I didn't think you meant going around and being with other people."

"But Macy." She whined.

"Maddy, it makes sense for you to break things- or whatever you had with him- off. It does. But don't resort to that level where he said he wants to do something and you'll do the same. Just live your life, you're going to be a star setter for a professional volleyball team. This guy is the least of your problems."

"Why are you not a life advisor?" Anmol asked.

"Because I love soccer."

"Why do you guys say soccer? It's football." Anmol pointed out and I took a deep breath, ready for the upcoming argument.


On Thursday, I quickly ran into the building Sam and Peter lived in. When I had gotten upstairs, opening the door that led into the penthouse, I held my duffle bag carefully, making sure moved or shifted.

I quietly closed the door behind me. I could see the boots on the carpet in front of me, letting me know Sam and Caleb had just come back. Quietly walking into the kitchen, I placed my duffle bag on the island, putting the thing in my duffle bag in the fridge. The sound of laughter came in from the living room.

"That guy didn't see it coming." Caleb gasped out but I could see him and Sam laughing even harder, making a smile come to my face.

Caleb wiped under his eyes, sighing loudly. "This has been such a great day. I mean I got to spend the day with you man."

"Not to mention you almost falling off of the bridge."

"I got 30 pounds didn't I?" He waved the money in Sam's face and they both laughed at the same time again.

"No seriously, it's been a great day. Thanks Sam." He said.


Caleb's face was in thought and he rubbed a hand over his jaw. "It's November and the last time I had seen you before this weekend was in August. We hadn't been apart that long since-"

"I moved back in the tenth grade," Sam nodded. "Yeah I know, but even then my mum couldn't keep the three of us apart."

Caleb chuckled. "I remember getting on a plane and visiting you and Beth at least once a month. Even when we all went to different high schools we still managed to see each other every single day."

"Straight after school. And you would walk into my house, screaming my name and-"

"Beth would jump on my back thinking she could surprise me every time." Caleb's face scrunched up, eyes drifting off a bit. "She never did. But I would end up carrying her on my back, up the stairs anyway."

"And you two would barge into my room, most of the time laughing about something. And I would try to improve my maths skills-"

"You were the smartest guy I knew. Still are. You studied about quadratics just when most were learning the importance of a line in math, thinking it was stupid."

"What about you in English? Or you in writing in general? You have an insane way with words. You would always be writing whether we were all talking or eating or brushing your teeth."

"Did you just compliment me?" Caleb dramatically gasped and Sam reached over, smacking him upside the head as he shrugged his jacket off, tossing it over to the couch.

"Shut up. It's your birthday I figured you would at least get one compliment from me today."

A small smile held Caleb's face. "Three months. Three months without my best friend. I really did miss you."

I figured Sam would say something that was in his personality, brush it off or roll his eyes. But he didn't. "I missed you too." He said and as if it couldn't get any more shocking, Sam stepped forward giving Caleb a hug.

Caleb hugged him back and I put my hands over my mouth and nose, not helping but smiling at the sight. Quickly taking my camera and holding it up, I took multiple pictures of the two hugging.

Sam glanced at me over Caleb's shoulder. "Hazel."

"Sorry to interrupt your budding bromance." I said, putting my camera down and stepping into the room. "Happy birthday Caleb."

He grinned at me, letting go of Sam to give me one of his lung tightening hugs. "Thank you."

"So how does it feel to be 18?"

Caleb tilted his head to the side. "I feel the same as I did yesterday so I'm great but since we're in England and not in Canada, there is something I want to do that will make me feel like I'm a legal adult."

Sam and I exchanged glances. My boyfriend crossed his arms, wondering what was possibly going through his best friend's head. "What do you exactly have in mind?"

"It's not like it's something I've never done before."

"That scares me." I admitted.

Caleb waved a hand, grinning widely. "No. Now that I'm eighteen I want to go to a pub and drink legally for the first time."

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