Chapter Two: Fate Is An Evil Spirit.

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I have like have seven chapters ahead of this one tbh.


Twitter: @_nikkiofficialw

Chapter Two: "Fate Is An Evil Spirit."

I OPENED THE door to Sam's flat. He and his cousin Peter lived in a huge penthouse, even bigger than the one Caleb had back home. Their rooms were in two separate hallways so each could have their privacy which they both incredibly needed seeing as Peter sometimes liked to walk around naked. I haven't seen that and I really hope I would never have to see that.

I almost tripped on one of Sam's shoes in the hallway. I knew they were his because they were white All Star Converse. I took my shoes off and slid across the hardwood floor.

I didn't even bother finding out where Sam was. I immediately went into the large kitchen and grabbed a Pop-Tart, unwrapped it and put it in the toaster. There was always a pack of them just for me because I was here at least once a week.

"Hazel?" His clear voice rang through the place.

"Kitchen!" I yelled back as I heard his footsteps.

Sam came into the room, a textbook in his hand and he ruffled his wet hair with a towel before flinging it onto the counter. And he was shirtless.

Why was he shirtless? I asked myself, not really complaining.

His hair was messy in different wet strands but he still made it work. He had sweats on as his eyes trailed over the book, not taking his eyes off of it even as he reached me. "How was practice this morning?"

"It was fine," I said as he put his book down, reaching into the fridge to grab a bottle of Coke.

Just as he was about to raise the bottle to his pink lips, he stopped and raised an eyebrow at me. "It was fine?" He put the bottle down on the island, leaning against it and crossing his muscled arms.

"Well, I'm sore as hell. My legs feel as if they tried to run around the least eight times. I could barely keep my eyes open as I tried to study for my exam for Monday. So yes I am totally and completely fine." I closed my eyes and leaned against the fridge, feeling the cool steel against my back and I almost released a sigh.

"My poor baby." I could clearly hear the mock in tone even as he included the stupid word of endearment.

I reached out with my eyes closed and managed to hit him on the chest. "Stupid Jerk."

I felt his fingers pull at the zipper of my sweater until it reached the bottom. He pushed the sleeves off of my shoulders, taking my sweater off and putting it away. Sam's warm hands were found at my hips, pushing my shirt just a fraction up before skimming the sliver of skin.

"Honey I'm home!" Oh my God seriously? I thought as my eyes flew open to meet Sam's annoyed expression.

"Fuck." He whispered, not taking his hands off me as he looked over his shoulder at Peter.

Peter Robin Cahill. He was Vince Cahill's brother's son. With brown eyes and brown hair, he sounded like a regular everyday guy but like every Cahill boy he was considered to be insanely attractive not that I've noticed. I didn't actually care.

But right now he was what Sam would call the biggest something blocker right now.

I was annoyed as I plastered a fake smile on my face. "Peter."

"Macy!" He exclaimed walking over to a cabinet and taking out a beer.

"I thought you were leaving for Yorkshire," Sam mentioned, dragging his hands slowly off of me and resting his head against me.

"Nah next weekend," Peter said, sitting up on the counter. "I think Jenna's getting sick of me after we've been together for five years but its s'fine."

"Five years?" I asked when I heard the ding from the toaster. "You've been dating one another since you were thirteen?" I met Jenna. She was a pretty nice person, blonde and all big blue eyed. How she ended up with Peter only God knows.

Peter nodded. "Sometimes it's been on and off but I know that I love her." Something flickered in his eyes before he blinked and jumped off of the counter. "I'll be in my room, goodbye lovebirds!"

When Peter retreated, Sam smirked at me. "Can we go back to what we were doing?"

I stared at him, pushing him back gently. "No, you have a test to study for and I'm going to call in and get some food for the night."

"What's Mads up to?" He asked, grabbing my hand and sweater as we walked out of the room.

"Um...she mentioned a date with that guy that works at the coffee shop," I told him as I pulled out my phone.

"Isn't his name like Robert or something?" Sam asked with dislike clear on his face.


"Really? He's in one of my lectures and he's kind of prick."

"Then I hope she knows who she's going out with tonight," I said as I entered the living room, curling up on the couch.

Sam sat down next to me, throwing an arm around me. "I got assigned this project." He told me as after I had ordered a pizza.

"What do you mean assigned a project?"

Sam's eyes flickered around the room before I touched his chin so he could stare right at me. "Its partner work and this my partner."

This was already going down a bad road. "Who's the girl?"

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "You know? That girl on your team? That girl? Um...Miranda? Sasha? Monya? I don't- I don't even know- "

That's when my eyes almost pop out of my head and I jump up to stand in front of him. "Tanya Nesmith? Defender? Sweeper? Thinks she's the absolute best at everything? Is an Alex in another lifetime-sorry in another country?"

I've never hated someone as much as I've hated Tanya Nesmith.

I've said that before about Beatrice but that's over and done with.

I disliked Alex because of her attitude. I'll never see Alex again so yes in my mind I've forgiven her for her taunting because according to Sam, I was a very forgivable person.

But Tanya? No words can explain.

She's like a porcupine in a herd of soft fluffy bunnies. She's like a forest fire that never seems to burn out. She's like Hera in the Percy Jackson novels.

When I first met her at tryouts in early September, I didn't understand why she kept trying to kick me, sometimes when I didn't even have the ball. Then I learned something. That girl who was definitely smaller than me considering she was 5'4 and I was 6'1, hated me because of a certain person who I was currently standing over.

See, Samuel Cahill was fairly known in England. I mean in August him and his family had this big photo shoot for a Forbes magazine and after some mishap with paparazzi, they had to build a huge gate in front and around their house because their privacy is basically now nonexistent. Besides his family, Sam was known for the whole modelling thing he did sometimes. With that modelling job, meant that he met different people. Two years ago 'different people' meant different girls and other models. But today when I said different people, I definitely meant people. He met other famous people and some of those famous people have daughters. Daughters like Tanya who seemed to have a huge obsession with my boyfriend.

She would talk about him in the changeroom, fully aware that I was in the room.

She would mention how amazing and gorgeous he was.

Then she would get to how he shouldn't be tied down by and I quote 'some grungy girl from another part of the world'. Let's just say I had a hard time trying not to knock her teeth out.

She would do this every time. She would go up to Sam and try and when I say try I mean try to talk to him.

See, over the last couple of months, Sam was trying to be a little bit more polite. So he would actually acknowledge a person instead of walking by them and ignore them. Sam would keep their conversations short like monosyllable short.

She would touch him to the point where Sam would have to keep at least three feet whenever they were talking. In one of their class, he had told me how she forcefully sat beside him and every time he tried to move seats, she would follow and end up beside him.

So, yes I did not like Tanya Nesmith.

"Why is she your partner out of all people?" I asked him.

"S'not my fault, teacher paired everyone up and fate just decided to put me with her."

"Well, fate is an evil spirit," I muttered, crossing my arms.

Sam reached out and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me between his legs. "It's fine. We're going to work on it tomorrow at the library. She offered to come here but I told her that my place was getting tented for termites. I didn't want to go to hers so after many agonizing minutes I compromised and we're going to the library." 

"She probably thinks it'll be a quiet advantage for you to make out," I muttered.

"That will never happen." He told me, pushing me forward and making me straddle his legs.

"You should file for a restraining order. To make sure she can't be at least 300 feet near you or else she gets arrested." I suggested as my hands rested on his shoulders with a serious face.

"Your possessiveness is showing rather brightly today Hazel."

"It's not possessiveness. I mean any other girl would have been fine but Tanya. I swear she wants to kidnap you and hide you in her closet."

Sam smirked, kissing me lightly on the mouth. "I'm going to be on one side of the table and her on the other. If she wanted to kidnap me, she wouldn't even succeed because I'm vaguely sure you'll knock her out if she even touches me."

"I wouldn't knock her out," I said. "You make me sound like I'm a violent creature."

He cocked his head at me. "You are."

I pushed his head back when he tried to kiss me again and got off of him, settling beside him as I turned the flat screen TV on. The channels here were a little different. Very different actually.

I felt a tiny pang in my chest and I could feel my face turn into a frown. "You okay?" Sam asked when he looked at me.

I shrugged, leaning into his shoulder as I passed a food channel. "I'm kind of missing home."

He rubbed the side of my arm. "Only a couple weeks until the wedding and we have to be there a week early to get fitted. You'll be seeing everyone in no time."

"I know," I mumbled. His words were comforting and settling as he twirled a strand of my hair with his fingers.

"Just think about it: you'll be able to argue with your brother, I'll be able to argue with the eight of my brothers. You can see your dad and my mum and my dad. You can see Caleb, Jasmine, Andrew, Jacob, Brandon, your cousin Natalie, Jon Ming and Austin. You can remember the times we had together. Like the beach and playing soccer and going to the pool and Jon Ming not knowing how to swim and-"

"You're really not helping anymore at the moment," I said to make him stop.

He grinned, changing the channel. "I know."


The game was amazing. Manchester won but the sickest thing happened after the game.

Sam and I were about to walk out of the stadium when one of the players...yes one of the players from the team came over in a hoodie, hiding his face from the passing people that could ambush him. It was Dean Henderson.

Holy fudge nuggets it was Dean Henderson from the under 21's team. He literally just played.  

He shook hands with Sam, clearly knowing him from before. I stood there star struck even Sam and I were led to the through different places in the huge arena into the change room.

I'm a soccer player.

And yes I was one of those soccer players who knew every single player of certain teams in different leagues. I would know their track records, how many goals per season, assists like Justin and his basketball obsession. When they transferred or who they played with in years like get it? 

Most of them actually knew Sam seeing as they patted his back, shook his hand and Sam reciprocated with a small smile. "Good game today guys."

"Would be pretty cool if you got to play with us lad." George Dorrington said and my eyes widened even further.

"Maybe someday," Sam said, then he grinned putting an arm around my waist. "This is Macy."

All eyes in the room turned to me and I could have fallen over just air at the sight of my third favourite team all look at me.

"She's a football player?" A voice said.

"How's it going?" Another said. 

I couldn't say anything. God, why couldn't I? I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. For the love of cheese, no words came out.

Sam clearly noticed my lack of speech and Tom Thorpe stared at me amused before looking over at Sam. "Is she mute?"

"She's definitely not," His tone hinted a double meaning and I elbowed him swiftly in the stomach to which he almost doubled over, hissing a sharp breath. "I mean, she talks. She's just a little star struck I guess."

"H-Hi." I managed to get out, smiling widely. Clearly noticing that I was indeed not mute, the rest of the players manoeuvred over to personally introduce themselves to me.

By the time they had to leave I had gotten multiple photos and a new hat. I was looking through the photos on my camera, smiling to myself, my arm hooked through Sam's as we walked through the streets of Manchester.

"You seem relatively happy," Sam said.

I stood in front of him, putting my hands on his shoulders to stop him from walking. "Are you kidding me? I'm going to brag in Andrew's face that I got to meet Tom Thorpe. They even knew you! How? Holy."

"I have connections." Was all he said.

I looked into his eyes, rolling my own when he took my new hat off my head and placed it on his own, hiding part of his curly hair. "Thank you."

"For you...anything. I should probably drop you off at your dorm right?"

"You don't have to. I mean I can walk there since we split ways here." I said as we walked towards a certain street.

"Hazel that wasn't a question," He said tilting his head at me. "It doesn't matter where we are in the world there will always be dangerous people."

I nodded diligently, slipping my fingers through his. There was something else about him. I knew Sam well most of him like the back of my hand. But he looked a little unsettled. I could see it when he furrowed his eyebrows slightly and his eyes drifted off sometimes. Like now.

"What's wrong?"

He blinked as if my voice brought him out of his little trance. "What?"

"There's something bothering you. I can tell. What is it?"

"Nothing it's time management. I mean school, football, offers, our first game next week you know?"

"Offers?" I asked him which was one of the first things that processed in my mind.

"Yeah, offers. Look, Hazel, at practice on Friday the older players on the team find ways to you know? Make fun of me. It's nothing. Honestly, it's nothing because you have to say something deep down to even bug me. But they're mad because we've only been a team for a couple of weeks and Coach put in an offer for a scout to see me in one of our games. I won't even know who the guy is. I won't even know which game. All I know is that coach recommended me and now people know."

"But haven't you been offered it before?" I asked him.

"Yeah, when I used to play mum called people to watch me even when I never knew they were there. All I would get are phone calls. That was when I was sixteen and football was my life. Then it was over when I stopped."

"Do you feel stressed?" I asked him after a moment of silence, walking through the evening.

"I do Hazel. For once I actually feel a little bit stressed. Don't be scared if you see a white strand in my beautiful hair." He took my hat off his head and actually dramatically ran his fingers through his locks.


"I know," He grinned but then it slowly faded as he clutched the hat to his chest. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I just don't want...I don't want to mess up, you know?"

Where was this coming from? Usually, he barely had qualms about the sport he loved playing. He knew how good he played, how skilful he was. The ball and he were like partners when he used it. He was meant to play it and I have never. N-E-V-E-R heard him say something like this. Now I felt a little conflicted.

I thought about this as we walked up the stairs of the residents' dorms. I could hear the sounds of a party going on the fourth floor as we walked up the stairs to the fifth. I sighed, putting a hand on his arm as we neared my room. His eyes had drifted once again and I put a hand on his face to turn his head to look at me.

His skin was smooth under my palm and he bit his lip as he focused his mind on me. "You won't mess up. You won't."

"How do you know that?" He murmured, reaching up to cup my face. His thumb traced my bottom lip. I got hit with the sense of déjà vu but I didn't comment on it.

"Because you're you and even if you mess up I'll be right there encouraging you to keep going."

He groaned, closing his eyes and bringing me to him in a hug. "You always know the right thing to say."

"What if I said something wrong?" I asked him, pulling my head back to look at his face.

He smirked. "Define wrong? I didn't think you of all people could talk dirt-"

"That's not what I meant you, idiot. I mean what if I said something that didn't motivate you like pineapple tapioca."

Sam shot me a look of wilderness. "Why would you say pineapple tapioca?"

"It's the first thing that popped into my mind."

Sam was about to say something else when I and Maddy's dorm room opened and I broke out of his hold to hear Maddy yelling.

"Whoa, whoa what is going on?" Sam asked stepping in front of me.

I looked over his shoulder to see that Robert guy she went out with yesterday night.

When I first met him he seemed to be a laid back guy. Kind of a party type but with good intentions. She had told me the date had gone well over text but clearly, the opposite was happening. 

"He won't leave!" Maddy told Sam as Robert tried to come inside again. Maddy pushed him again but he wouldn't budge. 

"Come on Mads let me in. Stop playing hard to get." His words- even in accent was actually harder for me to decipher than usual. 

Maddy huffed, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "I actually am hard to get."

She wasn't lying.

"Now go home and don't come back here."

But Robert acted like he didn't listen, trying to enter the room. 

Sam let me go, walking forward, standing in front of him and blocking Maddy from Robert's sight. "Go home." Sam's tone wasn't meant to be played with. If Robert wasn't currently high I figured that he would have peed his pants at Sam's intimidation.

Robert laughed like Sam just shared an inside joke. "Move aside man. Let's not make this serious." Sam didn't say anything and Robert started getting angry. "Come on mate move," 

Sam didn't take any notice of Robert's sudden irritation but I could see Sam's annoyance level rise. "I'm not your mate. Go."

That's when the first punch came.

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