Log 7| 19-04-2025

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Sora opened her eyes and was met with darkness.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she felt for her goggles, which she usually placed on the beside table.

She felt air.

Where did it go? Why wasn't it with her?

Those were the questions that rang in her mind like an alarm when she remembered that the doctors had taken the pair of goggles away to examine it.

Memories of the day before played in her mind and she felt chills slithering down her spine.

Oh well. Might as well freshen up and head to Doctor Mitsuha's room.

She felt for the railing, gripping onto it tightly as she shuffled to the washroom.

Feeling much more awake, she took baby steps to the door and groped for the handle before heading for Doctor Mitsuha's room.

People rushed past her, walking brisy with confidence and a sense of purpose.

Let's see...the cafeteria is on the second floor and I'm on the fourth. The lift should be near the toilets.

Stumbling a few times after bumping into others, she slowly made her way to the lift. She stood there, waiting for the lift until a voice called out to her.

"People are holding the lift for you! You've been standing there for a few moments. Can't you see?"

"Oh...sorry..." She apologised as she squeezed into the lift. The lift descended to the first floor and she exited the lift.

She bumped into people as she headed to the cafeteria.

"I hope they have fixed the goggles. It's really hard to move around without them..."

She remembered how she would wait until the meal hours were almost over before eating so as to not bump into others and make it more convenient for her and others. She had forgotten to do so today.

"Sora-chan," a hand grabbed onto her wrist.

"You almost bumped into someone. Anyway, let's grab something to eat." Yachi guided Sora towards the food and described the items to her.

After choosing their food, the two found a tanle and began to dig in.

"Sora-chan! I've been looking for you. I have good news- your goggles are fixed!" Doctor Mitsuha's voice rang in her ears.

"R-really?" Sora dropped her melon bread onto the tray.

"Sora-chan, that's great!" Yachi exclaimed.

"Yes! After eating, you'll get it back."

Upon hearing her words, Sora picked up her bread and wolfed it down, also downing her cup of milk in one go.

"I'm ready. Let's go! See you later, Yachi-chan!" Sora got up and under Doctor Mitsuha's guidance, made her way to Doctor Mitsuha's room.

"Good morning, Sora-san."

"Good morning, Doctor Taki."

"I'm sure you've heard the news from Doctor Mitsuha and you're probably wondering what happened. Basically, there was a glitch in the phone but we've fixed it so it should be alright. We had to reset the phone to factory settings so any extra data like pictures you've taken are gone. If anything out of the ordinary happens again, do tell us."

Her voice recordings and pictures were gone? That meant that the memories of the days she spent with her goggles would only be in her mind. If she forgot about them, she wouldn't have anything to remind her of those days.

"Thanks!" Sora vowed not to forget those precious memories.

Someone helped me put on the goggles and Sora switched the phone on and entered the camera app.

Colours filled her vision as she caught sight of Doctor Mitsuha smiling.

She could see again!

"Today will be your day off so spend time looking at the scenery outside or doing what you like. You may leave now," Doctor Mitsuha instructed.

Sora flashed them a megawatt smile and headed to Yachi's room to spend the day with her.

She could see the wonderful colours of life!

She would never forget these colours and memories.

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