7 days learn english

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DAY 1 - Learn English 4 Times Faster !!!

Hi, How are you doing today?

Would you like to speak English easily? Do you want to speak quickly and naturally?

In this free 7-Day Course I''m NOT going to teach you English (though later I will tell you how to get my powerful Enghlish lessons).

Each day explains a new rule to help you speak English easily and fast.

After 7 days, I will send you a few bonus rules with more advice about how to improve your English.

I''m NOT going to teach you more grammar rules. I''m NOT going to use the same failed textbooks.

What I will teach you is a new method for learning. I will teach you how to study -- to speak English faster and more easily. I will teach you the secrets that schools don''t want you to know.

For example, did you know that the failure rate for English schools is 95%. Only 5% of students who join an English school actually learn to speak easily an naturrally. Only 5%. That is a 95% failure rate.

Are you tired of this?

** An Amazing Feeling

Its an amazing feeling. You walk into a room of native speakers and feel no fear. You are not nervous. You feel strong, happy, and confident. You instantly begin talking to a woman or a man. They respect you. They smile. They listen to you. Thay listen to what you say.

Speaking good, quick English is an amazing feeling. And its not impossible. You can do it.

How can you speak English easily an naturally?

I''m going to show you during the next 7 days.

*** Your First Tip

Imagine speaking English automatically... without thinking.

To do this, you must change the way you study English. Your first action is to stop studying English words.

Stop studying English words.

That''s right, do not memorize words. Native speakers do not learn English by remembering single words. Native speakers learn phrases.

Phrases are GROUPS of words that naturally go together. We learn English in groups of 2-6 words. If you want to speak like a native speaker, you must to this too.

Learn 4x Faster

Research by Dr. James Asher proves that learning with phrases is 4-5 times faster than studying individual words. 4-5 Times Faster.

Also, students who learn phrases have much better grammar.

** RULE 1: Always Study and Review Phrases, Not Individual Words

Never study a single, individual word. Never.

When you find a new word, always write down The Phrase it is in. Always. When you review, always review all of the phrase... not the word.

Collect phrases. Remember phrases. Review phrases. Your speaking and grammar will improve 4-5 times faster. Never again study a single word.

Learn Phrases Only.

Learn Phrases Only.

Learn Phrases Only.

** Your Next Tip Comes Tomorrow

During this week, I will teach you 7 rules for learning English. I will send you a new rule each day, for 7 days.

These days will have:

- The easy way to use correct grammar -- without grammar books.

- The no-textbook, no-grammar way to learn English fast.

- The key to speaking English easily.

- The secret to learning real English, not textbook English.

- A system to learn English anywhere, anytime.

You want to understand native speakers, and speak English easily.

You want to feel relaxed and powerful when speaking English.

The 7 Rules will help you do exactly that.

Day 2: Never Do This,

Hi, How are you doing? Today I will teach you an important rule for learning English. In fact, this is the number one secret English schools don''t want you to know.

** English Can Be Simple and Easy

One day, Angelina, a student from Paraguay, came to my class. She could not speak English. In her country, she studied many years -- mostly grammar. Many years of classes. Many years of textbooks. But she could not speak.

The first day in my class, she was shy. She came with a textbook, -- ready to study grammar.

I surprised her -- because I never used the textbook.

I never used the textbook, and I never taught grammar.

I never used the textbook, and I never taught grammar.

Instead, I told her a story. I told the story many times. As I told the story, I asked many questions. She answered them. She was confused... Why was this crazy teacher telling stories and asking so many questions!?

Then I asked HER to tell the story -- she was shocked and amazed -- she could do it!

After only two weeks in my class, her friends were amazed. They asked her, "How are you improving so quickly?"

** Why Grammar Study Is Bad

In school, teachers told you to study grammar. They told you that grammar was the key to learning English. They were totally wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

In fact, studying grammar is the worst thing to do. Grammar study will destroy your English speaking. Why? Because grammar study makes you think too much. You don''t want to think about speaking English, you want to speak quickly -- without thinking.

There is a lot of research about this topic -- and it all agrees grammar study is terrible. Grammar study destroys your ability to think in English. You will never speak English easily if you continue to study grammar.

** RULE 2: Don''t Study Grammar

Angelina quickly improved speaking -- when she stopped studying grammar. This is your second rule.

Stop studying grammar.

Stop studying grammar.

Right now. Stop. Put away your grammar books and textbooks. You don''t need them.

PS: Learn how to Surprise yourself, your co-workers, and your friends by speaking English... even if your speaking now is not good.

Day 3: The Number One Secret To Speaking English !

This is it. This is the number one rule you must follow. It is simple and easy. Yet, most schools ignore it. Think about your first English class.

In most schools, the teacher does not speak much English. They mostly speak your language. In Chinese schools, for example, the teachers speak mostly Chinese!

They explain English grammar -- using Chinese. They answer questions -- using Chinese. They translate English words -- into Chinese.

And what do they mostly teach? Grammar. Students learn English grammar by listening to teachers speak Chinese. Do you see the problem?

The result -- Chinese students cannot think in English, cannot understand native English speakers. Their speaking is usually slow and painful.

This method is crazy -- it is guaranteed to fail. The schools, not the students, are failing.

The same is true most countries. Its even true of English schools in the U.S., UK, and Canada.

** Humberto Learns The Most Important Rule

Humberto is from Venezuela. He moved to Canada a few years ago. He studied English in Venezuela for many years -- mostly grammar. He thought his English was good. But when he came to Canada he was surprised and shocked -- he couldn''t understand anyone! Humberto was very upset.

He joined an English school in Canada. He went to school everyday. What did they teach him? More grammar! After 12 months of school, Humberto was angry and frustrated. The school cost over $10,000 for one year -- but he still could not speak English. He didn''t know what to do.

He quit the school. He joined an internet system that knew the 7 rules to speaking English easily. He listened to the lessons every day. Six months later, Humberto could speak English easily.

Now he feels powerful and relaxed when he speak English.

** RULE 3: The Most Important Rule -- Listen First

What is the rule that Humberto found with the Club? Simple. The rule is listening.

Listening, listening, listening.

You must listen to UNDERSTANDABLE English. You must listen to English EVERYDAY.

Its simple. That is the key to your English success. Stop studying grammar. Start listening everyday.

Listen everyday -- and your speaking will improve quickly.

Listen everyday -- and you will feel relaxed and powerful.

Listen everyday -- and you will speak English easily.

** Learn With Your Ears, Not Your Eyes

In most schools, you learn English with your eyes. You read textbooks. You study word lists. You study grammar rules.

You must listen 1-3 hours every day.

Day 4: How To Speak Automatic English...


When you speak easily, it feels great. The words come out quickly. You don''t need to think. You feel comfortable using English. You feel relaxed. Communication is fun and easy.

This never happens in English schools. Did you feel relaxed in English class? Did you learn to speak easily? 95% of their students never speak English naturally. Yet private schools continue to charge $500 a month ($6000 dollars a year or more) -- and students continue to pay every month, every year.

** Learn To Speak English Easily

To speak English easily, you must forget what you learned from schools and textbooks. You will never succeed with their methods.

The good news is you CAN learn to speak English easily. You only need to use all of the 7 Rules. Then find other English speakers and practice. That is all.

By using all of the 7 Rules, you will learn 4-5 times faster -- but you need to use ALL of them.

** RULE 4: Slow, Deep Learning Is Best

The secret to speaking easily is to learn every & phrase DEEPLY. Its not enough to know a definition. You must repeat each lesson many times.

This is the key to speaking automatically, without thinking. You must learn English deeply.

Learn deeply, speak easily.

Learn deeply, speak easily.

Learn deeply, speak easily.

Each time you listen to a lesson, you are closer to instant understanding and automatic speaking. Repeat every lesson many times, even if it seems easy.

** Deep Learning Of Grammar

What about grammar? How do you learn it deeply, without studying grammar rules?

I''ll tell you in the next day.

Until then, take care and enjoy your English learning! And don''t just learn the 7 Rules -- use them.

Day 5 : How to Learn Grammar ...

On day 2, I told you never to study grammar rules. But, of course, you want to you use correct English grammar.

Maybe you are thinking, "How can I learn English grammar if I don''t study English grammar rules?"

Well, today I will tell you. But I will teach you a powerful method for learning English grammar -- without studying grammar rules.

I will teach you a way to learn grammar naturally. Use this method and your grammar will improve automatically. You will automatically use the correct verb tense. You won''t think. You wont'' try.

** Miyuki Learns Grammar Without Studying Rules

Miyuki did very well on grammar tests. She knew all of the grammar rules. She knew English verbs. But Miyuki had a problem. She couldn''t USE the grammar in a real conversation. She could explain the past tense, but when speaking, she would say "Yesterday I GO to school". Miyuki was confused. How could her grammar tests be so good, but her speaking so bad?

**Michael Jordan Didn''t Learn From Books

Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player ever. How did he learn to play so well? Did he study books about basketball?

Of course not. Jordan learned by doing. He learned by watching great players and copying them. He learned by USING this basketball skills. And he learned by focusing on the basic skills.

Michael Jordan wasn''t good at STUDYING basketball, he was good at PLAYING basketball.

**Miyuki Changed To The Michael Jordan Method

After using The Efforless English Club lessons, Miyuki changed her study methods.

She focused on the most important basic grammar skills. I taught her to deeply learn the most common verb tenses: the simple past, the present, the perfect tenses, and the future.

**Miyuki Did Not Memorize

Miyuki learned this grammar naturally. She never studied grammar rules. How did she do it?

First she listened to a short story in the present tense. She listened to it everyday.

Then, she listened to the exact SAME story -- but this time it started with "10 years ago..." She learned to "feel" the past tense by listening to this story.

Next, I gave her the exact same story. This time, it started with "Since 2004..." Miyuki learned to FEEL the perfect tenses by listening to this story.

Finally, I gave her the exact same story... beginning with "Next year". She learned to FEEL the future tense simply by listening to this story.

** RULE 5 : Use Point Of View Mini-Stories

I call these stories "Point Of View Mini-Stories". They are the most powerful way to learn and use English grammar automatically.

Use Point of View Stories of Automatic Grammar

Use Point of View Stories of Automatic Grammar

You must learn grammar by listening to real English. The best way is to listen to the same story... told in different times (points of view): Past, Perfect, Present, Future.

Schools don''t use this method. Textbooks don''t use this method. It is powerful. It is simple. It is successful.

Use it, and you will succeed. You will use correct grammar naturally and automatically.

This is the secret to English grammar.

**How To Learn Real English

In the next day, I will tell you how to avoid textbooks and learn only real English.

I guarantee you will succeed. Don''t quit. You can do it :)

Good luck with your English Learning.

Day 6 : Real English, Not Textbook English

You have studied English for more than 4 years - why do you still have trouble understanding native speakers ? Is something wrong with you ?

No. Nothing is wrong with you. Something is wrong with the schools you went to, and the textbooks you used. English textbooks and audio tapes are horrible. The speakers sound like robots.

You never learned REAL English.

You learned TEXTBOOK English.

** How To Understand Native Speakers

Meglelio studied English for 5 years in Venezuela. Teachers said he was an advanced student.

When he came to the USA he felt good. He was excited to meet Americans. He was ready.

But when he met a American woman, everything changed. The woman stated talking -- and Megdelio could NOT understand her. He recognized many words, but the phrases were strange.

Her pronunciation was totally different than the textbook tapes and CDs he listened to. She use idioms, slang, and many casual phrases. She did not speak like a teacher or CNN announcer.

Megdelio was totally confused. He knew textbook English, but he did not know REAL English.

** You Must Learn Real English

My lessons taught Megdelio real English -- the English we use everyday in conversations, books, movies, TV shows, comic books, articles, newspapers, magazines, and podcasts.

** Stop Learning Textbook English

If you want to understand native speakers, you must stop learning English from schools and textbooks.

To learn real English, you must listen to English that native speakers listen to. You must watch what they watch. You must read what they read.

Listen only to real English

Listen only to real English

Listen only to real English

Megdelio listened to my articles and my stories. No more textbook English at schools.

After 6 months, he could speak easily. He could understand real English from real native speakers.

** RULE 6: Only Use Real English Lessons & Materials

You learn real English if you want to understand native speakers and speak easily. No textbooks.

Learn Real English, Not Textbook English

Learn Real English, Not Textbook English

** The Final Rule

In the next day, I will tell you the final rule. I''ll teach you how to speak 2-3 times faster. Use all of the rules. I guarantee you will succeed. Use the 7 Rules and you cannot fail ! You can do it !

Good luck with your English learning.

Day 7: How To Speak Fast

This last tip is the easiest.

To speak easily, "listen and repeat" lessons are NOT enough. Most English CDs use "listen and repeat". The speaker says something in English, and you repeat exactly what they said. This method is a failure.

** Emi Learns To Speack Easily

Emi, a Japanese woman, had a problem. Her speaking was SLOW. She could not answer questions quickly.

Emi listened to many English tapes and CDs. She listened. She repeated what they speaker said.

Emi emailed me. I recommended my Effortless English lessons. My lessons do no use "listen and repeat".

THay use "Listen & Answer" Mini-Stories.

I told her that "listen and repeat" is not enough -- when you repeat, you only copy the speaker. But when you hear a question and you ANSWER it -- you must think in English.

After using the lessons for just 4 months, her speaking was fast, easy, and automatic.

Emi was excited.

** RULE 7: Listen and Answer, not Listen and Repeat

Use Listen & Answer Mini-Story Lessons

Use Listen & Answer Mini-Story Lessons

In each Mini-Story Lesson, a speaker tells a short simple story. He also asks a lot of easy questions. Every time you hear a question, you pause and answer it.

You learn to answer questions quickly -- without thinking. Your English becomes automatic.

** What''s Next ?

Now it time to USE what you have learned. Don''t forget these 7 rules. Change the way you study English.

Use the 7 Rules and I guarantee you will succeed.

Don''t quit, Don''t worry. Enjoy your English learning, and use these rules - you will speak English easily.

Good Luck.

Remember The 7 Rules

Hi. How are you doing today? I hope you are doing well.

I want you to succeed ! Please use the 7 Rules when you study English.

You can do it !

Remember The 7 Rules:

1. Learn Phrases.

2. Don''t Study Grammar.

3. Focus On Listening.

4. Learn Deeply (Repeat A Lot).

5. Use Point of View Stories.

6. USe Only Real English Materials.

7. Use Listen & Answer Stories.

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