2 Days Till Christmas

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A/N: One day late again, but here's the next chapter! It's very short, but it's hard to get the motivation to write big long chapters when you're sick and you don't know much about cars. But hey, I think you'll like the end. I'm not the best at pacing this whole falling-in-love fast thing, as you can probably tell, but we're trying.

Yesterday was the most fun I've had in a long time. Jay and I worked on the car together, trading knowledge and tossing ideas back and forth. And amazingly, after the whole parent conversation, the rest of the day wasn't awkward at all. Well, actually, Jay always seems a little awkward when he talks to me–a fact that I scold myself for noticing. After all, it's probably just because he's a celebrity, or something. Everyone knows that boys are only really awkward when they talk to pretty girls--right?

Geez, Nya! Stop thinking about this, I tell myself. I will absolutely not become one of those silly girls, convinced that a celebrity could like them. Besides, what do I care? I don't even like him. What business of mine is it how he feels about me? Besides, we probably won't see each other again after tomorrow.

I throw off the covers and get ready, making sure to eat breakfast this time. I really hope I can get the engine mostly finished today–I don't want to be in a time crunch on Christmas Eve. Yesterday we had to backtrack a bit, but I'm pretty sure I've got things under control. Sure, things ended up a little more complicated than I originally thought, but we can finish on time. Maybe . . .

"Wow, you look stunning." I tease Jay as I let him in an hour later, giving a whistle. He's dressed in his usual navy blue slacks, but on top he's wearing a rather jarring Christmas sweater with bright red, gold, and mint green zigzagging stripes.

"It's horrible." He groans.

"Then why are you wearing it?"

"Lost a bet with some of the staff." He blushes. "I was hoping to get them to wear it–my mom would freak–but unfortunately . . ."

"Well, it seems like this is your own fault, then." I say, laughing. "But come on, we'd better get to work. I hope you don't mind getting your beautiful outfit dirty."

"Not at all."

By 1:00, the engine looks a lot better, and the signs of the explosion are nearly gone.

"Shall we grab some lunch?" Jay asks.

"I don't know. I want to start getting it installed today, so we have time to troubleshoot tomorrow if we need."

"Oh, come on. We have plenty of time." He narrows his eyes at me, playfully suspicious. "Or are you just too embarrassed to be seen with me in this getup."

"Fine, let's go." I start washing my hands. "Where to?"

We grab sandwiches for lunch, then head back to the shop. By 3:30, I've started installing the engine, hoping I'm doing it right.

"Tomorrow, when it's lighter out, we'll take it for a test run." I say when I finish at last. By then, it's quite dark, and almost our usual closing time, so we clean up the shop.

Jay looks nervous. "Do you think it'll work?"

"To be completely honest, I don't know. But I think there's a pretty good chance."

He nods. "Okay. Thank you. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. And thanks for lunch."

"Anything for you." He steps outside into the cold, and waves before getting into his car and pulling out.

"Anything for you." The words replay in my mind as I lie in bed hours later. Why would he say that? Obviously, I have done a lot for him (if the car works) but part of my brain can't help wondering if the vague words meant something different, paired as they were with one of his signature grins. I don't like how my brain is turning into a romance novel–not one bit. But then again, what if . . .

It's no use wondering now, I remind myself. I'll just have to go to sleep, and hope that tomorrow, Christmas Eve, my questions will somehow be answered. 

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