4 Days Till Christmas

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A/N: Finally I've managed to get this chapter up! It kept refusing to save, but now it seems to be working, which is great because I don't want the countdown spoiled. This one is a little random, but we have some background information. Obviously as we get closer to Christmas, things will get a little more...exciting. 

I'm actually quite excited to get down to the shop this morning; whether it's the fact that I'll be working on this one-of-a-kind car again, or that I'll have company that's not Ronin, it's a nice change. I'm not even halfway done rewiring the engine; not even close, in fact. I know I'll have to work quickly if I'm going to get this job finished on time, like something possessed me to promise I would yesterday.

Just as I'm about to go out the door, my phone starts ringing. It's my aunt. I pick up the phone, wondering what she has to say to me so early in the morning.

"Hi, Nya!" My little cousin answers the phone.

"Hi, Lloyd. Did you steal your mom's phone?" I ask.

"No!" He says. "How are you?"

"I'm good." I say. "Hey, I have something interesting to tell you. Guess what happened?" I'm about to tell him that I'm fixing Cliff Gordon's car, but then I decide against it. Maybe telling a ten-year-old is not the best way to keep things secret from my boss, and from everyone else who shouldn't know about my new job. Both my cousin and my brother aren't very good at keeping secrets, and I don't want to risk Jay's father somehow finding out. That would be even worse than Ronin knowing. And, in fact, if Ronin knew, he might tell Cliff Gordon, and–

"What happened?" Lloyd asks as I go off in a spiral in my head.

"Um–" I search my mind for something else I can say. "Uh, Ronin left me in charge of the shop! He's going on vacation."

"Yay!" He says. "You're better than him, anyway."

"Thanks, buddy." I laugh. "You're sweet. How's everyone over there?"

"The shop is busy, and Mom and Uncle Wu are busy a lot with it. Kai visits us a bunch–Mom said he wants our food–and we see him at the university. Dad's still deployed, but you knew that."

"Well, tell everyone hi. I mean, not your dad, obviously. Tell them I'm sorry I can't be home for Christmas." I sigh slightly, thinking of my little, cobbled-together family. My brother, my aunt and cousin (although they aren't really; though I'm related to them, it's much more distant), Lloyd's mysterious but kind uncle, and his father, who I've hardly even seen, since he's always deployed with the armed forces, but who seems nice.

"I will. I miss you!"

"Miss you too, buddy. Bye."

"Bye, Nya!"

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I can't help thinking of all of them as I go down the stairs. And of course, that leads to me thinking of my parents, and of all the Christmases we had together when they were alive. Don't cry, I tell myself as I choke up a little. Not now.

I run a hand across my eyes to make sure no tears have slipped out, and promptly get to work on the engine again. It's slow work, very painstaking, and I honestly have no idea if I'm doing the right thing. Jay says he tried rewiring the engine to optimize its power, and I'm honestly only guessing as to where the wires used to go, trying to figure out a pattern from the intact wires. All I know is that most of the old wires are in bad shape from whatever explosion Jay caused. I really hope the damage is mostly external, but I have a growing fear that something more might be wrong, and I won't be able to fix it in time.

This time, I notice Jay's car pulling up in front of the shop. He lets himself in and comes over to me.

"How's it going?" He asks.

"I don't know." I bite my lip. "Does this look right?"

"I think so." He says. "I mean, I only messed with a few."

"Yes, but they all got damaged." I explain. "And who knows what else did."

He winces. "I'm really sorry."

I shake my head. "Don't apologize. After all, you've given me something to do."

"Don't you have any plans for the holidays?" He asks.

"Not really." I admit. "My family lives too far away for me to visit."

"That's too bad." He actually sounds apologetic. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm perfectly fine here. And I hope I can make your family Christmas as great as possible."

"Thanks." He smiles. He has a nice smile; it seems sincere.

"Of course." I answer.

"Hello? Is anybody in here?" Someone calls from the front. I hurry towards the office to find a man standing at the counter, looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry sir, we're a little short staffed at the moment." I explain, smiling. "What can I help you with?"

"Are you the only one here?" He asks gruffly.

"Well, yes. Is that a problem?"

He sighs. "No, it won't be if you get the work done. See, my daughter's car has a blown head gasket, and she needs it by this afternoon for their road trip. I'd fix it, but I've got to get to work. She'll be walkin' here this afternoon at about 2:30 to pick it up."

"Do you have the car now?"

"Yes, it's outside. You think you can handle it?"

"Of course, sir." I nod reassuringly. "It'll be done by 2:30."

"Thank you kindly, miss." He says. "I'll tell my daughter."

He leaves the shop without even giving me his information, which Ronin would kill me for letting him do. But it's the least of my problems.

Jay comes into the office and stands beside me. "What was it?"

"That man left his daughter's car. He says it has a blown head gasket."

He practically lights up. "Oh! I can fix that!"

I look at him skeptically. "Are you sure? Who taught you?"

"A book." He admits. "But I tried it on my own car."

"Of course you did." I shake my head. "Fine. You can do it. But if it goes wrong, you have to tell me so I can fix it. Okay?"

"I will, I promise."

"Good. Now let's get to work."

To my surprise, Jay finishes his work quickly, and when I inspect it (very thoroughly) I can't find anything wrong with it.

"Did I do it?" He asks hopefully, and also slightly smugly.

"Yes." I have to reply. "Thanks."

"Of course." He gives a little bow, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Now you will sit still while I work on the engine you wrecked." I tell him.

"Geez, you don't have to rub it in my face. I know I messed up."

"Sorry." I find myself saying, surprisingly sincerely. "I'm just . . . worried, you know? I don't know what I'm doing. I mean, I do, but I can't know for sure if it'll work."

He looks so worried, I regret saying it.

"I'm sorry. I'll have it done, like I promised. Don't worry, okay?"

He nods. "But now that I've proven myself . . . do you think I could help you?"

"Maybe." I say, then give him a smirk. "If I find a small enough job for you."

"How small does it have to be?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe you can hand me the tools. Or hold the wires. If you're lucky."

He groans.

I hand him a dozen blue electrical wires. "Here you go."

"But these aren't even for the engine!" He protests.

"No, but they match your outfit."

He looks down at his blue shirt in dismay. "Nya!"

"Yes?" I give him an innocent smile and get back to work.

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