Extra Hungry Tonight

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Just as Dakota said, right at the stroke of 5 PM, Charlie, the chauffeur came to pick me up.

He drops me at Antonio, and instantly I am taken by two makeup artists, who right away start doing their magic on me.

"Your skin is so perfect, it's making the foundation jealous." Leo comments, blending away.

"Um.. Thanks, I guess." I smile, and suddenly his hand pauses dramatically in the air.

"You guess?" He blinks at me, raising his pink trimmed brows. "Honey, in the world of glamour, there is no room for guessing. You own it!"

"That's right!" Mickey, who is busy styling my hair, jaws in. "When someone compliments you, take it, eat it, devour it completely and let it fuel your soul, so that it dazzles so bright that people need glasses to withstand your glow."

I smile at their attempt to puff me up. "Thanks, but I am just not used to getting compliments."

"What kind of envious bitches you live with! I mean, look at these cheekbones. They could cut the glass!" Leo exclaims, brushing golden dust on them and making me smile.

It somehow reminds me of Ana, my soul-sister in the form of a friend I had years ago. After that fight night, she didn't talk to me again, and I never really found any excuse to contact her back.

I really miss her!

After an entire hour of painting my face, we finally get down to dressing up. Black velvet dress easily glides on and hug my figure like a possessive boyfriend I never had.

"Wow! I really look hot." I admire, watching my siren shape in the mirror, and my baddie makeup on top.

"Darling! If hotness was a picture, it would be your face right now." Leo chimes and I smile, gulping my insecurities and like they said, own the compliments.

I lift myself up in the five-inch heel, and take a shaky step. One wrong step and I'll lose my front teeth.

"Walk boldly, like you are stepping on the throat of your haters." Mickey advises me and I grin, trying to catwalk in them, until I smoothly carry myself.

"Now go out there and slay! Be sexy, be fierce, and most importantly, be a Queen, who doesn't give a flying lipstick to anyone." Leo says with a sassy snap of his fingers.

"Have fun and don't trip." Mickey warns me as he escorts me to the door. "And even if you do, make it the most sexy fall in the history that Henry Cavill comes rushing to pick you up." He winks at me before letting me go.

I laugh. These two are too much!

But that's exactly what I need in my monotonous life. Too much fun! Too much drama! Too much excitement!

Yet, I feel a kick of nervousness as I walk out of Antonio's showroom, and spot the sleek black car waiting outside, especially the man beside it.

Dakota is standing by the car, deeply engrossed in a serious phone conversation.

The night seems to amplify his already striking silhouette as he stands there impressively in a fitted tuxedo. Black jacket clings to his strong and square shoulders, hiding their actual strength.

And his face.. Oh god!

His million dollar face is what truly captivates. The way his black hair is perfectly glued to the sides, highlighting his sharp features and strong jawline, something moves in me.

He looks so neat and untouchable.

Time slows down as Dakota lifts his gaze after finishing his call. Our eyes meet and I feel a thud in my chest, almost like I got hit by a car.

Green eyes pause, taking their leisure time to absorb my tiny frame, which is literally quacking under the spotlight of his gaze.

My heart flutters, clenching and unclenching as he walks towards me, talk and dark, like a mysterious knight in the night.

"Ms. Stone." Dakota greets me.

"Mr. Black." I play along.

A mesmerizing smile surfaces on his face, like sunlight piercing through dense clouds. Our hands meet, and I watch him carefully as he brings them to his forbidden lips.

"You look breathtaking in this dress." His deep voice sends a shiver runs down my spine as he presses a soft, lingering kiss on the back of my palm.

Quite a gentleman tonight!

"Thank you. And you look.. Okay-ish." I flash him a playful smirk.

Dakota narrow his eyes at my teasing comment and in a swift motion, he jerks my hand, causing me to trip over in my towering heels.

I gasp, falling against his chest when two strong arms encircle my waist, holding me securely against his body.

"Careful, Ma-damn."

I hear his deep voice ringing through my bones as he whispers in my ear like a warning. "Don't fall in okay-ish hands."

I raise my eyes and meet those diabolic green orbs that glaze of mischief and arrogance.

"Too late. You should have advised me seven days before." I tell him, standing straight on my heels.

"I actually did." He replies, guiding me towards his car. "In fact, three years ago."

Oh yeah.. He very well did!

"What can I say.. I am pro at making bad decisions." I respond, walking by his side to the awaiting vehicle.

"In that case, you are lucky." Dakota smirks, closing the distance between us with a step. "Because I am pro at making bad decisions feel incredibly good." He whispers in my ear, causing my cheeks to heat.

"Aren't you extra cheesy tonight, Mr. Black?" I tease as he opens the door for me.

Dakota pauses, raising an eyebrow. "I was expecting something like devastatingly handsome, than being labeled as a cheeseball."

I burst into laughter at his response. "But I like cheese balls."

Without missing a beat, Dakota leans against the car. "Aren't you extra hungry tonight, Ms. Stone?" A playful smirk dances on his lips.

"Please, I am always hungry." I comment, only to watch him laugh in return.

"I am right there with you." His rich and warm voice reaches to me and I smile along, before sliding into the car.

Wait.. Did I just hit on him? Or was he hitting on me?

Dakota gracefully circles the car, making his way to the other side and as he settles in, his rich musky scent hits my nose, adding an intoxicating layer to his already enticing aura.

"Charlie. Take us to the event." He announces in the air and pulls out his phone. His faces washes with the white light of the screen as he vigorously types, while I simply stare at him.

Though his hair is perfectly styled, a few rebellious strands fall out, and a sudden urge within me rises to eagerly sweep those rogue locks from his forehead.

"Am I looking too delicious?" Dakota asks me, setting aside his phone as he senses my gaze on him. His dimple deepens as he meets my eyes, confirming his suspicion.

"Who told you that, your fan club?" I scoff playfully, averting my gaze.

"Fan club, mirror, same thing." He retorts confidently.

"You are so full of yourself." I chuckle, amazed by his jovial attitude.

"Did you say, I am full of sexiness?" Dakota whispers and suddenly raises his finger, as if he remembers a thing. "Which reminds me, I got something for you."

I watch him with fascination as he pulls out a fancy black box from his suit's pocket.

What is it? My curiosity asks me.

In a second, his fingers open the box, revealing a stunning rope of white pearls.

"Wow! Are they real?" I blurt out, causing a brow raised at me.

"Of course!" Dakota replies with a hint of jutting pride. "I don't deal in fakes." He picks up the shiny pearls, then pauses glancing at me. "May I?"

I look at him surprisingly, taken aback by his request for my permission as if he has never touched me before asking. That's certainly new!

I turn my back to him and lift my wavy hair. Warm fingers lightly graze my skin as he places the pearl choker around my neck with gentleness.

"I thought it would complement the dress." He whispers, fastening the clasp. His warm breath tickles my neck, causing a sudden rush of blush to my skin.

"It does. And it's very beautiful." I respond, admiring the necklace.

Green eyes linger on the pearls adorning my neck, before meeting my hazel orbs. There is a brief softness in his expression before he conceals his features and looks away.

"I know. After all, it's my choice." Dakota states, fixing his bow tie as we approach the venue.

"Show off." I roll my eyes at his arrogance.

"It's called style, you should have some." He comments, finally sweeping up those rebellious locks as he sets his hair back to perfection.

"You are such an arrogant ass." I complain.

Dakota smirks, clearly enjoying the compliment. "That's debatable."

I can't believe this insufferable man!

I look outside the window and watch the line of expensive cars lined up ahead of us, leading to a huge impressive dome structure. 

"What kind of event is this?" My curiosity asks him. Seems like a big one!

"Automobile." Dakota replies, before changing his tone to an executive. "Emara.."

My gaze meet ocean deep green eyes, a glint of seriousness glows in them as he questions, "If someone asks you there.. About your connection with me, what would you say?"

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Next Update.. You know when it is.. Wednesday, Right!

But, if you be a good reader and vote on all the chapters.. You might get a chapter instantly. 

Let's keep a target: 34K votes on the book and I'll update right away. 

Promise ;)

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