Goodbye Mr. Black

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Today, I woke up without an alarm.

Because I hardly slept.

The pillow beneath my face remains wet, soaked with all tears I shed throughout the night.

My eyes sting with every blink, and my body aches with every breath I take.

I have no motivation in me to get up, except that today I am going home.

After seven days of pure torture, degradation, mental and physical abuse, I can finally escape this living hell hole.

Reluctantly, I drag myself up.

The first ray of sunlight filters through the window and falls on me, yet couldn't breach the darkness percolating within me.

I feel dead from inside.

No heartbeat, no pulse, not even a flicker of movement.

It's all silent and destroyed, like the aftermath of a tornado.

With a sense of melancholy, I peel the black velvet dress that once draped me in a beauty beyond compare. And now, it is tainted with the worst memory I ever experienced.

Stepping into the shower, cold water rushes down my body, pricking my skin, but from inside, I feel nothing.

The chill against my flesh couldn't penetrate the numbness inside of me, as if I have cried myself dry, leaving nothing but a hollow used shell behind.

Today, I do not play with soap foam, or talk to the bottles, instead plainly stand still under the running water, until I could no longer bear the cold.

Walking out, I slip into the peach frock, the dress Dakota had given me as a reward for being his personal whore.

I grab the hidden sixty dollars from the brand new flip-flops, before wearing them and existing his walk-in-closet for the last time.

I reach for the plushie sloth toy, the one Dakota let me chose on our fun-arcade outing. I never had so much fun with him before, it almost felt like a date.

But I guess, it was all in my head too.

I leave the soft toy on the bed as the last tie to cut. I can't bear to carry the weight of these memories with me.

Grabbing my phone, I give a final glance around, scanning the room one last time, ensuring not to leave anything behind, other than my dignity and those haunting moments.

I despise this room, this bed, everything which has witnessed my humiliation. No matter how luxurious the room is, it feels equal to a gruesome hell I never want to return ever.

I keep my head low while descending the stairs, unable to look at the paintings, as I myself feel more filthy than them.

The sound of my footsteps echoes through the living room as I enter. It is too quiet and empty down here.

It's 8:21 AM, and Dakota is nowhere to be seen.

I glance around, expecting him to appear, but seconds convert into minutes, yet the silence remains constant.

Slowly, I remove the apple watch from my wrist and place it on the counter-top, where Dakota usually sat for breakfast right at 8:10 AM every day.

Except today.

Maybe he knew I would leave, maybe not, but it didn't matter anymore.

I am leaving.

"Goodbye, Eve." A sad whisper comes out of me as I hold the handle.

I hesitate at the door, unsure why. The overwhelming silence fills my ears and I can hear the mournful rhythm of my heart, thudding against my ribs like cries.

I never thought leaving this place would feel like a farewell to the person I once was.

Opening the door, I take a step to my freedom, something I longed for these seven nights. A hollow freedom with remnants of echoing darkness. That's how it feels.

With each step I take, I feel fragments of my soul falling apart and crawling back to the house, and calling out to me.

I pause, allowing myself to look one last time at the villa. My gaze travels to the upper windows of the gym, then to Dakota's room.

Everything remains still, silent with no movements.

Goodbye, Mr. Black.

With a final look, I turn away and make my way towards the gate, promising myself to never look back or return.

The distant barks of Dobermans catch my ears, but I can't bring myself to look at them for one last time, scared that it would make walking away even harder.

"I am leaving." I inform the security guard as he stops me at the gate.

"Please wait, while I confirm." He tells me, dialing on the telephone.

An uneasy knot tightens in my stomach, waiting for him to receive the call and speak through the phone. My insides clench in desperate to hear his deep voice, which never really came.

Dakota didn't pick the call.

"Wait a minute, I'll go check." The watchman strides towards the villa, while I stand there at the gates of my freedom.

A cab awaits patiently for me behind the towering ten-feet steal gate. The same gate I had climbed over desperately to meet him.

I wish I could turn back time and stop myself from entering.

Because now, after seven nights, I am not the same girl anymore who jumped in. I am a complete different person.

A broken fuck toy.

With a heavy chest, I press the button, causing the gate to slide open automatically.

Nails dig into my palms as my fists stay clenched to my sides, while I force myself to walk towards the awaiting car, and not wait for his presence.

I don't want to see him, and I don't ever want to remember those seven nights.

I get into the vehicle without looking back. I badly want to erase every damn memory connected to him.

I want to be free of him. Physically and mentally.

As the car starts rolling on its four wheels, tears roll down my cheeks uncontrollably. It feels like I am stabbing my own heart in exchange for my liberty.

And the freedom, it tastes bitter with lingering salty tears.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates, and I see it's Dakota's number.

My heart clenches painfully and slowly, tears blur my vision as I watch his name blinking on the screen for a long minute, until it fades to black.

With a deep blade into my heart, I block his number, not wanting to see his name ever pop up on my screen again.

I liked him so much and now, I fucking hate him so much.

I even fucking hate this city, all because of him.

I was so stupid to think he will change, and fall for me, just like I fell for him.

But love is fake.

Those Disney movies, romantic novels, and all those love stories are spitting lies.

There is no such thing as love in this world. There is no prince charming, only selfish people waiting to use others for sex and pleasure.

Just like he used me.

Again and again..

My heart is racing painfully fast and tears won't stop pooling down as fresh memories of abuse flood my mind.

I shut my eyes, let it all out.

The pain in unbearable. I press a hand on my mouth and sob uncontrollably.

Pathetic. Whore. Filthy girl..

My mind whispers those words, pushing me to the edge of darkness again. A place I barely escaped last time, once threatening to consume me once again.

Feeling breathless, I wipe my tears, and call that one person I badly need to talk to. The ring goes on, and the knot in my stomach tightens.

It's been three years.. Since I talked to-

"Hello!" A soft voice comes through my phone, and the tightness begins to ease.

"Ana.. I-I miss-ed you." I whimper, holding on to my phone like the last thread to light.

"Emara? Are you okay?" Concern colours her tone, and I shake my head, as if she can see me.

"You were right, Ana.. I am such an easy girl." I sob breathlessly. "I am so desperate for love, that I would fall for the first guy who gives me a little attention."

"Emara, I didn't mean it that way.." Ana whispers dejectedly, but I interrupt.

"No. You were right. I have no self-respect for myself, no sense of judgement, and I am so dumb to look for love even in the places that only blink of lust."

I squeeze my eyes tightly, as faces of Ryan and Dakota flashes in my mind while they used my innocent body, discarding my feelings.

"I am so fucking stupid to fall blindly just because they wanted me, despite knowing what exactly they wanted from me."

"Emara.. You are not stupid, idiot." Ana whispers through the phone.

"You are just a good person, and you believe everyone else out there is good too. But sadly, that's not how the world works."

I cry harder, listening to her soft consoling voice.

She was the only one who truly understood me, who was genuinely nice to me, and I messed up our friendship.

"I am sorry, Ana.. for everything, and I miss you so much. So fucking much." I choke out on my tears as I beg her for forgiveness.

It hurts to even speak, but somewhere deep down, it feels liberating to finally say those words out loud and accept my fault.

"It's okay.. We all make mistakes, but I am glad you called." I hear her smiling through the phone, and the tightness in my chest lightens.

"I am glad you picked up." I reply, sniffing and wiping away my tears.

"I didn't expect you to call this early and be in tears. What happened?" Ana questions me skeptically.

Being a psychology student, she has always been observant, quick to pick up weird patterns in my behaviour.

"Ana.. I need your help." I gulp, feeling the lump in my throat as I say, "I-I want to ask you for a pill."

"What kind of pill?" Her tone shifts to seriousness.

I close my eyes, feeling ashamed to even spell it. But I badly need it as I don't want to get pregnant.

"Can I come to meet you?" I ask her in return.

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

3 more chapters to go 🥲 for 7NWMB to complete. 

Now the next chapter would be in August. I am not putting any target, but I am also not telling when I'll update. So lets keep it a surprise lol!

Miss me and I'll miss you too my Chicas 😚

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