New Fetish Unlocked

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"My name is not Dakota. In fact, I have no name."

"What do you mean?" I blink at him perplexedly.

The silence of his lips continues to grow my curiosity and confusion.

Dakota takes a deep breath and his shoulders slump more like he is gathering the courage to speak.

"My mother was a housemaid, who got pregnant by a married guy. None of them wanted me, so she left me in a local orphanage where she was raised. There, the caretakers used to call me Dakota's son and I thought it was my name, so I started using it everywhere. Until it was very late and I was stuck with this name."

I feel a clench in my chest, like someone squeezing my beating heart from all sides. Though his voice sounds normal, I could feel the hidden pain behind his every word.

"I never understood why everyone made fun of my name and called me a girl." He murmurs to himself.

My hands clutch on to my side like a coward as I do not have the courage to console him. I couldn't imagine how badly he must have been bullied by his classmates.

Childhood should be carefree, making friends, playing in the sun.. Not living like a nightmare for every day of your life.

No doubt why he is full of darkness.

"You are lucky you have a good family and a protective brother who cares for you." He sighs deeply and I bite my lips looking away.

I always fought with my parents coz I was not treated like their favorite child, only to realise he didn't even have parents from the beginning.

Or ever got pampered as a child.

"I got a call in the office in your name. It was your brother."

My eyes snap up to him in shock. What did he say? What did he say? My anxiety asks as well.

"He wanted to talk to you because you are not returning his calls and didn't even see his delivered messages." Dakota tells me in a calmer tone, whereas I sizzle like a chicken in hot oil.

"Oh shit! I-I didn't know he would do that." Right now, even my anxieties are having anxieties.

I feel a hand on my elbow and I almost flinch with the sudden touch. I look up, green eyes bore deeply into mine. "Emara.. Relax."

I couldn't relax.

My heart rattles as I look at this beautiful piece of art.

Dakota's face is like walking straight into a stunning wall. He looks like someone whose bed is always crowded and someone who never runs out of option in girls.

And yet, he is looking down at a girl with barely any talent to strip for him.

"I talked to Ethan, and I told him you were in the intern department, which is not yet included in company's HR division. But you should call him back. He was really worried about you."

He tells me soberly and I continue to take deep breaths with my focus on his hand, which is still on my arm.

"Oh, yeah. I will. I just never expected my family to call directly in your office and enquire about me."

I babble words under his gaze as he studies me silently with his deep ocean green eyes. They are so deep that I could see myself falling into his bottomless depth.

"They care for you."

His voice touches me and so does his fingers as they slide down my arm.

My heart accelerates its beats as he holds my hand in his long fingers, which surprisingly feel warm and snugly, like a winter nap.

"I didn't see your plate on the table." Dakota whispers as he brings my hand to his lips, which I thought to kiss but then he slowly dips the tip of my index finger in his mouth and- Ah!

Did he just bite me?

"Why?" He asks biting again, as if punishing me playfully.

Blood flushes on to my face as I feel the prick of his teeth slightly pressing into the soft pad of my finger.

New fetish unlocked: Biting fingertips

I lick my lips and mumble inaudibly. "I-I already ate."

Green eyes narrow at me.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" He asks me with a serious face, then bites a little hard on another finger.

Ah! I hiss at the delicious sting and his dark pupils dilate at me.

"I was hungry." I whisper.

Dakota breaks our linked gaze with a flick of hurt glistening in his eyes. I feel warm breath on my fingers as he exhales deeply and straightens up.

"Emara.." He takes my name and I feel knots gathering in my stomach.

"Don't do that again." He tells me while tightening his fingers around my hand.

"I want you to wait for me at the dining table, even if you are done eating. Got it?"

Warmth of his flesh feels amazing against mine and my cheeks tickle with heat.

"Yeah." I nod shyly and his eyes gleam with victory.

"Good. Now tell me, why were you avoiding me the whole day?" His voice catches the colour of his name while he captivates my gaze in his.

"I-I wasn't." I look away from his lie detecting eyes as I lie. "I was busy working."

A hand reaches to my face. Fingers grip my chin and make me look into the depth of green eyes.

"Emara, I am a grown up man, who can differentiate between a woman busy working and a woman ignoring me."

The tempo of heart beat rises in my chest as his penetrative eyes look into me.

It's hard.

It's hard to keep looking into his eyes which keep on changing its shade like a predator on a hunt. He is unpredictably unpredictable, and it scares me.

Dakota softens his hold on my chin.

"Am I going to get an answer?" His thumb feathers over my lip as if he wants to taste them.

I couldn't breathe.

As if he was sucking all the oxygen in the room and out of me.

I look away, biting my touched lip and say, "I didn't want to see you."

I just couldn't look at him without having a heart failure.


Dakota asks me in his deep voice as he cradles my face and makes me look at him again. He leans down to my face and rests his forehead on mine.

My stomach churns with knots as our noses touch.

"I took a day off so I could see you more. And it bothers me that you ignored me all day."

My eyes jerk up at him in shock. His words continue to echo through my glitched head, my ceased heart, and my unicorn soul.

Our eyelashes brush together as I blink at him in surprise. It feels like I am dreaming.

Is he the same man which fucked me last night like a whore?

"Emara.." Dakota whispers my name deeply and I take his name. "Dakota.."

He smiles.

"Why didn't you change into the clothes I got for you?" He asks me, rubbing his nose on mine.

Heat spreads through my skin with that slight touch and I bite my lips sheepishly, "I. I told you already.. I am not going to wear those filthy-disgusting lingeries."

In reply, I hear a deep grunt from his chest and then suddenly, the warmth from his touch vaporises.

Dakota straightens up to his full height.

His face hardens as if all the emotions just evaporated from his skin and all is left is a dead man who wants to have only one thing.

"On the bed, Emara."

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)

Thank you so much for motivating me to write more 😘

I love reading your analysing comments and cherry likes 🍒

*French kiss from Dakota* 💋👅💋👅💋

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