Old is Gold

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"What about you, Emara?"

Green orbs look ahead on the road, while I still feel a flutter in my chest with the mysterious words that he confessed to me.

"You seem like a girl who like rock music." Dakota passes a lazy smirk at me before his eyes focus back on the traffic.

A mixture of surprise and amusement washes over me as I look at him with an open mouth. "Yeah. I do like.. Hard rock and grunge music."

How does he know?

His pretty smile just widens on his lip while he simply drives, maybe waiting for me to open up as well.

"I.." Begin to whisper. "Somehow find peace in such loud, noisy songs, though my parents hate it." I chuckle, remembering them knocking at my door to tone down the volume.

God! I miss them.

"People with too many thoughts in their mind enjoy listening to music louder than the noise in their head. It makes them feel peaceful." His voice gentle, which made my thoughts running.

"Which explains your behaviour." Dakota looks at me, before killing the engine.

My behaviour?

"You zone out easily." He says, unbuckling his seatbelt.

I zone out? Really?

"I.. never observed that." I whisper, unbuckling my seat belt as well.

"I did." He states before stepping out of his seat and closing the door behind him.

Acute silence flows in my ears and mind, echoing with the question, do I really zone out? How come I never noticed it before!

The car door on my side opens and I see Dakota standing there patiently to escort me. I pick myself up, along with my mind, and gracefully get out of the car in my flip-flops.

His eyes seem to notice my footware as well, and he politely suggests, "I think I should get you something better to wear."

"Or maybe.. you could just return my shoes and clothes. That would be way better, I guess." I taunt him playfully, as he closes the door behind me and locks the car.

"Emara.." I feel a hand on my back, slowly sliding me to the safer footpath side, while Dakota positions himself on the road side as we start walking.

"I really have no idea where your clothes or shoes are." He confesses, with raw honesty in his eyes.

Confusion paints my face as I gaze back at him with furrowed brows. "But you.. You took away my clothes and hid them so I couldn't wear any of it." I remind him of his deeds.

Dakota shakes his head with a serious look in his eyes. "Honestly.. I don't remember hiding or taking them away. I'll ask Martina if she knows anything about your clothes."

My feet slow down as my thoughts run fast. If he didn't take my clothes and shoes.. Then who did?

There was no one else living in the house except us.. Or was there?

"Zoning out again?"

Dakota's voice startles me, and I look up to find him waiting for me to catch up outside the showroom. I shake my head and walk up to him, closing the gap between us.

He graciously holds the glass door open, allowing me to enter first into a lavish space full of designer clothing and luxury.

"Buongiorno, signore. Che bella giornata vederti." A well-dressed bald man, presumably the owner approaches us with a warm greeting.

Dakota responds to him in fluent Italian, surprising me once again. How many languages does this man know?

Their conversation flow seamlessly for a moment. Meanwhile, a friendly young woman approaches me with a smile as polished as her boots.

"Buongiorno! What type of dress are you searching for today?" She inquires in a polite, yet professional manner.

"Oh, no! I am not really looking for anything." I quickly shake my head, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the richness of the shop.

"I just came with him." I add, pointing towards the towering 6 foot 4 inch man, who seems to have been following our conversation.

"Actually, we are looking for an evening gown for her and a tuxedo for me." Dakota joins us with a charming smile.

"Sure. Give me a moment, and I'll arrange a designer for you. As for ma'am, I'll look for the catalog. Please feel free to enjoy some refreshments while you wait. I will be back in a few minutes." She excuses herself politely and my gaze returns back to Dakota.

"An evening gown?" I blink at him with racing heart beats.

"Yeah.." He licks his lips. "Actually.. There is an inauguration party I am invited to, and I was hoping you could join me. Tomorrow night." Green eyes lock deeply into mine, seeking confirmation.

"As my plus one." He adds, still waiting for my response.

Tomorrow.. is my last day here.

And last day with him.

My mind churn with thoughts as I continue to gaze back at the gentle shade of ocean eyes. They seem to hold a stare, silently urging me to say yes.

"Okay. I'll join you as your plus one." I tell him and a smile, a pure joyful smile creeps on to his lips.

It will be our last day anyway!

"Please, this way, sir. Eugene will guide you through our tuxedo designs." The friendly woman returns with another stylish man, addressing Dakota.

Meanwhile, she directs me towards a small dressing room, where she spends the next half an hour showing me various catalog designs to choose one from.

Finally, she fetches me a black velvet off-shoulder gown, the one I had taken a liking to and leads me towards the trail room, where I find Dakota with his suit.

We both smile at each other, before moving to our respective changing booths, which are practically beside each other, separated only by a thin partition.

I lock the door and begin undressing the dress Dakota had given me earlier. The air fills with the sounds of hangers clicking, our breathings and the soft rustling of fabric, yet his eyes, his smile, his words won't leave my mind.

"Dakota?" I call him out while unwrapping the gown from its cover.

"Hmm." He responds, his voice a low hum from the other side.

"I wanted to ask.." I bite my lower lip before asking him, "Why do I remind you of your younger self?"

My hands fumble with the zipper of the dress when I hear him say, "Because.."

His voice lows down to a whisper and I pause, my hands make no movement as though I might miss the sound of his voice.

"Whenever I look at you.. I think.."

A long silence takes over between us and I feel my pulse quickens along with mini thuds in my chest as he finally manages to say,

"Wow! That's so incredibly stupid! I wish I could do that, but my maturity stops me." His chuckle seeps through the partition, light and teasing.

I roll my eyes. And he is back to being an ass!

"That's why you are not cool!" I retort while slipping into the soft, velvety fabric of the dress.

"Yeah, cause I am hot!" He shoots back with confidence.

"I was going to say 'Old'." I reply, laughing softly as I zip up the dress that hugs my figure like a glove.

"Old is gold." He counters playfully.

"No. Old is old. Gold is gold." I argue, turning to admire the backless design and the alluring deep V curve on my back that accentuates my figure like a mermaid enchantress.

"And everything that glitters is not gold." I smirk, my confidence soaring like a queen.

"Because sometimes, it's a diamond, baby." Dakota's voice comes with a jutting hint of male arrogance.

"Yeah, which can be lab-grown easily." I scoff, appreciating the slit of the dress that begins from my upper thigh.

"Under high pressure of the soil and it's still valuable." He points out.

Just then, I hear the click of his door unlocking and I turn around to unlock my door as well.

"So does an onion." I smirk, stepping out simultaneously with him.

Before Dakota could formulate a witty response, his eyes find me and he stops short. Words seem to evaporate from his lips as a mixture of surprise and admiration paints across his features while he takes in my off-shoulder, black velvety, high-slit dress.

For a moment, he just stands there in his contoured tuxedo, staring at me with those sea deep eyes in a stunned silence and I can't help but feel a surge of confidence and amusement at his uncharacteristic loss of words.

It's a rare sight to see Dakota speechless, because he is always so composed and quick with replies, that now it seems like he has lost his quick-wit.

"Are you zoning out, Mr. Black?" I ask with a grin dancing on my lips.

For a moment longer, he just stares, eyes locked into mine, then slowly, a familiar smirk returns as he slowly shakes his head.

"No." He replies, his voice low and intimate.

"Just... taking in the view." He whispers, letting his eyes boldly travel on my body. 

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)

Thank you so much for your votes, comments and hearts 😍

I have already put another update on schedule!! It's a double update for 2024!!!

Don't forget to.... ENJOY Chicasssss 🍾

Love you.. Each and everyone ♥️

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