Plane to Madagascar

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Right at 8:09 AM, the man of the house and the king of my hell, comes striding in with a face like a magazine's cover.

Wet hair combed behind his ears nicely, with the first two buttons undone of his white shirt, which hugs his beastly shoulders elegantly.

Why so shiny? Did he shower for Vogue?

Dakota keeps the jacket of his navy blue suit along with a matching tie on the counter and sits in front of me with his multi-millionaire CEO demeanor.

So, he is going to the office today.

"Your omelette with toast." I lean on, sliding the porcelain plate towards him and a whiff of his fresh musky cologne hits my nose, which somehow pleases my lungs. They like it.

Dakota stares at his not-so-burnt omelette then looks up at me. I smile.

"And an expresso for the depresso." I purr while pushing a cup of de-cafed coffee under his dark circles.

Avocado eyes narrow at me and I hear his jaw clench. "Funny." He grits bitterly.

"Yeah.. Which you are not!" I smirk sarcastically then take a sip from my rich, milky and sweet coffee.

Dakota looks at me like a sharpener looks at a pencil, almost ready to razor-peel my ass. His keen eyes drop to the bedsheet on my body and he scowls away, before taking a bite.

"How's the omelette?" I ask him eagerly as he takes another loud gulp. His gaze doesn't budge from the tablet as he replies plainly, "Eatable."

I scoff. At least it is edible!

I squint my judge-y eyes and study the calm maniac in front of me. He woke up early to hide my clothes, showered and got ready in just ten minutes and now he is having breakfast while reading news from his iPad together to save time. How?

How can someone be a perfectionist and psychotic at the same time? It is scientifically impossible!

He is weird and unpredictable, like the weather of Seattle. Sunny in the morning and intense thunderstorm in the night.

You might never know what climate is surfing in his head, unless you test it!

"You know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I wait for him to react, but his spinach eyes stay glued to his iPad as he pretends to be deaf.

"Only if it is not poisoned.."

I whisper almost inaudibly and his eyes snap up, piercing through me like a sword. Oh boy! It's definitely not sunny.

Dakota stares at me darkly with his I-hide-dead-bodies-with-my-one-hand gaze.

"Emara. Come here."

Three words and I feel my soul leaving.

Oh shit!

Dakota keeps his iPad down and gives me his full predatory attention. And suddenly, everything in me wants to rebel. I want to run away to the other side, change my name, change my hair colour and get on a plane to Madagascar.

But the way his eyes stalk me, I know he will attack me like an animal, the moment I'll show him my back. With little steps, I cross the counter and stand in front of the big-psychotic-wolf.

Dakota takes my hands in his rough palms and looks deep into my eyes. His thumb gently brushes on my knuckles as he feels their pointed peak.

What is he doing? Are we going to read our vows now?

"Emara.. I have trust in you that you won't poison me." His voice soft, completely opposite to his stone-cutting gaze.

"Really?" I ask him with surprise.

"Yes." He nods his head and tightens his grip on my hands. "Because there is no such item in the house."

"There is shampoo." I murmur quietly.

"Hmm.. But Eve would have reported to me that you had brought a chemical into the kitchen which doesn't belong here." He acknowledges me.

What? The fuck!

"You know why I call it a smart assistant? Because it observes its surrounding every second and reports me of what my human is doing in my house."

My eyes widen and I stare at him like a villager who doesn't know technology exists. This Eve is a spying bitch!

"You should have fed these toast to the dogs only." Dakota glares at me with an intensity of a double-edged saw.

My heart stops pumping for a second as the realization hits me like a brick. He watched me in his cameras while I let his dogs kiss the toast for some extra love. Ohhhh fuck!

I swallow my spit and stare at his psychotic face, which is planning my silent murder. One wrong move and I'll be six feet under in a dark coffin. 

"Now tell me, do you know how to tie a tie?" Dakota asks me. His hands surprisingly feel comfortably warm around mine, like a cosy blanket in the night of a cold winter.

"No." I shake my head slowly.



The warmth of his hands replace by a tablet and a tie, and I blink at him in surprise.

"You have three minutes to learn to knot a tie." His tone leaves no room for argument as he orders me like a boss.

This is the most weirdest thing I have observed in Dakota that suddenly, halfway through the conversation, his personality changes, almost as if you are talking to someone else.

I gulp, feeling highly anxious as I approach him. I feel like a newborn sea-horse who doesn't know how to swim or react, and here he is asking me to tie his tie.

My eyes look at his collars and I was today years old when I realize he has such a beautiful neck, with a manly Adam's apple in the center and god! he smells so good.

The intestines in my stomach tightens as I notice his full, unflinched attention on me. His eyes follow my every move as I fumble with loops while trying to follow the steps in the video.

But things quickly go wrong. The tie tangle and knot weirdly and before I even know, the soft fabric is now a hopeless tangle of fabric on his neck.

*Beep* *Beep*

His watch makes some noise of notification and he instantly slap it shut. My heartbeat rises as Dakota looks down at his tie, then looks up at me, darkly.

"You are good for nothing." He spats furiously as he snaps open the tie and I flinch back with his sudden movement.

"You don't know how to cook, how to clean, how to tie, you are average in studies and ok-ish in bed. What you are good at, huh?" He asks raising his demonic brows at me.

What did this motherfucker say?

"Fine. Then send me home!" I bark at him as I lose my cool as cucumber personality.

Dakota glares at me as he ties his tie on his arrogant neck all while ignoring me.

"You don't provide me clothes and instead, steal mine. You are the cheapest millionaire I have ever seen." I say while pointing my judge-y finger at him.

"I am the only millionaire you have seen." He boosts his China size ego.

"Alright! You are the cheapest, miser man I have ever seen." I rephrase my phrase for the cocky bastard.

"I am not a miser. I am frugal. There is a difference, but you won't get it because you are childish. In fact, you are so childish sometimes that you make me feel like a pedophile."

My jaw drops all the way to hell as I hear his bullshit. I can't believe this hypocrite son of a bitch!

"You calling me childish when you are the one who is holding a stupid grudge from past three years. 'I spent seven days in hell.. So you will spend seven days in the hell too.' That's the most childish thing I ever heard." I mimic in his stupid voice.

Dakota looks at me darkly, as if I stepped on his tail. His eyes narrowed and brows thinned as he glares at me with an intensity of violence. "You know I can do this all day.." His eyes then slide down to my body and he grits his teeth.

"But I would like it more if you were naked. Because right now, I can't even look at this hideous dress you made and talk to you without thinking of puking out." He says before picking his suit's jacket and walking away aggressively.

"Oh well whose mistake is that.. Buy me a dress!" I demand from him as I try to catch his swift pace.

"I won't spend my hard earned money on you. Not even a penny." He declares before walking out of the house.

"Well, you did spend a lot on those slutty lingeries!" I comment, and instantly he turns around, giving me an animalistic scowl.

"That was for my pleasure, which I didn't get, now did I?" His dark lashes fall to my heaving chest and his face turns sour.

"All I got in return is this fugly character from Hogwarts, whose name I can't even remember. It starts something from D.. And he is weird just like you." His eyebrow scrunches as he goes through his memory files.

I swear to the gods above, if he called me Dumbledor, I will slap this motherfucker with my flipsflop-

"Dobby! You look like Dobby in this bedsheet." He replies irritably.

Anger infuses in my veins like adrenaline and I almost kicked in his balls if he hadn't stride away.

"Well then, buy me a Cinderella dress if you hate these sheets so much on me." I bark at him as I follow him angrily to his driveway.

Dakota stops. His features turn dark and he appears demonic, like someone who steals children from their beds in the night.

I try not to flinch when he grabs me by my arms and lowers his face until I feel his hot breath fanning on my lips.

"Baby, I would rather see you walking naked in my house than in any cloth."

My heart slams against my ribs, and I feel my cheeks tingling with heat. Blood flows hot through my viens the way his dark eyes stare at me with a promise of immoral sins.

"And I would very much like that view than any lingerie on you." He whispers against my lips, and my stomach clenches in a knot, just like his tie.

The kind of effect he has on me can only be described by magic. His Black magic.

My chest falls up and down as his green eyes lower to my heaving breast and he licks his lips.

"Now go inside. I don't want anyone else to see my house elf in this hideous dress." He whispers huskily, and suddenly leaves me hot-and-panting as he walks away to his waiting car.

This devious motherfucker!

"You are such a double-faced, double-standard imposter in your skin. Someday everybody will see what a big mythical jerk you are, and all of your carefully created self-esteem will be destroyed." I bark as he opens the door and throws his suit, phone and bag inside.

"Here." Dakota pulls out a twenty dollar bill from his wallet and hands me saying, "Go buy some better insults."

I crunch the note in my fist as he gets inside his car and shuts the door behind. Something burns me, it feels similar to the feeling of getting left on read.

"You are the biggest dick I have ever met." I scream as the vehicle starts rolling on its four wheels.

Run away. Bastard!

The security guard watches me awkwardly as I stand there fuming in a bedsheet. Great! Now he will think I am a crackhead.

I brush my hair nicely and catwalk to the guard. I give him a smile and the twenty dollar bill saying, "Take this and you won't tell him that I ran away."

I look at the open gate then at the security watchman. I don't care if I am wearing flip-flops or a stupid dress, I just want to run away from his stupid castle.

"I will give you double, please return to the villa, mam." The security guy replies with a polite smile.

His guards are just like him. Tenacious and inhumane.

"Fine. Forty dollars." I forward my palm shamelessly as I ask him for the bribe money. He pulls out the bill and hands me with a grim face.

I don't care! I am more poor than him.

I walk back to the castle with sixty dollars in my hand, feeling highly motivated to run away.

"I got the money for cab, and now all I need is clothes to escape."

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)

How many Votes for our cute Dobby..


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