Red and Ripe

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My eyes open up to strange voices and I curse the heavens as light directly pierces through my delicate lashes, causing the nerves of my eyeballs to stretch painfully.

The Sun is shining and birds chirping outside, but everything seems gray and lifeless inside me. I sigh depressingly as I remain trapped beneath the suffocating weight of my sadness.

"Oxygen saturation level is at 98%, indicating optimal oxygenation." Once again strange voices fill the room, seeming unintelligent to me at first.

Confusion takes a hold of me and I lift my heavy eyelids against the assaulting rays of warm lights that directly sear through my eyes.

As I try to make sense of the surrounding, my gaze settles on an unavoidable figure in front of me. I see Dakota sitting with a serious look on his heartless face, holding my hand gently in his as he talks to himself. "Report body temperature and blood pressure."

His hand gently grasp my wrist and it takes me a few seconds to realise that he is monitoring my pulse rate through the watch on my hand.

"Blood pressure seems functioning stable at 120/80 while body temperature is recorded above normal range at 38 degrees Celsius, suggesting to assess for potential abnormalities." The cold, robotic voice resonates in the room, yet remains devoid of any meaning to my clouded head.

I try to sit up but my body aches. Every nerve in me protest to move, as if I am stuck under the weight of a heavy rock and the only thing I could move, is my eyes. I notice a thick blanket wrapped around me while I lie still in the same luxurious sheetless bed.

Sensing my restlessness, Dakota immediately notices my awakening. His eyes focus on my face and his features soften. With a gentle motion, he removes the cool, damp cloth from my forehead and gives me a comforting smile.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty." He whispers softly in my ear as he gently guides me to sit up.

My head spins and I feel my body almost crying from inside, begging me to sleep again and shut myself from the pain throbbing inside me.

Instantly, I feel a supportive arm behind me, providing a secure anchor as I struggle to find a balance. Green eyes observe me silently and when he is certain that I won't fall back, he settles back into his previous position.

"You have been sleeping for the past four hours." Dakota tells me, his voice laced with genuine concern. "And when I came to check up on you, I noticed how hotter you have become, not that you aren't always hot."

He gives me a playful wink in an attempt to make me feel better but in reality, his words make no sense to me. As if darkness has gripped my soul from all sides, and I sit still like a doll, without blinking or talking.

"It appears like you have developed a fever, likely due to sleeping with damp hair and your body couldn't fight back as effectively because you have eaten nothing for the past 20 hours."

Dakota informs me as he dips the cloth into the ice bowl and stares at me. His eyes glaze with concern as he delicately tucks a loose lock of hair behind my ear and whispers in a deep regretful voice, "Why didn't you blow dry your hair?"

His fingers gently trace the tender outlines of my ear, slowly following the nerves of my neck while he observes me quietly. There is a strange sadness lingering within his touch, but none of it touches my heart.

As if I have no heart and all I feel is this empty blackness echoing inside of me, like I am already dead, just waiting for the last beat.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best as your dedicated nurse, and get you back to heath, so you can dance for me once again." Dakota taunts me, to pull a reaction out of me. "I must admit, I can't enjoy my meals properly without the mesmerizing sight of your sexy moves."

But no witty words come out of me, as if all my fierce light has been stolen, and now all I am left with is a hollow shell which only looks pretty for the eyes.

Green eyes glisten with unspoken sadness and he averts his gaze momentarily. With heavy emotions brimming his face, he reaches out for the tray and places it on his lap. Carefully, he picks up a spoonful of soup and gently blows on it to cool it down.

"I hope this chicken soup tastes like they said in the video." Dakota mumbles as he brings the spoon to my lips. However, my stomach rebels against the idea of consuming anything. The mere thought of having food makes me feel like vomiting.

"Emara, open up!" His brows furrow with concern as he observes at my unresponsive state and sets the spoon aside. Warmth seeps into me as he cups my cheeks gently and leans closer to my face saying,

"Emara, I understand that you are not feeling well, but my love, it's crucial for you to eat and regain your strength. Even if it's just a few spoonfuls, this soup will provide nourishment for your body and help fight off the fever. So please baby, try to have some."

His voice carries a soft, caring tone, but it soon fades away somewhere in the emptiness as once again pitch blackness wraps its tendrils around my mind and engulfs me with its dark memories that I tried to escape from.

They come back again, haunting me, laughing at my pitiful state, how I am stripped of my pride and reduced to nothing more than a common whore.

A toy used to cum in for pleasure. This is who I am now. A fuck toy.

Suddenly a strange sound echoes through my ears and curiously, my gaze drift up to the source of the noise. A spoon comes flying at me in a zig-zag motion and dips inside my parted lips. Warm spiced soup with chicken tender seduces my taste buds and I gulp it down.

"Does it taste good?" Dakota arches his brow, his unwavering gaze stay fixated on me as he awaits for confirmation. Comforting, aromatic flavours fill my mouth and instinctively, I lick my lips.

In that moment, a genuine happiness illuminates on his deadpan face and he smiles. "This is my first journey in the realm of soup-making, so pardon my lady if it falls short of your expectations." Dakota playfully mimics, adopting the mannerisms of an old english gentleman.

I stare at him blankly as he fills another spoon full of steaming liquid and blows air into it. His emerald eyes lock into me and a mischievous smile curve his lips as he playfully asks, "Are you prepared for the soup adventure, my lovely damsel?"

In a frisky display, Dakota holds the spoon like an airplane and with gentle swooping motion, he brings it closer to my mouth while making playful airplane noises. "Vrooooom! Open up the gates of runway. Captain Spoon-Air is ready to land!"

The soupy liquid coats my tongue and its warmth gradually trickles down my throat. Another spoon comes flying towards me, he pretends to float it around before it stops in front of my lips. "Come on, open up for a hot meal-in landing."

But the urge to consume anything dies down as my stomach denies any more food. My body remains still and stubborn as I aimlessly look at the vast blackness ahead of me.

"One more, please baby." Dakota insists as he waits with the spoon in the air, but all I could reply him with is silence. The shadows captive my mind again and I feel numb to the outside world, as if I hardly exist.

I sense his rough thumb grazing on my wet lip, as if urging me to open them. "Emara.." He whispers my name with a depth that stirs the thick walls of my darkness and I lift my heavy eyelids at him.

Green eyes deeply gawk at me with intense sorrow, yet the sadness dissipates into a soft smile as he speaks, "If you take two more bites, I'll let you drink an entire bottle of wine. Then you can get drunk and dance as much as you want. And if you be a good girl and finish this bowl of soup.."

Dakota leans in closer to me, his voice hushed to a whisper as if sharing a secret. "I'll dance with you." He lifts the spoon once more and guides it towards my lips, encouraging me to take a sip.

"Come on, just a bite." He urges me.

My lips part and I taste the warm liquid seeping in. "Okay, one more." He insists, gently pushing me to take another sip. "Just last bite. I promise, this is the last one. You can do it. Come on."

Dakota sets the spoon down and gently dabs a napkin on my lips saying, "That's like my good girl." I look up at him with sorrow in my eyes. Am I a good girl?

But the dark thoughts keep reminding me how I was stripped off my dignity, tied down like a cattle and fucked lewdly like a slut, again and again.. And again.

I am not a good girl.

I am a used girl.

A common whore.

A cheap slut.

Warm fingers tenderly brush against my cheek, and I feel a tear trickle down my face. My silent sadness echoes through the room and I feel my consciousness slowly slipping deep into the ocean of darkness.

Instantly I feel myself being pushed against a warm wall and I feel heart beats thudding through my ribs. Dakota hugs me tightly in his arms in a protective way, as if trying to shield me from the pain.

"It's okay, Emara. It's just a fever. You will be alright tomorrow. I promise." His voice trembles as he whispers soft, consoling words in my ears. Yet they seem like he is trying to convince himself more, giving his shattered self a hope of better days tomorrow.

I sit motionless, consumed by a heavy blanket of sadness while his hands desperately rub on my back, seeking to offer comfort. The rough calluses on his palms graze against my smooth back, serving as a stark reminder of how naked I am.

And how brutally I was snatched off my grace.

"Shhh.. Don't cry, baby." He assures me, hugging even tighter as if attempting to mend my broken pieces that he ripped apart himself. "I am here for you and I'll take care of you, always." He whispers soothing words in my ear, but no light penetrates my black heart.

Dakota gently cradles my face, his touch delicate and tender as he plants a soft lingering kiss on my wet cheek. My skin tickles with a new sensation, something I haven't felt before, yet so comforting.

I blink in hazy confusion as he pecks another cheek in a lovely kiss and then smiles saying, "Look at your face, so red and ripe." His thumb brushes gently against my cheeks as he stares at me like he is seeing something much more in me, something no one has ever seen.

"You are an epitome of cuteness, baby girl." He whispers huskily and I feel his lips grazing my cheek again, before he takes a deep sigh of control and finally lets go of me.

My face tingle with the lingering warmth of his lips, as they leave behind a possessive trail of his mark and masculine scent on my skin.

"This might not taste as delicious as the soup, but these little dragon eggs have the potential to turn a grumpy cat like you into a dancing unicorn." He jokes putting three tablets in the palm of my hand.

Two white and one yellow.

I silently stare at the medicines with aching eyes, hoping it would not only fade away my darkness but also dull the sharp edges of my memories. With a fragile glimmer of hope, I swallow the tablets with a sip of water.

As if the medicine is doing its effect, a wave of weariness washes over me. My eyelids grow heavy, and my body begs to rest.

"You want to sleep?" Dakota whispers softly, as if sensing my fatigue. He helps me settle into bed and gently tucks the covers around me, like a protective wall.

"Now take rest. I am here only." His words fade somewhere behind my mind as I let gravity work on my eyelids. Silence once again echoes in my mind and my body feels weightless.

Warm lips brush against my temple, before I get lost into the darkness again. 

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)

Call me Bio-degradable coz I break down really easily 😭 

Welcome new readers for showering the book with votes SumellikaxUnicorn , itsLumil , TinaFiebi , belindabaffour , FairyFaiza , DivyaShanbhag7 and WitchMika


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