Son of Whore

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Dakota growls, peeling the jacket of his suit as if it is holding back his ferocity. It feels like the first night all over again, only ten times more menacing.

And it somehow scares me, shakes me to the core as I watch him grow increasingly livid with each passing second.

"For a day, I wanted to change things between us coz I was feeling bad the way I have been behaving, but you!" I watch his features twist in rage as he menacingly growls, "You fucking don't deserve it."

Fear grips me from all sides and guilt fills me up to the brim as I stare at him with regretful eyes. I never intended to provoke him by using his deep dark trauma against him, especially since it was something that he probably only shared with me.

"Dakota I-uh.. am sorry." My lips stutter and unknowingly tears begin to spill out of my eyes. "I-I shouldn't ha-ve said-"

My lips instinctively seal as he lowers his face at me. He looks deranged, a man who is far away from humanity and clutched in the flames of wrath.

"I don't give a fuck about your sorrys, Emara." There is not even an ounce of emotion in his eyes as he stares at me with an icy cold gaze that only broods of vengeance.

"Now turn around and be a good sport for me."

The unpalatable anger in his voice sends a line of nervous fear running up and down my spine, and I sense my body tensing up with anticipation of what he might do to me.

Dakota suddenly flips me over on the bed like a pillow, and my heart jumps into my throat, not knowing what punishment he has planned for me. He is vividly mad and I am equally-terribly scared of him.

"You called me a son of whore, huh? Let me you tell you something.. You are lucky to get a taste of my cock, because girls like you, lick the floors I walk on." His voice oozes an arrogance which somehow shakes me to the core.

I feel a forceful tug on my back as he rips the strips of the apron and pulls my hair, bringing my ear closer to his heated lips.

"It's a privilege to get fucked by me." He growls menacingly, causing me to shiver in return.

"And tonight, let me show you what this son of whore meant by he owns your ass." Dakota pushes me down roughly, pulling a sharp shriek out of me.


My breath gets caught as a loud sound resonates in my ear, followed by a sting prickling on my asscheek. Before I could take another gasp of air, he starts hitting my ass with flat, angry blows.


My whole body jerks with his sudden violence and I screech as needles of sharp sting dances under his palm every time it hits on my ass.


Each slap sounds like a bullet shot into the room, accompanied by my little squeal of pain. The spanks hurt more each time he hits on an unexpected place, making me cry in anticipation of where the next blow will land.

"Stop moving." I hear him yell.

My hips wiggle and try to roll out of his clutch, but his steel claws hold me tightly, slapping me even harder to stay in the position. But the contractions in my sex and the burning sensations on my cheeks with his every hit make it impossible for me to stay still.

"I said stop moving!" Dakota growls inhumanly.

He stops for a second, only to twist my hands behind my back. My face falls into the soft pillow with my ass arched back lewdly, while I feel a soft fabric being fastened around my wrists and I soon realize, it's his tie.

The same wrist he gently bandaged in the morning, is now being tied forcefully by those very same hands, causing a sharp pang of hurt coursing through me.

There is no escape from this man. I have turned him into a monster and now I have to bear his monstrosity.

Tears soak into the pillow as his slaps return on my sore ass. My body stops struggling, as if it has already given up the hope of ever seeing the light and surrendered against his darkness which is slowly coating every inch of my soul.

The violence and the humiliation of his brutal slaps echoes through me like a ringing bell, while I lay there panting, broken and embarrassed with nothing to hide.

After fifty or so strikes, he slows down to admire his barbaric artwork on me. I hear him take deep breaths of satisfaction, like the red prints on my ass give his scars a heavenly relief.

"Spread your legs." Dakota orders me in his heartless voice. "Do it, whore!"

My heart clenches as I spread my legs, submitting to his ruthless dominance. He is cruel in all ways and I am helpless in every way.

I wait for his brutal thrust, which never came. My pulses bang in anticipation as I wait for him to attack me viciously like an animal who attacks its prey when it least expected.

But none of it came.

I close my eyes with my heart beating in my mouth, hands tied back and ass arched up lewdly, while he abnormally stays quiet behind me.

His uncharacteristic silence looms over me and I can feel panic pulsating through my nerves, as of one thing I am sure that his silence is more dangerous than his growls.

And right now, he is like that calmness before the storm, and I sense something intense brewing within him.

It's the anger and aggression radiating from him every second, leaves me trembling in terror, as I wonder what else he is capable of doing.

Suddenly, my skin jolts with current as I feel fingers gently grazing my inner thighs, causing gooseflesh to appear on my skin. My heart thuds against my ribcage as his fingers slowly crawl up to my quivering core.

"Mmmh" I bite my lips as his soft touch generates sensation in me. It's strange how my body forgot his brutal blows as his soft touch takes over.

I shiver at the way his fingers split at my heated sex as he traces the corner of my vaginal lips in slow motion. It's like my body is a playground for him and I am entirely at his mercy.

He puts a little pressure around my wet walls, like massaging the area with his gentle touch. My breath becomes shallow and I take quick breaths as his fingers slowly move up towards my ass.

My skin reacts with a sudden jolt of surprise as he begins to caress my sore ass. The change in environment from a burning sensation to a soothing tingle, makes me dither under him like a fish gasping for air.

"Does it hurt?" I hear his deep voice in my head, as he gently strokes my spanked butt. I sob, unknown tears roll down my cheeks as I lie silently on the drenched pillow. I have never been so humiliated and treated like a cattle, branded and fucked.

I nod my head as tears stream down from my eyes. Strangely enough, it's not his cruelty that I hate the most in him, but the moment of kindness he shows on me.

"Does it hurt more than breaking bones?" Dakota asks me, the vengeance in his voice is as hard as the heart beating inside of him. And it scares me. This man scares me.

I bite my lip and hide my face in the pillow of soaked tears. The memories of his brutality come into my mind and I shut my eyes with a throbbing pain in my heart.

I curse the day our paths crossed, I curse the day I disclosed his name to the police and I curse the day I had the misfortune of running into him once again.

In an instance, my skin pricks in goosebumps as I feel his fingers gently tracing the outline of my other hole. My body tenses and my muscles involuntarily tighten around his finger as he slowly draws closer to my anal, causing my heart to skip a beat.


His soothing voice takes over as he gently rubs the spot with utmost care as if calming a frightened animal. But in reality, my fear only intensifies with each passing second.

He is like an unpredictable storm, changing its direction without any warnings.

"I couldn't sleep last night." Dakota whispers in the room, as if talking to himself.

"I spent the entire night awake, lost in the thoughts of how badly I treated you when all you did was beg me to make love to you." His voice softens, just like his fingers.

Sensation of his touch passes through me like sparks, dancing through my legs as he traces slow circles around my anal, putting slight pressure with every round.

"It hurt me, strangely." He murmurs quietly, almost depressingly.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you whole night, whole day, replaying all the things happened between us. And I wanted to bring some reforms in your seven night stay."

I feel a dip in my chest as his voice slows down and so does his finger, halting at my throbbing hole. A shiver runs down my spine as he puts a little pressure, and the flower opens up.

My heart hammers nonstop as he pushes a finger in and my ass muscles tenses, willing to stop it. He puts a little move pressure and I feel him slide in with resistance.

"I wanted to forgive you." He says, withdrawing his finger from me.

"I wanted to move on." He again pushes in, a little deeper this time and I gasp as he touches a place in me where nobody has ever touched.

"Badly move on.. From the hell I have been through and the hell I am dragging you into along with me." His voice is barely above a whisper as he confesses.

"I wanted to make love to you tonight." 

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)

This is a double update! The next chapter will be posted in few hours!!!

Why the chapter is so late? Originally.. I wanted to write a hardcore, brutal scene but keeping the regulations in mind I kept rewriting the scene and dialogues so it would fit in a Romance book. (And it doesn't get deleted)

But I still want to write a brutal scene 😭 Maybe in another book. 

Shoutout to these sexy ass new readers for voting on all the chapters JohnnysGirl11 , __rushi_RUSH_16__ , minjimadhukook , hell6996


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