The Only Girl

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~ 9:47 AM

I blink a few times, before finally opening my eyes to a white ceiling.

Plain melancholy walls wish me morning as I sit up and rub my eyes, only to realize I slept in Dakota's room, in Dakota's arms.

My eyes quickly glance right to find the spot empty and cold. He must have gotten up, and once again, he didn't wake me up.

Forcing my body up, I notice I am still in his shirt that seems to like me more, than its owner. I pad over to his closet, only to find it locked, again. The pills cabinet is secured as well, but I find my dress exactly where I had left last night.

Glad his psychotic side didn't hide my clothes this time!

It's bizarre to even think there are two types of Dakota in one person, like a buy-one-get-one-free deal that I didn't sign up for.

As I am about to leave his bedroom, a yellow sticky note on the door catches my eye.

'Martina made breakfast. Try not to roam naked in the house without me ;)'

I scoff at the typical Dakota humour, but couldn't suppress my smile. In a world runover by internet and instant messages, he is leaving me written sticky notes.

Old school or just quirky?

I quickly head back to my room to brush my teeth, before heading downstairs to greet Martina, who has already prepared a mouth-watering breakfast for me.

Banana pancakes and chia pudding with fresh berries.

"Gracias." I thank her, taking my seat at the dining table before asking, "Where is Dakota?"

"Trabajar." Martina pauses, watching my confused face and begins moving her hands like carrying a briefcase with a straight face.

"Oh.. Office?" I question, and she nods happily.

Dang! I am pro at Charades.

"Oficina! Él fue a la oficina." She informs me and it dawns on me that today is Monday, and my last day here.


Suddenly the iPad on the table vibrates and I grab to see a notification from Inline magazine's updated interview with Dakota Black, the one I had taken.

Curiously, I tap on the link of the infamous interview and scroll down to the end to controversial question, 'Being an epitome of rag to riches. What do you miss the most from your simple life?'

'Peace'.. I read his revised answer from the previous contradicting response 'Violence.'

'Peace is a rare element in my daily routine. As my brain is constantly active and never stops running, it turned me into a work addict. I aspire someday to experience a moment of tranquility in my mind and attain the peace I long for in my existence.'

His raw honest reply somehow touches me deeply, sensing how badly he must have been craving for a state of calmness in his disturbed mind, which he shares with his barbaric personality.

On a whim, I click on Dakota's name, which leads me to his Wikipedia page.

Born: 1 May 1996 (age 27 years)

I quickly search for his star sign and almost gasp. He is a Taurus???

My fingers couldn't control and end up Googling traits of Taurus men- They are charismatic assholes with a straight nose carved from the mountain of arrogance.

Like a bull, they are fierce and head strong. Though full of shits, they don't take bullshit from anyone.

Being an Earth sign, they are connected to nature, art, music, as if they created themselves and are a big addict of luxury, food, and sex.

Advice: Always praise them before asking for anything.

Well.. That sounds like Dakota in a nutshell!

Curious, I search for my sign- Scorpio females are born seductress. Though appear very innocent, they have a very kinky mind. One can never know what goes inside their mind, or if they even have a mind.

They are infamous to make your thoughts run wild, then lure you in with their smitten-kitten-mitten eyes, and then BAM! Those long devilish nails are not just for show. If you ever cross them, they will rip your soul and will make you their slave for the next nine lives.

Being a water sign, they are highly emotional, sometimes a psycho, but always loyal. And when they give you attention, it's 100%.

Advice: Run if you encounter a Scorpio woman.

I burst into laughter, embracing my newly discovered Scorpio personality.

I set the iPad down, and wander around Dakota's home, wondering how to spend my last day here. I can't believe it's only been seven days, as it felt like a year.

Gazing out from the window, I spot Dakota's dogs fighting for an ugly toy, like a shoe.

Wait.. Is that my belly shoe, the one I lost on day one??

I instantly rush outside and call them out. "Hey!" But they pay me no mind and continue to snap at the stolen shoe in a vicious tug-of-war.

"That's my shoe! You little rascals!" I yell, but they continue to quarrel fiercely over my shoe like which one of them gets to be Cinderella.

"Drop it!" I command, trying my best to sound stern.

The dobermans look at me with their big, black shiny eyes, and drop the shoe. They curiously tilt their heads as I pick up their chewed toy while cooing, "Oh! My poor baby."

The sole of belly shoe had been ripped open, with prints of teeth marks decorated all over its soft pad, created by none other than these two furry Picassos.

One of the dogs barks at me, and I see him wagging his tail excitedly. My heart melts like butter, watching their cuteness overloading as they wait for me to play with them.

Seems like they have warmed up to my company in the week, much like their owner.

I throw my chewed shoe across the yard and watch them transform into lightning-fast, four-legged Olympians, racing each other to see who can fetch it first.

I couldn't help but smile as I watch them play. Who knew a torn-up shoe could bring so much joy?

Seeing the dogs roll in mud and grass, I decide to take them to the front yard, where Dakota's huge swimming pool awaits. I watch the dogs as they excitedly leap into the water, while I lounge on the pool chair, taking a sun-bath.

This is my dream job!

Once they have their fun, I attempt to dry the dogs off with a towel, but they seem to have other plans. With a vigorous shake, they drench me to the point that the shirt sticks to my breasts and my braless titties get visible.

"Bad doggies! Very bad!" I scold them, but couldn't help laughing at their playful mischief. I wish I could kidnap and take them with me tomorrow. Along with my waifu Eve!

I leave them to play, and head back inside in search of fresh towels, when my watch buzzes with an incoming call.

It's Dakota.

"Hey." His deep voice echoes through the corners of the house as I click on answer, taking me by surprise.

"Hey.." I utter and look around, trying to figure out where to answer, only to realize he has microphones and speakers all over the place.

"You finally woke up!" He comments.

"Yeah! Someone forgot to program alarm on my watch." I call him out teasingly.

"Ma-damn, your alarm even woke up my other personality. God! You really sleep like a dead body."

"What? And you sleep like a baby!" I shoot back, unable to resist the playful poke.

"Well.. I actually did, last night." He admits softly, which surprises me. He even sound calm and relaxed, something I rarely notice in him.

"What are you doing?" Dakota inquires.

"I.. just had a pool party with your dogs." I tell him, dabbing the paper-napkin on my neck.

"Pool party? With Hades and Zeus?" His voice doesn't hide the high octaves of surprise.

Woah.. Cool names! Suit the troublemakers.

"Yeah, they are darlings." I look out, watching Hades and Zeus frolicking around the backyard like crackheads.

"But your little monsters splashed water on me and now I am all wet. Plus, some miser has hidden all my clothes, and emptied my wardrobe, so I guess I am stuck with nothing to wear." I taunt him playfully.

"You can wear my clothes." Dakota's deep whisper fills the house. "You did look quite striking in my shirt last night."

His bold flirt catches me off guard, stirring something unexpected in me.

"Oh.. Then maybe you should lend me some more of your shirts, Mr. Black." I suggest, hearing his laughter in the background.

"Haha! You can have my entire wardrobe, Miss Stone." He offers generously.

"Liar! I have tried before and it's always locked." I complain, half-serious.

A brief pause hangs in the air, and all I hear is soft tappings of thumb, before Dakota finally says, "Unlocked."

Curiously, I stride towards his room and when I twist the handle of his bedroom, the door swings open.

His depressive room welcomes me and I couldn't help but think out loud, "You must have hardly brought any girl to your bedroom."

"Emara, you are the only girl I ever let in my house."

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

What do you think is going to be in Dakota's secret wardrobe?

Now I get it why I like tie-me-up-to-your-bed shit!

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