Chapter 1 The Attack Begins

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It is finally the day, the day for the Lancers, the Resistance, the Citizens, and the Rebel students to launch their attack on Academia. Everyone has gathered in front of the You Show Duel School, Asuka says, "If we're going to fight Academia, it has to be now!"

"Indeed. Academia not only wants the power to create the utopia, but also the power of GOD to destroy the world. We can't let that happen." Reisho says.

"With this, we will be setting our main route for the attack." Yuya says while showing a project of the whole Academia Island, which has a lot of arrows on it. Yuya, Yuni, Reiji, and Reisho have told every one of them their plan and the attack route.

Yusho says, "Sarah and I will also go too."

"But Dad...are you sure?" Yuni asks.

"Yeah, mom...what if Father sees you again..." Reisho says.

"I can't let everyone fight Academia while doing nothing but waiting here." Sarah says. "We need to stop Akaba Leo and the sinister 4 behind him."

"And we will talk to Akaba Leo." Yusho adds.

"That's too bad. The Professor won't see you. You will never reach Academia" Just then, the door opens and Dennis appears.

"It can't be!" Yuzu gasps. "Dennis?"

"Oh, but it is. It's been a while, everyone. Hiiragi Yuzu, why don't you come with me?" Dennis asks.

"Like we are going to hand Yuzu over to you guys!" Yuya steps in front of Yuzu, causing her to blush a little.

"And for what you've done to Heartland, we're not letting you do as you wish!" Rio says.

"Oh, you guys are here as well!" Dennis says, "So it is not just the runaways, but the Lancers and the Synchro Dimension Citizens are here as well...It is really entertaining, isn't it? However, this is nowhere near my level as an entertainer though."

Yugo yells, "Don't screw with us. You lost against Kurosaki and your disguise was peeled off. You're no entertainer!"

"It wasn't peeled off. I revealed my true self by myself. All in order to liven up the Duel." Dennis says while stepping forward, "As expected, it brought great joy to the audience."

"Dennis..." Yusho says.

"So you do know him, Dad?" Katrina asks.

"It's been a while, teacher." Dennis says. "How nostalgic...I admired you on the streets of Heartland. My love for Entertainment Dueling awoke when I saw you. However, I believe right now I've surpassed you in your ability to mesmerize the audience."

"Are you sure?" Yusho asks.

"Why don't we test it out? I even brought a gallery with me." Dennis says as some Academia soldiers appear. Kenzan grits his teeth, "How did they even find out this place?"

"I found out where you were hiding from eyewitness reports. Teacher, I think fate brought you to the Fusion Dimension. By all means, please watch your student grow." Dennis says.

"What student?" Ron demands, "Because of you, the whole Heartland was in a ruined state! Do you think we're going to wait quietly while you spew that nonsense?"

The others start to cheer for them as they also yell back. But Yusho says, "Fine. I accept your challenge."

"Dad?" Yuni asks.

"Everyone stand back." Yusho says while turning to Dennis. "You haven't grown an inch since back then."

"What?" Dennis asks.

"Before, you only captivated people with the flashiness of your shows. But can you provide a message that shakes the heart of your audience?" Yusho asks. "That's the first rule!"

"Enough boasting. I've preferred practice over lectures. Let's begin, Teacher!" Dennis says while both of them activate their Duel Disks. "Duel!" (Yusho:4000)(Dennis:4000)

"First, let's see what you can do." Dennis says.

"I'll take you up on that." Yusho says. "I'll go first. I set one card and end my turn."

"That's all? Dad?" Yuya asks.

"Don't take me for a fool!" Dennis yells.

"Not at all. I always try to make the most enjoyable experience. This is just setup." Yusho says.

"Really? Then I won't hold back." Dennis says. "My turn!"

After drawing a card, he says, "You've said I haven't grown. I've been all over the place and learned new things. This is proof. With Scale 3 Entermage Mirror Conductor and Scale 6 Entermage Fire Dancer, I set the Pendulum Scale!"

After setting the scales, he says, "With this, I can Summon monsters from Levels 4 to 5! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! My Monsters! First, Entermage Ball Rider! (ATK:1000/DEF:1800 LV:4 PS:3) and Entermage Higurumi! (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:4 PS:5)"

Shark asks, "That guy can Pendulum Summon as well?"

"Considering we were the ones who made those cards for him..." Yuya says with a slight glare.

"And if you haven't noticed, he summoned 2 Level 4 Monsters..." Rumi says.

"I overlay my Level 4 Higurumi and Level 4 Ball Rider! Show must go on! Artisan of the air, swing across the stage with grace! Xyz Summon! Appear now! Rank 4! Entermage Trapeze Magician!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 RNK:4 OVU:2)

"Shame the show must end so soon." Dennis says. "I detach one Overlay Unit from Trapeze Magician and use its effect! Now for the rest of the turn, Trapeze Magician can attack twice! Trapeze Magician has 2500 ATK, if you receive two attacks your LP will be gone. Too anticlimactic?"

Yusho doesn't say a word, but he looks at Sarah, who nods as she gets the message. "Battle! Trapeze Magician! Attack Sakaki Yusho directly!" Dennis yells.

Trapeze Magician prepares to do a swing, however, just as the attack is about to hit, Yusho says, "Trap Card: Miracle Silk Hat!"

The smoke covers the field as in front of Dennis, there are two hats, one is red and the other one is blue. Dennis gasps, "He's gone!"

Yusho laughs and his voice rings through the field, "I haven't left. I'm right here!"

"Under one of the silk hats?" Dennis asks.

"Correct! If you end the show with a direct attack, it would have been boring, no?" Yusho asks. "So let's play a little game I've prepared."

"Game?" Dennis asks.

"Under one of the hats is a Magic Card, while the other is me and a 0 ATK monster." Yusho says. "If you find that Monster and destroy it, I take double battle damage. Meaning I take 5000 damage and lose!"

"Too bad for you! I said Trapeze Magician can attack twice thanks to its effect!" Dennis says. "Meaning I have a 100% chance of beating you!"

"Well, that can't be helped, I'll make it as exciting as possible and praise you as the victor!" Yusho says. "So, where is your first attack?"

Dennis decides to attack the one on the right first, but just as the magician hits the hat, it reveals a Magic Card. "What you just destroyed is the Magic Card: Wonder Balloon! Too bad it's not a monster, so I take 0 battle damage."

"Still, it's over now. Trapeze Magician attacks the left hat!" Dennis says.

And Trapeze Magician manages to destroy the other hat, only to reveal a Paper Doll. "It's a Magic Card that is treated as a Monster when in your hand? That means I had no chance at the start!"

And then he realizes that everyone has already left the building. Dennis says, "Damn it! He ran away when I played his game! They said they are going to Academia! The harbor! Go to the Harbor!"

In the passage, Vivian says, "I can't believe that worked..."

"Yeah, but they must have figured out that we're heading to Academia. We have to be quick!" Reiji says.

Outside, they are ambushed by the Academia students, and they decide to battle each and every one of them. And while doing so, Yuya, Yuni, and the others are going to buy some time.

Yuya, Yuni, Vivian, Katrina, Yuzu, Reisho, and Rio smile as they draw the same card. Katrina asks, "You guys are the same, right?"

"Of course! Let's do this together." Rio says.

They all reveal the card to be Rank-Up-Magic The Seventh One. They yell at the same time, "This is the real power of the Barian world. Rank-Up-Magic The Seventh One! This card Ranks Up an Over-hundred Number into a Chaos Number!"

"Chaos Number?" The Academia members are surprised as they continue, "I can summon an Over-Hundred Number from my deck or graveyard, and summon it to the field with their effects negated!"

Katrina says, "I Overlay the Rank 4 Silent Honors Ark Knight! Chaos Xyz Change! Appear, Chaos Numbers 101! Guardian of souls that have yet to mature, become the dark knight and crush the light! Silent Honors Dark Knight!" (ATK:2800/DEF:1500 RNK:5 OVU:1)

After the warrior monster appears, Katrina says, "Silent Honors Dark Knight can take your Chaos Giant and becomes its Overlay Units!"

"Become your Overlay Unit?" The Academia member is shocked as his monster is taken to Katrina. "With this, your field is empty!"

Reisho says, "I Overlay the Rank 4 Holy Lightning - Glorious Halo! Chaos Xyz Change! Appear! Chaos Numbers 102! Unholy Lightning - Noble Demon!" (ATK:2900/DEF:2400 RNK:5 OVU:1)"

Once Chaos Numbers 102 appear on the field, Reisho says, "By detaching one Overlay Unit, when this Monster is Ranked up using Glorious Halo, I can make your Monster's ATK 0 and negate the effect!"

"Negate the effect and make my Monster's ATK 0?" The Academia member is shocked to see that his Ultimate Hound's ATK becomes 0. "And since it was the last Overlay Unit that it detached, I can give you an additional 1500 damage! With this, it's the end for you!"

Rio says, "I Overlay the Rank 4 Ragna Zero! Chaos Xyz Change! Please appear, Chaos Numbers 103! The infinite power that can freeze even time now, revives. Funerary Sub-Zero Maiden - Ragna Infinity! (ATK:2800/DEF:2400 RNK:5 OVU:1)

After the Monster appears, Rio says, "Thanks to your Antique Gear Tank that gives you a 600 ATK boost, that means I can give you damage equal to the difference between Triple Bite's original ATK and current ATK, and then I banish your Monster!"

"Banish my Monster and give me damage with the difference of ATK?" This causes the Academia soldier to be in horror as the winds start to blow at him.

Yuzu says, "I Overlay the Rank 4 Masquerade Magician - Shining! Chaos Xyz Change! Appear, Chaos Numbers 104! When the force of Barian born from Chaos will cover up the light, the great darkness will dance! Masquerade Magician - Umbral! (ATK:3000/DEF:1500 RNK:5 OVU:1)

After the Monster appears, Yuzu says, "I am not going to be captured that easily! I use Action Magic: Zero Penalty! I target Chaos Giant and its ATK goes to 0!"

"Chaos Giant is unaffected by Magic and Trap effects." The Academia member says. "I know, however, I use Umbral's effect! When my opponent uses a Monster effect, I detach one Overlay Unit and negate that activation, and I can also randomly select one card from your hand to the graveyard and half your LP!"

"What?" The soldier is shocked that he has to send one card to the graveyard and he also halves his damage, and the Action Magic also works. "Sorry, but I'm not a damsel in distress." Yuzu says.

Yuni says, "I Overlay the Rank 4 Burning Knuckler - Cestus the Meteor! Chaos Xyz Change! Appear! Appear, Chaos Number 105! Your true form, the champion of all Burning Knucklers- Cestus the Comet! (ATK:2800/DEF:2000 RNK:5 OVU:1)

After the Monster appears, Yuni says, "I detach one Overlay Unit from Cestus the Comet! I can destroy your Monster and inflict damage equal to that Monster's ATK! Now lose with your Chaos Giant!"

This causes the Academia soldier to gasp in shock as the warrior uses his fist to attack.

Vivian says, "I Overlay the Rank 4 Huge Rock Palm - Giant Hand! Chaos Xyz Change! Come forth, Chaos Numbers 106! The true power that seizes a chaotic world! The fist that can crush the earth! The fingertips that can pierce through heaven! Lava Palm - Giant Hand Red!" (ATK:2600/DEF:2000 RNK:5 OVU:1)

When the hand Monster appears, Vivian says, "I use its effect, I can negate the effects of Antique Gear Reborn, Antique Gear Spark Shot, and Antique Gear Booster by detaching one Overlay unit until the end of the Battle Phase!"

This causes the Academia soldier to gasp in shock. "Now I can attack without any worry!"

Yuya is the last one and he says, "I Overlay the Rank 8 Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon! Chaos Xyz Change! Pierce through the raging torrent of galaxies, and revive from the time before they ever existed! The draconic star from beyond eternity! Manifest before us, Chaos Numbers 107! Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!" (ATK:4500/DEF:3000 RNK:9 OVU:1)

The three-headed golden dragon appears, and the soldier says, "No way! It has the same ATK as Chaos Giant!"

"By detaching one Overlay Unit on my field, I can negate all the cards on the field! And by releasing Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Enlightenment Paladin, I can attack up to three times!"

"3 times?" This causes the soldier to be surprised.

Once the soldiers are defeated by the Barian numbers, Rio says, "Now we're talking... to think we were useless against them in the past..."

"Right now we're in their base." Yuya says. "We've better hurry or the ship is going to leave without us."

"But do we even have a ship?" Crow asks.

Reisho says, "It's a good thing that the Card Sealing technology doesn't just seal people, but also objects as well."

He shows the card and everyone is delighted as they all head to the harbor as fast as possible.

And this is the first chapter of the Fusion Arc. We're about to begin with the attacks. And I'm going to say that this is going to be the final arc of the Yugioh A New Story of Pendulum. I hope you like this chapter and we're going to have Dennis' Duel in the next chapter.

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