chapter 1

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I walked up to my girlfriend house with a big smile on my face my face because today was the day , today was the day I was gonna propose to brook so that we could spend the rest of our lives together. so I unlocked the door with my key that they gave me and I walked in and shut the door behind me.

"hey Mrs. Foster is Brook home?" i walk up to mrs.foster and I kiss her on the cheek and I bring her in for a hug.

she smiles and rubs her thumb on my face.

"yes she's in her room and are you gonna stay for dinner dear?''

I move back from mrs.foster and then I put my foot on the stairs and i stand there looking at her.

"yeah I will stay" I smile and then I hurried up the stairs and up to Brooklyn's room when I get up there I take the ring out my back pocket and I hold it in my hand and I open the door and I see my girlfriend in bed with lUCAS YOUNG.

"Oh my gawd Noah I'm so sorry" she said as soon as she seen me. I dropped the ring and I stood in shock at them.

"are you kidding me Brooke , what the hell" I yell.

"Noah it's just.... I'm so sorry" she begins to cry and she holds up the blanket to cover her and Lucas falls out of the bed and goes searching for his clothes on the floor.

"dude this was an accident I'm so sorry bro" he eventually finds them and begins puting on his clothes and walks over to me trying to walk out the door.

"you know what? fuck this , fuck you Brook" I go to walk out and then I stop and turn around and I punch Lucas in the face , then I rushed downstairs.

I hurry and go down the stairs and as I walked to the door Mrs Foster comes out and comes toward me and stops me from walking out the door.

"Noah is that you honey?" she says.

"yeah look I'm sorry Mrs Foster but I have to go " I then open the door and walk out and I then walk down the street to the train station.

As I'm walking , I take out my phone and I call up my friend Taylor. The phone rang and rang then she finally answered.

"hello ,can I come over?'' I say

"yeah totally what's wrong?''

"I'll tell you when I get there.'' I then hang up and I go straight to the train station and go to Taylor's house.

when I approach Taylor's house I knock on her door and she quickly opens.

"hey are you okay'' she says while holding the door open.

" no I'm not okay she cheated on me with lucas , Taylor I loved her so much.'' I then walk into the house and I go and sit on the couch and put my head into my hands.

Taylor then comes and sits next to me and rubs my back. " are you serious? I'm on sorry Noah"

"I loved her I even brought her a ring , I was gonna propose I'm so stupid taylor''

"she didn't deserve you and your not stupid she is" she lifts my face out of my hands and she makes me look up to her.

"you're right taylor.'' I look up into her eyes and then I grab her face and kiss her. she pushes away from me.

we then lay our heads on each other's.

"no Noah , we can't I'm sorry but just not under this circumstance.''

"your right Taylor I'm sorry"

"don't be sorry , you wanna have a drink And watch a movie?''

"sure" I sit back on the couch and then she gets up and heads into the kitchen and grabs us beers and then comes back to the couch and sits down next to me. we then turn on the TV and open our beers. I grab Taylor's hand and intertwines our hands.

before we knew it was morning and Taylor was still sleeping in my arms. I didn't wanna move or wake up Taylor so I just laid and waited for her to wake up.

"you up sleepy head?'' I smile and I move her hair out of her face.

"I am now'' she says and she smiles and yawns.

"well we better get ready for prison , was don't wanna Miss it.'' I kiss her forehead and then I get up.

"yeah I guess we better"

"catch you there" I go and put on my coat and I leave her house and I head to school.

when I get to school , I wait for Taylor at the front of the school at the tables but instead of meeting her , I ran right into Brooklyn. The one person , I didn't wanna see today.

"Noah can we talk please?'' she asks while walking up to me.

"no we can not" I then get up and walk away from her and to a bench near the school.

she then follows me and sits next to me ," I made a mistake Noah , I love you"

I turn towards her and looks at her.

''brooke I wanna forgive you and forget this even happened but I cant because you broke my heart and you hurt me badly"

"I know and I'm sorry forgive me and we can start over" she then puts her hand on my face.

"no don't brooke'' I put my hand on her hand.

"forgive me Noah please" she goes in towards me and kisses me softly and I move my face away from her and I lay my head on hers.

Taylor then walks up to the school and over to us. " sorry didn't realise" she then walks away fast. I get up fast and run after her.

"taylor wait no it's not what it looked like" I chased after her and then I feel a hand on my shoulder And I turn around and it's Brooklyn.

"don't go after her stay with me" she stops me from running after Taylor and she grabs my hand and she pulls me towards a bench near the door and sits me down.

"I'm glad you forgive me for what I did , I promise it won't happen again.''

"Brooklyn I don't forgive you and that kiss was a mistake and I don't think I'll ever forgive you .'' I take my hand away from hers and I get up and I run after taylor.

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