chapter 4

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I opened my eyes and turned my head and there she was , there Brooklyn stood in the doorway.

"hey are you okay?" she asked while she walked in and stood next to me and held my hand.

"yeah I'm okay brook , where's Taylor?'' I move my hand from Brooklyn's.

"yeah Taylor um she's in the waiting room , ill go get her for you " she then walks out the room and heads to the waiting room. when she left I hurried and got out the hospital bed and I jumped out the window and outside , I hit the ground on both feet and then I flashed off.

Back at the hospital

Taylor walks into noah's room and realises he is gone and starts calling out for doctors and everyone. she sees the window Is broken , so she walk over to it and looks out the window to see if he was on the ground.

"he's gone" she yelled.

Mason , Brooklyn and all the doctor started running into the room and looking around.

Back to noah

I super speed to school and into the principal office , I went into his file cabinet and looked for Claire's file to get her address so I could see if she was alright. I then super speeds there and it was a huge mansion.

it was a beautiful house, I came to the gate and I buzzed the buzzer.

"hello" someone said over the radio.

"um I'm here to see Claire" I said , they then buzzed me in and the gates opened up and I walked right up to her front door and before I could knock she opened the door.

"what took you so long?'' she asked while standing against the door.

she smiled and then walks away from the door. " well are you gonna come in or not?'' she said.

"you were expecting me? what?'' I walked in and I closed the door behind me.

"yes I was Noah , your just like me" she said.

"what do you mean just like you?"

she sits on her couch and I just stand in the doorway of the living room.

"don't play dumb , I have powers , you have powers."

"I don't know what you are talking about .'' I then turn around and head for the door but she super speeds in front of me and stops me from walking.

"you sure noah?" she says as she gets closer to me and lays her hand on my chest and then kisses me. I then put my hand on her face and close my eyes and kisses her back passionately. I then pick up Claire in my arms and I super speed upstairs to her room. I drop her on the bed. I rip off my shirt and Claire's , then I kiss her on her lips. she bites my lip and I kiss down her body.

a couple hours later.

I get up out the bed and start putting my pants back on. Claire sits up in the bed and covers herself with the blankets.

"Noah we were made for each other, do you not see the chemistry we have.'' she said.

"I don't know how you know with have powers and how you got powers but we were not made for each other ." I finish putting on my clothes and I start to look around her room.

"I know you have powers because the first time we touched I felt your powers and I heard that there were only two of us left with these powers and so we need to stick together or else we will be extinct."

"extinct? how can I extinct all humans?''

"not human kind , our people are called moonlight and the government killed everyone else's and we are the last ones of our species." she then gets up and put soon he clothes slowly and sits on the end of her bed.

"okay so what do we do?"

"we stick together against anything that comes our way we are better together, strong but you need to go and act like your living a normal life like no more super speeding place and you need to get you anger under control because your eyes turn red and all our powers come into effect like at the party , I can help you with that."

I go and sit next to Claire. "all my powers? I only have super hearing and super speed and super strength, do I have more?"

"yes you have more, you are telepathic , bilocation , energy medicine ,and telekinesis and you can freeze and reverse time , you are the most powerful of fall and so am I , that is why we are the last one's alive.''

"woah I have all those powers , why haven't they showed like why haven't I been able to use them."

"because you need to activate them and I can help with that if you let me."

"okay you can help me."

"but in order for me to get to help you need to live here with me"

"why? I have my own place to live"

"yeah but I have everything here that you need to activate your powers and to control them."

"okay so im supposed to act normal when I'm not normal and live here with you I ...okay I will do all this but I need my own room and we can't do what we just did ever again okay?''

"okay fine, you can have the room at the end of hall " she gets up and heads out the room and down the hall and I follow her. she opens the door and she reveals a blue room with just a bed.

"so here is you new room and keep it clean , now I have to go somewhere, so make yourself at home."

Claire then walks out the room. I go in and I sit on the bed and I pull out my phone and I dial Taylor's number.

"hello noah? are you okay? what happened? everyone is worried about you."

"Taylor calm down I am fine okay I just didn't wanna be in the hospital anymore I was fine."


"it didn't hurt , and I'm at my uh I guess house."

"okay I'll come and see if your okay"

"no Taylor I uh moved ...I moved in with Claire Evans , do you know her?''

"uh yeah Noah she's my ex"

"wait you guys dated? wait you like girls , Claire like girls? I know how to pick em don't I Taylor I gotta go.'' I then hang up the phone.

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