Sable and Lula

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For Flightmare_Rider, who wanted to know what happened to the skeleton child. 

I hope you like sadness, because it made ME cry.


                One of the most notable things about Bunny Monsters was that, in times of threat, they could run. So that is exactly what Lula did as the humans started to attack the kingdom.

She did something, though, that most bunnies didn't do: she stopped. But there was a good reason; her ears, sensitive as they were, picked up the faint sound of a child crying. She glanced back at the battle, then scurried toward the noise. She couldn't let a child be left behind, not in this awful battle.

After fighting through clouds of dust and smoke, she finally found the source of the crying.


It was a skeleton child.

Her nose twitched as she thought. Most folks weren't keen on skeletons, she knew. They were too close to humans for anyone's comfort. But...this was a child. A little girl, judging by her dress. And...Lula let out a short breath as she saw the pile of dust behind the crying girl. She was all alone now.

She looked up as she heard a battle cry nearby. There was no time to lose.

Small though she was, Lula scooped the girl up into her arms, and once again she was running. She saw a group of monsters heading toward Mt. Ebott, and she hurried after them, down into one of the caves.

The girl was still crying, but she clung to Lula like a lifeline as they hurried inside. In the panic, it seemed no one noticed the two of them. They all seemed focused on the cave opening. The girls eyesockets widened, and she quickly said something Lula couldn't quite understand. She turned to look, and her mouth hung open as seven humans stood in the cave opening.

A cry of terror went through what remained of the monsters. The humans began to chant as they raised their arms.

Then, suddenly, there was a flash of white. No, not a flash, a wall covered the entrance to the cave.

They were trapped.

The little girl clutched Lula tighter, screaming out something in her strange language. Young as she seemed, she knew what had happened. Lula hugged her close and tried to soothe her. Around her, Monsters were in a state of shock. Cries of dismay surrounded them, and she hugged the little girl close.

A booming voice called for them to follow, and she walked in that direction as the girl sobbed against her shoulder. She didn't know how to feel, so she tried her best to focus on the girl.

The remaining monsters trekked on. Progress was slow as they entered what seemed like a huge chamber filled with magma. Every now and again, there were would be a scream of grief. Weaker monsters, it seemed, couldn't handle the stress of the situation. At least two dissolved before they reached a darker, cooler area and made camp.

Along the walk, the skeleton girl had quieted down, and spent most of the time with her head on Lula's shoulder. Once they reached camp, Lula set her down. There were a few stares from nearby monsters, but she ignored them.

"What's your name, honey?" she asked the little girl, holding her arms to keep her steady. The girl blinked up at her.


"Arial? What a nice name, Arial," Lula said with a warm smile. She gestured to herself. "I'm Lula."

The girl, Arial, blinked again. "Lula?"

Lula nodded, pointing to herself again. "Lula."

Arial blinked again, then pointed to herself. "Sable."

Sable? Oh, that must be her name, not Arial. Lula smiled. "Hello, Sable."

Sable almost managed a smile, but she swayed again and sat down with a whimper. Lula knelt down to stroke her skull.

"Oh, you're all right now, sweetie. I'll take care of you, don't worry."

Silently, Sable leaned against her. Lula hugged her close. They'd be fine. They'd find a way to be fine.


Sable was getting worse.

Walking from the first camp to the next, she had been all right. She walked halfway before she started swaying. But now, as they prepared for the next day's journey, she couldn't even stand. Lula worried the stress had been too much for such a little girl. The young and old seemed to be dissolving left and right; monsters were already so delicate, and a war only made things so much worse.

Lula tried to keep up her spirits by singing some children's songs to her. Every now and again, a smile would flit across her skull, but she mainly just laid quietly against Lula's shoulder, half-asleep.

In between songs, Lula would tell her of the wonderful life they'd have once they found somewhere safe to settle. She knew Sable couldn't understand her. It was more to distract herself from what was likely to happen.



The rest of the camp was asleep, but Lula was awake the moment she heard the soft voice say her name. She sat up and leaned over Sable.

"I'm here, Sable. What's the matter, honey?"

Sable's sockets filled with tears as she said something in her strange language. Lula gently shushed her and stroked her skull.

"You're fine, sweetie, you're just fine. We'll be finding somewhere safe soon."

She lifted her hand from Sable's skull, and her heart wrenched as she saw white dust coating her fur. No.

Sable started to cry. Lula shushed her, still stroking her skull and trying to ignore the puffs of dust that came off of it as she did.

"Sable, Sable, you're fine, okay? You'll be fine."

After a few moments, Sable stopped crying. She looked up at Lula with wide sockets.


She knew. Lula swallowed.

"Yes, Sable?"

Sable pointed to one of the glowing blue flowers nearby as she spoke.

"Yes, it's very pretty, isn't it?" She tried to keep her voice in check.

Sable gave her a full, tired smile before saying something else. Lula suspected it was "Thank you" in her language. She shut her sockets and let out a breath. For a moment, it looked as though she had just fallen asleep.

In the end, there was very little dust; Sable had been so small that her remains fit in Lula's two paws. She scattered the dust around the flower quietly, then went back to her sleeping spot. There, she wept for the rest of the night.


Later, when things were safe and Snowdin had been established, Lula would have an inn, a shop, and two lovely daughters. Once she retired, Arial took care of the inn, and Sable took care of the shop. She was quite old when she finally dissolved, and she only had one request: scatter her dust at the flower in Waterfall she always visited.

She assured her daughters that she had a friend waiting for her there.

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