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***Chapter 1***

****Lost and Found ****









"SHUT UP YOU TWO!" the ravenette yelled.

Two pairs of teary eyes looked up at him, the blinked and stopped for a moment, before wailing even louder.

"Oya. Oya. Make them be quiet it's starting to get on my nerves." The pineapple haired man said.

"Maa Maa, calm down u two there just scared we just ran away from the orphanage (2) and now were lost in forest, of course they'd be crying. Lambo's only 4 and you guys know Tsuna's sensitive." The cheery boy said.

"Yea so you guys leave Juudaime (3) alone!" fumed the well fuming silvnette.

"Ah, g-gomen Hibari-san, Mukuro, I'm just really scared and sad s-sorry for disturbing you both." The adorably moe brunette looked up with teary eyes and the smallest and cutest of smiles making both boys blush.

Hibari looked away his response a simple 'Hn.'

Mukuro looked right at tsuna his face adorned with a small bright red blush as he said "N-no problem Tsunayoshi-kun its okay." The silvnette snickered behind them while black-haired boy continued to smile.

Tsuna moved closer to Lambo who was still crying and hugged him and patted his head until is wails turned to sobs his sobs to tears his tears to sniffles and then he stooped. "T-thank you Tsuna-nii." the young boy sniffed.

As both boys got up a bush rustled and all eyes turned to it waiting to see who came out. They breathed a sigh of relief when a girl with a similar hairstyle as Mukuro came out.

"Chrome what were you doing?" asked Mukuro slightly annoyed, but more at himself for just noticing his sister was gone. (4)

"Ano... I was just thinking that while you guys were bickering I'd take a look around to see if i could find anything that we could use as shelter, i apologize for any inconvenience i caused Mukuro-sama" The only girl shyly said.

"Ah, you caused no trouble at all Chrome dear, but did you find anything?" he asked.

The girls face instantly brightened. "Hai, i saw a big house, i think it's a mansion, up ahead i think its empty since we're pretty deep in the forest and the windows looked dark but I'm not sure."

"Ah! That sounds great Chrome-chan maybe we won't have to sleep in the cold after all." The brunette chirped hugging Chrome tightly.

"Y-your w-welcome bossu (5)"she stuttered. "N-now follow me ill show where it is."

And so they walked Chrome and Mukuro in the front, Tsuna and Lambo who refused to let go of Tsuna's hand next, Gokudera trudging right behind Tsuna murmuring something about him being the one that should've found them a place to stay for Juudaime and Yamamoto right beside him laughing, and finally Hibari walking as far back as he could since he still hated crowding though these herbivores were starting to grow on him.

After a while Tsuna stopped and started looking around causing everyone behind him to bump into him (Gokudera and Yamamoto that is Hibari stopped before he got hit) and Chrome and Mukuro to look back at the sound of many 'oofs'

"What's wrong Tsuna-nii"? Lambo asked

"I just noticed onii-san isn't here, where did he go?" tsuna replied. Everyone other than Chrome and Hibari sweat dropped at this how could they not notice the absence of their loudest member.

"Ano, Ryohei-kun is waiting for us at the house." Chrome answered. Various ahs were heard as the nodded.

When they reached the house various 'oohs' 'ahhs' and 'woahs' were heard, to say the house was big was understatement it was humongous like 4 really big mansions all made into one place. As they looked around Hibari was the first to notice something.

"Oi, herbivores these windows aren't dark because it's dark inside there dark because they've been tinted black." Everyone took a closer look and noticed the same thing.

"So does this mean someone lives here?"

"No, it means someone might live in here it's not like we can check to see."

"Soooo what do we do now?"

"Same thing we were goanna do before, get in, this time well just ring the door bell."

And so the 7 boys and one girl walked to the entrance (which took forever mind you) and rang the doorbell.

"No one's answering let's just break the door down." Hibari said taking an offensive pose.

"NO! H-hibari-san let's just try one more time... please?" Tsuna said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Hn, fine but if no one answers I'm busting this door down." And with that Hibari turned around and rang the door bell once again (6).


A maid who was cleaning the front lobby stared at the door strangely, did it really just ring? The door here never rings, not just because the house is so far out in the forest, but because anyone who comes here either just barges in or has some special knock to let people now it's them. So the maid deciding it was her imagination shrugged it off and continued her work. Though she soon realized it wasn't her imagination when she heard it again and this time she was sure she wasn't imagining it.

So she went to the door and looked through the peephole and what she saw made her gasp. She saw eight children (7) each resembling people she knew rather well.

The one in the front had cold blue-gray eyes and a smirk that were so familiar she could have fainted.

The next two she saw gave her shivers but one more than the other, the other looked almost normal. The first was a girl she looked almost normal except her hairstyle which resembled a pineapple (this made her shudder) and she had a pretty violet eye but the other was covered with an eye patch. The other was a boy whose smile alone was enough to make her shudder at the thought of the man he resembled so she chooses to move on to the next child.

The next one had such a bright aura around him and looked so full of energy and the band aid on the nose made the resemblance that much more obvious. Though he still looked so much like him but at least this one didn't frighten her.

The next seemed to be youngest out of all of them, it took her a bit longer than the others but she saw the resemblance.

The calming and happy aura surrounding the next boy made her smile slightly and even without looking she could tell who this was. His smile and hairstyle, short, were exactly the same.

Save for the tattoo that this next child failed to have the resemblance was almost too obvious... then again so were the others, but the expression the child had was rather funny as to how exact it was to the man he so closely resembled.

As her eyes travelled to the last and final child her eyes widened a bit in shock. This child looked exactly like him yet nothing like him all at the same time. There was a nervous and scared look in his eyes but deep deep down she saw determination and fire, as for what she didn't know. The boy was small for his age and was so adorable. His gravity defying hair added a couple inches to his height and made his resemblance to her boss close.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard voices coming from outside.

"That's it either no one's here or no one's opening the door either way it's going down."

"Hibari-san wait! What if someone lives there we don't have any money to pay them back."

"Che, how did u expect to get in anyways, this was goanna happen so deal with it."

"B-but Hibari-san..."

"Hn, fine ill ring the doorbell one more time."

"Yay thanks Hibari-san."

*ding*dong* *ding*dong*

'Ah! Better open the door before the break it down... or at least try to i mean that door is pretty hard to open i think it's like steel or something.' But as soon as she finished her thought she heard a loud thud behind her. She slowly turned her head to see the door on the ground and all the children behind one boy who had his foot out and when she looked down to the door she saw a foot mark on it. She sweat dropped what kind of children where they none of them seemed surprised by this and two of them looked as if they were annoyed and acted as if they could've done better.

"Err... Ohayo (8), oh umm i mean ciao, sorry about the door." The small brunette was the first to speak.

"C-ciao, I'm Clara (9) and you guys are?"

"Oh yea my bad, I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada but you can call me tsuna."

"Gokudera Hayato." He waved

"Yo, I'm Yamamoto Takeshi." The black-haired boy said with his hands behind his head.

"I'm Lambo-san the great!" the youngest one said laughing like an idiot after.

"Ryohei Sasagawa, nice to meet you to the EXTREME!" The last part said at an almost ear shattering volume while he pumped his fists in the air.

"Mukuro Rokudo at your service and this is my sister Chrome Dokuro." The mismatched eyed boy said as we gestured towards a girl he blushed and muttered a hello.

When the last child stayed silent the brunette went up to him and poked him and he continued to do so until the boy finally spoke. "Kyoya, Kyoya Hibari, call me Kyoya though and ill bite you to death." Clara shuddered such a scary child.

"Sorry about Hibari-san, he's a nice person really."

"Yes I'm sure he is; now what did you kids want?"

"Umm we were looking for a place to stay would you mind if we stayed here." His face was dusted with a nice pink as he spoke feeling embarrassed.

"Why don't you guys go home to your parents?" though the moment she finished her sentence the regretted it Tsuna's eyes were watery and he looked like he was on the verge of tears. In less than a second Chrome and Lambo were beside him comforting him and the rest were standing in front him glaring daggers at Clara.

"We don't have parents were orphans for your information." Gokudera said still glaring daggers at her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry i didn't mean to..."

"Yea, yea whatever can we stay here or not?"

"Umm stay here I'll be right back with an answer." And with that she turned around and ran off.

"You think they'll say yes?"

"I don't kno let's hope so it's getting pretty dark."

~somewhere in the mansion~

"Master..." a blond haired man blinked his eyes open. He sat up straight and looked down at his desk full of blank paperwork... shit... I'm goanna be in soo much trouble. "Master!" he looked up to see wavy black hair that was shoulder length and deep dark chocolate brown eyes.

He sighed. "Clara how many times have i told you to call me by my name your one of my best maids and we've known each other for a long time it's okay."

"B-but... fine okay Giotto-sama -stern look- fine Giotto (10) happy now?" Giotto nodded.

"Anyways what did you want Clara?"

"Well these kids knocked on the door and before i could decide whether to let them in they kind of let themselves in..."

"What do you mean let themselves in?"

"One of them kicked the door down."

"WHAT! That door is nearly unbreakable only I and my guardians have the power to do so... and u say these are kids? –Clara nodded- *sigh* What do they want?

"Well they want a place to stay."

"I don't know if I can let that happen after what you told me i can't be sure there not a threat."

"But Giotto! There kids the oldest of them I'm sure is like 8."

"What? That young... but still i mean..."

"Come on at least meet them there's something about them I'm sure will at least intrigue you." Clara smiled.

"Fine let's go"

~Back with Tsuna and co. ~

"Kids I'm back!" Clara announced.

"Ah welcome back Clara-san did you get an answer?" Tsuna ran up to her and looked up expectantly.

"No but i brought back the person who will; Giotto come in here?" As soon as Giotto came in Tsuna ran behind the nearest person (who happened to be Hibari) and began crying.

*Giotto's P.O.V.*

As soon as i walked into the room i was shocked there was like a mini-version of each of my guardians.

Though the shock soon turned to minor fear as I noticed all of them glaring at me with intense hatred, I stared rather confused until I remembered the boy who had been standing in front of me had ran away crying... was it something i had done? All i did was walk in... I wasn't scary i mean these kids weren't afraid... though they might kill me. Trying to fix things i walked to the crying boy barley containing a shudder as the glares intensified. I stifled a gasp as i saw the boy he looked just like me.

"Hello there." I spoke in a small voice so i wouldn't scare him.

"Hi" The boy quickly looked up and then looked back down again.

"I'm sorry do I scare you?" the boy shook his head. "Then what is it?" the boy looked up eyes glistening with tears.

"You remind me of father... it makes me sad." The boy's voice was so sad it broke my heart.

"And what happened to your father?" By the way the boy flinched I could tell nothing good.

"Fathers dead... a-and so is mother... k-kaa-san..." The boys face was flooded with new tears. I took a moment to scan the room Clara was crying, she always was sensitive, and the kids eyes were downcast eyes full of sadness and I could tell they had each suffered something similar.

"Boy... what your name?"

"Tsunayoshi Sawada most people call me Tsuna... but you remind me of mama and papa so will you call me Tsu-kun please." My heart went out to the boy so nodded my head and smiled at him.

"Okay Tsu-kun how would you and your friends like to live with me?"

"Really thanks a lot." He smiled super brightly and hugged me tight he was such a cute boy. I looked up again to see a whole different scene Clara was now smiling lovingly at us, i wondered why, and all the other children had gathered behind us staring but when they noticed my gaze they each muttered some form of thanks i nodded back at them. And as soon as i let Tsuna go they rushed towards him and stood there beside him.

This was going to be very interesting...

Chap Two*

**Meeting the Rest**

On a giant bed with bright orange pillows and light orange covers we find a small brunette boy sleeping so still he almost looked dead... just kidding this little boy was anything but a still sleeper though currently he was still it was obvious to anyone that he had tossed and turned during the night. The covers just barely reached his knees and many pillows were on the ground. Somehow during the night he had managed to get his pyjama top unbuttoned in odd places so it hang loosely on him and a slight trail of drool cutely adorned the corner of his mouth and the trail it made as it went down.

As the morning sun, or in this case afternoon since it was 12 p.m., hit the brunette's face he winced slightly and his eyes fluttered open. As he opened his eyes and saw the ceiling he almost let out a tsuna-esque 'HIIIIIE' before the events of the day before flooded his mind.


"Well it's getting late so I guess you guys should go to bed; Clara will show you to your room." And when he finished he waved goodnight and turned to leave, but before he could begin to walk away a small hand grabbed his coat.

"Umm, Giotto-niisan would you please tuck me in tonight." The small brunette said his eyes not looking up from the ground. Giotto smiled warmly at the boy.

"Of course I will Tsu-kun." He scooped the boy up in his arms and with a small murmured thanks the boy quickly fell asleep.

When Giotto turned around he saw all the children staring at him through narrowed eyes (except Chrome and Lambo he just stared intently) and he sighed these children all had seemed to hate him for a reason he couldn't understand.

After a few moments of tense silence the silver haired boy spoke up. "Tenth –"Tsuna" the black haired boy said- seems to like you, so we are very much alright with staying here but, if you dare hurt him you will be sorry." Giotto nodded these children seemed very protective of Tsuna and there care for him made him smile.

"Well now may i show you to your rooms now?" Clara asked. The children nodded. "Good now follow me." And so Clara walked down the halls Giotto and all the children close behind until she stopped in front of a door light orange in color and opened it. Inside were eight beds each slightly bigger then king-sized. The beds were set up with one at the end of the room and then four beds along one wall and three along the other. The bed at the end of the room was orange. On the right side closest to the orange end was a red one then going down a green one and a yellow one. On the left side was a light blue one then a purple one and lastly two indigo beds one lighter than the other.

Gokudera chose the red one, Lambo the green one, Ryohei the yellow one, Yamamoto the light blue one, Hibari the purple one, and Chrome and Mukuro chose the indigo beds, Chrome taking the lighter one.

That left the orange bed which Giotto gently placed Tsuna on tucked him in said goodnight and left.

~Flashback end~

Tsuna smiled slightly and then finally sat up and looked around, he was surprised to find every bed empty, he looked at the nightstand next to his bed and read the clock (it's not digital it's those old alarm clocks) and read the time. Tsuna sighed it was 2:27 p.m. he'd slept much too long which was of course just like him to do so. And then suddenly rustling came from the other side of the bed, he slowly turned his head to see Giotto sitting in a chair next to his bed sleeping. Unsure of what to do he gently poked his side and watched as his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Ah Tsu-kun good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, ano do you know where my friends are?" The brunette asked tilting his head cutely to the side.

"Yes they woke up early so I told them they could explore the mansion it's pretty safe here so they should be okay that is unless the run into any of them."

Tsuna choosing to ignore the last part because he knew his friends would be safe asked another question. "Why are you here Giotto-niisan?"

"Ah that's easy, I didn't want to do my work so I thought I'd wait here until you woke up to avoid doing it!" the blond man said almost a bit too cheerfully.

"Haha I see... –insert sweat drop- should you go do it then I am awake now." Hearing this the other an gasped and his face made an expression that could only be called a pout.

"I guess that's true... fine but your coming with me so I won't be completely bored." And with that he dragged a confused Tsuna of to his office.

~With Gokudera~





Gokudera paused to readjust his glasses. Giotto had told them they could explore the mansion so Gokudera thought this would be a perfect time to map out the mansion so his dearest tenth would never get lost. So far he had counted exactly 236 rooms and he was sure he wasn't even half done. He had found rooms as simplistic as bed rooms and bathrooms. To bizarre rooms like what seemed to be a room full of exotic animals and fish and another room filled to the brim with what seemed to be long forgotten paperwork... and some of it looked important.

He was walking down the halls reviewing his notes and checking over the diagram of what he assumed to be the structure of the building when he bumped into someone. He opened his mouth to yell but when he looked up the words died of and he was left with his mouth agape and a pointed finger in the air.

*G's POV*

(A/N: i thought of writing mystery POV but u guys know who it would be so it seemed pointless)

I felt something short bump into me and I looked down ready to yell at the person for not paying attention but when I saw who it was all I could do was stare.

I noticed two things about the person. One it was a kid probably no older than 7 maybe 6. And two the kid looked just like me with of course a few differences such as hair and eye color but the resemblance was undeniable. We both just stared at each other for awhile but the child was the first to speak.

"Hey, you, pink-haired dude why do you look like me?" I felt my eye twitch did he just say my hair was pink... control yourself he's just a child.


"Che. Whatever old timer you still didn't answer my question." Would I go to jail if I killed this kid? Probably plus Giotto would be disappointed in me... hey! Wait a minute what was this kid even doing here?

"What are you even doing here? Last time I checked no brats lived here."

"Che, for your information I live here now, and before you ask some dude named Giotto let me live here and by the looks of it he seemed in charge." I felt my jaw drop Giotto let this kid live here? Had he gone insane... he was always insane but this! I will never understand what goes through that mind of his and I really don't want to.

"Well if Giotto let you live here then I can't really say anything about it but were definitely talking about this. And by we I mean you me and Giotto."

"Whatever... pinkie" he whispered the last part as he walked past me and I knew that whatever sanity i had was soon to be gone.


*End POV*

~With Ryohei~

Ryohei had had the extreme luck to find a training room in the first door he tried. And his boxing spirit ignited like a flame. He was having extreme fun training and was so into it he didn't even here when a second person entered the room

*Knuckle POV*

I entered the training room to train as I always did after my prayers. But when I looked around i saw a boy who looked extremely like me he even had the same bandage on his nose. So I did what seemed perfectly natural for the moment

*End POV*








For several minutes intense training occurred until both sides sat down and laughed. And of course being the dense peoples they were both didn't care and one failed to notice how similar there looks are.

~With Lambo~

"Lambo-sans awesome~ Lambo-sans the greatest~ everyone bows down to Lambo-san the great..." and this was repeated several times as Lambo walked down the halls. Lambo sucked on the grape lollipop some maid he had passed by gave him. Of course he had thanked him Tsuna-nii would have been mad at him if he didn't.

Once he finished his lollipop he continued to walk down the halls, and then he smelt candy delicious mouth watering candy. So of course he ran towards the smell. He ended up in a room filled with candy and its only occupant a boy with lime green hair and matching eyes with a small lighting tattoo underneath one.

"Err... can Lambo-san have a candy?"

*Lampo POV*

I turned around and saw some maybe five year old kid that kind of looked like me. Nonetheless i still hate kids there so ugly and whiny. And then he asked for a candy... should I give him one I've heard kids like candy... maybe if I give him one he won't annoy me. Worth a try

"Sure kid take whatever you want." The kids face brightened instantly and lips twitched into a smile... I still don't like kids though. Really I don't...

*End POV*

~With Yamamoto~

Yamamoto walked down the halls with his hands behind his head and a big smile on his face. Why was it there? Because, he's happy silly and he had so many reasons to be happy. But, those are for him to know and you to make up. He stopped walking when he heard music. He cocked his head to the side to listen better. The melody was calm and quiet and gave off a feeling of tranquility. And if his ears weren't deceiving him the melody was coming from a flute and its player was very skilled. Yamamoto opened his eyes and wondered two things. One when had he closed his eyes? And two when did he move? He was standing in front of door it looked like those Japanese sliding doors (1). He slowly slid it open and saw a man standing in the centre he couldn't really tell what the man looked like since he was turned the other way but he could tell the other had blue hair and was indeed playing the flute.

*Asari POV*

I had felt a presence behind my door the presence was unfamiliar to me but it didn't feel hostile. I heard the door open and my eyes narrowed but the person did nothing so I continued to play and when I finished playing my song I turned around to see who this person was. My eyes widened quite a bit and i saw the others widen to as we saw each other our looks were very similar even our nationality i could tell was the same.

*End POV*

"Hello there young one. What's your name?"

"Yamamoto Takeshi, yours?"

"Asari Ugetsu, pleasure to meet you."


"May I ask what you're doing here?"

"Well I was wandering the mansion when I heard music and then I ended up here."

"I see. And what are you doing here at the mansion."

"Ah, some kind man named Giotto said we could live here."

"Giotto said that? Well then welcome to the Vongola Mansion Takeshi-san"

"Thank you Asari-san."

~With Hibari~

Hibari being the crowd hating person he was had quickly found his way the backyard of the mansion and had found the perfect tree to lie down on. Giotto he thought the man's name was had said the to explore the mansion but such things were irrelevant he'd do that when and if he felt like it. He was lying down eyes closed when he heard rustling down below. He opened one eye and looked down, and with it he saw a platinum haired person who looked greatly like him. This disturbed him and thus disturbed the peace and this he must be bitten to death. So he jumped down the tree pulled out tonfas from who knows where and aimed them at the man.

"You have disturbed the peace my looking like me, so you must be bitten to death."

"Hn" was the only reply given.

If there was one thing that Hibari hated almost as much as losing was being underestimated or ignored. And this man had done either one or the other... Hibari wasn't that sure of which.

"Che... die." And with that he launched himself at the unknown man. He stopped though when he felt something land on his head (2). He picked whatever it was up from his head and looked at it. It was a small yellow bird. He stared at it and it stared at him. Without a word or chirp in its case it flew up and out of his hand and nestled itself in his hair.

"Hn, I'd bite you to death but I can't now, so you survive."

"Hn... I like you kid you interest me... my names Aluade"




~With Mukuro and Chrome~

"Chrome-chan I'm bored~ let's do something"

"And what do you suggest we do Mukuro-sama?"



"I don't know I was hoping you would."

"I'm sorry I can't think of anything either."

"It's okay Chrome-chan well just keep walking... even though its soooooooooo boring"

"Okay Mukuro-sama"

"Nufufufu what do we have here? A couple of cute children I see." As the sentence was spoken a thick mist enveloped the room for a moment before clearing and revealing a man who very much resembled Mukuro and slightly resembled Chrome.

Chrome instinctively hid behind Mukuro she wasn't sure why just something about the man didn't feel right with her (3). Mukuro also sensed something wrong so he narrowed his eyes at the man.

"Eh cautious of me? I feel hurt I mean you no harm." Both Chrome and Mukuro took a step back.

"Hmm let me introduce myself I am Daemon Spade. Who are you two?"

"I'm Mukuro Rokudo and this is my sister Chrome Dokuro."

"If your siblings why don't you share a surname?"

"We don't have a blood relation" Mukuro stared at the man while Chrome still hid behind him.

"I see well come closer I won't bite, Nufufufu"

Mukuro took Chromes hand and took a couple steps forward until they were a few inches away from the man.

"I assume Giotto let you stay here."

"Yes he did"

"I thought as much his kind nature will get us all killed one day, anyways you guys must be hungry right?" Two nods. "Great I'll show you both to the dining room."

~With Tsuna~

Tsuna sat in Giotto's office laughing they had spent most of the day doing everything possible to avoid doing work. Tsuna couldn't understand why Giotto hated it so much but he did. But alas they had run out of other things to do and now Giotto was at his desk glaring at his work. He would occasionally glance up at Tsuna with a pleading look but, Tsuna would just giggle and tell him to keep working, and Giotto would then look back down with a resigned look and then glare at his papers again. As fun as it was to watch him Tsuna thought that Giotto should do some work so he got up walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Yes Tsu-kun! Do you need to go the bathroom hungry? Anything to get me away from this work!"

"Actually Giotto-niisan I was wondering if you were going to do any work." Giotto stared at him with a look that made it seem like Tsuna had just asked if he was goanna blow up America.

"Well... I would but i don't have a pen!" Tsuna stared at the pen lying right on the table. "Well that one doesn't work." Tsuna grabbed the pen clicked it open and scribbled on a piece of paper and watched as ink came out of the pen. He stared at Giotto. "...Fine I'll do work." Tsuna smiled happily at him.

"You know you look cute when you smile." Giotto told Tsuna causing Tsuna to blush and Giotto to laugh.

Giotto looked at the clock 5:45p.m. it would be dinner in 15 minutes. Yes! That meant he wouldn't have to do too much work. Giotto clicked a button on a machine on the desk and a second later Clara came through the door.

"Yes Giotto what do you want?"

"What are we having for dinner today?"


"No that won't do we have to celebrate the arrival of our new guests. Go tell the kitchen staff to make pizza and lots of it." Clara sighed nodded and left the room.

"Giotto-niisan are you sure that's okay? They already had diner ready"

"Don't worry they won't mind."

"Okay then"

"Well Tsu-kun what do you want to do now?"

"I want to watch you do work!" Ah he's so intent on making Giotto do work...

"Right... fine for you." But before he could start Giotto's saviour from the evilness that is paperwork came running in through the door, two saviours that is.

"Giotto! What is the meaning of this letting children in here." He shouted shoving Gokudera in front of him. "Hey be careful old man!"

"Gokudera-kun hi!"

"Tenth! I've missed you look I made a map of the mansion for you!"

G watched as Gokudera ran happily towards an unknown child that looked suspiciously liked his boss.

"Ah, G it seems you've met one of our new guests"

"One of! How many of them are there?"

"Hmm I think 8 if not mistaken" he looked over at Tsuna who nodded. "Yes eight."

"EIGHT! Giotto what are you thinking letting eight children live here?"

"Aww, come on G there so cute plus they don't have anywhere else to go." Before G could respond a bell went off in the room shutting him up. "Ah its six great dinner time lets go Tsu-kun!" And so Giotto and Tsuna left Gokudera following along leaving G there alone in the room.

G stood there for awhile before he looked around and twitched at all the paperwork left undone. "DAMMIT GIOTTO!"

~Dinners Awesome~

Giotto walked into the dining room almost floating. The reason? He had managed to escape doing his work for the entire morning and most of the afternoon. And if things went as he had planned everyone had met who he wanted them to and now they'd meet each other.

The first to arrive after Giotto Tsuna Gokudera and G who eventually followed after them was Daemon with Mukuro and Chrome. Then came Asari and Yamamoto, Lambo and Lampo, Knuckle and Ryohei and finally Alaude and Hibari. Everyone looked around the room all surprised and only some showing their surprise and then they sat down. Once everyone was seated Giotto spoke up.

"Since for many of you this is your first time meeting each other I shall introduce my guardians. This is G, Asari, Knuckle, Lampo, Alaude, Daemon and I am Giotto." He said gesturing to each person as he said there names. When he was done talking Tsuna shyly stood up.

"Umm... I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada but call me Tsuna if you want. These are my friends Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Ryohei Sasagawa, Lambo, Hibari Kyoya, Mukuro Rokudo, and Chrome Dokuro." When he was done he sat down and stared at the ground. Giotto smiled patted him on the head and began speaking again.

"These our are new family members and will be living with us from now on, please be nice to them." He looked at certain peoples he was sure would cause trouble. Everyone nodded and then the food was brought in.

Once everyone had their food and were eating random conversation began from both sides and occasionally between the two groups until everyone (except Alaude and Hibari) was having a huge conversation. Laughter filled the room and everyone was having fun. By the time dinner was over it was 9:07p.m. even though everyone was done eating by 7:18p.m. the talking continued and only ended because the children were starting to fall asleep. So everyone said there goodnights and went off to bed to get much needed rest.

And thus ended the first official day that Tsuna and his friends lived in the Vongola Mansion.

end chap

Tsuna sat up slowly. He glanced around the room, everyone was asleep, he glanced at the clock 1:33 a.m. getting up from the bed he walked out the room and began walking. He wondered briefly why this always happened when he had that dream. He never woke up screaming or crying which probably was a normal response to relieving the worst time of his life. But instead he woke up with same calm he had experienced during that time. He touched his eyes he knew they were orange they always were after that dream. He stared at his feet he knew where he was going even if he didn't know this place very well he knew where he was going. After that dream he always went to the highest point possible in the place he was currently at. Which of course he was the roof. He loved it there, on the roof his clam felt the strongest enveloped by the sky, the all surrounding all consuming sky, he loved the sky it was never ending and he found comfort in it. As he came back to reality he noticed he was already at the roof he wasn't sure how he got here though he never was. He smiled softly and sat down feeling at peace here where it was only him and the sky.

Giotto knocked on the door to the room where Tsuna and his friends were staying. Once he heard various 'come ins' he opened the door. He saw them all talking amongst themselves, well except Hibari who was leaning against the wall with a small yellow bird perched on his head. Where that bird came from Giotto would never know. But something caught his eyes the lack of Tsuna and the lack of worry shown on their faces that the boy they seemed so protective of was missing. Confused he asked them about it and there answer worried him further.

"What do you mean probably on the roof!"

"Well usually if Tsuna's not here when we wake up he's on the roof, because we all know he loves sleeping in."

'Okay but aren't you guys worried the roof is a dangerous place." Giotto was frustrated how could they seem so calm about this.

"Nah Tsuna does this sometimes we've asked him why before but he never really gives us an answer, something about a dream and his parents. We don't really want to bother him about it so we leave him be."

"Ah, I see well then I'll go to the roof I need to ask him something." He was still worried but if they said he'd be fine he had to trust their judgement, after all they knew Tsuna better than him.

"Ah okay, but be warned he acts weird for awhile after that dream." Weird? How these children were all pretty weird in his eyes anyway, besides not much really surprises him he would be ready for whatever what was in store for him.

Giotto opened the door to the roof and sure enough there was Tsuna sitting on the roof his back facing him. He called out to him. Tsuna slowly stood up shaked some dust of himself and turned around to face him. Giotto eyes widened for a second, Tsuna's eyes were glowing orange. But before he could ask Tsuna about it they were back to normal and Giotto was left wondering if he had imagined it or if it was really there.

"Ah hello Giotto-niisan" Tsuna's friend were right when they said he acted weird he seemed calmer more ... refined... yes that's probably the word that would fit.

"Hello Tsu-kun" He scooped the boy up in my arms and stared at him. He wasn't smiling like normal his face was calm expressionless and Giotto didn't like it, it reminded of something he hoped Tsuna didn't have. Giotto being Giotto gave Tsuna big kiss on the cheek and that snapped Tsuna out of whatever sort of trance.

Immediately Tsuna began struggling and stuttering. "Gi-Giotto-niisan w-what was t-that for i m-mean that was co-co-completely unnecessary and and and HIEEEEE" Giotto laughed at the boys childish nature though it was a given he was a child. Still he was quite concerned about what he had witnessed earlier... it was probably nothing and plus like the children said he shouldn't force it out of Tsuna if he doesn't want to share.

"Well Tsuna now for the reason i came looking for you."

"Yes Giotto-niisan" ah how cute Tsuna could be. With that cute voice he had those expectant eyes he was giving him and the way he said his name. Any man would blush and of course that's what Giotto did.

"A-ah well Tsuna I'm having a meeting with a business friend of mine and I'd like to know if you want to come with me, he's taking care of his little brother right now and he's about your age. So do you want to come with me?"

"O-oh ummm I don't know... ummm well..." Tsuna stared into Giotto's puppy dog eyes and knew he never even had a choice in the matter. With a sigh he said yes and as a response Giotto hugged him so hard he almost fainted from lack of air.

"Great! Go get dressed well be leaving in three hours." And so Giotto left leaving an utterly confused and lost Tsuna in his wake.

'Ahh I hope things go well...'

*Chapter four*

**An Eventful Morning**

Previously on 8KAHNC: (this story had a very long name which I'm not always going to take the time to write out soo an acronym aren't they useful)

"A-ah well Tsuna I'm having a meeting with a business friend of mine and I'd like to know if you want to come with me, he's taking care of his little brother right now and he's about your age. So do you want to come with me?"

"O-oh ummm I don't know... ummm well..." Tsuna stared into Giotto's puppy dog eyes and knew he never even had a choice in the matter. With a sigh he said yes and as a response Giotto hugged him so hard he almost fainted from lack of air.

"Great! Go get dressed well be leaving in three hours." And so Giotto left leaving an utterly confused and lost Tsuna in his wake.

'Ahh I hope things go well...'

End Recap

It had been a few minutes since Giotto had left the roof and Tsuna still stayed rooted to his spot the soft chirping of nearby birds is what finally snapped him out of his trance. He needed to get back down and get ready; he needed to explain to Gokudera and the others he'd be going for the day or however long they were staying out for. Gokudera would most likely freak out so he needed to tell him slowly and calmly if he hoped to get anywhere in the conversation.

Tsuna yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes. A sudden thought brought his other hand up to his face and he covered both his eyes. G-Giotto had seen him with orange eyes had he not... no one other than those people he'd... h-hurt the ones he'd ran by and the police officer had seen them. Not even his friends it wasn't because he didn't trust them or anything it's just well he'd never needed to and wouldn't even know how to explain it to them he himself didn't understand what it was. It was just... there and it comforted him he enjoyed its presence everything those orange eyes brought him. The warmth, the strength, the confidence, the peace, everything it gave him was so calming and pleasing he didn't know what it was but he hoped it never left him.

Slowly removing hid hands from his eyes he looked up. Giotto probably didn't see he would've asked and even if he did see he didn't say anything so it didn't matter. Besides he had acted the same he always did and he could tell he wasn't acting.

Feeling much better he went back downstairs and to his room surprisingly remembering where it was. Unsurprisingly when he entered his room he was attacked (glomped) by Gokudera who had cried 'JUUDAIME' while doing so.

'Haha Tsuna have fun on the roof?"


'Haha... yea had a great time... ummm Gokudera-kun could you let go of me it's getting kind of hard to breathe.' Gokudera stood up almost immediately and began saying how sorry he was for hurting his precious Juudaime and all Tsuna could do was smile slightly and pat his head as he sweat dropped.

Looking over Gokudera's head (who was now on his knees bowing repeatedly) he smiled at everyone else and said good morning he was responded to with other greetings various 'good mornings' and 'you to' even a nod from Hibari.

'Eh guys Giotto-niisan invited me to go with him on a meeting so ill be leaving in about 3 hours.' Almost everyone in the room had a surprised face. (Hibari showed no expression and Mukuro smirked.)

About 3 seconds later an infuriated Gokudera went running out of the room yelling something about killing that evil person. Tsuna, Yamamoto, Chrome, and Ryohei went after him either for fun (Ryohei) or worry (everyone else). Mukuro 'kufufu-ed' and walked away, Lambo went off to find some candy and Hibari jumped out the window and went to sleep in a tree a small yellow bird following close behind.


'What do you mean you invited that brat to your meeting? Do you know how dangerous that could be!'

'Oh come on G, cool down Cozart's (hehe did ya kno that's who i meant ;)?) going to bring his little brother and I didn't want the poor little kid to be bored to death. Besides if anything happens I and Cozart are more than strong enough to take them on.' G sighed there was no way he could convince Giotto to change his mind once he had his mind set on it.

'Fine but you better be careful if anything happens to that kid you'll be the one paying the price.'


'Speak of the devil' was G's obvious thought.

'Gokudera-kun calm down I agreed to this don't hurt Giotto-niisan!"

'B-but Juudaime what if you get hurt?'

'I'll be fine i trust Giotto-nii won't you trust him to?' Tsuna asked an adorable smile and hopeful eyes on his face.

'H-hai of course Juudaime.' The silver haired boy blushed.

'Well now that that's settled let's get you ready Tsuna.' Smiled Giotto.

~Time skip to when there leaving~

They were all currently standing outside the mansion Giotto's guardians, Tsuna's friends, and a few maids as well.

'Clara, can you please come here a moment?'

'Of course Giotto'

'Now while I'm gone I'm putting you in charge okay?'

'Like i said earlier, of course Giotto.'

'HEY! Why are you putting that stupid woman in charge I'm your right-hand man. Shouldn't I be in charge.'

G I'd trust you with my life and I know you better than most people and it's because of that, that I'm not putting you in charge you'd get pissed and ruin this mansion to the ground. With Clara in charge I know it will at least still be standing when I'm back.' G stammered a bit and turned red... Giotto was completely right. So he nodded.

'Hey who did you call a stupid woman huh?' G turned around to see a glaring Clara he shivered a bit her glares were always unnerving but he quickly regained his composure.

'You of course, but yea I'm sorry I was bring mean to all the other stupid people in the world.' This continued for a few more minutes until Giotto finally put a stop to it.

'ENOUGH you two need to calm down!' Giotto said looking very much like a mother scolding her children causing most of the children to giggle. And Clara and G noticing why blushed in embarrassment and mumbled a sorry and then blushed even harder knowing that made them look even more like little children. By then most everyone was giggling and smiling (or in some cases smirking).

Giotto looked up quite confused as to why everyone was laughing but smiled nonetheless happy everyone was having such a good time even though he wasn't sure why they were.

'Okay Tsu-kun it's time to go because if we don't go right now well be late and Cozart will have my throat' He finished off with a laugh and a smile even though to Tsuna that didn't seem right

'O-okay Giotto-niisan' he looked back at his friends and felt his eyes tear up and before he knew it the tears started spilling out.

'E-eh Tsuna, why are you crying?' Yamamoto asked trying to calm the boy down.

'O-oh its nothing it's just this is the first time I've been without you guys since we met." Tsuna responded rubbing his eyes.

'Tsu-kun you don't have to come with me if you don't want. You know that right?'

'N-no it's okay Giotto-nii I'm fine just had... a moment i guess haha...'

'Well... if you say so' Giotto said with unsure eyes.

Tsuna ran up to his friends and gave each a big hug (even Hibari he just che-d and patted him on the back as he did so) after he was done he said goodbye and ran up to Giotto looking up at him.

'You ready Tsu-kun?' he asked mussing up his hair. Tsuna nodded his head vigorously. 'Well then let's get going then' Again tsuna nodded.

Giotto escorted Tsuna to the limo that was waiting for them and assured Tsuna was buckled up and comfortable before getting in himself. He gave one last wave to everyone and the limousine drove off.

~Time skip/location change to the meeting~

'Giotto-sama we have arrived.' told the driver to Giotto.

'Yes thank you for informing me. You're dismissed for now.'

'As you wish sir.' After Tsuna and Giotto got off the Limo drove off and Tsuna turned to see another mansion just as big as Giotto's if not bigger.

'Haha huge right? It's bigger than mine by a 2 whole acres, hard to tell though. Anyways shall we go inside?'

'Y-yea totally' Tsuna responded still memorized by the house. They walked up the pathway that headed towards the door it took a few minutes to reach the door as the pathway as it was very long. Why not use the car to drive you to the door you ask. Well that is because cars are not allowed in the Shimon residence, it's a safety issue.

When they finally reached the door Giotto knocked and Tsuna hid behind him. When the door opened it revealed a young man of about Giotto's age with short red hair and ruby red eyes that had a strange cross like design in them. Standing behind the man was child that could pass for his twin was it not for the obvious age difference.

'Good morning Giotto always a pleasure to see you, this is my little brother Enma.' The little boy's eyes widened when his name was spoken and his further behind Cozart. 'Ah sorry he's very shy as you can see.'

'Its fine Cozart, by the way this is Tsuna.' Tsuna murmured a small hello and waved a small smile on his face.

'I didn't know you had child Giotto.' Cozart said eyes wide.

'N-NO he's not, Tsuna and his friends came to my mansion a few days ago.'

'Really? He looks so much like you.'

'He does doesn't he, well then he can be my little brother to. Would you like that Tsu-kun?' Tsuna's face instantly brightened up and he said a rather loud yes. 'Well then i guess it's settled you Tsuna are my new little brother.'

'Well Giotto I think it's about time we get started with our meeting isn't it?' He was smiling but his tone and eyes were serious.

'Yes you're right let's get started.' Giotto turned to Tsuna. 'Tsu-kun you're going stay here and play with Enma okay?' A nod. 'Okay great have fun.'

And with that both adults went into the next room.

'Hi I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada but you can call me Tsuna.' Beamed tsuna.

'E-Enma Cozart'

**Chapter Five**

***The Voice in My Head***




Tsuna sighed. He had always been somewhat quiet and shy but this kid took it to a new extreme. He hadn't said a single thing and Tsuna was starting to get very, very bored. So he attempted to start a conversation. "Umm soo... Enma-kun what do you like to do?" Said boy nearly fell over from fright. All had been so quiet until then that the suddenness of Tsuna's voice had terrified the poor boy. "Ahh, my gosh! Enma-kun are you alright?" Tsuna asked worry lacing his tone as he helped the boy calm down.

"K-kun?" Enma asked confused but the word attached to his name.

"Oh," Tsuna realized that Enma was not Japanese and so would of course be confused by the suffix. "It's like a form of respect I guess; it's just something we Japanese say."

Enma's eyes seemed to widen when Tsuna said, in a way, that he was Japanese. He had not noticed; the boy looked rather different but he hadn't really taken the time to think about it.

"Anyways, Enma-kun you didn't answer my question; what do you like to do?"

"Ermm... I don't really know..."

"Ahaha..." Tsuna laughed awkwardly, he wasn't sure how to talk to the boy, but he was going to do it, he loved making friends but other than the ones he already had he never really had the chance to make any.

While Tsuna was still thinking Enma tried to start another conversation. "Tsuna-kun," he paused unsure if he used it correctly, but when he received a small nod and smile from Tsuna he continued. "Would you like to play something?"

"Sure! Anything you like!" He smiled brightly eyes shining.

"Umm how about..." he thought for a moment "checkers?" He blushed, he had always loved the game but most people never wanted to play it. He waited for Tsuna's response, expecting a rejection, it almost always was.

"Sure I've always been pretty good at that game, that and chess, I just kind of seem to kno where to move my pieces, weird huh?" Enma's eyes visibly brightened, he was happy of course, someone actually wanted to play with him. Excitedly he ran to the end of the room where, Tsuna just noticed, was a shelf he took something off of it, Tsuna assumed the checkers set, and with the same excitement hurried back to Tsuna. He had a smile on his face and Tsuna thought it was a very cute smile. Especially on someone who always seemed so gloomy.

"Want to be orange or red?" Tsuna cocked his head to the side. It was a strange choice of colours, considering they were almost always red and black anything besides that threw him off. Though he knew which colour to say, orange, it had always been his favourite colour and he couldn't help but think there was something special about it. Quickly telling Enma his choice they began to play.


Giotto sighed. He absolutely hated these things, so boring and repetitive, always the same thing over and over. He laid his head and upper body on to the table, arms reaching and grabbing the other side. He titled his head up to see a disapproving Cozart looking down at him.

"Giotto I know you hate these meeting but could you please pay attention!"

"But Cozart it's so boring cant we do something different? Talk about something else for a change?" he looked at Cozart with pleading eyes. Said man sighed and rubbed both his temples.

"Fine... just because it's you. We can talk about something else, BUT only for a little while we really have to get this done." (A/N: nothing important is going on here just some random meeting)

"Oh. My. God, yes!" Giotto practically bounced off the table and did a little mini dance that consisted of him looking like an idiot. Cozart laughed as lazy as his friend was he loved him and his strange actions.

"Well why don't we talk about that boy you brought, Tsuna was it?"

"Yea Tsuna, isn't he just adorable?"

"Yes he is, but what i want to know is why he's living with you, it's dangerous for him." Cozart said a stern expression on his face.

"I know... but i think there's something special about Tsuna and his friends."


"Yea, didn't I mention them? Tsuna found my mansion along with 7 of his friends."

"Eight children managed to find your mansion? Giotto it's in the middle of the woods! Didn't you wonder what they were doing there?"

"There orphans, but there close didn't look to raggedy I'm assuming they were at an orphanage, as to why there not there anymore I don't plan on asking, they had a good reason for leaving and I don't want to trouble them with any unwanted memories the question might bring"

"I see... but still why keep them with you, isn't it safer to send them off to a better orphanage, or real family?"

Giotto looked out the window towards the cloudless sky and from the little that was shown to him sunless as well. "It's just... it's hard to explain but I feel like its right for them to be with me like fate us brought us together. Besides I have a good feeling these kids can hold their own. One of them kicked the front door to the mansion you know." Cozart looked at Giotto with wide eyes.

"Are you serious! Not even my best men can do that heck even I have trouble with it, and you're saying he did it with a simple kick!" Giotto nodded. "Well you're definitely right that one can defiantly hold his own. That's amazing strength how old are they?"

"Well Tsuna and three of his friends are six, the one who broke down the door and two others are eight and the last one is five."

"Giotto! For these children or at least one to have such power at such a young age is unheard off."

"I know and trust me it's not just them I can tell they all hold the same power some less and some more."

"Even Tsuna? He looks so small and weak... are you sure?" Giotto looked at him smiling slightly.

"I know, but looks can be deceiving, I have yet to confirm this but i think Tsuna is special, very special a power that might even surpass mine." Once again Cozart's eyes widened.

"Giotto that's nonsense you are immensely powerful. So powerful that not a single other family even dare to think of lifting a finger against you.

"I know what it sounds like but trust me I know what I am talking about." He looked at Cozart with knowing eyes. Cozart sighed and rested against the ledge of the window.

"For their sake I hope they have that power you speak off, because ahead lies a long and dangerous road." In the sky dark clouds began to form and lighting flashed off in the distance. Cozart and Giotto shivered in unison; something bad was going to happen, and soon.

~back at Giotto's mansion~

Clara sighed (1). Giotto had left her in charge but... she wasn't sure if she was doing a good job. So far nothing had gotten destroyed... but who knew how long that would last things were getting worse by the minute, and those children just made her troubles all the worse. She had tried calming everyone down but no one and she meant NO ONE listened to her. She had somehow managed to get them all outside but they could still wreck things if they got to close.

She scanned her surroundings; G and Gokudera were yelling about, she wasn't even sure, she thinks it's about who's a better right hand man or something and Asari and Yammamoto were standing by each of them laughing calmly, how those two maintained their sanity in all this she'd never know.

Next was Knuckles and Ryohei who were boxing to, as they would put, the extreme. They were getting close to the mansion and she was worried something was going to break soon.

Then came Lambo and Lampo who were lazily watching everything around them they were seated side by side eating grape candy, Clara noticed that even though Lampo had often said he dislike children he seemed to warm up to these especially Lambo.

Looking up she saw Hibari and Alaude lying on the branches of a tree. The way they were positioned was adorable in Clara's head. Alaude was sitting almost straight but relaxed Hibari on his left side leaning against him eyes closed (2). A small yellow fluff of feathers was in Hibari's hair looking like it was also leaning against Alaude. She found it cute but she dint dare voice her thoughts aloud, those two would most likely kill her.

And lastly the oddest of groups she thought, Daemon was still trying to approach Mukuro and Chrome, but Chrome was scared of him and kept running away which angered Mukuro and caused him to glare at Daemon and almost attack him, but Chrome intervened every time. Clara wondered why Chrome was so terrified of Daemon, sure the man was a creep but he didn't really do anything, err much. She gazed did Daemon realize they didn't like him? It sure didn't seem like it by the way he kept trying to get closer seeming to ignore Chromes terrified stare and Mukuro's glare. She sighed they truly were the oddest group.

She looked at her watch 5:30p.m. They would have to head back in soon. Dinner would soon be ready and they all had to get washed up. Taking a deep breath she called out to them. "Guys! We need to head back in dinner will be ready soon!" Most of them perked up at the word dinner they were starving they hadn't eaten since breakfast... why they skipped lunch no one remembered but all of them regretted.

They all walked back inside calmer than they had been less than a minute ago and headed to their rooms to wash up.


Tsuna cheered, he had one yet another game. They had been playing for a few hours, yet neither was bored of the game yet. Any game can be fun if you play with the right people, someone had said that right? Well whoever it was definitely knew what they were talking about.

Enma pouted slightly. "Tsuna are you sure you aren't cheating? I mean you always seem to know what move I'm going to make, sometimes even before I do!" Tsuna laughed.

"Enma I'm not cheating, besides I told you earlier I'm good at this game I just know where to go something tells me it's the right place." Enma looked at him in amusement.

"So you're a psychic?"

"Haha, no, at least I don't think so. Besides I think intuition is more accurate, but you never know maybe I am psychic." He and Enma chuckled.

"Hey, Tsuna-kun where are you from?"

"Well I was born in Namimori, Japan but I feel more at home here in Italy even though I've only been here two years, well that is half of my life." Tsuna smiled fondly at the memories the thought brought him.

"So you've been here since you were 3?" Tsuna nodded. "Why didn't you go back to your home?"

Tsuna's eyes became downcast. "Home is here, not there, it will never be there, never." Tsuna seemed almost angry as he spoke the words. Enma was worried it seemed strange for the brunette to be angry.

"T-tsuna-kun?" the red head asked warily. He looked up eyes slightly glassy and unfocused, but he blinked and he looked fine again, though it still worried Enma.

"Huh? Oh sorry did I space out? Sorry I do that sometimes don't worry I'm fine." Enma still wasn't convinced but he let it slide, it was best not to agitate the boy.

"Well okay then..."

"Anyways, mind if I ask you some questions Enma-kun?" Said boy nodded. "Do you have any family? Mom, dad, brothers, or sisters?"

"No... Yes... I use to. My parents and older sister were killed by a jealous Famiglia." Enma looked down obviously sad.

"I see... well I guess were similar in a way..." Enma tilted his head up slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well my mom and dad were killed while we were on vacation here in Italy, it's why I never went back ho-"Tsuna shut his mouth, he would never be able to call that place home "to Namimori." Enma brought his head up completely.

"Really, Tsuna-kun?" Tsuna nodded. "I guess you are we really are alike." They both laughed.

"Well ready to play another round?" Tsuna asked excited.

"Sure if you promise not to cheat again." Enma smiled.

"HEY I TOLD YOU I DON'T CHEAT!" Enma laughed at Tsuna's reaction.

"Sure you don't, sure you don't." They both laughed and began to reset the game.


They had been playing for about an hour or two and though he had won a lot more games than last time, Tsuna was still winning the majority of games.

"You're getting better Enma-kun!" Tsuna exclaimed.

"Either that or you're going easy on me."

"I would never do that! It's not every day I'm better at something then someone you know." Enma laughed, well that probably meant he wasn't going easy on him.

Tsuna P.O.V.

I laughed along with Enma, considering how things had started today ended up being a really great day.

All of the sudden my head began to throb, I felt my breath hitch, I remembered this headache it was the same one I had gotten before... that happened to my parents. I looked up, Enma was staring down at me eyes full of concern. It was then I noticed I was on my knees clutching my head. I tried flashing him a smile, to reassure him I was fine but the pain increased and I closed my mouth to avoid letting out a scream.

"Tsuna-kun don't worry I'll go get Giotto-kun and Cozart-nii!" No! He shouldn't do that I'll be fine soon enough. I grabbed his shirt, he looked back at me and I shook my head wincing slightly at the pain. I gritted my teeth against the pain and spoke, "E-Enma-kun dont worry, I'll be f-fine, it's happened before." Enma looked at me unsure but nodded his head. He sat down beside me and patted my back gently.

The pain was slowly increasing and Tsuna wasn't sure how much he could take before he passed out. He dug his nails into his hair and bit his lip, why won't it go away? Tsuna thought desperately.

'Quickly, hide!' Tsuna heard the voice and his eyes darted at Enma, the only other occupant of the room, but he knew it wasn't him. It had sounded nothing like him and besides it seemed to come from inside his head.

'Didn't you hear me? Hide!'

'Who are you?' Tsuna thought (A/N: "reborn!" speaking 'reborn!' thoughts)

'I'll tell you but please hide!' I wasn't sure why but I listened to the voice in my head quickly standing up, I noticed my headache was now gone, grabbed Enma and dragged him to the corner where a small table was. It was small but big enough for them to hide in he lifted up the cloth that covered it, shoved Enma in and then he as well went in. Enma stared at me confused and I really couldn't blame him. But I stopped him before he could speak.

"Enma-kun," my voice was barely above a whisper "you know how i knew where to put my pieces in checkers" he nodded "well you're going to have to believe me about this, something bad is going to happen and its safest we hide." Enma stared at me eyes firm he nodded.

'Mr. Voice? You said you'd answer my questions if I hid.'

'Yes that I did Tsu-chan. What would you like to know?' Tsuna felt the voice smile almost chuckle. Was it because of what he called him?

'Well, to start off what are you and what's your name?'

'I am you Tsu-chan, or at least a part of you, I've been with you forever always watching over you. As for name well I guess it would be Tsunayoshi like you, but that's rather confusing, you can call me Natsu (3).'

'Okay Natsu-nii it is! But... Natsu-nii what do you mean by your me?'

'I am a more powerful side of you, one that holds an immense power that belongs to you. But your father feared it would be too much for you to handle and had it sealed away. But the power was too strong to be simply sealed so I was created as a container for it.'

'R-really...' Tsuna was shocked, this, this was just something so bizarre.

'Yes. Though something went wrong I was suppose to remain dormant forever, or until someone broke the seal. But that day... you somehow managed to unseal it yourself. You awakened me and I seeing your situation gave you some of the power.'

'You're my warm feeling? The presence I've felt?'

'Yes, that is me. I'll always be by your side Tsu-chan, protecting you and guarding you. Though I think it's time you go back, you've been talking to me for quite awhile your friend might get worried.'

It was then Tsuna noticed he wasn't underneath the table. 'H-hieee! When did I get here? It's quite pretty though.' I looked around taking in the scenery. We were somewhere that could surely be described as paradise. We were sitting on a grassy hill the wind blowing the grass; I watched it sway back and forth it almost sparkling when the sun hit the dew on it. I looked down the hill and at the bottom, for some reason, was a beach. Its sand was the purest white and the sea a crystal blue that sparkled like diamonds. I smiled and looked up it was a cloudless sky the sun high up blazing a bright orange-yellow making the blue around it stand out. It was beautiful but why was I here?

'Natsu-nii when did we get here?'

'Well I thought since it was our first meeting we should go somewhere special, so I brought you here, where I've lived since the day I was created.'

Natsu smiled at me and it was then I noticed that he had a physical form. He looked just like me but with slight differences. He was taller; I could tell even though we were sitting, his hair was longer and barely, just barely a shade darker than mine. But it was his eyes I noticed they were that same orange as mine had gotten, a glowing amber that looked like they could illuminate the darkest night. I wasn't sure if they looked the same on me, even if we did look almost exactly alike, but they were stunning on him. I looked at his clothes he was wearing white pants, with a light orange button-shirt, his shoes were a bright orange but they looked dull when compared to his eyes.

'Well its beautiful here, but your right I should be going back. Umm, how do I do that?'

'Just close your eyes.' He said chuckling.

I did as he said and immediately felt wind rushing around me, I would usually feel scared but this seemed relaxing. And I heard Natsu's voice one more time before everything around me completely faded into silence and black.

'I'll always be here Tsu-chan, if you ever want to talk again close your eyes and will yourself here, or just think I'll answer, I always will.'


When I opened my eyes I was back underneath the table and Enma was staring at me with concerned eyes.

"Tsu-kun are you alright? You spaced out I was calling out to you but you weren't responding."

"Ahh fine don't worry." I flashed him a smile which he unsurely returned.

"It's been 10 minutes since we came under here; I think it's safe to go out now." He started to get up but I grabbed his hand and yanked him down. Natsu said something bad would happen and I trusted him.

"Please, just one more minute." He nodded and sat back down twiddling his thumbs.

Around 38 seconds later we heard a slam come from down the room and soon after voices.

"Heh, pretty easy getting in here no?" a gruff voice said.

"Yea, so much for high security with just us and about 15 other men we busted through, the rest should be coming soon though." A deep voice replied.

"We won't even need them; we could probably do this ourselves."

"Yup, you're probably right."

"Come on lets raid this room maybe we can find something expensive or valuable." The other man gave a grunt for a response.

Enma was shaking and to be honest I wasn't sure why I wasn't. Maybe it was Natsu, was he comforting me somehow? Now wasn't the time to worry about that though, they were looking through everything we'd be found soon enough. There wasn't anything he could do though, his best bet was to stay under here and hope they choose not to look in here.

"Bah! There's nothing in here. Let's just go, maybe we'll find something in the next room." I breathed a sigh of relief they were leaving and hadn't been discovered them.

"Hey, did you look over there- there was a silence, Tsuna assumed the man had pointed at the location- because maybe there's something there."

Another pause, the other man was either nodding or shaking his head.

"Well then I'll go check." I felt my breath hitched, was he coming over here? Where else could they be going they looked everywhere else. I looked at Enma he was shaking wildly eyes wide with terror. And once again I found it wrong that I was so calm.

I felt footsteps nearby and I knew he was going to lift the cloth. I thought of something, anything that could help. Should I call for Giotto-niisan and Cozart-san? But that could anger the men and things could end up worse if they didn't come fast enough. And that was really the only thing there was... the footsteps had stopped and I knew he was in front of the table; nothing could be done now I just had to wait for whatever's about to happen to happen.

The cloth was ripped off. "Well looky, looky to little boys, just sitting around. Hoping we wouldn't find ya? Well today's not your lucky day is it, and we were just about to leave to. So close yet so far away, no?" He picked Enma up by the collar and I saw the other man approaching, they were going to hurt us, and more importantly Enma, I couldn't let that happen I just made a friend I wasn't going to let anyone ruin this day. But what could I do?

'Remember Tsuna you have the power.'

'Natsu-nii? I have the power...?'

'Yes Tsuna you do, remember this power is yours and if you want to use it you can.'

'I do want to use it, I do! ...But how?'

'If you want to use it that's enough leave the rest to me.' I felt my body warm up a feeling that spread from the inside out and left me feeling tingly all over. I felt myself relaxing and closed my eyes, I felt the familiar presence wrap around me and fill me with energy, I took a deep breath and took it all in. I opened my eyes and they glowed a bright intense orange.

'Thank you Natsu-nii.'

"Put Enma-kun down!" I yelled and the men looked down at me sneering. When they saw my eyes there facial expression faltered their eyes worried and scared for a sec but the same smug expression quickly returned.

"Yea and what's a pipsqueak like you going to do if I don't?"

"Hah, nothing of course look at him he couldn't hurt a fly." The man's grip on Enma's collar tightened and I heard Enma whimper. I grit my teeth.

"I'm going to beat you down that's what!" I charged the man looked like he was about to laugh but he never got the chance, I punched him hard in the face and he was sent flying crashing into the wall he fell unconscious. Enma dropped to the ground looking up at me shocked.

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT, YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" he snarled and punched me with all his might or at least I think it never did reach me. I had stopped it with my hand, I tilted my head, it looked strange me stopping his giant meaty fist with my small little hand. He stared at me eyes filled with terror he looked absolutely horrified by me. I smirked at his reaction, the expression feeling strange on me. I kneed him in the stomach and he feel to his knees gasping. "Please let me go..." the man was begging and I felt disgusted, how dare he beg for mercy. I kicked him in the stomach again and he fell down hard. I stared at his body and felt angry, so I kicked it once more the body twitching.

I looked over at Enma expecting him to be scared of me, but instead he looked excited.

"Tsuna-kun, how on earth did you do that, it was so amazing!" I looked at him not sure of what to think of his reaction.

"Well I'm not really sure..." Enma opened his mouth ready to speak again, but quickly shut it eyes once again wide. "What is it Enma-kun?" He didn't speak but raised a shaky hand and pointed behind me. I looked behind me and my eyes widened. There was about 50 or so men in the room some still trying to get in. They looked at the two bodies on the floor and then back at me, they didn't seem angry more annoyed actually.

"Don't think you're anything special kid, those were are weakest guys. Though you did make our jobs harder since we have to drag them back now." The men chuckled as if he had made a joke, I didn't see anything funny in what he just said though...

"Anyways I guess we should teach you a listen, after all you did knock out two of our family members however weak they may be." They charged at me, and I instinctively stood in front of Enma ready to protect him.

I did well against them for a while, but it was no use there was to many of them. I assumed there was about a hundred of them against one me. I was receiving many injuries though I had taken out a lot of them in the process. I felt my consciousness fading and I fought to maintain it.

'No, no, no, no! This can't be happening, I can't lose, I need to win, I have to protect Enma-kun!' I felt the familiar feeling again only this time it was concentrated around my forehead. I reached up, still defending against the attackers, and felt something warm against my head. I looked up towards the attackers, one of them had glasses, I looked at him and saw my face. There was... a flame (4), a flame atop my forehead and it glowed the same amber colour my eyes did.

'W-what is this!' I threw a punch and felt it had more power than before.

'It's a result of your resolve strengthening; you awakened more of your power.' I did a sweeper kick and watched a row of them fall to the ground.

'What do you mean my resolve?'

'Your desire to protect your loved ones, and in this case Enma is your resolve, when you desired to protect Enma with everything you had you awakened more of your power. Though you're tired Tsu-chan and I don't want you to harm yourself any longer, please allow me to take over your body, I can finish this quickly.'

'What! Take over my body? What do you mean?' I dodged a punch.

'Simply that, to take over your body, as a part of you I can have control of your body. I could do so forcefully, especially now since you are weak at the moment, but that would cause you pain and that is what I'm trying to avoid. But if you allow me to then no harm shall come to you and you may rest while i finish them off.' I dodged another punch and threw one back.

'Okay I understand what you mean now but, how do I let you get control? I mean is there some sort of ritual or something?' I ducked as a kick came my way.

Natsu stifled a laugh and I pouted, what I thought it was a reasonable question. 'No, no nothing quite as fancy as that I'm afraid. Just simply close your eyes and relax, feel yourself disconnect from your body and I'll swoop in and take control, got it?' I gave him a mental nod.

I did as he said and for a second I felt like I was falling, and falling, but i felt myself be caught by someone and I looked up, it was Natsu. He smiled down at me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. Placing me gently down on the hill he spoke.

'Take a good rest Tsu-chan; you can leave the rest to Me.' and with that he disappeared leaving me alone on the hill. I laid down and stared towards the sky slowly falling asleep.


*Natsu's P.O.V.

After leaving Tsuna in the mindscape I willed myself into control. As soon as I opened my eyes the flame on Tsuna's, mine, our body tripled in size and intensity. It was because not only had I been with the flame for so many years but my resolve was a strong as it could ever be: Protect Tsuna no matter what.

I looked around and glared these stupid humans were giving my dear Tsu-chan so much pain and suffering, but he didn't have to worry they would be gone soon and never bother him again. I looked back and flashed a smile at Enma; he was a kind boy and was happy that he was friends with Tsuna.

Turning back around to the men I spoke, "You dared to hurt my precious Tsunayoshi and for that you shall pay." The venom and hatred in my voice was thick and I saw them all visibly flinch. My eyes narrowed they were weak despicable creatures and I couldn't wait to attack them. Narrowing my eyes at them I charged. The next moments were a blur to them I was sure, I moved at a speed so fast it was barely visible to the naked eye. It hadn't even been three minutes when I finally slowed down to a stop. I looked around to see what I had accomplished. All the men were either on the floor unconscious or barely holding on to it. I smirked; it's what they deserved for daring to harm Tsuna. I turned my back to them and went to help Enma who was on the floor. I helped him up and he stared at me.

"Yes Enma-kun?" His eyes widened when he heard me speak but he nodded as if he expected as much.

"You, you are not Tsuna-kun..."

"No, I'm not I'm Na-"but my words were cut off when a voice yelled into the room.

"Tsu-chan! Enma-kun! Are you guys all right!" A man ran into the room and I turned to look at him.

When I looked over the man, Giotto, the one that had taken in my precious Tsuna and his friends, was staring at the ground observing the bodies that lay sprawled all across the floor. "Who did t-"but his words died off as he saw me. He stared at me taking in my appearance, orange flame flickering on my forehead, bright orange eyes glowing in their sockets, and my clothes splattered with blood.

"T-tsuna?" he asked in obvious shock.

I smiled at him but said nothing; he just continued to stare, though finally I spoke.

"No, I am Natsu, Giotto."

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