Dinner Date

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It had been a while since Mark had died last, so since nothing was going on, he decided to invite Donghyuck on a date.

The boy reached for his phone, typing in the password. His finger hovered over the phone app as Mark smiled.

On his home screen was a picture that Mark took of Donghyuck. Said boy was posing for the camera in a sunflower crown. Mark bought it on a whim for Donghyuck's last birthday, but the boy loved it a lot.

After finally clicking on the phone icon, Mark called Donghyuck and pressed the phone to his ear.

Two rings passed before Donghyuck picked up the phone. "Hi Markie!" Donghyuck said cheerfully. His voice sounded a bit strange, like he was panicking.

"Is everything okay?" Mark asked furrowing his eyebrows in concern. In the background he heard spraying.

"Totally fine." Donghyuck panted. "Just putting out a fire. So what did you need to call me-"

He was cut off by Mark's screech. "Hang on I'll be there in a minute!" He said rapidly turning off the call and grabbing a pair of sneakers. Mark shoved them on his feet before racing out the door.

His feet pounded against the sidewalk as he booked it to Donghyuck's house. Mark arrived out of breath, not bothering to knock on the door. He rushed inside the house, searching everywhere for the fire.

What he didn't expect to see was Donghyuck sipping tea at a burnt countertop. "Eh-h?!" Mark exclaimed.

"I was fine putting out the fire by myself. But, then you decided to run on over." Donghyuck said refilling his teacup. "Not that I'm not happy, you didn't come over." He held the teapot towards Mark. "You want some tea?"

Mark let out an embarrassed laugh, rubbing the nape of his neck. "I'll have some tea. What type?" He asked moving to sit next to Donghyuck.

The boy sudden dropped all expression on his face and said to Mark in the most serious voice ever, "Black like my soul."

It took all of a second for the two to burst out in laughter. Mark fell out of the chair, curling up in ball from laughter. Donghyuck was leaning against the countertop, wheezing.

After Donghyuck finally managed to get his laughter under control, he poured Mark a cup of tea.

"So why were you calling me? Although the company is nice..." Donghyuck trailed off.

A blush appeared on Mark's face as he remembered the reason for calling the boy. He blew on his tea before taking a sip. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a dinner date tonight."

Donghyuck spat out his tea in surprise all over Mark, who jumped. "Wait really?! Totally!" He exclaimed.

After patting his shirt dry, he asked Donghyuck, "Do you wanna go now?"

Donghyuck nodded his head before frowning at Mark, "I'll grab you a shirt. Though, you might want to worship my spewed tea."

"I'd rather something dry." Mark deadpanned at the smirking boy.

Donghyuck jogged up to his room, while Mark stayed seated at the counter continuing to sip his tea.

Around a minute later, he appeared holding a short sleeve blue tee shirt. It was only several shades lighter than the one that Donghyuck was wearing.

He smiled at Mark, "Now we can match!"

Mark nodded smiling, before walking to change in the bathroom. As he took off his shirt, he glanced at the tally marks on his torso that were only visible to him.

Five tally marks, five deaths. It was a permanent remind for him. His fingers grazed them, before proceeding to put on Donghyuck's shirt.

He exited the bathroom, turning to Donghyuck. The boy smiled at him before saying, "You look nice in my clothes."

Mark shyly blushed as he made his way to the door, "Come on, let's go."

The two walked until they reached a little diner called, 'Yuwin's Bites'. The diner opened a little while ago and was incredibly successful.

They quickly entered the restaurant, were seated, and ordered. Both of them ordered simple noodles with different sauces. It was basic but neither of the two boys cared.

After what seemed like no time passed at all, their food had arrived. The sever bowed to them before skating away on roller skates. That's what was interesting about the diner. All the staff used roller skates to get around quickly.

As they were playfully bantering, Mark got a closer look at Donghyuck's food. A metallic sheen seemed to be covering it. And that made Mark extremely uneasy. "Hey Donghyuck can I have a bite of your food?"

Donghyuck nodded, holding the noddles in his chopsticks. "Say ah~" Donghyuck teased.

Mark let out a little laugh before eating the food. Almost immediately his throat started closing up and he started choking.

He tumbled off his seat, to the floor. His body was wracked with convulsions.

Mark heard Donghyuck cry out his name, as the boy's shadow cast over him. However, Mark was in far too much pain to care. It felt like his blood was lit on fire, his skin covered in shiny sweat.

Mark's eyes unwillingly closed, as he felt the palms of Donghyuck trying to shake him awake.

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