Chapter 1

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"So, the Phantom Ruby is finally destroyed?" Infinite shrugs, playing with the necklace that laid around his neck. "Not entirely. It just has broken up into shards." Knuckles nods, eyeing Infinite as they traveled to the commons, where everyone was. "I'm surprised that you would even let me in here. Especially after the war." Knuckles shrugs, waving aside Infinite's comment. "It's been nine years since we've last seen you. There was a high chance that you would've changed. And changed indeed." Infinite nods, the two soon walking into the commons.

The room was abuzz with chatter, only one person noticing them. Rouge smiled seductively as she walked over, giving Knuckles a small kiss on the cheek before facing Infinite. "Wow, you surely have changed. More than I expected. How are you doing?" With Infinite being 6'3 and Rouge being 5'9, his head was almost tilted all the way down. "Good as I'll ever be. You?"

"Well, with Knuckles and I married, things have been easier." Infinite's ear twitched, noticing the ring on their ring fingers. Things really have changed. "So, Infinite, since you're going to be staying here, we're sticking you with Sonic, if that's okay with you." Infinite nods, spotting the blue blur in the crowd. He had a big smile on his face, but it wasn't the childish one from before. He actually appears to have grown up, if only slightly. "Sonic!" His ear twitches as he looks over at Knuckles, who waved him over.

He speeds over, stopping abruptly in front of Infinite. "Well, well, well. Look who showed up after nine years. Better than our Shadow, at least." His voice sounded more mature, but it was the name that hit Infinite. Shadow wasn't here? For nine years? He wanted to ask as to why, but Sonic and Knuckles already started escorting him out, giving him a tour of the facility. Afterwards, he would be introduced to everyone else.


Night threw its blanket over the city, the lights still shining ever so brightly. About every light in the facility was off, the ones on as an exception to work. Infinite laid on a bed that was pushed up against the wall, Sonic laying on a bed opposite from him. Infinite stared up at the ceiling, his hands on his stomach. Sonic had his back turned towards Infinite, who was really tempted to ask a question. And ask, he did. "Sonic?" A rustle came from his bed as he turned around. "Yeah?"

"What was that thing? About Shadow?" Infinite hated himself for asking such a question, expecting Sonic to make fun of him. That didn't happen, surprising the jackal as Sonic replied with a knowledgeable, gentle voice. "A few days after the war, Shadow disappeared. Rouge thought that he'll come back in a few weeks, but he never did. Now, he's been gone for nine years. He might be dead, for all we know." Dead? Sounds like a wild shot into the dark, but it's a possibility. Infinite thought the information over, noticing that Sonic turned back around and fell asleep.

Infinite sighs to himself, being sure to be quiet as he turned towards the wall and fell asleep.


Infinite woke up at the sound of the facility doors closing, which was annoyingly loud. He turns around, expecting to see an equally frustrated Sonic, but found the bed empty and neat. Sonic was nowhere in sight. He gets up from his bed and walks out of the room, making his way down to the commons. The only people there were some Resistance fighters that he didn't recognize along with Tails and the Chaotix. The two-tailed fox notices Infinite and waves him over. As Infinite made his way over, Charmy gave a short squeak before hiding behind Vector, who rolled his eyes.

Espio bowed his head slightly, Infinite doing the same. "Where is everyone?"

"They're at GUN." Infinite suspected that GUN was helping with the search of Shadow, but he didn't want to assume. "What are they doing there?"

"They work for GUN. All of them."

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