Furious Neil

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Avni's POV,

He came back grinning into the room and I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep,he came towards and kissed my temple.I felt vulnerable but relaxed.That was a strange feeling and I can't deny it, he definitely cares the most for me.

He walked to the other side of the door shutting the lights off and slowly was put out of the world.I was awake and felt a bit more energetic.all the illness was gone because the medicines and the rest I took.I was not sleepy anymore and so was busy in my own world of thoughts,was literally very much happy because I would finally be able to resume college from tomorrow after a long break.The only worry was,whether he would allow me or not.


It was a beutiful morning soon,with the cold swoosh of winds trying to enter the room and the beutiful scenary visible through the glass.It was freaking cold outside.

I woke up a bit early feeling revived with energy and refreshness. I quickly hopped out of the bed not realising I was not living in the same house,I used to.But at the moment getting up,was more important so that I could attend college in a way, getting out of the hell,enjoying freedom,atleast for few hours.

I went up to the washroom completing my morning routine. With in half an hour,I was all ready.I came out of the huge closet to notice a perfectly arranged bed which was messed before.I stepped out wearing a shirt with an overcoat and a skirt.

A click of the door opening fell onto my ears ,soon enough,neil entered in,wearing a suit.


Neil's POV
I entered the room and there she was,standing astonished ,seeing me.t hen I noticed, she was wearing her uniform..God!why is she so stubborn but adorable..surely,death of me!!

"Hey babygirl,where do you think you are going??"I asked knowingly...

"Ahh,cant you see.well,I am going to college today.."she replied all excited..

"Ehh.."I was interrupted in-between.

"Please,let me go"she requested pulling her card, innocent face with glittery eyes..

"Ohh yeahh,I will!!let me check your temperature first.."I had to make sure she is all well,to be able to go..

"Umh,uh,thats not needed actually.."she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ohh,well,let me decide that or else you are not going"I smirked challenging as I knew the outcome..

She said irritated and I went towards the cupboard,pulling out the medical kit and got a thermometer out of it,I quickly paced towards her holding the thermometer to her mouth..

"Open up"I said firmly..and she actually did,I quickly placed it inside and she kept mum till I get a proper temperature.I took it out after reasonable time,and got the reading. it was 98.6°F..

"Well,its normal.." I said smiling.
"Oh wow really!! Now,am getting late.."she sassed, annoyed..

"Woahh! Hold on baby...let me warn you,dont get more close to anyone, be safe from brats.I will be there to pick you up,okay.. "

"Yeahh,whatever,now please leave"she sasses again.
"Why being always sassy,darling Missy.."
I growled.

Her attitude was really getting on my nerves but her being an adolescent makes it acceptable rather a more cuter so I let it go this time,moreover, she is happy after a long time...

"Let's go"that's all I said and soon we stepped out of the mansion...

"Which one"
"Umhh,I don't know"
"Ohkay,so it's my baby Mercedes then.."

Hey,I am not trynna show off.I had to know her choices since she has not seen my collection yet..

We stepped in the car and I drove forward,pulling it down from the driveway to the street.
The ride was really silent with slow songs playing,she preferred this way.


Avni's POV,

Within 20min we reached the college and I dropped with reminding her the rules..

"Be safe and stay away from jerks.." I spoke,awaring.

"Oh really!I guess you are the one too"I mumbled to myself and thought he didn't hear it,but he lifted his eyebrow's My way and confirmed,

"Did you say anything?"

"Noo.. nothing at all" I said and walked away from him towards the campus.Am bit astonished with his behavior so far,as he is not getting mad so easily,why is he behaving that way.I thought to myself and went in.

Soon,classes started and I concentrated on them forgetting all the things,diverging my mind.The teachers/professor were really good and also a bit of impressed from me since am getting more familiar with everyone.I guess, neil had already talked to the principal regarding my leaves.

It was the time of lunch break and I walked to the canteen sitting on the table alone as Keni is on leave. A gang of girls joined me,I was a bit uncomfortable so tired moving away when one of them spoke up,

"Hey ,you need not fear us,we are nice people,my name is Sarah and this is our group,you are a Avni right?"

"Yeah!I am Avni,nice to meet you all"ahh,I am really bad at conversing at first place being an introvert,not complaining though..

"Well, your welcome to the group,lets introduce ,everyone.." she said cheerfully.

This went on,We chatted for good few minutes and I felt happy to have made friends,after so long though,they left for other classes and I was lost again into my world..I felt thankful to be here beacuse everything happening with me was stressing and depress me.Entry of neil, his revenge or so called 'obsession' and so on.I hate this but I have to go through,only to ensure my pa is safe.knowing,this dangerous devil can do any thing.This is what,I hate him for.I really miss my pa.

The break time was over and I went to attend the classes again,last ones were hell boring and I was loosing my concentration. 

It was lecture of literature,and I was not at all excited cause the teacher is a bit rude to me and the way he questions me, makes me uncomfortable.I wonder why does he behave that way.

Thankfully, it was over soon but unfortunately,its time to go to the hell house,again.

I waited as neil had instructed, but it was already half an hour late and he was nowhere to be seen so I decided to walk myself..I walked until the most dreaded jerk of college,my senior,josh came forward..

"Hey pretty lady,wanna come for a ride with me." he asked flirting.

"N.. noo, thanks.."I stuttered and walked past him.

"Hey,beuty,I can't see you walking on the streets alone, come with me.." he asked again.

"I said no.. please leave" I shouted out and started running,he sped his car towards me. Stepping out of it,he tried harassing, forcing me,cluthching my waist,and tried to shove me in the car.I was so afraid but I struggled and fought .I punching him and bust his nose.suddenly, he grabbed my hands in his,and held my jaws tight..

"Don't you try to outsmart me,I can do the worst.." he hissed.

I struggled when a very speedy car came towards us flashing the bright light,a muscular looking man came out of it proceeding our way..

I realised,he was non other but Neil. In a sec he pulled me out of Josh's grip and started beating the hell out of him.Neil punched him in his stomach and chest ,Josh was unable to fight as Neil was really very strong infront of him.he was beating him to death.Neil ain't stop so I tried pushing him away but he kept on showering punches and soon Josh fell down in his knees ,blood dripping from his mouth with bruises all around.


Neil's POV,

I was actually late due to my work but when I was on my way to pick her , I saw her on the street with a youngman standing beside,trying to get to her. My grip around the steering tightened with the whitening of my knuckles,my eyes were shooting glares.I just wanted him to be dead.

I was already much frustrated and seeing the scene infront of me made me a hell lot more angry,I got out of the car,held that basta** with his collar,and started kicking and punching him, with all the strength.how can he even try to touch babygirl,my avni,or try to force her .I was determined to make his life living hell.

My anger had no limits but that innocent girl came forward to pull me away from him.

"Stopp.. please leave him"Avni requested and so I pushed him back,
he fell down bleeding and begging for forgiveness.

I bent down on my knees and held his shoulder,g ripping them,
"If I ever see you again around her,I won't ever show pity on you.I swear,you will be dead.."

He some how ran away and I regained my posture with fixing my coat properly.oh hell,my knuckles were bleeding too.I turned around to see a very frightened sniffling Avni standing at the back of me with her head hung low.

"In the car ,right now.."I voiced, really furious.


Avni's POV,

I was really worried  because Neil was getting uncontrollable,I somehow pushed him away saving that bratty boy but I was again held back by neil.I stood by and couldn't do anything but whimper slowly..soon he was done and he turned to me,wanting me to get in.I obeyed without any argument seeing the intensity of the situation.

I sat with my tear stained face ,as in a whole dumb space unable to speak.
He came in ,shutting the door harshly,with a sharp pull.He clicked in, the seat belt,and clutched the steering wheel.Then I observed, his hand was still bleeding. I felt a Pang of hurt cause this all happened because of me.I felt a drop of tear dripping down of my eyes and I quickly rubbed it off.

He was driving speedy and recklessly but I had no say in it.soon we reached the mansion and he applied sudden breaks which made a screeching sound. He stormed in with entering in password and fingerlock recognition and I had no other way but to follow him.I dreaded and stumbled because he was still furious..

I stood there and he sat on the couch sitting restlessly.I wanted him to bandajr his injury but didn't dare to speak.also he won't listen.I didn't dare to step, when he roared at me,

"Who was he"


Neil's POV,

My anger had no limits because once again she dishonoured me by not listening to me, more than that ,she risked her life again.

My wound didn't matter at the moment and I wanted answers,I shouted at her and she wouldn't say anything so I sat straight, smacking the table hard with my already bleeding hand,

"I asked who was he,Avni wells"..heck ,I used her full name,awaring her that she was in a lot of trouble.

"I..I don't know"she fumbled and jerked back though I was far away from her.

"Don't lie,I wanna hear truth from your mouth" I roared again.

"Jo..Josh...one of the jerk seniors of our college..."she answered what I wanted to hear..

"And what were you doing on that Street alone when I told you to wait for me to get you" I sounded dreadful.

"I was tired of waiting, am sorry"she sniffled.

"That doesn't make any sense darling,this is my mistake too,I was so caught up with work but have you imagined, what would have happened if I was late..oh yes!! I remember you are a boxing champion right. but he was a lot more stronger"

"I said ,I am sorry"she whimpered again..

"This attitude ends, now.. you are acting bratty since morning and then this..."

"Am sorry, please don't punish me." She pleaded.

"Whatever happened is a serious matter, how can you even think that I would let it go" I said firm.

She didn't talk back so I continued,

"I will make sure this boy is suspended but before that lets talk about your punishment.."

"Please don't" she whimpered again.

"You should have thought before.." I said sadly.

"That is,You are not going to college anymore,you will learn online,just like being home-schooled.do you get that."


Avni's POV,

He announced my punishment and I stood there stunned because that was the only place I used to enjoy my freedom being away from him also I was really enjoying learning and making friends. How can he do that ,No I can't let this happen,please help me God.

I cried out,

"Please don't do this,I assure you this won't happen again,please.."

But he was firm on his decision and I was determined to go anyway ,but couldn't argue this moment. I will plan something soon.but I decided to give in for the moment.

I was still standing when I heard him wincing in pain.I had to do this,I went towards the table and picked the first aid box and I somehow bandaged the wounds shakily, continued sobbing.

"Hey darling that's really not needed,you very well understand you deserve this,please stop crying.."

I didn't say anything and ran towards the room tired of everything.I threw myself on the bed being done with the living world and sent myself in a deep slumber.


Neil's POV,
I wonder how did I fell in love with this adorable girl who is just so lovely ,caring ,purehearted little girl yet stubborn .I don't like to hurt her rather, just want to see her happy but the mistakes she does needs to be taken care of. I just adore this teengirl and love her more than myself.Ooh yeah!!I Am truly obsessed with her.I can do anything to get her.


Thanks for bearing with me, you all are jst love.I heartily apologize.but, am really disappointed with myself,due to the pattern of updating.sorry for the inconvenience.Anyways,hope you liked it.


Thanks fr reading.

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