Caught Up In Trouble.

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He stood there,jaws tight,and fist clenched,his posture scared the hell out of me.He went away glaring scarily at me before closing the door with a thud,caging me inside.I was dumbstruck,terrified,because,if he really finds that ,I was the one sneaking into his cabin. I guess,he is gonna kill me or punish me so hard.I wanted to run away but couldn't find anyway, the truth is,there was not any, either. Except through door.My mind was unable to process and feet's not daring to even step up.ohh god!!I was stuck in a situation where I can't escape??

Sound of his feet stomping on the stairs angrily, was audible which tensed me even more.I somehow ran up to the door and tried opening it,I started banging it hard but couldn't succeed.I was tired of trying and  streams of tears started flowing down my eyes out of helplessness,but I didn't dare to make a noise .still hoping he would never get to know the truth.

After every unsucceful attempt,I kneeled beside the bed,clutching my knees to my the chest,arms surrounding them tightly.I sobbed into my arms .


Neil's POV,

I walked down to the cabin,determined to find the truth anyhow,because if it was her,I swear ,she will see the worst of me.
I would never want her to interfere in this business, it is really dangerous and life threatening.I would never like a wrong man eyeing my lady and will certainly make sure, this never happens again.

I entered the hallway when I saw evyn returnig from the college,I wanted to get over with avni first,so I smiled waving to him when he came into my way,

"Hey brother,what's wrong,why are you so tensed" he asked concerned,

"Was just going to check on the CCTV..I will come you, later.oKay,now get into your room" I replied stepping towards the cabin,ordering him to go to his room...

"But why" he whimpered annoyed..

"Evyn,enough,I already told you to go to your room ,now..."I voiced stern and strict.

" fine" he yelled with a huff and went upstairs...

I continued walking ,a lot more frustrated now.As soon as I entered, I checked on my laptops for the recent footage of the cameras situated at the entrance of the cabin.

"What the he**, dammit." I screamed furiously with the highest pitch of my voicebox,reason was,I just saw a lady like figure standing beside the door,and I am damn sure,it was avni...this was really so irrespective of her,how can she disobey me when this rule was clearly mend for her safety.

I threw the laptop on the floor,and stomped outside,irately..but no,I had to calm down before reacting because I may harm her out of it, in the heat of situation.
I went towards the sofa and lounged on it ,trying to cool off my mind,this was really,a very wrong move of her and on top of that, she lied to me...ohh hell man,why is she not afraid of me.Instead of cooling my temper ,it kept on intensifying and I sat there frustrated thinking of a way to deal with her, so that she would not even dare of going against my orders,ever again...

I drank cold water and Somehow,after a few moments,calmed down.I felt exhausted through the day,so far.I went towards the steps tiredly,cause the main thing was yet to be dealt with .well knowing, she may be worried and a lot more afraid of me now.I gently pushed the door open,there she was,her tiny figure sitting petrified,embracing herself to life.I felt pity.

She was lying beside the bed,seeming really fragile,and worn out,her mild sobs were still audible.I concluded,she was crying in the past hour.I really felt bad for her,and neither wanted to punish her in this state but the crooked mind of mine encouraged me to teach her a lesson,so that she won't repeat the serious mistake due to her carelessness,again..

I stood there,arms folded at chest,trying to attain a strict posture because the scene in front of me was breaking me from inside.she never realised that I was here,so an angry huff escaped my mouth gaining attention from her.suddenly her eyes shot up,all red and puffy,she started trembling and begging me for forgiveness.

"Please stay away of me,forgive me,I won't ever try to sneak out again,please leave me" she begged,continuously shaking and crying.

I stepped towards her and she slided more towards the back,with each step of mine..

"Please stay away pl..please don't h.hurt me"she choked And fumbled shakily, but kept requesting for me to forgive her.

Very carefully, I went towards her,picking her up into my arms ,she squirmed but suddenly stopped, surprisingly,maybe she thought ,she was already in a lot of trouble.I consciously, set her on the bed and sat beside her,

" first of all stop flooding your eyes baby girl,I really hate it when you cry.."

"I I , me.." she stammered a lot more now.

"Hey hey!!calm down.I am not gonna hurt you.first of all breathe in and breathe out,copy my breathing"
I instructed worried cause of her uneven breathing pattern.

Soon she was breathing normally and I continued my talk,

"You alright.So let's get this over'lprincess,I already warned you to not step out of here still you snuck out with out anyone's notice,over that you lied to me..why baby girl,why dont you follow my orders,why act mischievous!!" my pitch getting louder at the end.

"Am so sorry I was bo...bored sitting here,please forgive me.." She stuttred again with her watery puppy dog eyes.awhh!!she was literally a kiddo, but I had to act stern in order to make her listen to me.

"You will be forgiven darling but before that ,let's get over with the punishment to give you a reminder further ,okay !!come with me.."

"No plss don't"tears started to flow all over again from her already red and  watery eyes..she kept denying,whimpering.

" please dont make if harder for yourself princess,this wont be that bad.."

She was still reluctant to move,stepping back from me...

"Okay!!as you wish !!" with that, I held her tiny body into my strong arms towards the washroom.
Seeing the direction of me walking to her,she started to squirm hard,kicking her legs into the air..

" No you promised you won't hurt me,please don't..nooo"she screamed trying to get out of my grip.

"Okay,so here we are.." I made her stand on her feet and she was trembling with fear,her face paled and tears still flowing..

"Stand in the shower".....
No response except the sobs were louder now.

" I won't repeat myself again ,I said stand in there ,now.."I shouted with a stricter voice.

She stepped forward hesitantly, with really tiny steps ,frightened of what is gonna happen next,tears wont stop flowing..

I turned on the knob really unwillingly, the cold water sprang out and frightened the little figure in front of me who was shivering so hard,I feared she will fall.she was all cold with the wet clothes touching her body and she struggled to get some warmth.

"You have to promise me that you won't ever try to ignore me and my orders,a hundred times."

She wasn't responding..

"Okay,you won't understand this way fine.."I took a moment to think,

" Strip.Now" I whispered dangerously close to her ears.

As soon as the words slipped out of my mouth,she was shocked to the core,ossifiedher .her red puffy eyes went wide and suddenly she burst out crying hysterically,screaming really loud.her feet started shaking and she was continuously begging me to leave her,feeling vulnerable...

And "thuddd" she fell down in front of my eyes.I was really tensed and worried, I knew somewhere,this could happen.I quickly approached towards her collecting her wet body into my arms again ,not really caring of my clothes..I took her outside and set her on the bed,I checked her temp and she was really  cold and freezing, but unconscious, I tried rubbing her palm.I couldn't process my mind ,the first thing , coming into the head of mine was changing her into some dry and warm clothes.

I quickly paced towards her closet, got hold of some warm clothes,and returned to her, rubbing her feet and arms to provide some warmth...I had to change her our of the wet clothes and didn't wanted to waste anymore time so I started doing it myself,a bit hesitant at first.I closed my eyes and successfully dressed her with the warm clothes without actually seeing any of her private parts.I soon covered her into my embrace providing as much heat as I could but she was still laying unconscious.unable to manage to get her to the car ,as it will take a lot of time ,I decided to call a lady doctor over here(personal doc)..

I quickly called her for the treatment,within 15 min she was there with her kit.
She checked avni, and thankfully, everything was normal.

"Nothing to worry neil,she has caught cold,due to the freezing weather, I guess. but dont worry,she will be conscious soon,till then here are some meds and make sure she eats something before." she held some out to hand me and I got them thanking her.Stephanie went to drop her to the exit.

I sat beside her guilty of my severe act ,I kept sliding my hands down her hairs ,caressing her,holding really close to me, wrapped in the blanket.Her pink plump lips were really so welcoming but her pale,tear smitten face and eyes...I controlled the urge created by the hormones, there to see her gaining conscious again.

After 15 min or so ,she slowly flickered her eyes a bit struggling to open them, adjusting the sudden light of the surrounding.I helped her get up.soon she was seated resting at the headboard and a small smile crept on my face.
I held her hand apologizing..

" am really sorry princess,I shouldn't have gone that strict..."

She jerked her hand our of my grip and clutched the blanket,snuggling in,still frightened.

"That was for your own good, darling..aghh,anyway.."
I huffed and stepped out of the bed,and she watched my moves cautiously..

Avni's POV,

"I am going to get food for you and after that, you have meds to take".. He went away saying that .He seemed disappointed..

I was still afraid of him but the warmth of white blanket made me more comfortable .he is an evil,he is really bad,I hate him,I hate him so much.I determined to myself.

Half an hour after he appeared handling a huge tray..

Ughh,I cringed at the thought of that tasteless food I ate when I was ill ,a few days back. Unwilling to eat but his one stern glare and I was there ,sipping at the soup.soon I finished all of it,he cleaned all the mess.Afterwards,he forwarded his hand towards me with meds in them,the bitter tablets.

" noo plz"I whimpered but he made me take them anyway and I gulped down water quickly..

"I think you should be more careful about your health,your immune is really weak,that's why you fall ill so often.." He commented worriedly.

"So why dont we start excercising,getti g a healthy diet and also gym training for you"  only thought of gym made me exhausted and limp on the bed and seeing a single look on my face ,at the mention of gym,made him laugh sheepishly...

"Ohkay ohkay,not now but real soon" I huffed in my mind and suddenly he tucked me into the blanket letting me sleep in.

"You may be tired,get some rest,am going to check on evyn.."with that he went away, the click of the door closing surrounded the room and I was already asleep.


Neil's POV,

I entered in his bedroom,"Hey bud,what are you doing??"
I asked him sitting on the bean bag chair.

"Nothing much,just completed my homework,anyway,who cares.Ain't you,anymore buzy!"
He hissed with an attitude.

"Hey kid!!no speaking with an attitude, and am sorry for that,I had to deal with something really important."

" sorry"he said understanding...and I ruffled his hair..

"Its okay,keep in mind next time"i suggested....

" Okay,will see you at the dinner champ,t I'll then complete all your work"
And I left his room turning towards my room to check on my sick little princess,I laughed to myself and went away.


here it issss....

Hey guys!!how r u all..doing well, I guess ohkay......a huge sorry for the much late update.And thank u fr all the love, which made me to write further.Hope u liked this one too..

And yeah!! ,I would really appreciate it, if comment box is filled with some really encouraging comments or reviews and suggestion more, than the 'plz update' ones..
Thank u again!!!!

I wanna ask a question,ans pls,
1.Have u liked the brotherly bond cause am really so enthusiastic to show more of it!!Do tell me...



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